Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Joe's End Of The Rainbow.

Joe Smithson had lived to the ripe old age of 97.Perhaps him being born into a farming family and his almost living outside all and everyday had helped.He had never listened to what was meant to be bad for you foodwise, but just ate what he fancied, when he fancied it.

He had been walking his favourite dog, on a freezing cold winters day in February, walking across the field by his house; he was given no warning of his impending doom; no symptoms of any kind and certainly no feeling of foreboding. In fact he felt happy, but that was his normal frame of mind and is probably the main reason that he had lived so long.

He opened the big old back  door and was grateful for the rush of heat that greeted him from the roaring logs in the old- fashioned large fireplace.The dog rushed to his favourite spot in front of the fire.Joe sat down in his usual bow - backside windsor chair and put his old hands on to the cherry wood kitchen table that he had had for as long as he could remember.His hands patted it, as if thanking it for being here.He had never done that before, and he wondered if he was saying goodbye to it, but that didn't make sense, as he had no intention of getting rid of his trusty kitchen table.
.He suddenly remembered all the great times he had had at this very table.The laughter, the great meals, the tankards of ale or carafes of wine all flooded back to him with a force and clarity that surprised him, as he rarely thought of the past.

He looked at his beloved collie dog who was now sitting up, staring at him with a very sad look in his eyes
The dog started making a weird crying sound. It was then that Joe's heart stopped beating.

The next thing he knew he was walking up a bright tree- lined avenue.The grass under his feet was very short and intermingled with a strange sort of moss.It was the colour of the grass that amazed him though, as it was a luminous green. Everything around him seemed to sparkle. The huge  trees all seemed to possess their own twilight style light.

He saw that at the end of the avenue there was a bright dazzling white light.He knew that he must pass through this.As he got nearer the light, he was surprised to see that, despite of its brightness, he could see people on the other side; people he was sure he knew.They appeared to be waiting for him.

He suddenly heard a voice he hadn't heard for thirty years. It was his father.

"Welcome home Joe"

Then his mother calling," We've been waiting for you Joe ".

He started walking faster, though somehow it didn't feel like normal walking. He had never felt so fit and light since he had been a young man, but he felt lighter than he had thought it was possible to feel.

He walked through the light that didn't, he was surprised to find, dazzle him.
He now seemed to be walking on some kind of mist, yet he could still feel the grass and moss under his feet.

Everone he had ever loved and been friends with were standing in front of him .They were all lined up as if waiting for a photograph to be taken. At their feet were all the pets he had had.

They broke up and gathered round him. Everyone was saying the same thing,"Welcome Home Joe".

There was so much to say, so many questions to ask. He felt overwhelmed.

His mother hugged him and said ,"Joe, listen, you must go and see theP.E. at once.''

The P.E.- it rang a bell .

" The Principal Elucidator has to see you at once." She said smiling that smile he knew he would never forget.

Joe suddenly found himself sitting alone on a soft fluffy cloud. Through the cloud emerged a very impressive looking man dressed in a white gown.

"Welcome home Joe" The voice was strong , but gentle.

He continued,"Let me introduce myself because you are bound to have forgotten me. I'm the Principal Elucidator Trained Envoy Regulator.Quite a title eh ?" His eyes twinkled.". In fact my full title is,  The Sequential Time Principal Elucidator Trained Envoy Regulator. Most beings call me St. Peter for short."

Joe gasped."You're St. Peter. Then I must be dead "

St.Peter smiled. "You have been unhooked from the holotime frame yes, and to you, you think you are dead, but in fact you are more alive now than you were when you were in the game."

Joe stared at him in amazement." What game are you talking about?. I don't understand what's going on ? ."
He spluttered staring at St. Peter.

St.Peter started walking slowly on the cloud. "Look, He said," You are a bit confused at the moment, and that's perfectly natural. This is your home. You have been participating  in a game. You have simply now stopped playing the game. In fact you decided when you signed up for the game when you would exit it.You even decided how you would exit it . You made a very good choice. You wouldn't believe how some people choose to leave the game. It takes all sorts I guess, "

Joe looked around him.So, He thought, I have died, but what this guy is talking about doesn't make sense to me. I was living on planet Earth, and he's telling me it was all just a game How could it have been just a  game ?
" A game like Charades ?" Joe managed to blurt out when he remembered the games he used to play at Christmas with his family.

" That's an excellent comparison Joe, "ST.Peter assured him."But the holotime you chose to be in is more like Call Of Duty or Warcraft, with all the bloodshed and wars in that particular holotime sequence".

Joe thought for a moment and then asked," What's the game called then ?"

St.Peter sat down. He had the look of a man who was delivering the same speech he had said a thousand times before.

"Well, you know those games they had on Earth, in the holotime you were in, those computer games. You were in,what you would understand as, a highly advanced computer game called  The E- Adventure Ride Through Holotime.We call it, again for short, The E- Arth Game, or simply The Earth Game."

St .Peter paused to let this information sink in. He then continued,"Look, it's a bit of a shock for you now, but this really is your home and not the Earth. If you liked it so much you can play the game again if you like. It's up to you.The reason you're confused is , we took your memory away before you started the game.It's that that makes the game seem so real. Think about it, if you remembered being here you would always know that you were just playing a game.After all, it is one of the most popular games we have, despite it being really nasty sometimes."

St. Peter stood up again and pointed," See that cloud nearby with a rainbow's end on it."
Joe looked where he was pointing. "Yes" He said, What about it ?"

" I want you to walk over to the cloud and say to the rainbow one word, and that word is 'replay'.
Then on the rainbow, a screen will appear and  you will see your life as you would watch a film.It will all flash by ,what you would consider as quite fast, but as there is no time here it won't really do that. Never mind, you can't understand that as you still have the holotime frame of mind.As you watch your life you will understand and learn a great deal that didn't make sense to you while you were in the game.You will experience a host of emotions, but that's still really part of the game. We call it the Postscript. You understand ?"

Joe started standing up, " Yes, St. Peter I understand, but after that what happens?"

St.Peter laughed softly, "Then, to really be back home you have to drink from a river. This will appear before you, directly the replay of your life has finished.Drink by puting your hands in the river and then you will truly understand what it's all about ".

As Joe walked over to the rainbow, he called back," So I wasn't really a person ?"

"No, you were a hologram", came the reply across the clouds.

I see , thought Joe, but he didn't really see at all.

He sat down with the end of the rainbow in front of him.
"Playback," He said .

The rainbow changed into a large screen."The Life Of Joe Smithson" appeared.

There was his old farmhouse kitchen, and there he was a baby crawling on the floor,,,,,,,


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Fear

                                                     "Love is what we are born with.
                                                      Fear is what we learn here".
                                                      Marianne Williamson.

Fear rules. Fear dominates our culture. Fear is the number one controller in our lives. We are programmed by fear to live in fear.

Our society is the perfect playground for this destructive emotion to soar to dizzy heights, with its swings of changing fortunes, roundabouts of galloping horses that might throw you off at any moment, and that extra special one, the ghost train where your worst fears can be encountered.

Governments and cruel, unfeeling bosses love us to be in a state of fear, because when someone is scared, they are very easy to control.That is why, after one of the greatest crimes against humanity,9.11 was done, (no, a man living in a cave didn't arrange that) fear has been rampant

First of all, in the initial aftermath of this tragedy,people believed in the official story; they only believed it because they were in  a state of shock, and later when they had time and sense to reflect , the ones who were slightly more awake than the others, slowly, very slowly realised that what they had been told was impossible to have happened the way we were told it did Later, more started opening their eyes.

In the weeks and months that followed this, everyone suffered from post -traumatic stress. The government in the U.S. A. knew, of course, that this would be the case, and using this moment  they started to implement a string of laws to restrict peoples freedom ; people were too stunned by the images they had witnessed to object..They would not have got away with this without 9.11., and they knew it.They might be stupid, but they are as  serpents..

Britain did the same, but not on such a drastic scale, after its home-grown 7. 7 underground and bus bombs.This was another false flag to keep the  support, which was getting very weak at that time,for overseas wars, and the fictional war on terror going.

After this  though, as in the U.S A. the British were scared of further attacks.Most people, nowadays probably think it unlikely that another attack will happen, but a small lingering fear remains.Images of death and destruction have a tremendous impact on our emotions, and are retained in our memories

Apart from this, you have the fear of sudden extreme weather. Just look at what is happening in America right now, as I write..New York has been devastated by a mega- storm ,Sandy,and its still doing the rounds of other states.In the U.K. there was drought and flooding this year on such a scale that it has been announced that this year was the strangest weather ever recorded.

Since the banks robbed us all, unless you're the 1%, we live in fear that we won't have enough money to get through the month, won't be able to pay the bills and might have electricity, gas or water cut off, or , in some cases , all of them cut off.Not to mention worrying about not being able to pay the mortgage, rent , loans or credit cards.

A big monster of a fear is getting a major illness that can kill you. We are bombarded with news about how many people will get this or that disease, until you start worrying about your own health or about a harmless spot on you hand..If you smoke, any clearing of the throat, or sudden cough,and you imagine a terrifying future.If you enjoy a drink you start thinking about all that talk of how bad it is for you. Strange that, as they used to say it was good for you.

On top of that, even if you do get ill you now read that the drugs old big pharma may give you might be more dangerous than the illness.

Fear that your country is turning into a police state, or should that read , has turned into a police state, what with all the spy cameras watching every move you make, your online activities observed and tracked and the police using tasers  given half a chance. They used one, in England, on a blind 70 year old with a white stick the other week. The official reason for this was they thought the white stick was a sword!The policeman who did this is still in uniform.

Fear that your food is full of poisons is now emerging.This is actually aired in main stream the U.K.

Fear that the flouride in the water and toothpaste will kill you.

Fear of war and possibly a third  world war what with Israel and the U.S.A. showering Iran with words full of fire and brimstone, with the loyal puppet, Britain, trotting alongside.The U.S.A is not the only major player on our sick World stage; you have Russia and China too.

All of the above are apart from the fears you had before the ones I have described.

The most common ones,in no particular order, according to many different sites I found through Google, are:

losing freedom,the unknown, pain, disappointment, flying, public speaking, heights, the dark, intimacy, death, failure,rejection, spiders and commitment.
Some of these are really what are called phobias.

What is really sad is that this damaging emotion is now found to be high in children.Childline, U.K. in its 25th Annual Snapshot reveals that they received 1.5 million appeals for help last year, and 270,000 by e mail.The childrens cries were all related to fear.

Here are the four worst ones they received.
1. Family conflicts. Hearing parents row about money frequently really upset the children and made them contact Childline.

2.Bullying.This was reported to be most common for those aged 7 to 10 with older boys doing the bullying.It was usually done on the way home from school.

3.Physical abuse- details were not given.

4.Self harm.

Our society is not just rotten, it's rotten to the core, and is like a very bad apple full of maggots.Unless we dismantle the whole structure it will self-destruct.

We must firstly banish fear from our lives in all its shapes and forms.The only way to do this is to live completely, absolutely and utterly in the present moment.Fear is always set in time. Without time fear cannot exist, because like time, fear is fake. The present moment is the only'real'there is.

The more fear we have, the more fearful the World gets.Our inner World is reflected in our outer World. We can't stop. at present , the mass lunacy that is going on in the wide World, but we can change what is going on in our immediate surroundings. This can only be done with our own minds.

Next time you feel fear overpower you, focus on a part of your body, such as your hand and at the same time really be in the present.Then look around you and say to yourself' 'This is now, this is my precious now'.

Where is the fear now.? It's gone .

Sunday, October 28, 2012

"Ochi "Day Then And" Ochi" Day Now.

Can you hear the people saying 'No, No No' ? It sounds loud and clear to me.I am pretty sure that it sounds loud and clear to most of the Greek population.Funny how the three wise men at the top completely ignore it.

Today is 'ochi' ( no ) day in Greece.

I'm sure most Greek readers know the history of this, but I will briefly go into it, as it is essential , to give clarity to the rest of the post.

According to Wikipedia, on 28.10. 1940 at dawn, after a party at the German Embassy in Athens, the Italian Ambassador, Emanuele Grazzi, demanded that Greece allows Axis forces to enter Greek territory and occupy ' strategic locations' or otherwise face war.

It was allegedly answered by Ionnis Metaxis, the Greek dictator at that time, with a single laconic word 'Oxi' (no). However, his actual reply was,"Then, it is war.".

On the morning of 28th October the Greek population took to the streets shouting' ochi'. From 1942 it was celebrated as ' ochi' day.

Fast forward some 72 years later and today, Greeks celebrate this day.

Actually, I don't think Greeks are in the mood to celebrate at the moment. A lot of the people are out on the streets, not to celebrate, but to complain about the way they have been, are being, and will be treated in the days, months and years ahead.

It's odd that Germany is involved in this, yet again. There is a big difference though, to what the government said in 1940 to what the government in Greece is now saying

In 1940 Metaxas said,"Then it is war ", whereas the government in power today have said,"Yes Frau, Yes Frau, yes Herr, yes Herr, anything you want us to do we will do; we will oblige you .".

It is the people who are now saying what the government should have said, and they are saying 'ochi'(no) to the most cruel austerity punishment inflicted on any country in peacetime.

Shame that those in power  are deaf to the very people who allow them to live their lavish lifestyles.

There is something terribly, terribly wrong when the 'ochi' day parade- a day of national pride- has to have the sort of security that you might expect to see if a foreign power had taken the country over.Well, I suppose, in some ways that is exactly what has happened.Everything that foreign powers have demanded , has been implemented, and it's causing immense suffering to all people from all walks of life.

Thousands of police to guard the politicians, with spectators forced to watch at a distance of 1000 metres, shows the massive gulf between the ordinary people and those that the ordinary people are meant to have elected.Last year the 28th October parade in Thessalonki was cancelled shortly before it began, after the Greek President was insulted.

In some cities this year, like in Irakleo, Crete, citizens have organised a people parade. In Northern Greece, in Naousa, the people there are also having a people parade after the official one.Wonder how much T.V. coverage these people parades will get. Not much, would be my guess.

The people are speaking, they are shouting, screaming even, but no one is listening.

Greece was the birthplace of democracy. An interesting word that. It comes from two words; demo meaning 'the people' and kratia meaning 'the people rule'
John Lennon's song' "Power To The People" was considered a revolutionary song , when all he was singing about was democracy.

I haven't seen that lately, have you ?.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Old Big Pharma Has A Mental Illness

Some extremely wise doctor has come out with this gem: "Creativity is a mental illness".

According to an article on the B.B.C. site by Michelle Roberts dated 17.10 2012. creativity is closely entwined with mental illness.Actually the actual report doesn't soft shoe shuffle like Ms Roberts does, but says quite clearly that creative people have a mental illness.

The article declares that a study was done on a million people,  ( I don't recall any sudy of this size before in this field, so the powers that be really want us to believe this one) and it was discovered that writers had a higher risk of anxiety and bipolar disorders,shizophrenia,onipolar depression and substance abuse.

I suspect that the only truthfull words in the above are the last two words.

The research was conducted by Swedish researchers at the Karolinska Institute.

Add to the above concoction of disorders the fact that they are almost twice as likely as the general population to kill themselves, and it appears that writers really do have a hard life and, in some cases, a quick death.

It goes on. Dancers and photographers were more likely to have bipolar disorder.

The report then seems to contradict itself by saying that as a group, those in the creative professions were no more likely to suffer from psychiatric disorders than other peopleMaybe the 'no'before the words'more likely' was an error., caused by being distracted at the sounds of the skeletons that are tumbling out of the cupboards at the B.B.C of late. They have a serious sex scandal on their hands at the moment which goes back 40 years.

Beth Murphy,head of information at MIND had the following killjoy soundbite ;"It is important that we do not romanticise people with mental health problems,who are too often portrayed as struggling creative geniuses."

I have a horrible thought about this study which I will expound later.

The B.B.C. then, tells us about four writers, as if supplying proof for the findings in the report.

Virginia Woolf who had depression and killed herself.
Hans Christian Anderson had depression.
Ernest Hemmingay had depression and killed himself.
Graham Greene had bipolar disorder.
Wow, they could only find four !
One presumes, or is meant to presume that these are just the tip of the iceberg, and that they couldn't be bothered to give a long list,More likely, a long list does not exist.
I bet any profession would have the same, if not more people who have mental health issues.

According to, upwards of 70% of the psychiatrists who write the conditions are on the payroll of those who produce the drugs to treat the conditions.

What is disturbing is Dr. Kyaga's comment that,"The doctor and the patient must come to an agreement on what is to be treated and at what cost."

Ah, now it's all making senses what the plan is..If you are creative you must rush to your doctor and beg to be cured.

Old Big Pharma ( plug for my song on you tube) have targetted a new group of people. They must be rubbing their hands together at the thought of all the mega- bucks they'll get from this lot.The have got the elderly, then aimed at the middle-aged, then the young, teenagers, infants and toddlers. Now those creative, weird types.

They want such people to stuff old big pharma'a poisoned little pills down their throats to stop their creativity..

Creative people are a grave threat to the Establishment. Why do you think so many books have been burned in the past ?That is why at schools, colleges. and all main-stream so called"Educational" Institutions it has, and now, more than ever never been encouraged.

What is wanted are mindless, uncreative zombies who simply obey.People who simply do anything they are told; people who don't question; people who are turned into robots Put simply it has been decided to cull the creative types.

I can just imagine a mother recoil in horror at seeing her son Joey's first attempts at drawing a house.
She watches in fear as he sucks the pencil and then attempts to make a crude drawing of  a quaint little house.She snatches the paper away from him and tells him to go and do something useful, and watch T.V. and not to waste his time.

Later, in the evening, when the creative child is in bed, she turns to her husband and says,"I'm awfully worried about Joey.He did the most weird thing today. ". She pauses to make sure he is listening,".You know, he was actually using a pencil and drawing a house on a piece of paper."

The husband drags his eyes from the sport he is watching and turns to face her .I must have his attention, she thought, as he doesn't usually take his eyes off the screen.

He looks alarmed. He says slowly,"Joey, I'm afraid must have a mental illness, it's called creativity and I've heard all about it on all the channels.Don't worry though, when you go to the doctor tomorrow to get your anti-depressant pills, take Joey with you.The doc will give him some pills and he'll be fine. It's curable, you see. But do take him tomorrow, we don't want this thing to develop."

" Oh yes, I will. Don't worry about that."

I'll tell you Dr,Kyaga and Beth Murphy the people who have a mental illness.

1. People who make up lies to start a war.

2. People who send teenagers to kill and be killed in foreign lands that have never been a threat to their own country.

3. People, who when the soldiers return home with physical injuries and mental illness, do hardly anything to help them.

4.People who kill innocent animals, solely for the fun of it.

5.People who take other peoples homes away from them, after robbing them for years to pay for this home.

6.People who pollute the seas, rivers and land and let animals die, because of their greed.

7.People who employ a workforce, make them work 12 to 16 hours a day and pay them a pittance, while they earn a fortune because of their employees.

8.People who make children sit for 6 to 8 hours a day and fill their minds with lies, distorted truth, and never tell them how to be their true selves.

9.People who demand that an entire population of a country has to survive on starvation wages.

10.People who make the sick and disabled suffer by cutting financial allowances for them.

11. People who violently attack their fellow countrymen with teargas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, water cannon and tasers, when they are demonstrating against their government.

12 People who don't pay wages to workers for months,  but earn huge sums themselves.

13 People who fire drones to kill innocent  men, women and children.

I'm afraid I could go on forever here, but I won't.Just one more.

14 Old Big Pharma.



Friday, October 26, 2012

America's Dictatorship, THE TRUTH HURTS.wmv

Spiritual Wickedness In High Places.

"For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest,neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad"
Luke Ch.8. v.17

All that is hidden shall be revealed.

Yes, it's all coming out; the whole filthy lot and we are in for some nasty, even vile discoveries.

At the same time though some truly wonderful, beautiful truths will be shining in the bright sunlight.

It has to be this way as the World is starting to change its season.

As we on the earth prepare for winter, the World itself in the Cosmic sense is leaving its cold, dark, lifeless winter behind, and entering into its springtime.

As the old order, with its ego structures collapses, the new one (no,not that horrible sounding New World Order rubbish )with its non-ego structures will emerge.

In just the last few years, more and more people have discovered what once, only a few knew..

Here are just a few items that are now in the public domain.

It has been claimed by many that America got into the First World War by sending the British Ocean Liner,RMS Lusitania to the U K. It was full of civilians and 1,198 people died when a German torpedo hit it.
This helped sway the American people to support the war.It is claimed that the American Government knew that it was highly likely that the ship would be targetted.It is also suggested that it had weapons on board which was illegal .

The German Embassy placed fifty adverts in newspapers in the U .S.A warning passengers that it could well be attacked, but, surprise ,surprise ,the U.S.A blocked these ads, but one was overlooked.

Pearl Harbour was known about before it happened, but the U.S.A. let it take place, with the loss of 2403 lives.U.S Navy Rear Admiral Robert A.Theobald had argued that various parties at the highest level knew of Japan's planned attack in advance.He was dismissed from his post for speaking the truth.
This made America join in the war.
The lie that it was a surprise attack was kept going for 7O years with the B.B.C having a documentary that set out to prove that this was a conspiracy theory. A major British newspaper had an article that was over the top in its fever to prove that only nutters thought it was known beforehand

Guess what, on 4 12. 2011 The Daily Telegraph in the U.K. printed an article that gave details of a memo that showed America knew beforehand of Japan's plans.

Will , in about 70 years time, someone discover a memo about 9.11 showing that it was an inside job I wonder..

 "What luck for the rulers that men do not think."
Vietnams  false flag story is now fairly well known .The American destroyer Maddox was supposedly attacked twice by three vietnamese torpedo boats in 1964, bit it never happened.This got the Americans into the war.

According to in an article dated 15.7.2010, over 1,100 pages of previously classified Vietnam-era transcripts show that The White House and The Pentagon knew that it was a false flag ,but kept this concealed from the public.

Weapons of mass destruction. Does that phase ring a bell? How could we forget it.Iraq was , we were told , a threat to the World with saddam's vile weapons. It was simply a downright lie , as we now all know.
What always struck me as the proof that it was a lie was the fact that no heads from any intelligence services  were chopped. They were blamed for false intelligence. No one ever said the obvious and that is that they appear more like the un-intelligent services, and should all be sacked forthwith.

"History is an account mostly false,of events mostly unimportant, which are brought about by rulers, mostly knaves,and soldiers, mostly fools ."
Ambrose Bierce.


Then you look at the business world. Old Big Pharma ( plug for my song on you tube) has been discovered to be covering up side-effects of its drugs.Side -effects such as dropping down dead.This is now a major news item in the British press.

Banks are now considered by most thinking people to be a heaving nest of money -vampires, crooks and liars.

Oil companies have arrogantly and blatantly displayed their contempt and complete disregard  for the environment and for people.As for animals or marine life...........

The B.B.C or British Bullshit Corporation, that mouth of whatever government is in power, has always been very careful to be seen as correct in every way, and to be considered a pillar of the Establishment.
 It's going through a nasty time now with its image slowly changing from a proud lion into a sick ,twisted perverted sewer- rat.

Imagine the B.B.C's esteemed dressing rooms having children being raped in them, because that is what is now reported in the main stream press There is talk that there was and might still be a pedophile sex ring inside this grand British institution.

More and more well known established businesess are been shown to have corrupt practice, like Siemens, such as bribery being commonplace.


" When secrecy and mystery begins,vice or roguery is not far off."
Samuel Johnson.


How many more will come to light ? A lot, I should think because most of these places are run by people who have no ethics, morals or concern for anyone or anything that doesn't give them an advantage.

Government have always been very vigilant and cunning in keeping their particular unpleasant brands of dirt well out of the public eye. They've had a lot of practise.This though will change. It has already started in the U.K.This week it was headline news when an M.P. in Parliament asked King William 1v's great-great- great-great-great grandson, the fifth cousin twice removed to the Queen, David cameron, the Prime minister of England, about a possible sex ring operating in the Government.He even said that an aide to a past Prime Minister was involved.A shocked hush descended  as Cameron weakly muttered." I don't know what Prime Minister that would be ".This, of course, means, he knows exactly what Prime Minister had this aide.

Such allegations have never been aired in public before. More will come out, as we are in the age when all will be revealed.

A few short years ago all these established monuments of respectability were considered to be above suspicion. But now- the times they are a changing. for sure.

The real power though is beyond the governments. The shadows that are never allowed to be seen.They are masters of deception as they have been deceiving the World for centuries, so they know the game forward, backwards and sideways.

If anyone gets remotely close to them, they are either imprisoned, put in an asylum or killed.

When the World really learns what these super -evil elite have done to us in the past and what they are still doing, everyone will be in total shock.

Bestilaty, incest, pedophilia,necrophilia, hunting humans for sport as they do animals, drinking human blood, sacrificing young innocents and more.

Is it really possible that such people indulge in these awful activities.?A number of conspiracy sites claim this.
David Icke has said for years, and was laughed at , that Jimmy Savile and a Prime Minister were perverts.
Now it's coming out as true.Could the rest be true as well?
We shall have to see.
On the plus side though, new discoveries in science are showing us that it's all illusion, and that everything is united and we are all one. Will they, I wonder , discover that love is all there really is ?

" For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this World, against spiritual wickedness in high places"
Ephesians 6.12.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Could The Evil Eye Be True ?

The radiant electromagnetic energy is another word for light.We see and take in this energy which is then beamed into the brain, and it is there we form the pictures of our World.The brain interprets the information, or decodes it.So energy goes into the eye, but can it also go out from the eye? The other organs on our face seem to work two -way. The nose breaths in energy and breaths it out : the mouth takes energy in, in the form of food, but it also sends energy out in the form of words.

Not only in Greece, but in a wide range of countries many people believe in the evil eye.This is the belief that some people, by looking at you, can cause misfortune in your life
When I first came to Greece I thought that this was pure old -fashioned superstition.However, after living here a good few years. I am really not so sure.

A few years ago I mentioned,in a half- mocking way, to a highly intelligent half English, half Greek friend of mine, the mysterious subject of the evil eye..I guess the Greek half of him answered me.He surprised me by not dismissing it as rubbish, but by giving me a slightly disturbing story.

He told me that some time ago , he had been driving in the centre of Athens on a stiffling hot day whilst having a blazing row with his girlfriend.As the day and the row heated up, his driving skills got colder, and he almost knocked an old lady down. Thank goodness he managed to avoid her.It was then she approached the car and came straight up to his open window.

He told me that he will never forget the look she gave him.It was a long, hard, cold stare of pure hate.

That very same evening after a day of non-stop rows, his girlfriend left him for good.The next day he got the sack from his job. On the third day his car broke down, and he suddenly got a bad bout of a sore throat.

His eyes were full of sincerity as he said that he knew that the old lady had caused all these troubles through her evil eye.I should add that I had known this guy for a few years and he didn't do a Tony Blair; he didn't make things up

Through the years I have heard similar tales, although the one he said takes some beating.

What got me thinking about the whole concept of the evil eye was after watching those two actors in the first U.S. Presidental Debate.Puppet Obama and puppet Romney talking about stuff that had nothing to do with the 'real'World.It struck me that Romney kept staring at his opponent, over and over again and for long periods of time.It was almost like he fancied him and couldn't take his eyes off him.

It is now agreed by most people  that Romney came out the winner and that Obama gave a surprisingly lack-lustre performance.
Was Romney giving Obama the evil eye ?

I have since seen parts of the third part of this theatre, and noticed that almost everytime Romney fixed his eyes on the 'Commander-in Chief ', Obama made sure he quickly looked away and then would only hold his stare for a very brief few moments.

I wonder if he sensed something about the Romney stare, felt uneasy and didn't let him do it.In this debate there was no trace of the poor performance that took place the first time.

It is believed that some people, without knowing it, can cast a spell simply by looking at someone. Some though, try to cast a spell with their eyes.

There is a book published in 1895 by Frederick Thomas Elworthy all about this subject.He claims that it was  a widely held belief throughout the World for thousands of years.He mentions that some people  have the evil eye if they are the jealous type., and that it is the energy of jealousy that does the damage.

He quotes Pliny as writing in his Natural History series, that in Africa there are people who can even kill those on whom they fix their gaze..

''Eat thou not the bread of him that hath the evil eye" is from Proverbs 23.6 in the Bible.Such a phrase should make one think.

And in Mark 7.22 in the Bible, Jesus makes mention of the evil eye. ;"From within  the hearts of men proceed evil thoughts...wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, an evil eye...."

Coming right up to date, Science has recently discovered that there might well be a lot of truth in this evil eye  belief. Consider the following:

Psychiatrist and author Colin.A.Ross.M.D. has published data that supports the idea that the eye emits energy. His findings are in a publication called: The Electrophysiological Basis Of Evil Eye Belief.This is in the current issue of, "Anthropology Of Consciousness".

He even has a patent pending for his,Electromagnetic Beam Detection System, which he says proves that the human eye emits an electromagnetic signal that can be measured scientifically.

It is amazing  that recently so many old beliefs that were laughed at are now, according to science, based on fact.

The Bible seems to indicate that only evil people have the evil eye. I'd also like to believe that if you don't harbour evil thoughts, you can't be touched by it.That would make some sense because you would not be on the same frequency as the evil eye frequency.

 That's a comforting thought, but make sure you don't have evil thought as you may well pay a heavy price !

Can The Evil Eye Be True ?

Monday, October 22, 2012

Quotes For Our Time

smiley face simple red"Your Highness when I said that you are like a stream of bat's piss, I only mean that you shine out like a shaft of gold when all around is dark ".
Monty Python.

2." If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal."
Emma Goldman,

.3." They say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace.
What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war."
Howard Zinn.

4." Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your unguarded thoughts ".
The Buddha.

5." Money and corruption are ruining the land
     Crooked politicians betray the working man
     Pocketing the profits and treating us like sheep
     And we're tired of hearing promises that we know they'll never keep."
Ray Davies.

6" So don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring its own worries "
Jesus Christ.

7." The more corrupt the state, the more numerous its laws."

8." We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office."

9." All matter is energy condensed to a slow vibration.
We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively.
There is no such thing as death.
Life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves.".
Bill Hicks.

10." I believe in everything until it's disproved, so I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons; it all
exists, even if it's in your mind.Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as here
and now ?"
John Lennon.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Smokin' James Bond.

In a few days the latest Bond film will fall from the sky; it's called,' Skyfall'.

The build up to the latest lavish extravaganza has been completely over the top.It seems that in the U K you can't escape from this James Bond frenzy.Almost everyday some newspaper will have a picture of Daniel Craig and  yet another interview with him, or if not with him, the new Bond girl.Heck, they started this long advertising campaign with the Olympic Games when Craig was seen with the Queen of England, of all people.How on earth did they persuade her I wonder; perhaps she was told that it would be good for her image.

There have been details of Bond's habits; what he likes to eat and drink, but no mention of smoking.
Previous Bond actors have been wheeled out to all say, what a great actor the new Bond one is.

In fact I don't recall a film that was ever plugged so hard as this one.  Maybe Jurrasic Park comes a close second.

The last few films have more or less been propoganda for Her Majesty's Government. with the message,"Isn't Britain great and look how brave and wonderful our special forces are. "
The film though, like the previous ones is promoting violence.As Daniel Craig said," I can be seen killing people, but I can't be seen smoking." Craig wanted to be true to Fleming's creation,and was , it was reported, furious that any smoking scenes were cut out in previous films

While the powers that be have promoted this particular movie so much is a bit of a mystery. I suspect that that there is a message in it we are all meant to hear..Possibly it's loaded with sublimals that are meant to get us to act in a certain way.

Films are the perfect medium to influence large numbers of people.You sit still for about two hours in a darkened room staring at a huge screen, surrounded by like- minded people.Your senses are then bombarded with often startling, dramatic pictures and very loud noises.Whole generations have been brainwashed in this way.

I read all the Bond books in my teens, and I think Ian Fleming is a good writer of popular fiction.The Bond in the books, to sound trite, is nothing like the Bond on the screen.. To my mind, the only actor who came near to the book Bond. was Sean Connery.; Timothy Dalton, a close second.Roger Moore bore no resemblance to Bond at all, and Brosnan came across as very vain and arrogant, which 007 was not.I remember the late Richard Harris when describing Moore playing Bond, said;" He's more like 3 and a half than a 007".

Ian Fleming,the creator of this long lasting character,  in private described his creation as ,"A cardboard policeman", and told, I believe, his friend Noel Coward, that to make him more human he made sure that he had some memorable idiosyncracies and habits.

Bond was fond of good cuisine, strong drink and strong cigarettes.Fleming went into great detail about
his hero's habits, describing with relish any meal he ate, any drink he had and the type of cigarette he smoked.

According to Wikepedia 70 meals were described in the Bond series.They were described in great detail., as was his drinking.

Here is an example in Casino Royale: his drink consists of 3 measures of Gordon's, one of Vodka and half a measure of Kiba Lillet, shaken until it's ice cold with a large slice of thin lemon.I love the attention to the smallest detail with the mention of a large slice,not just of lemon, but thin lemon. I'm surprised he didn't insist that the lemon had to be from some remote area of Greece.

.I.He certainly drank a hell of a lot in the books. In, On Her Majesty's Secret Service he got through 46 alcoholic drinks.He rarely drank beer, but if he did it was often German.One wonders why in the latest film,'Skyfall' he will be seen drinking a normal, everyday, popular beer.Almost every advert I have seen for the film shows him drinking this beer.
.Heinneken gave the film a wallop of money for this perfect advert.

While the British governement has been moaning about the youth drinking too much beer, promoting this beverage in the film is O.K.Money really does talk,doesn't it ?

The other habit of Bond's was his smoking.Fleming was a heavy smoker getting through up to 80 a day, whereas his alter-ego smoked about 60 a day.His cigarettes were made by Morland of Grosvenor Street who mixed Balkan and Turkish tobaccos that had a high nicotine content.Each cigarette had three gold bands on the filter.He carried his cigarette case in a wide gunmetal cigarette case and had a Ronson lighter.
Once again, notice the attention to detail given to this ; smoking was a part of James Bond.

When he smokes, he doesn't simply inhale, but the whole process is usually described to show how much James is enjoying it.When he runs out of his handmade brand  when abroad, he doesn't like other characters in other books, buy a packet of cigarettes, but spend ages wondering what packet to buy.I remember when he was in Greece, in one of the books he praised the Greek Karelia brand.In another book he devotes half a chapter to the origins of the sailor on the John Player Cigarettes, and was surprisingly romantic in tone about this.
As I said smoking played a large part in his life.

In the last few films though, Bond is never seen smoking and I bet he won't be smoking in the new one.When Roger Moore was Bond he actually only smoked cigars and the fictional Bond would never do this as his creator hated them.

The' real' James Bond,007 was a heavy drinker and a heavy smoker, but the film Bond is nothing like the 'real'one in this respect. It was part of his appeal, the fact he didn't care how much he smoked or consumed alcohol.I think a lot of people envied this devil may care trait he had. Without it he is not the same man.

It's like someone acting as Churchill, but never smoking a cigar, or an actor playing a non pipe-smoking Harold Wilson

Can you imagine Sherlock Holmes without that pipe stuck in his mouth ?.

Friday, October 19, 2012

U.S.Elections And Greece.

You might well think that the favourite little con game that they are playing in America called 'Elections',  would be of little significance in Greece.

I thought that, until I became suspicious of what has been happening in Greece over the last few months, and is still going on, and on.

I remembered that shortly after Greece had played its own version of the Election game in May and June, one of the three wise men who pretended to have won the game said that they would waste no time in setting up the torture racks throughout Greece.This should have started alarm bells ringing, as people of this ilk usually do the exact opposite of what they say.

We had two rounds of the game, as the E.U. were not at all happy with the result of the first round, and , no doubt, issued strict instructions that only 'yes sir, no sir, anything you say sir, or madam ' types who stood in awe of the Troika must be put in power.And so they were.

Someone in a dark suit actually said that they would immediately start getting Greece back on its feet. What he really meant, of course, was as usual the exact oppposite, and that they would start sawing off the legs of Greeks

We should be pleased that the new austerity measures have not been announced, but it leaves us waiting day after day for the sword to fall on our necks.It's not a good feeling, because we know it is going to happen.

Before they can announce the fresh from the Tower Of Babel instructions on how to destroy a society, they have to get the wondrous bailout. Not one cent of this will be spent for the Greek people; this little fact is somehow overlooked in most of the press.

To get the bailout the three wise ones have to firstly convince the Troika that they will erect the gallows and torture chambers demanded by their leaders.

So what progress has been made ? Has there been an urgent rush to get everything done ?

No, not at all.No sign of any desire to rush things along. It's like watching a very slow snail crawling along at a snails pace that stops and rests whenever it wants.

Everyday the newspapers have been saying more or less the same load of stuff since June.It goes like this:

Troika arrive in Athens for talks for two days with the Greek Government. On the second day a black suit will say,"The talks are going very well." After the Troika leaves, another black suit will then tell reporters that  the talks were wonderful, but there are one or two little obstacles to overcome, but he is confident that these issues will be resolved.

A few days later the Troika arrive again and the same , with  small variations, happens again; rinse and repeat every week since June.

All this is headline news with hardly any mention of how much the people are already suffering because of the previous austerity measures. Strikes are hardly mentioned, if at all. The people aren't important ; only troika and that loan.

I dread to think what the T.V. stations are doing.I can just imagine all those so called'experts' shouting at each other  out of those four or five windows T.V. is so fond of.  I stopped watching that hypnotist a few years ago.

I read the Greek newspapers though. A lot of jargon is used that  I am sure no one understands. The following I found in different newspapers today.Bear in mind these were in the headline articles of popular papers..

"There is disagreement in the macroeconomic scenario."

"Single resolution mechanism.."

" National deposit guarantee scheme."

"Harmonization of national resolution".

"European stability mechanism".

Maybe its just me who doesn't understand what these phrases mean.

Why, oh why is the whole sorry affair dragging on so long ?While it's doing its two step forward, one step back dance, can you speculate what this is doing to any business operating here.No wonder the big players  are moving out.I had my own small business  for a short time and I can tell you that you have to know what sort of winds the Government has planned.As for anyone who was thinking about starting a business here, they have either galloped away to a more secure country or put it on indefinite hold. Who would invest in Greece at the moment ?

These long- winded talks are doing enormous damage to the Greek economy.Strange that the troika and the Government appear blind to this.

I wonder if all these talks are just an act.Is it possible that the American government told the three wise men and the troika that whatever they do , don't give  any bailout to Greece yet and don't announce the new austerity measures to the people. Wait until the U.S election is over.

American intelligence could have come to the conclusion that once the austerity measures are announced, this will trigger total social collapse in Greece,and Greece will leave the E.U., without paying back any money.

According to an article by Nin-Hai-Tseng dated 29. 5 2012 in CNN Money; U.S.A's greatest concern would be uncertainty following a Greek exit, and that if investors panic triggering bank runs and a disorderly break-up of the Euro that includes bigger debt-ridden countries like Spain and Italy, the crisis would be felt across the financial system.Morover 20% of all loans made in the U.S. come from European banks.
The article continues: Add to this that Europe is China'a biggest export market, and that a slowdown on the Chinese economy could pull back growth in the U.S.A.

Not a scenario that Obama would like to see before an election.

What other explanation  for the long- drawn- out talks could there be ?

Unless, of course, all the parties involved in the talks in Athens are really just having a knees-up everytime they meet.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Musing On A Greek Morning.

'It's 4 in the morning , the end of December....'
That line from one of Leonard Cohen's songs is running through my head as I sit here at 5 in the morning, after being woken by a particulary persistent mosquito.

I searched my bedroom for it( the mosquito, not the song), but couldn't find it,and now am wide awake.

I had a disturbed night before that nasty little insect decided to make it even more disturbed, no doubt, after watching a video about two ex American Presidents.No , the mosquito didn't watch the video, or maybe she  did , I did. This is what happens to sentences when they are written at this hour.Maybe a coffee is needed.

Anyway the video was about one President who  faithfully carried out his orders that were given to him by the Rothschild club, and it was alleged that he had an earpiece stuck in his ear most of the time that gave him answers to any questions that he was asked. The presenter of this video claimed that this guy hadn't got a clue as to what was going on, but simply did and said anything he was told to do. Probably a lot like a lot of other Presidents and Prime Ministers worldwide, I thought, apart from the earpiece bit. Who knows though- maybe they all have earpieces.

Then the video  claimed that another ex President had been the biggest drug dealer that this planet has ever known, and this is how crack cocaine arrived on the streets

A few years ago I would have laughed at such stuff. I would have said ' Oh what tosh, another conspiracy nutter- as if a President would get involved in such low-life activity.'

Now I don't laugh. So many cupboard doors have been wrenched open and so many skeletons have fallen out.What is really alarming is that when someone comes out with something really gruesome ,like accusing a well known T.V presenter like Mr. Savile as having sex with children and possibly with dead bodies, everybody shouts the accuser down and accuses him or her of being sick in the head.

Then what happens 99 times out of a hundred ?  A few , or more often, many decades later it all turns out to be true, and not only true, but far, far worse than the original allegations.

Talking about Sir Jimmy, it has also emerged that he was a regular visitor to Buckingham Palace and got on very well with all the Royal family.Friends in high places indeed.Politicians too what with Maggie Thatcher inviting him for Christmas every year !

And then there's another   Prime Minister who it is alleged by some, had sex with hundreds of children  and, as he was a Satanist, sacrificed them to Satan !! Yes, some claim he was a mass murderer.

Such things are absurd aren't they ? These pillars of society wouldn't dream of indulging in such stuff as this.
Of course not. Only conspiracy nutters would come out with such outrageous lies, and only thickos would believe them

If only that were true; if only, if only, if only.

The frightening part is, the more you dig, the more dirt and filth you find.Then you look at history and ignoring the crap they teach you at school, discover that most so called heroes were complete nutters and mass murderers.

Look at the statues in major cities and if you check out what these people are meant to have done , you'll find in quite a few cases that they have one thing in common; blood on their hands and usually on a mass scale.

Then a thred begins to emerge. These people have an utter and complete lack of feelings of any kind for ordinary people.There is not a hint of compassion in their genes.They believe, quite simply, that they are superior.They can have and do whatever they  like.If they want to rape someone, they will. If they want to murder someone they will.If they want to make millions of people live in poverty,they will.
 Guilt is not a feeling they have ever experienced.

Sickos, anti- life psychopaths, dictators with fake smiles, actors who are put into positions of power to convince the sheep that the shepherd wants the best for them

The shepherd doesn't let on though,that the sheep are only there for one reason and the reason is that they are all going to be slaughtered by the shepherd and his friends,and then eaten.

What a sick, sick World, run by sick , sick lunatics who not only kill others species but kill our own kind as well.

Suddenly, one of my cats jumps onto my lap.She purrs so loudly, she sounds like an engine. Her beautiful deep blue eyes are piercing into my soul.I stroke her soft white fur. It's like she is trying to tell me something. Yes she is. Can I decipher it ?

Yes, I think I can .

Another cat cries outside my front door. I open it. It's still dark. I walk outside in my bare feet into the garden that is so peaceful and silent.The air has never smelt sweeter.

There is the first whisper of a new day.It's hiding in the sky and in the earth and the trees, but it will come, as surely as spring follows winter.

And the day will be wonderful , just and sane, after the long, dark ,disturbed night, full of fevered dreams.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Greeks Taken For A Ride

If you have come from another country in the E.U. and you go into a supermarket in Greece, the first thing you notice is the amazing high price of the produce.It doesn't matter what you buy; it's all expensive.

The Greek Ministry Of Development in a recent survey discovered that there is a reason for this. This is, that the multi-national companies (the global bigwigs) sell their goods in Greece at very high prices so that they can make massive profits.

Put simply, they are greedy.

The Ministry cites, for example; cereals at 46.96%,soft drinks at 51.3%; detergents at 42%, and, get this, toileteries at 96.5%.These percentages show how much more expensive they are than in the rest of the E.U.

What's more, these above the law giants don't, surprisingly enough, pay tax in Greece !
Perhaps this should read, do not, of course, pay tax in Greece.

Of course, the absurdly high rate of V.A.T. at 23% doesn't exactly help matters.

Add to this the high transportation costs, because of the closed profession of the truck drivers and you begin to realise that you, the consumer, is being taken for a very bumpy  ride.

Look at vegetables and fruit.Carrots are sold at 0.33 euro per kilo by the farmer, but in the market place they are sold at 1.00 euro.The Greek Ministry Of Development claims that between the field place and the end price there is a 169% increase.

Rip-off, anyone ?

Greeks taken for a ride.

Things though are getting worse.They just never seem to get better in Greece do they ?

The Greek Minister Of Development, Costis Chatzidas introduced a law which is, well, how can I put it, the sort of law one might expect in a third world country, and would have The Guardian writing about it, saying how disgraceful it is.

It's really a law that is insulting to the Greek people, and just goes to show how fast the Titanic is sinking.

The fact that it is, according to my research on the subject, illegal under E.U. regulations, does not seem to worry him.

This is the new law.Food will be available to the supermarkets and retail shops at a third of the initial price.

Now that sounds great doesn't it ?

There is only one major snag, and that is this food is food that is expired, which means it will be sold after its sell by date or best by date.

According to my understanding of E.U regulations, food can be sold close to the expiry date, but it is illegal to sell it after the 'best before' or'sell by date '.

The Development Minister defended his position and said ,"It has been applied in the U.K.".

Do you know, I do believe it was allowed in the U K. before the E.U regulations came into force.Whether it is now, I confess , that I do not know.To my knowledge though such food was never sold in supermarkets or shops.

You used to find it in outdoor markets in poor areas ( before E.U. rules). I remember such a market near Waterloo Station in London.I actually purchased a chocolate cake from this market, When I took it home and unwrapped it, it looked disgusting, stank and was green ! I chucked it as soon as I could.

Even if it has now been allowed in the U.K., why should this make it the right thing to do ?

The logic of these people never ceases to amaze me.
Did they all go to The London School Of Economics, Oxford  or Eton ?I mention these three  Elite producing establishments, as they have an uncanny knack of churning out Government officials who seem to think of ordinary people as animals.

What next ?

Perhaps the Ministry Of Development- I wonder what they are meant to develop? More misery for everyone ?- will think of next.Perhaps they will tell people not to go to the shops , but to rummage through rubbish bins, as sadly enough, a lot of people are now doing.

When will this insanity end ?

When we get up and say , enough is enough.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sa-vile Is Just One Of Many.

We are so far away from our 'reality' that we are reaching the end of this illusion, and when you reach the end, you start at a new beginning.

The illusion has been wrapped around us by the evil entities who we can call the elite.The illusion has wrapped us up in clouds of lies that we believe are true.We have been forced to be actors playing parts we never wanted to play, in a play that has been written by pyschopaths so that they can get everything they want.We are in a movie script that we take as being real.

Our true nature which is love and compassion has been twisted and distorted, so we have, like any species put in an environment not suitable for them, turned away from love and compassion, and are acting out our lives in a neurotic, sick way.Put a bird in a cage and it will no longer be the true bird it is, but a sad, grazy thing, confused and lost.

We have lost contact with who we really are. Lost in a fog of lies; a mist of fakeness; a whirlpool of insanity.

Once we greeted the sun as it rose and praised each day for its wonder and beauty. Now many  curse as they rise, as they continue believing in the play they are playing in, but hate.

Everyday is a struggle, a bunch of worries,a hassle for millions.Too much bad news, too many things to worry about, too many bills to pay; day after day.

The mad ones have taken full control of the planet, and it is they who are causing this misery.They are robbing us blind because of their greed.The little bit of sanity we have left tells us this, yet we feel we can do nothing to get rid of them.

A bunch of lunatics dictate how we live our lives.They are intent on robbing us of not only our money, but also our spirit. Whatever we say or do is ignored. No matter how many times we march, demonstrate, riot, it is ignored.All that matters to these sick perverts is big business and the banks; we are just numbers on a computer.

Compassion and caring for the less fortunate in society does not ever enter their mindset.All that matters to them is themselves. Selfishness so selfish that we cannot comprehend it.

People like Jimmy Sa-vile are not the exception, but they are the norm in the Elite society.Strange that Sa-vile was a friend of Prince Charles and other members of the Royal family. Strange too that the son of the Queen of England's Protection Officer has been arrested and accused of murdering a very young girl.

Remember Strauss- Khann, head of the I .M.F who was arrested for raping a maid in a hotel, and then to have gone to loads of sex parties. A pillar of the establishment caught with his pants down.
The Italian Prime Minister who was a great friend of Tony Blair, who has been caught with his pants down on countless occasions.

Do you really think that there are not more ?
 This is their normal behaviour, because they think they can do and get  whatever they want.The believe that
 it is their right.

The very powerful ones  though never get caught.I'm afraid that it is not just sex crimes they do , but I suspect, far worse.

David Icke has claimed for years that many well known politicians in the U K and the U.S A are heavily into sex with children and murder.Also, that they are into Satanism.

It sounds amazing, I admit, but ,I wonder is it true ?

He was right about Jimmy Sa-vile. He also claimed that Sa-vile was into sex with dead bodies.
Guess what, just today, in the Daily Mirror, it was reported that he once told a patient in a hospital that he found dead bodies a sexual turn-on.

These people are mega-sick and it is they who are running and ruining the planet. It is because of them we have to suffer.

Oh, the smart suits, the camera smiles, the well- spoken words are just a brilliant disguise.The Devil is a master of deception. It must be He who runs this planet and it must be that these evil entities worship him, because they produce what we are told the Devil loves- chaos.

These are the last days of the Pharoahs of old, the ancient ones who have risen up to join in the grand finale.
The final act is here.
The day will dawn once again when we, us humans, greet each day with joy and love.
We just have to hold on, as the dying embers  burn themselves out, as the selfishness implodes inside the evil entities and destroys them. It will; it's the law of nature.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Quotes For Our Time

smiley face simple red" Time you enjoyed wasting, was not wasted"
John Lennon

2." It's a European Union of economic failure, of mass unemployment and low growth."
Nigel Farage.

3." We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men "
George Orwell.

4." It's an absolute disgrace.You can't bug anyone's  telephone without a warrent, which is written consent personally signed by the Home secretary.Why should you have less protection over the internet ?"
Tony Benn.

5." Official truths are powerful illusions."
John Pilger.

6." Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind."
George Orwell.

7." Watching television is like taking black spray paint to your third eye"
Bill Hicks.

8 " The Universe is not punishing you or blessing you.The Universe is responding to the vibrational attitude you are emitting."
Abraham Hicks.

9." The major western democracies are moving towards corporation.Democracy has become a business plan with a bottom line for every human activity, every dream, every decency, every hope.
The main political parties are now devoted to the same economic policies- socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor- and the same foreign policy of servility to endless war.
This is not democracy.
It is to politics what McDonalds is to food."
John Pilger.

10. " We've bought into the idea that education is about training and' success', defined monetarily, rather than learning to think critically and to challenge.
We should not forget that the true purpose of education is to make minds, not careers.
A culture that does not grasp the vital interplay between morality and power, which mistakes management techniques for wisdom, which fails to understand that the measure of civilization is its compassion, not its speed and ability to consume, condemns itself to death."
Chris Hedges.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Norway's E.U. Peace Prize Joke.

Did Gandhi get the Peace Prize ?

Did John Lennon get the Peace Prize ?

Did Julian Assange get the Peace Prize ?

Did Bill Hicks get the Peace Prize ?

No,but Kissinger did and so did Obama. How strange that both these people have caused death and destruction to millions of people and yet they were awarded the Prize.for Peace.

What a strange, topsy, turvy World we live in.

Now the E.U. is getting it. They are in good company. It looks like it's some kind of honour not to get it nowadays

The reason given for this dubious honour is that the E.U. has managed to achieve six decades of advancing peace in Europe.The commmittee said that the E.U. helped to transform Europe from a continent at war into a continent of peace.It sprinkled the following over its reasoning: it wanted to concentrate on the body's work of six decades of advancing peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights.

The idea is that that the E.U. has stopped countries fighting each other.They seem to be ignoring the fact   that , instead of countries at war, we now have the people at war against the governments and the E.U.

George Orwell, are you watching all this, with an astral  cigarette in your mouth, from above ?

Are you laughing, or more likely crying ?

The timing of such an honour is interesting when so many top-notch economists are of the opinion that the E.U. is about to collapse.It looks to me that this is put forward now to try and convince people how great the E.U. is, and that it musn't be allowed to collapse.

Has the E.U. advanced peace as is claimed? Sure, countries are not fighting each other but now we have a different kind of war.Don't these people read newspapers or watch T.V.?

What peace ?

All we ever see are thousands and thousands of very unhappy people, demonstrating against the E.U. policies and not being peaceful at all.Go to Athens and see the violence and destruction taking place on an almost daily basis.Go to Spain, Italy, France, Portugal and Ireland, the U.K-  what peace do you see?

Let's not forget that the E,U. has been forced by those two countries joined at the hip- Israel and America- to send their young men to support the war in Afghanistan.If the E.U. was really concerned about peace, it would have refused to have got involved in this.

The North, South divide that the E.U. has created has only caused animosity as the North has the money and the South doesn't.

Merkel being greeted by Nazi flags in Athens hardly displays a peaceful union.

Millions unemployed and in poverty as a direct result of E.U. policy.

As for democracy, where is democracy in this union ?Who elected the Italian Prime Minister ? The people of Italy certainly didn't.In Greece, a banker, who was not elected by the people run the country for months before the elections.

And no one can tell me that the three wise men in charge of Greece now were not chosen by the E.U.I can't believe that the people  wanted the two parties who helped Greece get in the mess it's in, elected them again.

Smoke and mirrors.

Where is the democracy in countries where thousands and thousands of people are demonstrating almost daily, all over Europe in fury at the austerity measures that have been cruelly and unjustly inflicted on them ?

Not one government takes a blind bit of notice of them. They send in the police to beat them up.They have the nerve to call this democracy.It is absurd beyond belief !

Human Rights ! What human rights do most citizens have in Europe ? The human right to be humiliated,. to lose  dignity and to live in poverty, without any prospect of work.

I will close with two quotes.

" If this is their definition of peace then the Norwegians need a new dictionary."
Marta Andreasen of U.K.I.P


"This goes to show that the Norwegians really do have a sense of humour "

Nigel Farage.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Jimmy Savile's Rollin' Rocks.

When the rocks begin to roll off a mountain that hasn't shown much activity in years, anyone sitting or walking under that mountain  may well be hit.              

Jimmy Savile, a sort of much loved eccentric icon, who did tireless work for charities, has been hit, even though he died last year aged 84.In fact he hasn't been hit by one rock, but by a hell of a lot of rocks.
One dropped, then another, then countless others.The first lot were young and female, but now young male rocks have started to fall of the mountain as well.We're talking 13 or 14 years old here.

It must be quite a shock for the people in Britain who always viewed Jimmy Savile as slightly batty, but great fun.He was the presenter of one of Britain's favourite pop shows in the sixties and seventies- Top Of The Pops.This show featured the latest hits being performed by, what in those days ,were called groups or solo singers.They were always surrounded by a  young,  teenage audience who would dance to all the songs.The cameras would often zoom on to the pretty young things.I remember Benny Hill did a very funny skit on this where he had the camera getting close-ups of young girls legs or their bossoms.

Savile also presented' Jim'll Fix It' later. In this he helped young people make their dreams come true.He was, it seems, actually making his own dreams come true.

Jimmy has been accused of having sex with under age girls (and possibly boys) and of raping some of them.

It has been alleged that he would invite the ones he fancied into his dressing room either before or after the show and grope them, and in some cases do a lot more than grope.It is also alleged that famous stars would join him and do similar behaviour.

Such activity wasn't only done in his dressing room at the B.B.C.His Rolls Royce, it has been claimed, was used for his sexual pleasure as well as his home, a girls boarding school, a bus he used to tour in and ,unbelievably, a hospital ward full of sick children.

I won't go into detail of all the sexual crimes he is meant to have done.Most British newspapers are full of the details that the victims- the count at present is about 40, but it goes up everyday, as more and more people are coming forward- have given.

It is now emerging that Jimmy was just one of many doing this sort of thing at the time.

I find it extraordinary that all this has only just come to light some 40+ years later ! The reasons given for this are obscure; such as the girls who were victims were not believed, because Savile did such good work for charity and someone like that just wouldn't do that sort of thing.,to a lot of high ups at the B.B.C. had heard rumours , but didn't believe them.

It has even been suggested that Jimmy Savile provided under age girls and boys for his showbiz' friends ' and others , not in showbiz.. I don't think he actually had any friends. Everyone who knew him described him as strange.

Now the rocks are tumbling down and other famous names are mentioned, such as Gary Glitter and Jonathan King.No doubt more will be outed.

It very much looks like that this is just the tip of a very large iceberg that possibly goes to the heart of the establishment. That, to my mind, is the only explanation as to how this sordid business could have been hushed up for so long.

The really rich establishment figures will , no doubt,manage to avoid being hit  by any rocks, but the lesser lights- the young men in countless rock and pop bands of the sixties and seventies, will be presented as disgusting perverts along with quite a few DJs. John Peel has already been mentioned by some newspapers, but you can bet there will be more names.  Scotland yard are on a witch hunt.

Most of the people accused were probably too stoned or drunk to even remember what took place.

I can just imagine some quite famous stars of the sixties or seventies trembling as they turn on  the T.V. news wondering if their face will be splashed all over the screen,  citing another one who  frequented Jimmy Savile's dressing room at the B.B.C.

The rocks continue to roll, but the establishment figures wont be hit because they don't walk under mountains; they walk on top of them.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Is Merkel Doing Greece A favour ?

As I write there are 7,000 police in Athens, snipers  on high buildings, helicopters and water cannon and uncle tom cobley n' all , all to make sure that the precious Angela Merkel comes to no harm.Most roads in Athens are shut, and you are forbidden to demonstrate in certain areas. Parliament has been surrounded by barricades and surprise, surprise, it's starting to get cloudy: perhaps, if the riots get out of hand, the skies will open, and save the police using water cannon.Weather control is such a useful weapon for the Elite.That reminds me- for the last two mornings, at about 5 am - I have seen  loads,and I mean loads, of chemtrails over

There will, of course, be the usual violence and chaos that these demonstrations produce. But, what if Merkel is doing Greece a favour by her visit.?

You may think that's a funny question when you consider the suffering that her and her ilk have thrust upon Greece,albeit with the help of some very willing politicians.

I am saying that her visit to Greece today might well be of great benefit to the Greek people.I admit it is a strange thing to say, but I will explain. By the way the visit is costing the taxpayer about 2 and a half million Euros, what wilth all that super security.; it's nice to know that your money is well spent.

What got me thinking along these lines was the fact the Merkel, on the face of it, has no reason whatsoever to come here.You would have thought that Greece would be the last place she would want to take a trip to, considering how unpopular she is here.She has even been depicted as Hitler, on placards in demonstrations. No one needs reminding who Hitler was, so that's a heavy insult, to say the least. But, she boldly comes here.Maybe she is saying' See, I don't care what you think of me ', but I think there is more to it than that.

She knows that she will be greeted by thousands of angry ,violent crowds who will not be lining the streets throwing roses at her; she will, no doubt, be shouted and sworn at throughout her 7 hour stay.

She must know this. No politician wants to have his or her face on every T.V. in the World, surrounded by furious citizens who appear to hate them.It's just not good for the image, and such encounters are usually avoided at all costs, in the same way they avoid reporters who they know will ask hard questions.

The official reason is vague, to say the least. In fact, I don't believe that an official reason has been given, other than Merkel wants to visit Greece.

Samaras makes out that he is delighted by this, but I wonder, if behind closed doors, he is horrified at the thought because he knows how she is going to be greeted.

He has arranged for 7,000 police to protect the German lady. That is more police employed for  Clinton, when he came here in 1999.Samaras expects trouble, that's for sure.

I have a sneaky suspicion that Merkel has a motive, and if Samaras knew what this was he would be even more horrified than he is already.

I suspect that the powers that be who pull Angela's strings have told her that the austerity measures are far too severe for them to work.Also , that they are almost certain that the Greek society will collapse, and the government in Greece will get zilch from the people they are trying to rob.Simply, because the Greek people have not got the money they want; it's cloud cuckoo land.It looks great on a piece of paper, but in the real World it is a load of rubbish..The trouble is that the people who decided the austerity measures have never lived in the 'real' World, as they are all from very pampered backgrounds.

Because of this they had a private chat with the angelic lady and told her their fears.

She probably said that she didn't believe them, and they then suggested that she pay a visit to Athens to get a feel of what is really going on. More likely, they forced her to go against her wishes.

If this is true, she only has to sniff the air as it were, to see firsthand the demons she has helped release.

What she sees, from the comfort of her armoured car, surrounded by bodyguards, might just open her eyes.If she has any awareness at all, she will know in her gut that whole Troika deal is dead in the water.After all, she'll reflect, these people are on the brink of a revolution.

When she returns to Germany, she will, no doubt, inform her controllers that it's best to leave Greece well alone, and to block any deals whatever with that country. No bailout, no- nothing ( woops- once upon a time I was an English teacher !)

She would be doing Greece a favour, because then Greece would have to take the reins back away from the greedy bankers, and start getting its dignity back Not with this lot in charge now, of course, they would be incapable of  putting Greece back on its feet. They think that you can subtract 15 from 10 and gain ; they inhabit a strange universe where the laws of maths one learnt at school  are made to stand on their head .

Fresh faces would be needed to start building the country anew; people who aren't corrupt. who have ethics and morals and , for once, actually care about the people.Oh yes, and know how to add up and take away.

It would be very difficult, but it would not, despite what Samaras says, be absolute disaster.

We are doing' absolute disaster ' now, and more of the same has been , if you read between the lines, promised for the next ten years or even longer.

So, possibly, Merkel's visit is a blessing in disguise, and she is doing Greece a favour.

I am sure that everyone in Greece wants this nightmare to end, and who knows, maybe todays visit will be historic in the fact it triggers the end of the nightmare and the start of a new dream for Greece..

Monday, October 8, 2012

Surfers Catches Of The Day

Don't sell jam in re-used jars by order of Europe. Tradition of selling home-made preserves breaches Health and Safety Rules.

They are the backbone of Church Fetes, village fairs and jumble sales.People make their own jam, put it in a used jam- jar and sell it at a fete, usually to raise money for charity.

Legal advisors in the U.K. claim that the E.U.regulation means you cannot sell them or even give them away.

If you're interested E.C. regulation A35/ 2004 and2023/2006 refer.
Daily Mail 7.10..2012.

Too silly for words and far too silly for anyone to even consider obeying this rule.

The rot started with the No Smoking rule.Most people were stupid enough to obey this. If no one had stopped smoking inside pubs etc., they could not have enforced this law, however much they pretended they could.This was a brazen discrimination against a large group of people.After that they thought they could get away with anything, and they have. We forget that we are many and they are few.

2.Student midwide turned away from breast -feeding class because he's male.

Chris Butt,30, who is on the 2nd year of a 3 year training course, has been refused entry to sessions because women are sensitive to men being present. He is only one of 132 male midwives out of 20,000 in the U.K.

Chris Breast( I mean Butt) said,"" Do they think I stand behind a screen as a baby's head is crowning, shouting out advise on when to breathe?"
Daily Mail 7.10.2012. The Chris' Breast' bit was my invention.

3.Keats death caused by his mother's drinking.Keats , the great poet, died aged 25 of T.B.,a common illness at the time, but professor Nicholas Roe thinks that his mother drunk heavily when pregnant with Keats, and that is why 25 years later he died.

Daily Mail 7.10.2012.

I suspect the good Professor begs for a little bit of fame.

4.Operation Overkill.Police armed with sub-machine guns stalk streets hunting for a runaway cow.The police with body armour and helmets and machine guns  hunted a cow that had run away from a field.They shot it.
The Daily Mail 7.10. 2012.

I wrote a blogpost a short while ago called, "The Madness Of 2012 ".Well, it just seems to be getting madder.

5.Never Mind The Figures, The Economy  Is Healing, scream the headlines.

Defence Secretary Philip Hammond says that gloomy economic data doesn't chime with more optimistic views in the business community.
The Guardian 7.10.2012.

Funny how government officials love to use statistics to support their point of view. If the stats don't look good, the new ploy (Stephen Potter would be proud of them ) is to simply say,' Never mind the figures'.

6.In the U.K. patients starve and die of thirst on hospital wards. 43 hospital patients starved to death last year and 111 died of thirst while being treated in wards new figures disclose..

In care homes 8 people starved to death and 21 died of thirst, plus 287 people were recorded by doctors as being malnourished when they died in hospitals.
Daily Telegraph. 7. 10.2012.
The N.H.S used to be the envy of the World.

7.A student, Jamie Fox, who studied music and English at Bangor University is half way through a two week stint dressed as a scarecrow  to scare partridges away. He earns 250 pounds a week policing a 10 acre field for eight hours a day.
Daily Telegraph.7.10.2012.
Nice work if you can get it !

8.Number of soldiers in the British Army to be cut by a 5th.

This is being done to balance the Defense budget. This is while 2 billion pounds is spent on making drones
RT. 7.10 2012.

In a previous Surfers Catches Of The Day, I said that the plan is for a new Army of drones and robots.

9.Swedish Green Party Leader, Pernilla Hagberg has admitted that the unusual cloud trails that fail to go away like normal contrails are actually a mix of chemicals, viruses and metals, which she calls, chemtrails.

Hagberg claims that the sprayings are a joint endeavor by the U.S.C.I.A and the U.S. National Security Agency, NSA, as well as the Swedish government to modify atmospheric conditions via deliberate aerosol spraying efforts.Included in this dangerous mix are various chemical components, viruses and viral fragments and metals such as aluminum and barium.
Natural News 7.10.2012.
It's simple; they want to kill us.

10.FEMA BILL HR 6566 ordering national preparation for mass death.

The U.S. congress has passed a bill which mandates the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) to prepare for mass fatality planning and funeral homes, cemetries and mortuaries being overwhelmed in the aftermath of a terror attack, natural disaster or other crisis.
From The Trenches World Report. 7.10.2012.

I wonder what vile deed the Elite are planning.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Breaking Down The Word Walls..

Beeston Castle - On a slightly misty day.

Green Grass FieldDo we change universes hundreds of times a day ? We ,of course, don't realise this amazing act, but do it without knowing.

At the moment you are on a certain frequency that is your ' reality'. You can though, go to another frequency and experience another universe, which is either a little bit worse or a little bit better.You could go to a frequency where your life is 'Heaven on Earth' or to one where it is,'Hell On Earth'.

It is really up to you.

If you are on a certain frequency you don't like, you can change your frequency like you change a channel on a radio station.

Everyday, while we use negative, vibrational words we are  stuck on a negatitive frequency;the World of form mirrors this negativity and our lives are not happy ones.

Instead of negative words, positive ones should be used and then you will enter a new universe where your positive vibrational words take you to a World where your life is good.You will be in a World of positive vibrations.

It is extremely difficult in these testing times on Planet Earth that is now going through the age of transformation from the nighttime to the start of a new age.We are bombarded with bad news day and night.

But the point is, it can be done !

Our minds are reward-centred and the rewards of being positive are enormous.They, not only are gifts in the World of form, but even greater gifts in the formless World.

Sometimes we say,"Oh what good luck I had". Maybe'good luck' means that , by mistake , you said a word or combination of words that are extremely powerful in the sense that the vibrations used created  certain conditions in the World of form.That offer of a job, out of the blue,.with a great salary was not possibly,'good luck', but simply the natural result of creating a certain vibration with you tongue and mouth; a natural law.

Bad luck would be the same. You said a word or combination of words by mistake, that are so powerful that 'bad luck' appears to strike.I'd like to think that I am wrong !

Words are far more important than we know.It is words that make our universe.A door is a formless, yet vibrational word that goes from this state into what appears to be a formed state, and appears as a solid wall. .

Words restrict us. They keep us in a prison and the walls are the words. Knowing this we can use words to our advantage. We can create the World we want, and break through the walls of words.

Everything we know is vibration.That which does not vibrate is real, so we, and all that appears to be around us is illusion.As Einstein said,"A very persistent illusion ".

Walls of words surround us; they keep us from straying out of the frame.Abandon words and the walls come tumbling down.Then you are free.Before that day though, why not try and be really positive in your life ? Try it as an experiment and see what happens.

Positive words will break down the word walls.Then, when you are in the now, you will no longer ask ,"Why am I here ?", because the question will be pointless, because you will know why you are here-because you being here is the answer.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Quotes For Our Time.

smiley face simple red1".Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth."
Lucy Parsons.

2." Blessed are the weird people-poets,misfits,writers,painters,troubadours-for they teach us to see the World through different eyes"
Jacob Nordby.

3."We live in a World where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practised in broad daylight."
John Lennon.

4." In order to succeed your desire for success should be greater than our fear of failure".
Bill Crosby

5." Wisdom tends to grow in proportion to one's awareness of one's ignorance ".
Anthony de Mollo.

6." I'll show you politics in America. Here it is, right here.'I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs'.
'I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking'Hey, wait a minute, there's one guy holding two puppets"
Bill Hicks.

7." Signs and symbols rule the World, not words, nor laws"

8"Everything the state says is a lie and everything it has, it has stolen ".
F. Nietzshe.

9." As the present now will later be past
The order is rapidly fadin'
And the first one now will later be last
For the times they are a- changing."
Bob Dylan lyrics from 'Times they Are A Changin'

10." Think about how stupid the average person is, and then realize that half of 'em are stupider than that ".
George Carlin.