Sunday, December 30, 2012

Not 2013, But 2103 Predictions.

Quantum Mechanics ConceptImage courtesy of VictorI Habbick, Free Digital Photos.

A lot of newspapers are giving predictions for 2013. Most of these seem more like guesses,based on what is taking place in the world now.I mean, to say that trouble will continue in the Middle East ( as it has for the last sixty years ) is pretty obvious.Europe going through turmoil is also a certainty.

The only interesting prediction is that people will start taking up crafts such as, woodwork, knitting and suchlike. This is probably true, as why buy something ,in these tight-fisted times, when you can make it yourself.

Anyway, I thought to be different, I wouldn't write about next year, but about life in say, a hundred years time. These predictions probably sound absurd as they are extreme, I admit. But , who would have believed a hundred years ago, the sort of high-tech world we now live in..

So here goes. Imagine the year is 2113.
The discovery in the early 21st century that showed everything was vibration led to some startling inventions that changed the world.
This led to one of the greatest inventions of all time ; The Weave Accelerator Numinous Damask
An interesting name that has baffled many as to what it actually meant.What it can do still amazes everyone.
You hold the small stick like rod in your hand and whatever you say, while you wave your Weave Accelerator Luminous Damask, will appear before your eyes.

This amazing piece of  stick works by 'capturing ' the vibrations in your words., and then converts the vibrations into 'formed' ' images, formed 'things '.

If you said clearly' A beautiful garden'.the instrument would decode the vibrations of the words, and then make the vibrations turn into what appears to be form

Because of its rather pompous title - The Weave Accelerator Numinous Damask- most people called it  by its initials, W. A. N . D . or wand for short.

Some few very elderly people have sworn that they used to, when children, read books about wands.No one believed them, of course, as they are probably senile, they muttered.

Man will be able to fly unaided. This was a major breakthrough in not only the aviation world, but , the whole world was changed by this.
The funny part was when we found it was so easy, we couldn't understand why we hadn't flown before.
It all started in about 2025 when Doctor Belefan opened, almost overnight, a chain of his ' Power Of Belief'
workshops in every major town across the world.
In his prospectus he claims he has actual proof that belief can really move mountains.He goes on to say that instead of moving mountains, why not fly above them ? Simple, easy to understand instruction booklet shows how to fly in 7 simple steps.

No media took any notice of him, until the workshops were said to actually teach normal people to fly, as this was the sober truth. That was how it was until one day ,  a  live show had a man in the audience suddenly fly up above them, then all round the theatre, shouting: " I can do this because I believe it, I can do this because I believe it', over and over again.This was on national , prime time Holo-T.V.
That was all it took for an explosion of interest in the art of flying.Dr. Belfan always started his talks with memorable,' Learning to fly is like learning to ride a bike. You have to believe that, despite the way it looks, you won't fall off" and: " Come Fly With Me, It's easy you see, set the whole world free.As its meant to be."
type quotes.

Dr. Belefan had said,"  We now know that our life and everything else is illusion, and is Just the same as a
dream one dreams at night.Many people can do 'lucid dreaming ', when in the eyes -closed dream state. All I'm saying in do lucid dreaming in the eye wide open dream state.In this way you will learn to fly.
Just the same as in a dream,as in a dream, we know, when we wake up that in the dreamstate we could have flown, but didn't. We know, that in a dream state we have the potential to do, anything. The strange part is we hardly ever do anything much different from our everyday life.Why is this, wondered researchers, who discovered that humankind had been programmed to reject the idea of self-flying;

The Elite did not want the people to know they could fly, and that is why in almost every country in the world children were forced to go to a school at about the age of five. The real reason for this was the Elite knew that the instinct of flying came into play at the age of five or close to.The children's minds were drenched in highly diverting, brand new total information overload. The child was no longer in the safe, secure nest with his mother and his brother with that feeling of warmth, but out alone, for the first time, in a cold ,strange, new world.The instinct to fly simply got lost under the garbage, and it was done on purpose.

Walking Through Walls.Just a hundred years ago the masses and the scientists would have not believed that one day we would walk through walls. It would have been seen as a joke.
This is the same as the flying strategy.Once it was determined that it was only our belief system that prevented us doing this, slowly a few people started to walk through walls, Nowadays everybody can.

It is simply a question of thinking that you can do this and imagining the wall is pleased with what you are doing, as this will change the walls vibration to enable your 'body' to walk through it.

The stumbling block up to the early part of the 21st century was that people could not muster enough belief.
This all changed when Dr Bradwardine  proved in theory first and then in practice that if used correctly if you believed you could move a mountain, you would move that mountain.He also claimed., outlandishly, that we could do almost anything if we believed that we could do it.
Dr. Bradwardine said ," Once you really know, just know, that all this is your imagination, projecting dramas onto what appears to be an outside world, it slowly dawns on you that you are a creator  and can create what you want and how you want .So you simply start doing that.You are master of your imagination, and for once, millions started using their mind in the way it was designed to be used; to create."

Time Travel.After Quantum scientists discovered that everything, the entire past and the entire future is taking place right now , in this very moment, in this 'now', doors were flown open to allow us look at the world in a totally different way.
Dr. Nebogipfel had said, that if you were on a distant planet far away from earth, you could, if you had a powerful enough telescope , be able to look at the world and see it as it was, say 500 years ago.This was certainly no knew idea.Most people knew, for example, that it took about 8 minutes for the image of the sun to travel to our eyes, so we are seeing the sun as it was eight minutes ago.
This fact led to Dr. Nebogipfel to think that if we could somehow be on a distant planet, or in some point in space , we would, and this was agreed by all scientists and scholars,  view parts of our history in its 'reality'.
The good Doctor suddenly wondered could we time travel without going to a distant planet ? Could we experience what we would experience if we were on that distance world spying on an old fashioned earth.

He then invented one of the most amazing inventions in the history of the world, the Higher Ganglion Waft Ebb Lariot  Lens.What this did was to transmit an 'impulse' to a point in space.This was done by the impulse jumping out of this dimension, to enter a timeless frequency range, and then returning to our universe at the moment of contact of the 'impulse; and the location.The 'impulse,by jumping out of time again, returns to earth' with the ' captured time-frame'

Having this captured time frame meant  that the past could be viewed on earth
The Higher Ganglion Waft Ebb Lariot Lens was a bit of a mouthful, so people called it by its initials, H.G. Wells.

Time Travel To The Future.Seeing into the future had already been achieved in the late 20th century. It was then called,'Remote Viewing" and it worked. These 'Remote Viewers'. employed mostly by the American Military, could really see what was going to happen in the future. There was not much talk about it, and it must have been suppressed by the Elite.
Dr.D.Dare was a firm believer in the notion that we are tremendously powerful and whatever we focused our attention on, we could do. He preached the wonders of  seeing into the future.His assistant Prof, Digby even claimed that he could actually change himself into a frog, but he can't see the point in doing this, so doesn't do it.

What became obvious was that seeing into the future, wasn't seeing into THE future, but a possible future based on the current information available.
As we are creators, it dawned on us that , if we didn't like the look of the' projected future'all we need do is create our own future, the one our conscious mind wants, and thereby erase the ' projected future'.This was done by visualization, which became popular in the early part of the last century.

Because of the creative spirit filling the earth, nowadays nearly everybody can achieve results with visualization.

This year, 2113, is the 50th Anniversary of "No War, No Money Day". The glorious day when every country in the world signed a pledge and enshrined in law the illegality of all war , and the making in any shape or form of weapons was strictly forbidden.
The Peace And Security Humanitarian Act made war an illegal act. Any making of any types of weapon was also deemed against the law.
The punishment for such crimes was  called," Banishment". Any person engaged in war like activities would be banished to a distant planet, called,"Hades" where they will live with their own kind, all left to their own devices. Inhabitants of nearby and distant planets are forbidden to go there, as it is classified as one of the most dangerous places in the universe.

The other law that was passed 50 years ago was the "Termination Of Money Act "This simply was the abolishment of finance in any form. The exchange of money for goods and service were also outlawed.

The Galactic Elders had given us a very stern warning in 2029 that it was essential that war and money were taken out of society, They had caused too much pain for far too long, and both war and money would destroy us.

Well, even if we won't be able to fly, walk through walls, time travel and wave magic wands to get whatever we want, and decide our own future, if the above two laws were made that would change the world more than  anyone walking through walls, or soaring through time..


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Consciousness Enjoying Itself.

Are you happy ? Are you feeling good ? Does life seem a ball for you to spin and headbutt ?

Do you wake up with a song on your lips ?

Do you get out of bed and say, "Hey, isn't life great ?"

No ? Why the hell not, because this is how you are meant to be.

Yes, you are meant to life a life filled with joy; everyday and every night.

Don't believe me, do you ?Got to worry, got to be serious, got to be so, so anxious..

Hell, no, I've got all these bills to pay; all these concerns about everything.

You, believe it or not, are meant to be really , really happy.

This is what consciousness is meant to do. It is not meant to spend its time worrying about numbers on computer screens, or on little bits of paper that we call bills.

Consciousness has been 'dumbed down'. It has been put in a bottle ( like a ship ) and because it is unaware of this, it doesn't even try to escape from its prison.

Consciousness is the child of awareness. When consciousness realizes that it is consciousness, it knows that it cannot know itself by being what it is- one-, so it has to create a vast number of life forms.These life forms perceive and experience every aspect, every angle, every nuance of itself.

The ant perceives, the spider perceives, the human does, as well as the the flowers and the trees and the stones and the rocks.

In this way consciousness knows itself inside out.

You are consciousness in a bodily form experiencing your true self.Why then, are you not enjoying what should be a beautiful experience.?

You have been seduced by the T.V. camera filming the show to believe that the camera has a name, identity and personality. You started dreaming the dream, then forgot that it was just a dream and took it far too seriously.

Lighten up.You took the perceiver as being,' real', in just the same way you take the dreamer of your dreams at night as being 'real',

Be that consciousness only; recognize that the you you believe is you is not you and is not 'real'.

Be a detached observer of all that unfolds in your life.Only this way will you be free.Watch your thoughts and emotions, but don't get involved with them.Understand that your thoughts are not you.This way you stop creating Karma.  If someone shouts at you, only be aware of the feelings and thoughts this produces in you.Observe the feelings you get, but don't get tangled up in them. Merely watch them, like a scientist observing an experiment.

In this way the ego loses its vice-like grip.

Then you become aware that you are not your ego, that you are not even consciousness, but are pure awareness.

This is your true identity.

It is only then that'you' will experience bliss and heaven as awareness is really' pure love.'

Friday, December 28, 2012

Athens: Social Meltdown - Greek subtitles

Quotes For Our Time.

smiley face simple red"The International Monetary Fund is an organization that promotes high employment and reduces poverty around the world."
This staggeringly blatant lie is a statement found on their site.
"Ho.ho.ho," as Santa would say.Tell that to the Greeks. A bit like the World Health Organization that claims to promote health around the world, but its real aim appears to be  to make us very ill or to kill us, by giving us as many vaccinations as possible.The vaccines are, if anyone bothers to check,  full of poisons..

2." Using hyperspace theory,'matter', is viewed as vibrations that ripple through space and time.From this follows the idea that everything we see, from people to planets, is nothing but vibrations in hyperspace."
Clifford A. Pickover in his book 'Surfing Through Hyperspace', page 15.

Do you think that Flouride is good for you ? That's what we've been told. Keep brushing your teeth with Flouride has been the message for 60 years.Dr. Burke though has a different take on this.

3." In point of fact, Flouride causes more cancer deaths, and causes it faster than any other chemical".
Dr.Dean Burke Ph.d. He should know as he worked at the National Cancer Institute for 34 years.A number of countries have Flouride added to the water supply.It also lowers I. Q.

4." You must unlearn what you've been 'programmed' to believe from birth.That software no longer serves you if you want to live where all things are possible."
Jacqueline .E. Purcell.

5." The country which is nowhere is the real home."
Master Lu Tzu.
If you understand this you've got it .

6" History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren't there."
George Santayana.

7." Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture, will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses."

8." A wise man makes his own decisions. An ignorant man follows public opinion."
Chinese Proverb.

9." Every action, either physical or mental, every movement occurring either on the plane of gross matter or on the plane of the mind, causes an emission of energy- it produces a seed.
This seed, in the same way as all material seeds, tends,- given favourable circumstances- to produce a being of the same species as that of the parent who has transmitted the seed.
The seed of an oak tends to produce an oak; the seed of a dog , produces a dog
Likewise, the innumerable energy seeds launched in the universe by Desire, Aversion, Love, Hatred;
all these seeds tend to reproduce the counterparts of their parents , either psychic or material."
Alexandra David-Neel and Lama Yongden. in "The Secret Oral Teaching In Tibetan Buddhist Sects".

10." In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away."
Shing Xiong.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Surfers Catches Of The Day.

Here is a list of mistakes made on menus from around the world.In every case they must have been written by someone whose knowledge of English was... well, you'll see.

Nausea Sause Pork.

Tasteless Coffee.

Smell Of Urine Mixed With Dried.

Half-grilled Chicken And Herpes.

Stir-fried Wikipedia.

Crap Egg With Bamboo Flavour.

Wild Speculation.

Saliva Of A Chicken Product.

Chocolate Puke.
From The Daily Mail dated 26 12. 2012. They have pictures of the actual menus in the newspaper, to prove, I suppose, that they didn't make the dishes names up.I think that Chocolate  Puke is the best one.

2." Traffic Wardens given tape measures to fine motorists 70 pounds for parking more than 19 inches from the kerb."
The Daily Mail .26.12.2012.
No doubt the next law will be that cars have to park precisely 1 inch away from the kerb, and anyone who doesn't do this will be fined 100 pounds.

3." Toy footballs have to be stamped with a warning that they are a choking hazard for the under threes, despite balls being bigger than an adults head. This is a new E.U. regulation."
The Daily Mail dated 26.12 2012.
That's the sort of joke you might have heard in a comedy show 10 years ago.What sort of person thinks up a law like this one ? Are they laughing in our faces ?

4." A 45 year old man discovered a super-rare perfectly round egg in a box of eggs he had got from a supermarket in London.The egg cost him 21 pence. He sold it on e-bay for 91 pounds."
The Daily Mail.
I guess the yolks on the person who paid 91 pounds for the egg.

5." A survey of 2000 parents conducted by Westfield London and Westfield Stratford City revealed what  children aged 3 to 12 in the U.K. wanted for Christmas.Here is the top ten wants.

1.Baby brother or sister.

2. Reindeer.




6. Chocolate




!0. Dad.

From the Daily Mail dated 26.12.2012.
Item number 9 must have cheered parents up. No more expensive high tech-toys;.
.We can now give them free rocks and lots of them.
Item number 10 though is rather sad.

6." The Queen Of England owns land valued at over 17 trillion pounds; that is in figures-
17,600,000,000,000 pounds.She owns 6600 million acres ( perhaps that should be 6,66acres ); this is one sixth of the Earth's non-ocean surface. This would make her the richest person in the world."
Chris Spivey's Site
I suspect that the Rothschild family are richer.

7.A ban on hunting with dogs was made law under the Labour government in 2005. And yet today, Boxing Day, an estimated 300 Boxing Day hunts gather up and down the country in the U.K. for the busiest day of the season ...
It has been said that enforcing the restriction wastes police time and it is suggested that some officers turn a blind eye to breaches of the law."
The Guardian dated 26.12.2012.

Fox  Hunting is a cruel sport that is very popular with the seriously rich. Killing all types of animals and birds is something that the Elite love to do.If they don't like the law they simply refuse to obey it.The police who are their guard dogs, don't want to bite the hand that feeds them,so don't do their duty.
We, of course, blindly obey any law ( such as the No Smoking one ) no matter how stupid it is,which shows how stupid we are.

8." Prince Harry Celebrates Christmas With British Troops In Afghanistan ."
The Daily Telegraph..
Highly suspicious. What a grand opportunity for photos of the brave Prince doing his duty in a far flung distant land, just like thousands of others who forsake their loved ones for' Queen and country'.
And what a strange article follows this headline.In the article of about 500 words Prince Harry is mentioned once.They say that the Prince has marked Christmas just like any other troop, and that is all they say about him. The rest of the article makes no mention of the Prince at all.

In a string of articles in the Royalty, sucking and sniffing Daily Mail in the last month we were told over and over again that Prince Harry was going to serve Christmas Dinner to the troops. What a great photo and video opportunity this would have been. splashed over all the papers.

How odd then, that there is not one photo in any main stream media showing Harry in Afghanistan. They might , of course, be shown later in the week, but if they are not, and anyone dares ask why there are no pics of the Prince, I know exactly what the Palace will say. They will mutter two words," Security reasons.", which is bunkum.

You know I suspect that he is nowhere near Afghanistan this Christmas. Maybe he's in Las Vegas again going in the nude.

9." Soccer star David Beckham is blowing 250,000 pounds taking his family on a Christmas break to paradise. He and his wife and their four kids will spend 11 nights at the luxury one and only Reethi Rah resort in the Malvides.
The Beckham's suit costs 8,600 pounds a night or 6 pounds a minute.+ 3 more each costing 3,700 a night, taking the room bill alone to 217,000 pounds.
Dinner in this swish establishment will cost at least 150 pounds each per night.
The Daily Mirror. 26.12.2012.

Amazing that you can have so much money by just kicking a ball around a field.

10." Middle class couples who need residential care in old age, in the U.K could be hit with bills as high as 150,000 pounds.
In addition they will have to meet accommodation costs- bed and board.This could tip the total up to 200,000 pounds."
The Daily Telegraph. 26.12.2012.

The Elite want people to sell their homes, so they can't leave them for their children.The plan is to take everything they can from us and house us in government units like detention centres. Yes, I know it sounds far out, and I didn't believe it when I first heard it, but the way things are unfolding now, I very much fear that this is their true plan.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Controlling The Group Mind.

We are all controlled by fear.

Edward Bernay, the father of modern propaganda is the'guru'of the Elite. They have followed and used his methods to keep us'sheep' so obedient to the shepherd and his taser-happy sheepdogs

.This is a quote from him

" If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control the masses according to our will, without their knowing it.

We are governed, our minds are moulded, our tastes formed , our ideas suggested by ways we have never heard of..

In almost every act in our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or in our ethical thinking, we are dominated by a relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses

It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.".

But not for much longer, as the days of the Elite are drawing to a close, and their silly, childish, petty ways will soon be laughed at by all of mankind.

The Elite are dinosaurs who have no place in the World today.

It is ludicrous, in the 21st century for people to declare themselves 'Royalty'. Come to think of it, it's ludicrous for anyone  to claim that they have the right to rob the people, and live like kings and Queens in any century.

And it is terribly sad that wars are still going on in our time.When man was young and foolish and immature such folly took place. But now ?

The only ones who make sure that wars continue are the evil Elite.These beings are still acting like they have for thousands of years. They suffer from arrested development.

They are monsters of old, dinosaurs from a different age

It won't be a material rock that destroys them It will be the invisible rock of love in our hearts that is now waking up.

The love that rocks the cradle will soon rock the world, and roll the evil Elite off it..They will then return to the lower dimension where they belong..Christians call it 'hell'.

They do not belong here, but we do.

The awakening is starting.Make sure that you hear the alarm bell ringing all over the World.

It is high time we wake up and stop this . Let's create the sort of World WE want, not what the sickos want.

Let's banish fear forever.

The Real Yule.

Christmas Santa GirlThe holly and the ivy were put up as decorations outside and inside also.

This was done so that nature sprites would come and join in the celebrations.

2. A sprig of holly was kept near the door all through the year.

holly with berries clipartThis was meant to mean good fortune for the people who lived in the place.

3. Mistletoe was symbolic of the seed of the divine..

Mistletoe twig with a red ribbon - 16369194.The Yule log would burn for the 12 days of Christmas.They knew how to party in those days.

Ash logs were used as ash is the sacred  World Tree of the Teutons, and is meant to be 'from the sun'.

The Yule log symbolizes the birth of the Sun, on the longest night of the year.

Mr. Sun I by { pranav }

Happy Yuletide ; Happy Christmas; Happy mid-winter.
Info' taken from Yule by Akasha; the Winter Solstice Yule Lore Site.with thanks.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Money Game.

Hand Exchange Dollar And Euro SignThe money system we live in is not what we are told it is.It is rammed down our throats that this is the only way the World can operate.The whole set-up is a sham, designed to keep the rich, rich and keep the poor, poor.

To make sure this continues, the rich have to make sure that a lot of people are poor.Because of this , the middle classes have been targeted to take away their money and property, and they have created a new poor.

The plan is to have a small number of super- rich at the top, and for the rest of humanity( which , by then, will be greatly reduced ) to live in survival mood and be slaves for the elite.

Until people worldwide wake up to what is happening, the powers that be will get away with their lying to the public about everything.We are playing in a game that is fixed for us to lose.It's time to stop playing their twisted game and to start playing a game that we enjoy.We have got to see through the complexities that are presented to us, as distractions , so we don't start questioning  if what is happening is just and good.

Life is really very simple, but the Elite don't want us to know this, so they make sure that we are confused, by making life every area of our lives.

It is amazing what myths we have accepted and played along with.

Take buying a house. It is, if you stop to think about it, insanity to buy a house that , with a mortgage, will cost you two and a half times or even three times the price of the house you want.

Yet we all went along with this one.

What about credit cards ? When interest rates are 18 or 19 % or more we still play the game.

Who is getting the better deal? The banks are ripping you off. We are an easy target,and I'm not surprised , after seeing leaked e mails from finance houses, that the workers at these places privately refer to us as suckers or fools.

We all accept that our taxes are used to pay for the running of the country; this has been taught since we were children. What if this was not true ?

Here is Mike Adam's from Natural News.Com.

" You have been taught delusional financial mythologies such as the idea that the U.S government needs to collect taxes to fund itself.
In reality, the Fed can create all the money it needs instantly, just like it does to bail out banks.

You are taxed not to raise revenue but to be oppressed and controlled.".
Dollar Over The World Money is one of the elite's powerful tools.The present waves of austerity sweeping the planet were all planned out long ago, and we are the puppets simply being used for whatever purpose our rulers desire.

If we took no interest in money the game would be over.Is this, I wonder what is going to happen? Is the human consciousness going to change and create a fair and just system very soon ? The signs are there, not reported in the main stream media, that we, the people are changing our values.More and more people are crying out for a fair and just society.

At the moment though the elite use money as a weapon,but we also have a weapon, and ours is not to engage in combat with the enemy.In other words not to play the money game.

How to be in the system, and not perplexed by it ?
How to not play the money game, when you have to pay bills ?

Jesus said,' Be in the World, but not of it'.

And that is how we  achieve it; from inside.We know we are in the World, but we know it's illusion, so we don't let ourselves get tangled up in  this fevered dream We observe  our emotions and thoughts but do not get attached to them; they should be looked at as nothing more than clouds in the sky. You then realize that most of your thoughts are a waste of time, but you keep having them. You go to a higher level of consciousness and are more aware in every way.

And then  you don't worry about the money game.

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Mayan's Lizard House.

Bearded DragonAs 21.12.2012 was all about the end of a Mayan calculated cycle, and so much has been written about this and Mayan Mythology, I was intrigued when I stumbled on the following.

This was found on Wikipedia.

In Yucatec Maya Mythology Itzamna was the name of an 'upper God' and creator thought to reside in the sky.

I.Eric Thompson translated the term 'Itzamna' as 'Lizard House'Others though, later disagreed with this translation.In other words, the implications are that this God was not only a Lizard, but he resided in a place called'Lizard House.' in the sky.

Food for thought for David Icke's many followers.

More Suicides Than Combat Deaths.

In 2009 ,160 soldiers committed suicide in the American Military.

In 2011, 165 soldiers committed suicide in the American Military.

In 2012, up to the end of November this year , 303 soldiers committed suicide in
the American Military

The number of soldiers killed in combat  so far this year is 212.

So, the number of suicides outnumber the number of combat deaths.this year.

There is something terribly wrong with this.

A human is not meant to kill another human A man is not meant to kill other
members of his species. Man is not meant to starve and torture his own kind,
or any ones kind.

All humans are born with love in their hearts.By fighting in a war he is going away from what
he really is, and the spirit within will turn strange and twisted and confused.

As Einstein said that to stop wars, no one should turn up to fight.

Until that blessed day comes, though wars will continue to rage and to shame us as a people.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Evil Porton Down.

SkullPorton Down is a United Kingdom Ministry Of Defense Establishment that must be haunted by ghosts who wail and scream. Ever since the First World War it has been testing chemical weapons on innocent subjects , who had no idea that they were used to see how they would react if they were given chemical poisons.

The innocent subjects were even told that all they would be subjected to was a dose of the common cold.Some died, and a number were left sick for life.

It now seems, after a fuss about this emerged a few years ago, that they are using animals. I suppose it helps that animals can't talk or sue.

In today's Daily Mail dated 20.12.2012. it is reported that the number of animals being used for military experiments has increased by more than 1,000 in the last three years.It goes on to say that almost 10,000 pigs, rabbits, monkeys and rodents were used in top secret tests at the research base in Wiltshire last year.

The British Union for the Abolition Of Vivisection highlighted ' disturbing and cruel experiments', which include live pigs being blasted with explosives and forced to inhale mustard gas; monkeys being infected with anthrax and guinea pigs being killed with nerve agent.

Here are the number of  procedures ( how Orwellian can you get ) carried out over the last three years..
8,452 in 2009.
9,582 in 2010.
9882 in 2011.

The Daily Mail continues, 'Most of these fall into the 'substantial severity' category which may cause  significant or prolonged animal suffering.

Six of the projects are funded directly by U.S. Defence Agencies.

Lib.Dem. M.P. Mike Hancock who managed to obtain this information from the junior Defence Minister, said that he was shocked by these figures.

I am shocked and horrified but not amazed,. This is ' business as usual' for these worshipers of evil.

The details were not included in the annual statistics published by the Home Office.

Why the hell not ?

Because they knew that normal people, not twisted, cruel , in- bred lunatics, would cause an outcry .

It gets worse. Procedures are classified according to the severity or harm they inflict.Of the 21 active projects at Porton Down four are unclassified. I dread to start to imagine what these might involve. They are obviously so vile that the public must never know about them.Unclassified must mean that they can do what ever they like to theses poor, poor creatures.Perhaps they torture the animals for weeks.

Three are 'mild'.Six are moderate and eight are categorized as' substantial'.In other words cause a tremendous amount of suffering. A 'moderate' procedure may cause animals 'a noticeable degree of pain, suffering distress or lasting harm,' according to a Home Office definition.

'Substantial severity may cause a major departure from the animals usual state of health or well- being with significant or prolonged animal suffering.'

I wonder how the people who work at this awful place sleep at night; what brain dead sort of people are they ?

Not content with killing countless innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Libya, this evil scum who are really just a crowd of freaks, decide in their perverted wisdom to inflict awful suffering on poor, dumb creatures.

This is not the sort of world we want. Day by day, more revelations are coming out, showing us how very mental the ones at the top are.

Their days are numbered.
A new age is coming.
Slowly, but surely, the madness of these people will fade and a beautiful new age will emerge.
An age without cruelty, injustice, starvation or war.
Maybe 21.12.2012 is the first day of that new age.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Quotes For Our Time.

smiley face simple red" We will know when our disinformation programme is complete when everything the American public  believes is false."
William Casey Ex- C.I.A Director.

2." It's the money-changers; they're sick, they're psychopaths, they're addicts; they are money junkies..They can't get enough money. They don't care who dies, who lives, as long as they can get their fix just like any other junkie."
Gerald Celente.

3." The individual is handicapped in coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it."
J. Edgar Hoover. Ex F.B.I. Director.

4." If we go to war with Iran it's the beginning of the 3rd World War. "
Gerald Celente.

5." When you no longer believe everything you think, you become aware and realize that the thinker is not who you are."
Ekhart Tolle.

6. "Everything they have done, whether it's in the military, whether it's in finance, whether it's in education, they fail.It's a freak show.You have a bunch of freaks who are psychopaths, and they give themselves names
such as President, Prime Minister, Chancellor, Secretary Of State. You know who these people are ? The same people you hated at high school."
Gerald Celente.

7." Everytime something bad happens, people cry out for safety, and the government answers by taking rights away from good people."
Pen Jillette.

8. " They'll take your time and your life. They send you to war for fake reasons; they rob your money and give it to their friends in broad daylight. "
Gerald Celente.

O.K there are a lot of Gerald Celente quotes here and for good reason. This guy predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall; he predicted 9.11; he predicted the great depression we are now in. He claims no supernatural power, but simply watches events and comes to conclusions. on what will happen next.Here are two great quotes from Celente, after he was asked what we, as individuals should do in these troubled times.

9." Find your passion and live it. Find the greatness within yourself.It will never change until the individual changes; until they find the strength within themselves to become physically and morally strong. Build the inner unit and everything around you will begin to change."
Gerald Celente.

10." The system has to come down and a new one has to be built. That's what a revolution is. It's not guns, it's not ' When Johnny Come Marching Home Again '.It's a whole different thing. Let's have a revolution of the mind and the heart.Grab from the past that was great and bring it into the future.".
Gerald Celeste.

Right on !

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

You Are That You Are.

Communication Icons" If I wanted to shake this tree with my hands I should be unable to bend it.But the wind,which we cannot see, torments it and bends it where it wishes. It is invisible hands that torment and bend us the worst."

Thus spoke Zarathustra in Nietzsche's classic of the same title.

How true a statement that is.It is the invisible forces that control the universe and are working behind the scenes that push and pull us this way or that way.

It is the invisible force of gravity that keeps us from flying off the earth into space.It is the invisible air that keeps us alive. It is the invisible wind that makes the sailing boat move.Yet we tend to view that which is visible as being,'real' and what which we cannot see as being unreal.

Speech BubblesFrom the unseen comes the seen.
From the formless comes the form. From the silence comes the sound. From the silence between the notes comes the music.

The formless is the 'real'; the formed is unreal. Reality is that which has no form, no vibration and no movement.'Reality' has no location because there are no locations, no places, no width, no depth, no up, no down, no space and no time.

And it is this'reality' that allows our 'reality' of form, sound and touch, place and space and time to be in'existence.' It is the hidden structure of the building that we are in.

It is that which is us.We are that invisible force.That is who and what we are.
Hard to grasp isn't it ?
UniverseWe are so immersed in the sea of illusion; so captivated by its hypnotic dance of movement that we cannot see it.We are like the fallen angel who fell from Heaven and is trapped in this world of illusion.So long has been our entrapment that we believe this to be real.Our memories of Heaven are only touched on in fleeting, magical  moments and dismissed as soon as the illusion kicks in again, as it always does.

We take it all so seriously, when our true nature knows this is no more than a fevered dream and really wants to enjoy this wonderful ride in this truly amazing show, created by us, of lights, colours, forms and sounds.

So why don't we do this ?

Simply because we have forgotten that we are asleep and that this is only a dream.

Winter BackgroundIf you realize this wonderful truth as you can in lucid dreaming ( when you suddenly know that you are dreaming and can take control of the dream content and start to really enjoy it ) then your life can take you to heights you had never imagined.

In your dreams , when you sleep at night, when do you remember that you got into bed a while ago and you are really lying down with your eyes closed creating all these strange events taking place around you ?
You don't do you ?

In our eyes wide open dream we accept the dream we are all living  as being' the real thing'. We are truly asleep day and night.

Ekhart Tolle claims that all over the world people are waking up. Others claim that when we reach 21.12.2012 more and more people will start to wake up.

Be FreeLet's hope so, because then and only then will we live in the world we want to live in. At present we are living  out a lie.A lie that believes that we are all separate beings, when the truth is that everything is one.

We think we are a little drop of water ( our ego ) , but we are not as we are part of the great sea of illusion.We are one, not only with other humans and life forms, but with the earth, the sky, the sun, the sea and everything there is.Once this belief sinks in and enough people wake up, we really will know and feel that we are not our ego, not our bodies and not our minds. It is then the world will start a new calendar.

Then you will say," I am That I Am.", and the sea of illusion will be no more,as you have returned to the shore you never left.

Valentines Day Background

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Surfers Catches Of The Day.

" There are 1,500 newspapers,
!,100 magazines,9000 radio stations,2,400 publishers owned by only 3 corporations."
David Icke Site.

So now we know why they are all saying the same rubbish, and telling the same lies.

2." Most of the school shooters in America were on anti- depressants."
   "30 million Americans are today taking anti-depressants."
Fox News.
                  This is from a mainstream media outlet and , for once, appears to be reporting the truth.Big Pharma will, of course claim that there is no possible link with shooting and their poisons. People do not matter to them as the only thing they care about is profit.

3." Your body, because it is made up of atoms, is roughly, 99.99999% empty space."
Article by Paol Chang.found on Waking Times site.

It is all illusion, and we are in a fevered dream with our eyes wide-open

4. "The Universe is overwhelmingly made up of things that cannot be seen.In fact the stars, planets and galaxies that can be detected make up only 4% of the Universe.The other 96% is made up of substances that cannot be seen or easily comprehended."
Denize Chow. site.

5.". A man with a knife has wounded 22 children- at least 2 of them seriously- and an adult at a primary school in China.The attack happened as pupils were arriving for class..".
B.B.C. 14.12.2012.
This happened on the same day as the shooting in America; it took place about an hour before the American tragedy. Now that is weird........

6."If you reach a crossroads where you can go right or left, the present universe gives rise to two daughter universes; one in which you go right, and one in which you go left.And in each universe there's a copy of you
witnessing one or the other outcome- thinking incorrectly that your reality is the only reality."
Brian Green,"The Hidden Reality."

7. "Al Gore is a descendant of Edward 1, Roman Emperors Louis 1,11 and Charles 11 and is a direct descendant of Charlemagne which makes him a distant cousin of Richard Nixon and George W. Bush "
Michael Tsarion, "Where History Ends DVD ".

8." Scientists wonder whether maths is simply a useful tool for describing the universe, or whether maths itself is the fundamental reality, and our observations of the universe are just imperfection perceptions of its true mathematical nature. If the latter is the case, then perhaps the particular mathematical structure that makes up our universe isn't the only option and , in fact, all possible mathematical situations exist as their own separate
Yahoo News. 14 12 2012.

9. " A Chinese spacecraft has carried out a deep space fly-by on an asteroid four and a half million miles away from the Earth.It happened on December 13. 2012. The asteroid is 2.7 miles long and 1.5 miles wide.The asteroid that is thought to have destroyed the dinosaurs was about 6 miles wide.
Astronomers say it is considered a potentially hazardous asteroid, because it makes repeated passes by Earth every 4 years."
The Daily Mail 16.12.2012.

Nasa recently released a video called,"Why the world didn't end yesterday ".This was going to come out on 22 12 2012 ( the day after the dreaded- or longed for- 21.12.2012 ),but they decided to release it early.
I have watched the video, and they go out of their way to assure us that we are as safe as houses ( which aren't that safe anymore thanks to sudden eruptions of extreme weather ).This asteroid though surely throws some space debris on their claims.

10." 43 U.S. Presidents have carried European Royal bloodlines.34 have been genetic descendants from just one person, Charlemagne, the brutal eight century King of the Franks. 19 of them directly descended from King Edward 111 of England..The President with the most Royal genes has won every American election."
Ancestry co.U.K.Article dated 7.5.2008.
If you check out Charlemagne in Wikipedia, you'll see that he spent most of his time starting wars.
According to he once beheaded 4000 saxons in one day.

We have always been ruled by the bloodthirsty elite who like to keep it in the family.
As David Icke put it; "American Presidents are not elected by ballot, but by blood ."

Friday, December 14, 2012

International Money Fraud.Tree.

" I have more sympathy for the children in Africa than I do for the Greeks."

Who said those honeyed words ? It was none other than the Queen of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, or , as it should be called to meet the requirements of the Trade Description Act , the International Money Fraud Tree.

Actually,Ms. C. Lagarde we know from  your esteemed organizations actions in both these countries, that you don't have any sympathy for any poor African children or for any poor Greeks.

The I.M.F. on its website must be having a joke with its readers. This is what it proudly proclaims :

" The I.M.F. is an organization of 188 countries working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and reduce poverty around the world."

Now is that funny or is that sad, when you know that the exact (and I mean exactly exact) opposite is true?

According to all the available evidence to date it does the following:

"Destroy monetary cooperation,encourage financial instability,hinder international trade, promote high unemployment and increase poverty around the world."

This is what this truly awful organization has done and is still doing, and I am not exaggerating.

Just look at two of its victims; Argentina and Greece.There are countless more.

By its fruits you shall know the tree.No luscious looking apples on the I.M.F's tree; rotten and maggot filled fruit falls from its twisted branches on to any country unfortunate and foolish enough to reach out to it.

It is an evil organization, quite simply, because it causes and has caused immense and intense suffering worldwide.Poverty, suicides, disease and death stalk the lands where this grim reaper has brandished its scythe.

Any country that gets into bed with this shameless,whore of Babylon gets very sick, very quickly and finds its whole body covered in festering, stinking sores.In the places ( thanks Leonard Cohen) where it used to play it now aches .

Here is just one example of what this ,oh, so respected organization has caused.

According to Wikipedia in 2009 a study from Cambridge University And Yale concluded that strict conditions on the international loans by the I.M.F. resulted in thousands of deaths in Eastern Europe from T.B.( Tuberculosis) as public health care had to be weakened.

In the 21 countries in which the I.M.F. has given loans T.B. deaths rose by 16%. Wikipedia states that the economic advice the I.M.F. gives might not always take into consideration the differences between what spending means on paper and how it is felt by citizens. Talk about an understatement.The first part of this should read: "The economic advice the I.M.F gives never takes into consideration.." or put another way doesn't give a dam about the people.

The truth is they don't care how much their policies hurt ordinary people, as such a consideration would not enter their left brain, reptile like, closed minds.Numbers are like God to them; people are irrelevant ; they could be machines as far as they are concerned.

Its policies are not for the good of the people, but only exist to line their own huge pockets and those of their crooked friends, the bankers.It is us who fund their lavish and greedy lifestyles.

As Greece bites into the rotten, maggot filled, mouldy, squashed , virus and bacteria filled fruit from this International Money Fraud Tree, I bet Killinger, I mean Kissinger is rubbing his hands with glee and roaring with laughter.If you scroll down to the bottom of this page you will see a picture of this war criminal picking his nose and next to this is an article I wrote which will explain what I mean.

While people are ripping their hair out and slamming their hands onto empty tables and looking for candles, spare a thought for the boss of the International Money Fraud Tree. Here is something for those to ponder on as they see their sick grandparents who can't afford to buy much needed medicine,  as they stare in disbelief at the latest electricity bill  they can't pay; who look into the frightened, confused eyes of their children, loved ones and friends..

This is what Christine Lagarde, the Queen of I.M.F. earns, or rather, what she did earn last year, because it has gone up since then. I got this information from the official I.M.F. site.

467,940 dollars tax free per year


83,760 dollars tax free per year.You probably wonder why  this 2nd bit of extra  of cash is needed. This is, according to the I,M.F site , to enable her to maintain a scale of living appropriate to her position as a managing director.So, what is the first figure of  almost 468000 dollars for ? Toilet paper ? Cosmetics ? Deodorant ?

But this is not all she gets.

She is reimbursed for reasonable expenses actually incurred for entertainment directly related to the business of the fund.Also, all travel and hotel expenses incurred in the interests of the fraudsters she gets back..Any spouse or partner who fancies joining her has all his or her expenses paid as well.. She is
 told that she has to travel first class when conducting business.

Nice work if you can get it, providing you don't mind having blood on your hands,and a lot of it.

 As an aside, her terms of contract state that she should strive to avoid even the appearance of impropriety  in her conduct. Obviously this clause was faithfully adhered to by her predecessor, Strauss-Khan, as could be seen by his alleged behaviour with that maid in a hotel.

In Euros this lady earns more than 420,914 a year.How much does the average Greek earn ?

I wonder what her Christmas will be like ?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Quotes For Our Time.

smiley face simple red" Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school."
                                        Albert Einstein.

2." Civil disobedience; that's not our problem. Our problem is that people are obedient all over the World in the face of poverty and starvation, and stupidity and war;Our problem is that people are obedient. While the jails are full of petty thieves, and all the while the grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem".
Howard Zinn

3".Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made; through disobedience and rebellion ."
Oscar Wilde.

4." Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.".
Henry David Thoreau.

5." Kill a man and you are an assassin. Kill a million of men and you are a conqueror.Kill everyone and you are a ' God'.
Jean Rostand.

6." Insanity in individuals is  something rare; but in groups, parties. nations, and epochs it is the rule".

7. " Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth."
Lucy Parsons.

8." Men who believe absurdities will commit atrocities."

9." Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."
Denis Dideiot.

10." Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear; kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor, with the cry of grave national emergency.Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power, that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly really believe it."
General Douglas Macarthur.

Turn Off That Hypnotist.

Be Brainwashed And Pay For It.

This Picture Says It All.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Santa Klaus Is Coming To Town.

I watched Obama with his family and others sing,' Santa Claus Is Coming To Town.' the other day.I wonder how well this went down with the millions who have lost their homes this year, and the millions who will struggle to eat and keep warm this Christmas in America.

It looks like a public relations stunt that was not in the best possible taste,or was this performance only for the ones who still can afford to eat and keep their families warm ? At best , it shows an amazing lack of sensitivity for a huge number of people who cannot afford to have anything like a decent Christmas time.

Even worse, does it show that the American government just does not care about these people ?

Or, is it, in your face; us elite are having good old Santa bring us everything and more that we want .

I find it disturbing. America though is not alone. Worldwide people are facing a cold,austerity packed winter. This austerity has spread , like a plague across the World, with poor old Greece bearing the brunt of it.

This is my take on it. With humble apologies to John Frederick Coots and Haven Gillespie who wrote the song and had , according to Wikipedia, an instant hit on their hands.

It was first sung on Eddie Cantor's radio show in November 1934. It became a smash, with orders of 100,000 copies of sheet music the next day and more than 400,000 copies sold  by Christmas.

Santa Klaus Is Comin' To Town.

A. 1. You better watch out
         You better not cry
         You better not pout
          I'm telling you why.
          Santa Klaus Is Coming To Town.

A. 2.  He's making a list
          Checkin' you out
           How much he takes
           So you go without.
           Santa Klaus Is Comin' To Town.

B. 3.    He sees you when you're sleeping
            He hates you to do that
            But he's happy when he's keeping
            Your heart going rat a tat tat.

A 4.      Turn off your fire
             Put on your coat
             Remember the liars
             And don't ever vote
             Santa Klaus Is Comin' To Town.

B. 5.      With little twin horns
              And reindeer sleigh
               Instead of giving
               He's taking away
               Santa Klaus Is Comin' To Town.

A.6          He robs you in the morning
                He robs you in the night
                He robs you till you're torn up
                Inside and full of fright.

A. 7          You better watch out
                 You better not cry
                 You better not pout
                  I'm telling you why.
                  Santa Klaus Is Comin' To Town.



Saturday, December 8, 2012

Sun Through Thought Clouds..

I read a report in, I think, the Scientific America, the other day, that claimed it was impossible for humans to stop thinking.The writer based this belief on the fact that in our collective past, when we lived in the wild, we had to think all the time to ensure our survival

Our thoughts would, he said, have been on a sort of red alert all the time, as we would have lived in fear of an attack by a wild animal. almost all the time.

Well, quite frankly, I do not think this is true. Why ? Because, as Ekhart Tolle has pointed out, animals don't think. They have an awareness that is beyond thought that serves them very well. and helps them survive So do we, but we are unaware of this awareness.

This awareness is vastly superior to thought, and it is our true sense of being.Through conditioning we have elevated thought and squashed our true nature.It is our misguided belief in thinking,our addiction to it, that has cut us off from our source.Thinking has its place and can be extremely useful, but we think 24.7 non-stop.

I was surprised and pleased that the article I wrote about in paragraph one received a lot of comments that all , more or less, wanted to know why no reference to meditation or Zen was mentioned.It was pointed out that it is possible to be in a state of' ' no thought' .

I can prove my argument that we don't think when faced with extreme danger by my own rather unpleasant experience.

Many years ago someone on a motorbike tried to rob me. It was a hot summers day and I was walking slowly back to my home midday; I was about five minutes away from it,and looking forward to relaxing for a while, after a busy morning.They say that statistically, you are more likely to be robbed, attacked, have an accident, or even be murdered near your home, than  anywhere else. I think I can see why, as the closer you get to your own place , the more your guard is down; you are in familiar surroundings and your memory doesn't view the area as ,in any way, dangerous.

The bike drove slowly by me. I didn't really give it much attention, but was vaguely aware of a burly young man riding a large motorbike.I was walking by a house, and the bike made to slow down and , I thought that the rider probably lived in the house.Then it happened.

His right hand, at lightning speed grabbed the briefcase that I was carrying.My reaction was immediate with no time for thought, as I simply jerked the case back away from him with all my might.It was an automatic response. At the same time, again without thinking  I shouted that there was no way that he was going to have my bag.I also let rip a string of swear words which surprised me as I had no idea where they came from.

He drove quickly away, and I thought ( only then  I did think) that that was that.

How wrong I was. My not letting him get his prize together with my choice use of obscenities  must have infuriated him.Suddenly I was aware of this guy yelling at me at top of his voice ,"I'm gonna  kill you ".

I stared in horror as he drove his motorbike full throttle, towards me, as he kept repeating ," I'm gonna kill you, kill you "

I didn't think at all; thought was totally redundant in this situation. I felt my heart racing, my face flushing and my legs felt recharged with energy.I was experiencing the fight or flight response.Looking back,I realize that I actually felt very primal; I felt how I imagine a wild animal feels.

In the twinkling of eye I turned way from my would be murderer and started running as if my legs had wings. I swear that I have never run like I did that day. I had no idea that it was possible to run so fast.I was running up the road with the motor bike unable to catch me ! He kept shouting at me, but my trusty legs only increased their amazing speed.There was no escape though as all the houses had locked gates and high fences. There was no one on the street either; it was completely deserted.I didn't feel fear; I was fear running.It was truly the stuff of nightmares.

I reached the top of the street and charged down another deserted one with the biker in hot pursuit.Still no escape. I didn't even think ,how long can I keep this up, but just kept running like a champion.Then, thank God, I saw a driveway without any locked gates; the drive was by a large house with a huge garden.My legs took me in there as if they had the hounds of hell behind them ,and perhaps they did.

I stormed up to a window, as I couldn't see where the hell a front door was, and thumped on it and shouted," Help,".Looking through the window I saw an old lady who was staring at me in terror. I turned around and saw that the bike was hovering outside the gate.. I still had no thought, but I knew that the scared old lady would, no way, open the door for me as she saw me as a madman.

In the split of a second my feet were taking me at full speed to the back of the garden where a host of trees would offer me a hiding place. When I got there I stood stock still, like a wild animal, with my ears suddenly having supernatural hearing, listening for the sound of the bike or the sound of its rider creeping up the garden.I heard things one never normally hears and was astonished at the sounds all around us that we usually block out.

There was a faint sound of a bike roaring away. Then I collapsed on the ground and gasped and gasped and gasped. My legs now felt like jelly and my whole body shook. I stayed there for about half an hour, and then  walked home.I somehow knew that he had gone.

I remember the large brandy I had when I got home felt like balm to my soul.

My attacker was , in my defense of running away, a hell of a lot younger than me and a  very big guy, otherwise I would have  tried to fight him off. I was no stranger to fighting, after having fought in the boxing ring every week from the age of 11 until 16 I also knew that I had never lost  one fight ( here's my ego showing off), so it held no fear for me, but I hated it and always thought it so primitive.

I didn't think, shall I fight him? My awareness knew that this was not a good idea, as the guy was about thirty years younger than me, and I hadn't fought anyone since I was 16.My awareness knew that the best thing to do was to go like the wind, and that is what I did.

When this happened I was a very different person to the one I am today. Nowadays, if that happened, I'd like to think  that I would say, "Take the briefcase " Then again, maybe I wouldn't; who knows what awareness without thought would do. I'm sure he would have been delighted to read 40 compositions written by 18 year old Greeks on ,'Threats To Our Environment' and The Oxford Phrasal Verb Companion together with  The Gerunds and Infinitives exercise book. Looking back I wonder why I was so determined to keep my briefcase, but , at the time, it just seemed so wrong for this stranger to try and take anything from me.

When in danger our true self comes to the rescue and tells us what to do.The awareness is there all the time, and is trying to tell us how to live our lives in the best possible way, but, the sad part is, we are not paying it any attention so immersed are we in our thoughts.We are drowning out our true awareness.

If only we could stop our addiction, our reliance on, our clinging to our thoughts and let the awareness, like the sun, shine through  our thought clouds, we would live our lives in harmony and in tune with the cosmos.

The only way to stop thinking is to live only in the now, and give all your attention to the present moment,with no thought at all of the past and no thought of the future.
The irony is to stop thinking, you do need to think just one thought, and that thought is 'I must live in the now'.

" Pay no attention to your thoughts.Don't fight them.Just do nothing about them, whatever they are.Your very fighting them gives them life. Just disregard. Look through.You need to stop thinking.Just cease being interested. Stop your routine of acquisitiveness,your habit of looking for results, and the freedom of the universe is yours."

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Kate's Baby And The Cake.

Oh dear,it's even worse than I thought.The following items of news were on the internet edition of The Daily Mail, yesterday, Tuesday 5.12.2012. For those who have been hiding underground in fear of impending doom, such as Nibiru crashing into the planet, who have popped up for a bit of air,a Prince and a Princess in a well scripted fairy tale, have announced to the World that the Princess is expecting a baby.

The newspapers have gone into a tailspin. It seems to have really made the Daily Mail's day, with the editor telling everyone to look at this from every possible angle, and every impossible angle.Just read the following which filled up more than half of the front page.Kate - that's the Princess, but they always call her Kate as that makes her more like one of us- is in hospital with severe morning sickness because of the pregnancy.

" A smile that says Kate is feeling better..William (that's the Prince) leaves hospital after 6 hours at bedside but R.A.F. duties may keep him away for months."

That is the headline.Under this though are a host of stories all relating, in one way or another to this bombshell news which is obviously how the D.M views this.The next item looks ahead.

"Queen Of The Yummy Mummies And Her Tiny Trendsetter." Well I guess the writer of this was proud of this headline. He or she goes on to say : " Kate's choice of prams, toys and name will set global trends."
Goodness me, the D.M is almost getting intellectual with the global trends bit.They quickly get back to the basics with the next riveting piece.

" My Tips For Kate: foot rub, mash,( potatoes, I suppose ) but keep of the Cranberries."

This is followed by an oh so serious piece with the headline : "So How Will They Decide On The Heir If She Does Have Twins? "
The possibility of her having twins is, by the way, pretty remote, but any angle must be looked at.

They then moved on to the Prince's ego in this fairy tale, with the headline:" How Will William Cope Now Kate's Got A New Number 1 ?"

Then it's time for a quick kick at that old fuddy duddy, Charles: " Why Charles Should Stand Aside "
is the next gripping piece.

The Daily Mail then assures us not to worry about the Princess because she is in very capable hands, with the headline:" The Royal Doctor's At Her Bedside".

Then the final one, to make sure people relate to this wonderful fairy tale:" Where Will The Young Cambridge Family Live ?".
In the eyes of the Daily Mail, the fact that a woman got pregnant is far more important than anything else that is going on in the World.

Who cares that the Heriot-Watt University  has just released a report that says young people and families with children are increasingly facing homelessness, and that a rising number of people are finding themselves without a roof over their heads.

The report goes on to say:"Deepening benefit cuts are likely to have a much more dramatic impact on homelessness."

The national rough sleep numbers (in the U.K) rose 23% in the year to Autumn 2011, from 1,768 to 2,181.
The number of families who asked for assistance from authorities, because they were about to lose their homes rose from 40,020 in 2009/10 to 50,000 in 2011/12.From The Guardian.

Daily Mail readers don't want this. It's far more important for us to know where the handsome Prince and the beautiful Princess will live.

Another bit of news that probably had a huge impact on thousands of people was the following:
Stanstead Airport Closed For Nearly Three Hours This Morning. Snow staged an ambush on parts of Eastern and Southern England. The snow also hit overground and tube commuter services in London and roads in many areas were iced and dangerous.From The Guardian.

Kate is far more important than the common riff-raff riff. Talking of transport, I wonder what sort of pram the baby will have.

How about what our brave soldiers are doing in Afghanistan by keeping Britain terror free, while making sure the opium trade keeps thriving.

The Defence Secretary Philip Hammond has been asked to launch an urgent enquiry into claims that British forces deliberately targeted four boys at close range and killed them. The boys were aged 12,14,16 and 18.

Or an amazing slice of truth from Britain's most senior military officer- who commanded Nato forces at the time of the British surge to Helmand in 2006. He said the following, according to The Guardian," Western leaders had collectively failed by wasting the opportunity won by years of costly military  operation.All the military can do is buy space and time and opportunity for a political solution to the problem."

In the meantime, countless soldiers, often only in their teens are dying, as well as far too many innocent men, women and children.

This is too depressing.Let's get back to the fairy tale. I wonder what sort of toys the little bundle of joy will get. Toy guns, of course, as Royalty, whether male or female, absolutely adore shooting and killing innocent little and big animals.Last Christmas the smiling Princess spent Boxing Day on a killing spree of wild animals, or was it birds? On second thoughts, maybe real guns will be the toys. Prince Andrew introduced his daughter to the Royal family's favourite  pastime. when she was just six years old.

Another bit of news that was far less important than the love affair of the century was the following:

"U.S.plans to keep 10,000 troops in Afghanistan after 2014". The Guardian.

No one is interested. What we want to know is, exactly who will give Kate a foot rub ?I wonder if it will be good old William.Who knows he might have a foot fetish. His uncle Andy's ex- wife Fergie certainly appeared to like her toes been sucked,but probably didn't like the photos that were splashed all over the papers showing her smoking something very strange, while the toe-sucking took place.It's odd that the Royal family have nothing to do with her now.I wonder why.

The other major concern we all now must have  is what will they call the baby ?Will it be, Edward, James, Charles, George, John, Elizabeth, Mary, Francis or Victoria ? The bookmakers think it will be Francis for some reason.

I've just spotted a new headline in the D.M.This is really exiting stuff:" Shortly You Will Be Able To Buy A Half-Pint Mug With Red And Blue Hearts On It " On this mug are the words; "A Royal Baby In 2013 ".
There is more:on the other side of the mug are these words,"Hooray For Will And Kate ".

Hooray, and it's only 5 pence short of 20 pound. You must, of course buy one. Soon every kitchen in the land will proudly display this mug, and if you don't have one, people will think that you are strange.

You can bet that there will be more.How about plates with the couple kissing, or mats with them holding hands. I don't know what will be written on them . Perhaps the Daily Mail reporters think up the lines for this merchandise. I am sure they approve of ' Hooray '.

What about this as a picture  on  a T-Shirt ? The Prince and the Princess stuffing their mouths full, eating a massive cake with the words The British Public written on the cake.On the back of the T-Shirt a picture showing  the almost 3000 homeless in the U,K?

Wouldn't it be funny if the Royal baby is born on 6.6.2013 ?

Free Stock Photo of Lizard 2 in High Resolution

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Charles And The Red Dragon

" I am worthy of your Earthly worship".

Who said those words ?

Prince Charles did at his Coronation.He was sitting on a throne that had a large red dragon emblazoned on it at the time.

His mother spoke to him. She said,"This Dragon gives you the power, your throne and your authority."

To this, Charles replied," I am now your Leige man ( old English word for Lord ) and worthy of your earthly worship.".

Prince Charles' Coat Of Arms has the following:

The head and mouth of a lion.

Now, where have I read that before ?

Ah yes, Revelation 13.2, "And his mouth the mouth of a lion."

Charles' Coat Of Arms also has the body of a leopard.

Once again, this  too is found in Revelation 13.2," And the beast I saw was like unto a leopard ".

The feet of a bear are also on the Coat Of Arms.

How amazing ; this is in Revelation too: "And his feet were the feet of a bear ".

Typically in Heraldry, lions only have three claws per foot, while bears will have 4 or 5.The lion on Charles' Coat Of Arms has four claws and resembles a bear.The lion is different to Queen Elizabeths as hers is the typical 3 claws per foot.

There is a gold helm on the Coat Of Arms and this helm is made up of seven horns. There are also another three horns in the head region., so that makes ten horns in all.

At the base of the Coat Of Arms  is a Red Dragon on a green and white flag with the motto," The Dragon gives the lead ".

Look at Revelation and we find:

"And the Dragon gave him his power and his seat, the great authority."

Opposite the Red Dragon are three ostrich feathers in a crown with the words," I serve".

According to some, if you read the symbols and the words , this should read:

"I , the Black Prince, serve the Red Dragon."

So, is Prince Charles a Black Prince who serves a Red Dragon ?

Revelation 13.1,2 says:

"And I saw a beast coming out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his head were ten diadems ( crowns ) and on his head were blasphemous names."

The past emperors of the Roman Empire were from France ( the symbol of France is a leopard), Germany (their symbol is a bear ) and England  ( a lion ).

The Red Dragon dates back to the ancient Romans, though I suspect it dates back a lot earlier.

Britannia was the head of the western Roman Empire and the symbol of Roman antiquity was the Red Dragon.

What about those ostrich feathers ?

In Semitic and Babylonian cultures the ostrich was considered a demon, an evil connected with the dark Goddess Tiamat, whereas in Egypt, it symbolizes truth and justice

Some might say that the rituals done at Coronations are just mumbo- jumbo, and are of no importance.

I don't think so.I believe that the British Royal Family are one of the key leaders who shape our World.
What the Queen said about the Dragon should be taken literally.

In other words Prince Charles serves this mysterious Red Dragon.Note , he says," I am worthy of your Earthly worship,"

Does this mean that the Dragon is not of this earth ?

The Bible mentions the Red Dragon quite a lot.
" And they worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the beast "..Rev: 13.4.

" Upon earth  there is not his like, who is made without fear. He beholdeth all high things; he is a king over all the children of pride," Job,41.33-34.

Many people claim that the Red Dragon  in the Bible means Satan.Others claim that it refers to the Roman Empire.They explain that its 7 heads symbolize the 7 forms of government  that the Romans had, and the ten horns are the ten kingdoms that Rome was divided into after its fall.

The insignia for Rome was a great Red Dragon.

The Latin word ' Draco' as in the constellation Draco, comes from the Greek word, 'Drakon'.

Could the Red Dragon come from the skies ?

Researching into this made me wonder .Is our view of the World and the Royal Family totally out of focus.
Are we really unaware of what is really happening here on earth.
The media tell us what to believe, but maybe a terrible, vile, crime against humanity has been carried out for thousands of years.And we have been lied to , over and over again

We are forced to participate in the play, but backstage is there  a truly awful evil going on, that, on no account , must we see.

An evil that seems to be reaching a climax..

British Royalty Love To Kill.

The last year the spin doctors at Buckingham Palace went into overdrive to show the royal family in a very favourable light.According to the press they can do no wrong. Who cares if Harry likes to get pissed and mess around with half naked women.Hey, he's royalty, he can do what he likes.Kate can walk around naked, and, shock horror, smoke those evil ciggies. They even had Prince Phillip crying on Remembrance Sunday a few weeks ago.The main message is that they are just a normal family.

Now, we have  a sort of continuation of that awful jubilee  rubbish, with the surprise announcement that the beloved Kate is pregnant.

How the newspapers loved this. Forget the awful crimes done in Pakistan and Afghanistan; forget the soldiers killed each day in a pointless war;forget the evil austerity inflicted on the masses. None of this matters. The fact that Kate is pregnant is the most important news of the day.

The media is going beserk on this one.The Daily Mail, who adore Royalty, will , no doubt, have an exclusive on this every day.

What will the name be ?
What starsign will the baby be born under ?
What will he or she look like ?
What day did they conceive ?
What will Kate eat while pregnant ?
What clothes should pregnant women wear ?
Will her husband still have sex with her ?
What will the nursery look like ?

And on and on .Yer, It's going to be boring,but it keeps the main news of centre stage.

What a lucky baby to be born into such a loving family.The Royals are such lovely people  aren't they ?
The image we are shown of the royal family is the exact opposite of what they are.

They are- well, you work it out when you read the following.which was taken from a video on Vimeo called,' Royal Babylon; The Criminal Record Of The Royal Family.'

By 1993 the Duke of Edinburgh, the owner of 56 shooting rifles had brought down 30,000 birds from the sky; he had killed two crocodiles, as well as scores of wild boars, several hundred stags and an Indian tiger.
He has also killed hare, wild duck, woodcock, pigeon, partridge and a few mother and baby elephants.

At his Norfolk kill parties 150.000 animals have been murdered by him and his sick, sick , rich friends.

If the Duke injures a bird, a dog will get it and drop it at the Queen's feet. She will then beat it to death with a stick.
Prince Phillip's particular love is to shoot wild boar in Germany.One day the Prince and his son Charles killed 50 wild boar in a single day. I bet they celebrated that.

Prince Andrew took his daughter out to kill animals when she was six years old. Andy loves to murder rabbits.

Prince William ( yes the same one the Daily Mail ejaculates over ) killed his first stag when he was fourteen years old. He was then covered in the blood from the stag.
If that isn't black magic, then I don't know what is.

Wake up. These people are evil, evil ,evil. They are cruel parasites who love to inflict suffering or death on whoever they fancy.The British are robbed to keep these pathetic actors on a stage where they act  in a play that everyone is forced to applaud, thanks to the main stream media.

The next six to nine months though, will only scream how wonderful the British Royals are.

I get the impression that they are terrified of being found out who they really are; a family of psychopaths, who should really be in an asylum..

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Quotes For Our Time.

smiley face simple red" Act the way you'd like to be and soon you'll be the way you act."
Leonard Cohen.

2." No matter how big the lie;repeat it often enough and the masses will regard it as truth."

3." These are the times that try men's souls,"
Thomas Paine.

4." Our biggest fear is taking the risk of being alive, and to express who we really are."
Don Miguel Ruitz, The Four Agreements.

5." We do not see things as they are.We see them as we are."
Anais Nin.

6." Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed."
F. Nietzsche.

7." Any people anywhere; being inclined and having the power,have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable- a most sacred right- a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."
Abraham Lincoln.

8." Man has no right to kill his brother. It is no excuse that he does so in uniform: he only adds the infamy of servitude to the crime of murder."
Percy Bysshe Shelley.

9." How can you prove whether at this moment we are sleeping, and all our thoughts are a dream; or whether we are awake, and talking to one another in the waking state."

!0.One fish said to another:

" Do you believe in this ocean that they talk about ?"
Ancient Chinese saying.