Sunday, April 29, 2012

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream,chapter thirteen.

You are in the prison of your mind,but you have the keys to get out.

Initially you use your intellect to help you find the golden key.However,your mind and your thoughts can only take you so far.Thought is incapable of recognizing reality,because,by its very nature,thought is not real.

You can ask yourself for a thousand years what life is all about,but what you are asking,the mind is incapable of answering.
It is like sticking a credit card into a washing machine and expecting to get money out.It won't happen.

Your thoughts will give you elusive glimpses,snatches of a refrain you seem to vaguely remember,but that is all.

The true mind,the Godhead,Goddess,Buddha,Christ,Krishna,call it what you will,knows the answer.
The true mind is the real you.

When your thinking is totally exhausted and you surrender,give up and stop playing intellectual games,the truth appears.You have to go beyond the intellect to escape.

Zen realizes this and that is why one branch of it employs an exercise that asks your mind a question that it is impossible for the intellect to answer.It is called a Koan.Here are some examples:
You must beat the drum, but there is no drum to beat, so how do you beat it?
What is the sound of one hand clapping?
Everything is reduced to the one-what is the one reduced to?
What is your original face-before you were born?

The intellect eventually exhausts itself in trying to find the answer,until it comes to a brick wall.This brick wall has to be broken through to enter a thoughtless realm where the truth abides.
Some say that to try this exercise by itself is dangerous if  you don't have a teacher.

I don't think it can harm you,if you do ask yourself impossible questions for short periods of time  The proper way is to concentrate on the Koan all the time and never think of anything else,but as stated above, it is sensible to have a teacher if you want to do this.If though, you try the koan exercise for short periods,I think it stimulates the mind and prepares it for a breakthrough.
That is why the reading of Sacred texts is good. Such books make bells ring in your head,and point you the way to the end of thought.

The fact to remember is that you are living in illusion,and living in this illusion,although you might well experience pleasure,it is impossible for you to be at peace all the time in this state.Your natural state is to be at peace and have joy in your life,
Why should you continue living out a lie?
While living in this illusion though, you can do many things to make the illusion a lot better,and at the same time get you closer to reality.

Be careful what you let enter your mind,but be more careful of how you react to any event or experience you have.
The perfect way is to have no reaction at all.If someone swears at you,you are unmoved; the same if someone praises you, you are unmoved.

Every time you react to what is feeling in a certain way, or thinking certain thoughts you are creating a whole new situation which is like having another rope tied round you.
As stated earlier thoughts plant seeds.
Look at these quotes on thought;
"What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday,and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow.Our life is the creation of mind" The Buddha.

"A man is but a product of his thoughts, what he thinks he becomes". Gandhi

"There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so". Shakespeare.

"Every person creates his own World according to that which he fears and that which he loves".Jesus.Gospel of St. Thomas chapter one, verse eleven.

"A man is what he thinks all day long".Emerson.

"Make not your thoughts your prison".Shakespeare.

I think you will agree that the above people who said those quotes all had an incredible transforming effect on Mankind.They knew what they were talking about.What they said were truthful sayings.
Think about it for a moment.If our thoughts make our life, doesn't it seem the right course of action is to make sure we think right thoughts all the time?

Banish negative thinking and change negativity into positive thinking.I know it's not easy  in the World as it is today, as we are surrounded by pessimism,almost drowning in it.Watching the news is enough to send you flying down a flight of steps to misery,even if you felt good before you turned the news on.

The whole World is going through a massive change- a change for the better.We just have to get through the painful changeover period we are now in.

Maybe the ego was needed up to now, but now it is hindering our progress,and we have to leave the self behind to grow up to become what our destiny is.
"Folks,it's time to evolve.That's why we're troubled.You know why our institutions are failing us, the Church, the State,everything failing.It's because they are no longer relevant". The late, great Bill Hicks.

That is the end of this chapter; the next chapter will follow shortly.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Money For Bullets,Not For Bandages.

Do you think that 1,738 Billion Dollars is a lot of money?

What could one do with such a large amount?

Help feed the starving millions in the 3rd World;invest in  proper, honest research to find the cures for fatal diseases; generate jobs for the  mass unemployed in almost every country;give more money for education,health care, pensions-the list could go on and on.

So why do I mention the 1,738 Billion Dollars?
Because, according to Wikepedia, this was the amount spent on the World's military machine in 2011.
Yes,1,738 Billion Dollars was spent for the sole purpose of  killing people.
Amazing, isn't it? This amount was spent to enable us to kill off our own kind.
Are we utterly insane?
No,we are not,but the people(are they really the same flesh and blood as we are?) who are involved in this, must be.They are going against a primal instinct of Nature, and that is for our species to survive.
And we let them get away with it.
We have tried to stop them- how many millions demonstrated against the Iraq War- but ,in our 'democracies' the voice of the people was totally ignored,and,of course, it is ignored today.Democracy; what a joke it would be if it wasn't so tragic.

What's more,here we are, in all countries,suffering severe austerity measures,and yet spending on weapons just gets higher and higher.No cutbacks here.But look at the cutbacks on everything else.
Odd how the I.M.F. never seem to want any country to touch this sacred cow,but are quite happy to let ordinary men,women and children suffer in every way possible.

Even odder is the fact that while the people of the World had the money stolen from them, more money was spent on the military in 2011 than at any other time in the history of the World.

The U.S.A. alone spent a massive 711 Billion on its military complex.No bells of austerity ringing  here..

Look at Greece- the canary in the mine-surely with its obsession with belt tightening,it has cut back on its military budget. spent 9,369,000,000Dollars in 2011. Tell that to the pensioners,the unemployed, the disabled, the sick.

Greece buys more German weapons than any other country in the World.

As Yanis Varoufakis, Professor of Economics at Athens University says;"When Greek Hospitals are running out of bandages,the only bit of the budget not being attacked by the E.U. and the I.M.F. is military expenditure".(Independent Newspaper 6.11.2011)

Greece is the highest military spender in terms of percentage of G.D.P in the E.U.

Professor Varoufakis adds;"Greece is a disproportionately  crucial customer for the armaments industry.In comparison to its size  it is preposterous".

While Greece is going through  its hell,its military spending has risen;it spent 7.1 Billion in 2010 compared to 6.24 Billion Dollars in 2007.
How come the I.M.F. didn't target this,instead of hitting out at the ordinary people?

58%.of Greeks military expenditure in 2010 went to Germany,according to the Stockholm International Peace Research  Institute.

The U.S.A supplies Greece with 42% of its arms.
Funny that this has not been reported in the mainstream media.

So you have the banks and the military complex that must be protected at all times.
And we, the people,are simply stamped on.

Someone once asked George Orwell( famous for his book 1984,which is almost a blueprint for what is happening in the World today) what the future  would be like for mankind.
His reply:"A boot in our face".
I think he knew something,don't you?

Create Your Reality Without Wanting it.

The point about wanting something,whether it is one thousand pounds, a new house, a girl or boy friend or a job, is that while you are wanting ,you know that you have not got your particular desire.

It strikes me that there are two types of wants.One type is when you want something and are pretty sure that you will get it.An example of this could be you wanting to have lunch;if you have had lunch most days of your life,it is highly likely that you will get what you want- your lunch.Or you may want to go for a walk,and while you have this wish you know that you probably will  go for your walk.

The other type of want is when you want something that you have not had in your life before,and there is a doubt inside you that you may well not get your desire.If you want to move abroad ,but can see no way  how you could do this,this particular want can become like a pipe dream and nothing more.

It is this second type that I am writing about.

Wanting a sunny day means you haven't got it.While you continue wanting something day in and day out,you are never getting it,because you are hoping that you will get it in the future.That future will never be while you continue wanting.You could say that your continual wanting is forever pushing away the very thing that you want.

I'm on about creating your own reality,manifesting the life that you want to live.
How do you overcome this problem of wanting.It's simple- you stop wanting!While you are wanting all the time,it is likely that you won't get what you want,because you keep wanting it in some never to come future.

What is the best way to create your reality without this feeling of wanting it?
1.Stop wanting, wishing for whatever it is you desire.

2.Pretend that you have whatever it is you desire in your life right now.
That's all there is to it.Sounds dead simple,but it's not.The reason it is not easy is that you have to convince yourself that you are living the life you feel you should live.
This is not easy if you want a decent income,and at the moment your senses tell you that you are surrounded by bills that you cannot pay.
Perhaps you want a larger place to live in,but at present you are living in a small apartment.
Your senses are telling you that you lack,so you have to convince yourself that you don't lack for anything, when your eyes are telling you otherwise.

I suggest you do the following;
1.Accept whatever is going on in your life as being perfectly  fine.
2.Be grateful for whatever you have in your life.
3.Don't fight the events that are taking place in front of you- accept them with thanks
4.Everyday in a relaxed,calm state be alone for a while and paint those pictures in your mind  of how you imagine you are living the life of your dreams.Now this is the important bit: while you are doing this, imagine that you have all those things in your life now,not in some distant future.

Although when you come out of your  visualization exercise, you will see that everything is as before,the fact that you have planted seeds in your mind, means that these seeds are growing from being thought forms in your inner consciousness  to being outward manifestations.
It is a natural law of life.

Imagine your mind as the soil in a flowerbed.
You plant seeds in this flowerbed and they will sprout and come out of the earth.
When they emerge from their formless state, which is how you perceive them in your mind,they sprout  through into the world of form.
Everything is formless first of all, and then becomes form,though,in fact, the formless and the form are the same substance,but are on different frequencies.

So to create reality you want, the main point is to believe that you are now living in that reality.
If you want to find out more about this- Click Here!

Monday, April 23, 2012

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream Chapter twelve.

"Travel in time,expand your mind in anyway you choose, unlock the door of Quantum's store, take off your space -time noose".Lyrics from Faster Than The Speed Of Light,by Mike Selley.

In Mihaly Csikszentmihaly's book (what a great name,it's even got zen in the middle of it) Flow(published by Rider 1992) he says, he discovered,after twenty five years of research,a vital fact about happiness.
On page two of the aforementioned book,it is claimed that happiness does not depend on outside events,but on how we interpret them.
People who learn to control inner experiences will be able to control the quality of their lives.
He goes on to say that, to paraphrase,  people who are happy in their jobs and actually look forward to going to work,gave the tasks at work total awareness.And it was this total awareness,whereas the action of the work involved without ulterior motives,was the key to the feeling of happiness.
A Zen Master could have said the same thing.

If you lose yourself while involved in an activity,there is no sense of' 'I'.There is no sense of of perceiver and perceived;there is only the task itself.This is another way of discarding the ego.

I suggest that some activity that really appeals to you should be done by you on a regular basis.
The activity should make you so involved that you experience the feeling of complete oneness with the task you are doing.
What the activity is could be anything.It could be drawing, painting, singing,composing, knitting,gardening,stamp collecting or whatever you want.

When you engage yourself in whatever you are doing,just be totally aware of what you are doing.In other words, lose yourself in that activity,and entertain no thoughts of anything else.
Your whole life should be lived this way,but until it is, you can have a taste of it by doing something you love doing.

The strange part is that by giving your all into something,you lose your all,but gain something far greater.

Perhaps you say that you can't think of anything that you could do.If so, think back to your childhood and ask yourself what you loved doing then.

Maybe it was drawing or painting, singing or riding a bike.Well, why not return to that pleasure and take one activity up again.It doesn't matter if your first efforts are not good.If you keep practicing with full awareness,you will find that your results will improve.
It's a lot better than watching that hypnotist in your room- the T.V!
Nature is  our brother and sister.If possible, try and be outside in natural surroundings as much as possible.Go for walks in woods,in meadows and by lakes and seashores.

As Aristotle said: "In  all things in Nature there is something of the marvellous"
Whilst admiring Nature,try not to think,but be totally aware of what is going on around you.Listen,really listen to the buzzing of the bees,the birdsong,the sound of the waves on the seashore,the rustle of the leaves,and any other sounds you hear.
While listening to the waves,for example,shut your eyes,and let that sound be all you know.Think of the sound reaching your ear,and then imagine that you are not the listener listening ,but that the listener and that which is listened to, merge and become one.

Don't evaluate or judge anything.Except each moment as it is.All the time keeping your centre in your belly and doing regular breathing.
If walking by the sea,look at that great expanse of sea and realize that it is really you you are looking at,and you are joined up and part of everything.
Sit by the sea and look at the horizon;what an awesome creation, especially  when you know that it is you who is conjuring it all up!
Breathe in the sea  air and feel how invigorating it is.
No worries here-just the sense of being.
Watch the waves as they ripple through the pebbles on the beach.
In,out, in, out,this is the rhythm of life.Tune into it,just like your breathing in and out.
Be totally aware,surrender to your surroundings.
If you are lucky enough to have a garden,you can spend hours sitting in it ,or working in it.Weeding is a great activity to practice living in the now,as it is so repetitious.When you pull the weeds up think of the plant and you as being one.Not you and the plant.Plant + you= One.
If possible grow your own fruit and vegetables- you will really taste the difference.

And when you eat anything be thankful for it.Think of the history of the food you are eating.
The tomato that was once growing from seed.Think of the seed being planted.
 Imagine it as a seed in the soil,and then the plant slowly emerging from the soil and growing.Think of the Sun shining on it and the rain falling down on it.Imagine the tomato being picked,put in a box, and taken in a lorry to a market or a shop.
Now it is giving itself to you.You should be very grateful for this and appreciate it.As you should be grateful for everything else in your life.Don't take anything for granted,or you stand a chance of losing it. In the blink of an eye,everything you have, could be gone.

Don't moan,don't complain.
You are in the situation you are in,because you created it.
Accept it with gratitude,and you will find that miracles appear in your life.  

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Destiny And Free Will In The Now.

If everything is happening now,and everything means everything,from the birth of the Universe,from the Pyramids being built,to the life being lived three thousand years ahead,where would free will come in ?

If your birth and your death are taking place right now,surely free will cannot exist?
If it is accepted that everything is happening now,it would, at first sight,seem as if everything is ordained and has already been decided; a bit like a reel of a film that you are watching bit by bit of your life.Every bit of your life has been scripted and is in the film,but as you can no more change the reel in the cinema,so you cannot change what is planned in your life.

But, you object,if we don't have free will,we  are no better than automated machines and might as well not bother attempting anything.
So,how can we have free will,while your whole life is happening now,and therefore what is going to happen to you is already happening to you without you knowing it yet.

An interesting question.
Could this be the answer?

According to Quantum Jumping there are different versions of you in a multitude of Universes.This can't be proven to be true at present,but it is a possibility.

The theory I am going to present is similar.
What follows may well be a fevered bout of complete fantasy,but it gets the mind out of the box,and illustrates the limits of thought.As a mental exercise I think it is worth doing,as it stretches the mind.

Let's say,at twenty years old you are working for a company;let's say that this is taking place in Universe A.This life has been scripted.
However, if you decide to exercise your free will,and decide to leave that business, you leave Universe A and enter Universe B
Now, in Universe B again your whole life ahead has been scripted,but now to a different script.This script is based on your new decision,and is unrolled until the end of your life,as being the most likely way things will turn out based on present circumstances.
If though, you exercise your free will yet again,and make yet another decision,you will then enter Universe C.

Or, to put in another way,you enter different Universes throughout your entire life. You may well go through a large number of Universes each day of your life.

If time travel were possible,and you travelled back to when you were five years old,and you changed the situation that was going on then,that small five year old would go into a different Universe,but it would not change the present life you are living.
When you return to the present, your present has not changed as you are returning to the Universe you left.
The child you left is now living in another Universe;it is you in another life.
A bit complicated I admit.

The objection to this,it seems to me is:how do you know when you are actually using your free will?You may well think that you are, but it might just be part of the prepared script in Universe A.

Thought, it must be remembered,can never take us to the truth.It only takes you so far and then- you leap into the unknown-and you find that you are the Awareness, the Truth.

A good example of this can be found in the paragraph before the last one.Our mind cannot answer it, so we have reached the limit of thought.

Think till the end of thinking,give up, surrender your endless thoughts,and let pure awareness take over.
Then- there are no answers, because there are no questions to be asked.


Bankers Get Euros-We get Zeros.

Opinion polls in Greece are awash with results showing that the majority of Greeks want to stay in the Euro club.At the same time they don't want the austerity that is tied to the Euro.

Well,like that old Sinatra song, Love And Marriage,you can't have one without the other-so we have been led to believe.
The real question the opinion polls should have asked is the following:

"Do you still want the Euro,although it means ten more years of austerity and almost third world wages?" The reason the question should have been framed like this is because this is how the situation really is.

I think the answer to that,would not have been yes, but a resounding No with its capital letter. It is for this reason that the question was not framed in this way.The Government,the Media,the Establishment,wants to make sure that we all sing to the bankers song which goes like this: "Bankers get Euros- We get Zeros".

Top officials from the I.M.F.and Goldman Sachs(the ones who helped us get into this mess),and many supporting actors,keep bleating like sheep that Greece must stay in the E.U.

Let's face it,we all know how our Establishment figures are, to put it politely,strangers to truth.So, why on earth do some misguided souls still believe what they say?

How many times have the people been lied to,and yet they still believe the lies?
Is the T.V. really a brilliant hypnotist?

How many times have Governments broken promises-remember- no more taxes, no more job cuts, no more pension cuts-and, hey, suddenly ,it's more taxes, more job cuts and more pension cuts.

So, why believe the I.M.F. when they say it would be madness to exit the Euro?From the track record of such people, it is usually the opposite of what they say.
This question-Euro or Drachma- has, to my knowledge, never been discussed in an intelligent manner ,in the mainstream media.This is because it is not a question the Establishment wants the average citizen to even consider.It's not on the agenda.

To exit the Euro and go back to the Drachma would appear to be the sanest act Greece could do in the present dire situation.
Who wants to be broke for ten years?

O.K.the initial switch to the old currency may well produce a short period of chaos.However, I am pretty sure that Greeks would rather have a quick dose of mayhem,rather than a whole decade of third world wages,no horizon of hope in sight,increased crime,and possibly a complete breakdown of society.

If you don't believe me,just look at the countries the I.M F. have loaned money to.Every single country,without exception, has gone through absolute hell and inflicted untold suffering on the populace .
Exactly what Greece is going through now.Do you want another ten years like this?

Friday, April 20, 2012

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream Chapter eleven

"There's an exit from the cinema of illusion,on to the street that is the real,but to find it you got to take your blindfold off,and no longer be a spoke in this wheel".Lyrics from Come On Home,by Mike Selley.

Here are some more  exercises.

1.Look at one particular object or a tree or a flower.
It does not matter what it is.However, having said that,it is probably wise not to choose an object or thing that has emotional significance for you.Choose something you feel unemotional about.
While staring,keep your eyes fixed on one point.At the same time  slow your breathing right down.
Tell your restless mind to stop all of its chatter,and attempt to not allow thoughts to come.
Because of your shallow breathing,it is easier to stop the constant flow of thoughts.

At first,thoughts may try to come,but with repeated practice they will cease.
Try to do this once a day.Just look,that's all you have to do.Do this for about five minutes.

2.Your body(which you dream you have) is the form you present to the World.
Your body( your form) reflects your personality.Bad posture must be corrected.Mind and body are one,and a bad posture means your mind has a bad posture.You must correct it.
Your posture  should not be too rigid,nor should it be too slack.Embrace the middle way between the two extremes.

We tend to think that the 'I'  is in the upper part of our body,or is in our heads.Our centre is not central.
The centre is in  your belly.Try to think of the centre of awareness as being in your belly.

Don't droop your shoulders,but keep them relaxed yet upright,while imagining that your centre  is below your chest and before your groin.
You should keep doing this all the time throughout your daily activities.
This loosens the grip of the vice like ego.
Also make sure that your breathing is natural and flows  in and out in a rhythmical pattern.
The important thing to remember is that you should completely exhale,and that way you will have to completely inhale.
This lessens the dominance of the ego,but it should be done all the time.

3. I mentioned earlier  about being aware of your body,and it is a good idea to carry this to the extreme.
Be fully aware when you are about to sit down,Concentrate on the action of doing this.

Concentrate on the action of your hand reaching out to turn a tap on.Be really aware of each tiny movement you make.

When you are washing your hands,look at the soap mix with the water,as you rub your hands together.It is suggested that for these exercises,when you are alone,you slow down your movements.Then when you wash the soap off,concentrate on the action of doing so.

This awareness should be there from the moment you wake up,to the time you go to bed at night..You include every single action you do,from going to the toilet,to combing your hair,to drinking a cup of tea.

4. Do not judge.

First and foremost, do not judge yourself.
Don't judge your thoughts-just observe them.
By judging and getting involved with a thought,you are creating seed impressions.Buddhism teaches that it is the outflows resulting from our varied responses to the play of phenomenon which harnesses us to the wheel of life.(The Teachings Of Hui Hui by J,.Blofeld page 22).

Every phenomenon produces  a reaction within us,leading to some sort of outflow from our minds which acts upon the 'outside' occurrence and causes them to re-act  upon us yet again.-and so on, endlessly.

Do not judge others.By judging others you are only judging their mask and costume(their  fake ego and form)-and not their true self.

It is like judging an actors true nature by judging him on the character he is playing.
You know who he really is;he is you,but he has a different acting role .

Underneath the script and costume and mask,he and you are one.
Judge not-lest you be judged.
That is the end of this chapter.The next chapter will follow shortly.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream Chapter ten

"The stars are so beautiful and the sky is so dark,I'm just sitting here getting my full of being here and playing my part."Lyrics from No More Looking For U.F.O's by Mike Selley.

Sometimes you fall back on your old conditioned way of living.If this happens,slowly but surely, re-start your living in the now without the cumbersome ego.

What usually stops people temporarily or even permanently practicing this mindfulness is when the ego is threatened.
If your boss shouts at you,you may well lose the ability to be a detached observer  of this scene.In fact, this is a marvelous way to check how well you are succeeding in over-riding the programme you are on.
If you can still observe your upset and annoyance without any emotions,while the boss is letting rip,you are doing very well.
Even if you fall out of the exercise for a few days or even weeks or months,do get yourself doing it again.
Because the rewards are very high.

After a short while of doing what was explained in the previous chapter,you will feel a lot different.This is because you are no longer  a slave to your programme and to you ego.

Other aspects of your life will change.Nature may well have a greater fascination for you.You may find that you want to spend time walking in the countryside.Your eating habits may change too.Natural food suddenly starts to taste far better than processed food.Almost without realizing it ,you might find yourself buying loads of fruit and vegetables.

Also,you will note that when you are not practicing mindfulness ,you keep having the same thoughts with minor variations  everyday.Absurd,isn't it? Don't you want to stop this? To be free from this automated conditioning ;to no longer be on automatic pilot.

Do you understand that the mind is not you.It is,according to the Buddha,another sense,like the sense of sight or hearing.The mind senses the inner world of thoughts,which I am sure you have noticed,never stop coming.
Life is not lived properly like this.You are trapped in the prison which is your mind.
It is like being trapped in you ear!

So mind conditioned are we,that we tend to ignore the body.
Really be in your body.
Ekhart Tolle,on a YouTube video,claims that the body gets upset when we don't take any notice or interest in it,and might even get ill because of this.
He also said that it is like we only live in the very top floor of our house and never go downstairs.
A good exercise to make you more aware of your body can be done while you are eating.
Really experience the sensation you feel when you put your food in your mouth.Relish the taste when you chew it.When you drink something,be fully aware of the taste you experience.
These exercises bring you back into the now,whereas you usually spend your time thinking about an imagined future,or on what happened in the past.

Such thinking gets you nowhere,and it is a trick of the ego,to make you believe that you are your ego.
But there is only now;that is all there ever has been.
Everything that happens takes place now.

Another exercise that should be done everyday is to find a room where you will not be disturbed.
Lie down on a bed or on the floor.
Firstly, breathe slowly and in a regular pattern,feeling all the stress leaving your body.
You can tell yourself that as you breathe out,stress and negative emotions are leaving your body.
Then tell yourself that you are inhaling the positive life force.
After you have done this,concentrate on your feet, then legs-slowly go right through your body.
When you reach the neck,face and head,you will be surprised how tense you are in these areas
Just slowly relax each bit.
Then,go back to the lower parts of your body;feel yourself dwelling on firstly, your feet,then your legs,middle,hands, arms,chest and shoulders etc.
Do this for about five minutes or ten.
That is the end of this chapter;the next chapter will follow shortly, and it continues on the journey that takes  us to where we really already are.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Ego Trip-Wire.

One aspect of attempting to not let the ego dominate your life,and of living in the now,is that an unfortunate obstacle usually presents itself shortly after you have started.
It is a trip- wire that suddenly appears when you start feeling confident that you are actually getting somewhere.It is similar to when you are new to driving and not sure of yourself.;after a while you start feeling that you have mastered the art of driving,and it is then that you may crash the car,because you got too cocky.

I don't think the word cocky springs to mind . when practicing  living without your ego..

I believe  it is the ego that sets the trip-wire

The ego has to believe in itself although it knows it is really a fiction It is because it knows it's a lie,it will do anything it can to keep you believing in it.It will try every trick in the book to keep you from knowing its true identity.It is as cunning as a serpent.It's true identity is that is has no true identity!

This is why when your awareness shifts from the narrow confines of a belief in a little you,the ego will start to show itself in a desperate  bid to keep you locked in its prison.

When you feel you are advancing in your spiritual(for want of a better word) life,it is then the ego will show itself in all its fake glory.

What usually happens is the following:

You have been watching, listening and observing yourself  as a spectator.You feel,at long last, you are actually progressing and feel a major change is taking place inside you.
It is then that it happens.

A drama suddenly appears in your life.It could be anything; a massive bill may arrive that will upset you;you may have an awful row with the one closest to you; you may lose something,anything from a key to your job;something goes wrong in your life.

Remember that you create your 'reality',and this is just what your ego is doing.It is creating a drama so you believe in its 'reality',and by doing this we forget all about living the ego-less life and living in the now.
You are thrown right back to where you were before you started trying to wake up from your fevered dream.

You might be lucky and not get knocked  out flat by the drama.If so it is great news because it means that your ego is no longer controlling you.

However,if,when the drama -which is made up by your ego- appears,you start feeling those old familiar feelings you know so well ,as anxiety,worry and fear, what can you do?

There is only one thing to do.
Firstly remind yourself that this is only a dream,or as Einstein said "a persistent illusion".
Refuse to play in this dream drama
Get back in your non-ego mood at once.

You know that the old way of living does not work,so why bother trying to live like that?
You know how. great it is to live in the now without an ego,so return to that state without  delay.

When you do this, the drama will still be there,but it will no longer be potent.Now you are observing how you react  to the drama,and surprisingly,you may find it amusing as you observe your thoughts and feelings.You may well start laughing at the absurdity of your thoughts,whereas before you took them dead seriously.
No feelings of dread or fear here!

The other strange aspect of this is, that once you are not playing in the drama,but observing it,you may well suddenly find a brilliant, simple solution to the problem,or the drama may just go away.
It goes away because you are not feeding it,giving it energy by dwelling on it.Without seeds weeds cannot grow.

So, if you get caught in that nasty ego-trip wire,you know what to do.
For more information on this you are invited to read my book, for free,on this blog;How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream;chapters are uploaded on a a regular basis.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Next Greek P.M.- An Elite Insider ?

It looks like it has already been decided by the bankers who will run the austerity- kick 'em where it really hurts- show in Greece.

According to the Easter Saturday edition dated 14. 4. 2012. of Ekathimerini," the current Foreign Minister Stavros Dimas, the New Democracy vice -president is mentioned by some sources as a possible compromise candidate for the premiership given that the snap election on May 6th is likely to produce a hung parliament".

Let's take a closer look at Stavros Dimas.

After getting his degrees in law and economics,in 1969 he worked as a lawyer for a firm on Wall Street:the following year he moved on to the World Bank.

In 1975 he was appointed as deputy governor of The Hellenic Industrial Development Bank.

Since 1977 he has been active in Greek politics as a member of New Democracy.

His background is perfect,what with his work as a lawyer,and in particular, The World Bank.He has also been active in the European Union.

The reason he has been chosen is because he is an elite insider,and always plays the game he knows that has to be played.

He will,so the bankers think, when the whip really begins to hurt and social unrest gets really out of hand, make sure,come what may, that Greece sticks to its austerity hell.

You see the I.M.F.,the E.U.,Troika - are getting nervous that the two main parties in Greece won't get enough votes, and all those ghastly small parties will get in ,form a coalition,and reject the grim, evil deal that was agreed by other elite insiders.

They have the bare-faced nerve to pretend to the citizens of Greece that the people are actually involved in deciding who will run this country.No way!

It's game,set and match way before the elections- a done deal.

Hey, we'll just stick another ex- banker in charge of Greece;he knows how to protect the banks.

Also, watch out for those experts come out nightly to inform us that  going back to the drachma would be, well, a bit like Eve eating that apple- really bad, bad news.


Imagine Greece as a tourist Heaven!Within weeks of returning to the drachma you would see the money circulating among the people,and not ending up in offshore banks.
Think of the tavernas full,the bars full, the shops doing well,and people actually working again.

Such a scenario really frightens the insiders.

What a thought; how could they live without their billions that they are robbing from us?

Friday, April 13, 2012

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream Chapter nine.

"Sleeping in the house of fire,get up,get up, you're late",lyrics from Fevered Dream by Mike Selley.

Before we start ,let's have a re-cap of what has been written.

1.We are living in a World of lies;our senses show us this is so.
2.Life is an illusion- a persistent dream.
3We make-create the Universe with our minds.
4.Matter does not exist-only energy( for want of a better word).
5.Everything that appears to take place outside of you is really happening  inside a tiny part of your brain.
6.Your body and your brain are also fiction.
7.You dream when you shut your eyes and sleep,and have another dream when you open your eyes and have a collective dream with everyone else.
8.The Universe appears to be a Hologram.
9 Our view of 'reality' is incorrect.
10.We have been conditioned or programmed from birth to believe what we believe.
11.We are all living out a programme.
12.We act like robots.
!3.If you control your eyes shut dream, you can control your opened eyes dream.
14.We are having a fevered dream.
15 You are not you-you have a mask and costume on(the mask is your face,and the costume is your body)Underneath this is the real you.
16.The real you is the same as the real me.
17.Everything in the Universe is you. Note;if you think about this,it has to be true if you accept that you are dreaming it all.Remember what Jung and Perls said about dreaming,and how each person and object in your dream  are aspects of you.
18.The obstacle to true perception is the self(your ego).
19.Love is the only reality-or as David Icke puts it,"Infinite Love is the only truth,everything else is illusion".

So it is obvious that the way to restore your perception to its natural state is to get the ego out of the way.

Many methods throughout the ages have been used.It would be impossible to explain them all here and unnecessary.A lot of these methods suited the culture and the temperament of the people,and would not suit us today.
What we would like are fast working methods that suit us.We live in a fast age.Some things,though, can't be hurried.If you want to learn to play the piano,for example,you will not do this over night.

It is the same with any Spiritual exercise;you will have to accept that it will take some time.Time, of course, does not really exist,so however long it takes should not bother you.
Some lucky souls have achieved enlightenment very quickly.Ekhart Tolle,the Author of The Power Of Now, claims to have woken up one morning suddenly enlightened.He then spent a year, so he says, sitting on a bench most of the time, watching the World go round!He had no desire to do anything else.

It probably depends on your 'past' lives( though any 'past 'life would be happening now,as now is all there is),and how far down or up the path you are to reaching your true home that you never really left.

But,after only a few days of practicing the exercises that will follow,you should feel very different.


The best way to bring to the fore,a clearer awareness, is to simply observe yourself.
Watch,listen and feel your reactions,as if you are a spectator outside yourself.,observing how you react to any situation without judgement,discrimination or attachment or aversion.

Let the moment be as it is.
This should(if you want fast results) be done all the time,and I mean All the time!That means from the moment you wake up to the time you go to bed at night.

So,first thing in the morning when you feel yourself waking up(hopefully after lots of lucid dreams) you should mentally note all the thoughts.feelings and sensations in your body,without judging or clinging on to them- just accept them as they are.
You may wake up worried about money- a popular theme to worry about nowadays.All you do is observe the thinking process with no emotion or feelings or thoughts connected to this.You are observing yourself;imagine you are outside your body just looking at what is going on,like a spectator watching an actor or actress on stage.But, unlike a member of an audience, the actors acting does not effect you.
You continue doing this when you get out of bed.
Watch yourself place your feet on the floor,and be really aware of the sensation of the floor against your feet.
Whilst making a cup of tea or coffee observe yourself in a detached way.
Continue doing this with everything you do.
Do the same when waiting for a bus or a train;observe how you feel as you are waiting.Notice how you get stressed if the bus is late.Just observe this-let the thoughts come and watch them go.
You will find this easier to do when you are doing routine mundane tasks,like peeling potatoes.
I clean up my living room every morning,and it was not a chore I really enjoyed doing.When I practiced watching myself doing this task,I suddenly found that I really got pleasure from doing such a routine  job.

Sweeping leaves is another excellent time to do this. You watch the brush come into contact with the leaves in fascination.
After a short period of doing this,you will find the more you do the exercises,the less thoughts you will have,and that emotion you might remember- happiness- will slowly become your normal state.
I'm not joking because this works,so why not give it a try ?
That is the end of chapter nine; in the next chapter I will present some more methods that can be used to help you wake up from your fevered dream.

The Tower Of Babel Is Back.

Did you know that there is a Tower Of Babel in Europe,and it is reaching up to the sky?
Funny,we never hear about this unusual building.
Ever seen a picture of it? I doubt it.
This is strange in itself,because the Tower is in a modern Western country,and represents an extremely well know institution.
So the Tower Of Babel is back.

The first time,according to the Bible,man was attempting to build a tower up to Heaven,and at that time ,everyone involved in this spoke one language.

God did not like the idea of this one bit,so the story goes,so he gave us our different languages to prevent us from understanding one another.God is meant to have said that because we all spoke one language"whatever we imagine we can make happen".He,for some reason, did not want this to happen.

Today, for the first time in our recorded history,we are, more or less, speaking one language through the Internet.and mostly using the English language.
The new Tower Of Babel is owned by the European Commission.

My question is: why would the E.C. decide to build a Tower Of Babel?
I mean, it hasn't got a good name for itself has it?
What's more,the original story has a bad ending.

Using the same logic,one can only imagine that if the E.C. wanted to have a ship,they would, no doubt, copy the design of the Titanic, and also call it this.

It is the European Parliament which includes the tower that is not finished.

In 1563 Pieter Brueghel the Elder created a painting of the Tower Of Babel.The E.C. officials liked  this painting so much that they decided to copy it,and have a building built that looked exactly like this picture.

The E.C. also produced a poster depicting their mission; on the poster are the words;"Europe;many tongues,one voice".

The poster contains the twelve stars of the European flag in front of the Tower Of Babel.The strange fact is that these stars are all inverted;some claim this means that they are Satanic symbols.

Another interesting point is in the European Parliament, every member has a seat umber allocated to him or her,but,it is alleged that the seat number 666(the number of the Beast in Revelation in the Bible) is always empty,and has not been allocated to any member ,yet.However,some members of this Parliament, claim that this is just not true and that seat number 666 is occupied.

To add mystery upon mystery,a statue outside the E.U. office  in Brussels is of a woman riding a beast.
Remember Revelation 17.3.:"I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast.."
Heavy stuff!
So what do we have here?
1.A replica Tower Of Babel.
2.A poster with a picture of the Tower Of Babel surrounded by twelve inverted stars.
3.Seat number 666 is not occupied in the E.U. Parliament- if this is true.
4.A statue of a woman on a beast.

All in all, I'd say that the E.U. is not what it pretends to be,and its agenda is very sinister, and not in our best interests at all.

I think that the citizens of Europe,who are all suffering in one way or another,would agree with me that their lives have been made considerably worse than they were, since they became members of this demonic beast.

The previous time the Tower Of Babel was being built,the architects plans for this were foiled,by means of an outside force,whether it be God, Aliens or beings from another dimension.

The difference this time appears to be that no outside force is needed( or is it invisible and secretly acting) as the E.U. seems to be imploding,and destroying itself from within.

The Tower Of Babel Is Back.

Did you know that there is a Tower Of Babel in Europe,and it is reaching up to the sky?
Funny,we never hear about this unusual building.
Ever seen a picture of it? I doubt it.
This is strange in itself,because the Tower is in a modern Western country,and represents an extremely well know institution.
So the Tower Of Babel is back.

The first time,according to the Bible,man was attempting to build a tower up to Heaven,and at that time ,everyone involved in this spoke one language.

God did not like the idea of this one bit,so the story goes,so he gave us our different languages to prevent us from understanding one another.God is meant to have said that because we all spoke one language"whatever we imagine we can make happen".He,for some reason, did not want this to happen.

Today, for the first time in our recorded history,we are, more or less, speaking one language through the Internet.and mostly using the English language.
The new Tower Of Babel is owned by the European Commission.

My question is: why would the E.C. decide to build a Tower Of Babel?
I mean, it hasn't got a good name for itself has it?
What's more,the original story has a bad ending.

Using the same logic,one can only imagine that if the E.C. wanted to have a ship,they would, no doubt, copy the design of the Titanic, and also call it this.

It is the European Parliament which includes the tower that is not finished.

In 1563 Pieter Brueghel the Elder created a painting of the Tower Of Babel.The E.C. officials liked  this painting so much that they decided to copy it,and have a building built that looked exactly like this picture.

The E.C. also produced a poster depicting their mission; on the poster are the words;"Europe;many tongues,one voice".

The poster contains the twelve stars of the European flag in front of the Tower Of Babel.The strange fact is that these stars are all inverted;some claim this means that they are Satanic symbols.

Another interesting point is in the European Parliament, every member has a seat umber allocated to him or her,but,it is alleged that the seat number 666(the number of the Beast in Revelation in the Bible) is always empty,and has not been allocated to any member ,yet.However,some members of this Parliament, claim that this is just not true and that seat number 666 is occupied.

To add mystery upon mystery,a statue outside the E.U. office  in Brussels is of a woman riding a beast.
Remember Revelation 17.3.:"I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast.."
Heavy stuff!
So what do we have here?
1.A replica Tower Of Babel.
2.A poster with a picture of the Tower Of Babel surrounded by twelve inverted stars.
3.Seat number 666 is not occupied in the E.U. Parliament- if this is true.
4.A statue of a woman on a beast.

All in all, I'd say that the E.U. is not what it pretends to be,and its agenda is very sinister, and not in our best interests at all.

I think that the citizens of Europe,who are all suffering in one way or another,would agree with me that their lives have been made considerably worse than they were, since they became members of this demonic beast.

The previous time the Tower Of Babel was being built,the architects plans for this were foiled,by means of an outside force,whether it be God, Aliens or beings from another dimension.

The difference this time appears to be that no outside force is needed( or is it invisible and secretly acting) as the E.U. seems to be imploding,and destroying itself from within.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream Chapter eight.

"Get the feast prepared,all the love we shared from so long ago,that we never showed".Lyrics from, The World Will Never End, by Mike Selley.

As stated earlier,the great teachers of mankind told us how to live happy lives.
Strip away the institutional religion that has sprung up surrounding these teachers,and you, if you have ears to hear,can, by following what they said,be free

"Be not led by the authority of religious texts,nor by mere logic or inference,nor by considering appearances,nor by speculative opinion-when you know for yourselves that certain things are wholesome and good,then accept these and follow them." This is from What The Buddha Taught,by Walpole Rahula(Gordon Fraser published 1959, page two)

This is in total contradiction to what our organized religions teach us!
And..."The root of all evil is ignorance and false views"  This is also  from the aforementioned book.

Some might say that Christ is the only way,or Mohamed, or Krishna, or The Buddha.

All these teachers were, if you ignore the culture where they were established, all saying the same, or very similar  things in different ways.

For the Buddhist,the truth is presented in the way it is,because of the cultural ways of thinking of the people.

It is the same for Jesus;he taught according to the peoples understanding and culture at that time.And it is the same for the other great teachers.

If it were possible to teach a cat about truth,you would use expressions that it could relate to;words like food, mice,and warm spots in front of the fire.

To a dog though,you would use other expressions,such as,talking about chasing wild rabbits.lamp posts,finding bones in the garden,and warm spots in front of the fire.

Please have an open mind.

Christ said,"Love your enemies".An attitude we find hard to adopt,but this shows us that we have to view the World in a completely different way.

The great teachers said two things in particular.

The first is that there is only love,and the second is,the little you, you think is you, can have access to Christ, God, Buddha,Supreme being, The All Knowing, or whatever label is stuck on Truth.You are though ,already joined up to That,but are unaware of this .

If you understand this,and experience it at a real level,you will be free and happy forever.

So they are telling us that the self,is the main obstacle to happiness.

But we believe that if we satisfy ourselves,we will be happy.
Yet, when we do satisfy ourselves,the feeling of happiness is only very short-lived,and we find that we keep having to satisfy ourselves over and over.

In fact, the feeling we get is not even happiness,but a brief flash of pleasure,which is not the same at all as true happiness.
We have the great clue here-it is our very selves that are the hindrance and main barrier that stops us living how we should live.

Read the following slowly,then sit back and reflect on what you have understood.

That which makes the Sun shine,
That which makes the World turn,
That which makes the Trees grow,
That which makes the Birds sing,
That which makes your Heartbeat,
That which makes you See,Hear,
Touch, Feel,and have your sense of Taste and Smell
Is You- The Real You-The Hidden You.

If you realize,really do know,that you are That,the ego will be no more;you shall know the Truth:you shall be free.

The way to truth is awareness.

The self(your ego) and love appear to be the two vital ingredients that have to be worked on.

Why do you think Christ said,"Love your enemies?"

Because your enemy,behind his mask, his costume,his persona,that you think of as him or her,is-wait for it-you!
Yes, he and you are really identical essence.
Everybody under the mask is you.
It would be very stupid to attack yourself wouldn't it?
Yet, that is what we have being doing to each other for Centuries.

We will shortly move on to practical exercises and tips to enable you to understand and feel that you, and everyone else are really living in Paradise,as hard as that is to believe.

That is the end of  this chapter;the next chapter will follow shortly.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Nailed To Your Cross.

I always thought that the Christian message at Easter of Christ on the cross,could be interpreted as symbolic of the death of the ego,and re- birth of the true self.Not really re-birth, because your true self has never been born,and without birth there is no death.Your true self always is.

Many claim that the Earth is changing its energy field,and that this year could be the time when a lot of people  become more aware.If this is true,it must surely mean that any effort,or should I say, effortless effort,we apply,stands a better chance of  being successful.

If our consciousness is suddenly taking a leap forward in these times,it would be a good idea to align ourselves with this new shift.

Whatever your religious beliefs, why not use the Easter period to meditate on the image of a body on a cross with nails in its hands and feet?

Can't you see the connection of how the ego nails you down,so you cannot experience a wider fuller state of awareness?

The hands, which can symbolize the active, creative part of the self are nailed to wood. The nails being hard and painful,are keeping the active, creative aspect,firmly held down. The wooden cross can represent the circle of life, and its endless seasons.
It is on this circle of life where our egos are stuck
The feet represent the ability of the self to move ,to change,to explore, to discover.The nails, though, prevent them from moving.

Is this the golden time in our history when we,as a species, collectively break through the nails that have held us back,and hindered us for Centuries?

If enough people can break free from the cross we all carry, a new consciousness with a far greater awareness will emerge on this Planet.

If we don't do this,the unconsciousness,the ignorance that we are still in, will only  lead to more darkness,more ignorance and  more suffering.No sane person wants that.

At this time of year,with the Spring  showing off its new shoots,and the World  coming out of its long dark Winter. you too can celebrate with Nature,and emerge from your long dark Winter.Release yourself from the wooden structure of the ego,and realize, once and for all,that your mind is not you,and your ego is not you.
You are far greater than either of these two deceivers.

I know the mind can be a truly remarkable instrument if used correctly,but we don't use it the way we should.It is like we have a very powerful  generator of energy,and we only ever use it to light one tiny light bulb.What a waste!

Embrace your true self, the one you are unaware of,the one hiding behind your mind and your ego.This true self, that is longing ,each moment of your life, to be recognized , so you can be how you are meant to be- happy.Letting the ego control your life only leads to suffering in one form or another,so let it go, for good.

We are all nailed to our crosses,but the good news is we don't have to be;there is a better way to live.

For further information and practical exercises on how to achieve this,I invite you to read ,for free, on this blog, my book- How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream.New chapters are uploaded on a regular basis.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

How To Cure Piles By Doing One Yoga Exercise.

Something different; now you can see why the word"odd" is in the blog title!

I would not have posted this, but after someone told me earlier today that this particular exercise had  cured the six people who had been told about this exercise,and cured them very quickly- in a matter of days, I thought it only right to let people know how one Yoga exercise can get rid of Piles.

Piles or Haemorrhoids can be a pain in the ----.!

Years ago, a neighbour of mine,a man of about twenty five,told me how he suffered ,all the time, from this unpleasant ailment..

He was someone who liked to talk,and he rambled on to me,about how he had tried all the ointments that existed,and how his Doctor had suggested that he had surgery on the offending veins..

He didn't fancy surgery one little bit.
He gave up alcohol and chocolate, thinking that maybe these were the cause of his problem.However such denial of the things he enjoyed , made no difference to his condition.

He kept on about his Piles so much,it became his main topic of conversation, and, quite frankly,because of this I tried to avoid him.This, though, proved difficult to do,as every time I came out of my front door,he would suddenly rush out of his door,and bombard me  with his latest attempts to cure himself.

It was then a thought occurred to me.I was, at that time ,reading a book about Yoga, and I recalled seeing the word Piles somewhere in the text.I searched through the index and found that there was an exercise that claimed  to cure any one of this,and to do this quickly too.

If, I thought, I could offer this man a cure for his wretched Piles, he would no longer focus his whole attention on this narrow subject.

The exercise was called the Plough Posture, or in Sanskrit, Halasana.
All you had to do was to lie flat on your back, on the ground, with your legs stretched out together,with your arms close to your body.
You then bend your legs,and bring your knees above the belly.
Lift your hips off the floor,and support your hips with both your hands.
Straighten your trunk,and push the legs up to the sky in a vertical position.

Once in this position your body will look a bit like the small letter "b" with the lower bit of the "b", the circle bit, being your head,and the straight line going up, your legs.

This exercise is not the Plough Posture, but the Shoulder Stand or Salamba Sarvangasana.You have to get in this position,though, before you can do the Plough.

All you do now is swing your feet and legs over your head until your toes(hopefully) touch the floor behind your head.

So to re cap:
1. Lie down on the floor,on your back, with your legs together, and your arms by your sides.
2.Straighten your legs,straight up in the air, so your feet are facing  the sky.
3.Support your body by putting both hands on your hips.
4Push your legs over your head,so your toes touch the floor behind your head.
5.Hold this position for a few seconds,and then longer, after practice.

It is unlikely that you will be able to make your toes  actually touch the floor,when you first start doing this.Don't worry.In Yoga you never strain or push your body if you feel discomfort.You only push your body as far as it feels comfortable.With repeated efforts though,you may well be able to get your toes to touch the floor, without any feeling of strain at all.

The benefits; apart from curing Piles, it is meant to, enhance sexual fitness, correct menstrual disorder,prevent stomach trouble,tune the nervous system,and is good for obese people to correct their figure.

However, it comes with a warning;if you have weak vertebrae, you should not attempt to do this.

I actually took the Yoga book to the guy next door.He said he would try anything, and was very willing to try the one Yoga exercise that was meant to cure Piles.Mind you, he had a look of doubt in his eyes, which is understandable, after trying so many cures, that had not worked.

Do you know, a week later I got a knock on my door,and there this guy was with a great smile on his face.
"It worked", he said simply.

What's more, his conversations got real interesting,as the book on Yoga led him to explore Eastern Philosophy; a much more interesting subject to talk about than Piles!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream Chapter seven.

"A fool to believe this delusion I feel,the confusion,the illusion,the fusion with the wheel".Lyrics from Fevered Dream, by Mike Selley.

I wrote earlier that we live in a World of lies.You can see this with your own eyes.

The World looks flat to your eyes.Everywhere you look looks flat,not round.It is our eyes that deceive us.

Look at the Sky on a cloudless night,and if you are away from a City, you will see tiny little lights,twinkling,and filling up the Sky.
The Stars look just like little pinpricks of light,but they are massive Worlds and Suns ,and some   are enormous.Your eyes  though,tell you that they all look very small.

The Sun that gives us light,warmth and life is looked upon as friendly; it is really a massive,pulsating,exploding,imploding mass of red hot energy.
If you were to get closer to it  somehow, without being roasted to ash,it would, no doubt, be truly terrifying to behold.

The Moon,so beloved by Poets and writers,who talk about it in a romantic way,is really a cold,lifeless(though this is debatable) pot marked mass of rock(and that is debatable too)

What's more, Scientists tell us that when we see the World,we see it(the energy that we decode so it looks the way it does) upside down,and that our brain turns it the right way up for us.

Also, the World is spinning round at an amazingly fast rate,and yet, we have no sensation of this at all.

The Sun looks like it comes up in the morning, and goes down at night.
But it doesn't go up or down at all.It is our World spinning(or spiraling) round it that gives us this illusion.

I wonder how far this goes.
Take Death.We view it as a sad,upsetting,event,and can get very distraught when loved ones die.On the other hand, we look at Birth as a joyful event.
Maybe being born in this World of illusion  and suffering is a sad event,and Death is a marvelous one.
Then again,why not have them both as joyful events,as being born on the Earth,is a real opportunity for us to learn how to return to our true home!

And why the repetition?
The repetition you encounter in your everyday life.
If you had a dream in your eyes shut state, that you were doing the same things over and over again,when you woke up,you would consider it very strange,and ask yourself why you had to repeat the same actions over and over again.

This appears to be how life is lived.Everyday we do the same things we did yesterday and all the days before,and tomorrow, we will do the same again.
We get up, we drink,we eat, we go to the toilet,and say, more or less, the same things everyday,and go to the same place, see the same rooms, same roads, same faces,day in, day out.We sit on the same chair,sit at the same table,sleep in the same bed,and only have  minor variations to the theme.The word Robot seems to be humming in my head.
What is this?
A World of circles where everything goes round and round in circles?
It appears to be so.
Does it not strike you as odd?
If it does,doesn't it hint that the state we are in, is a distorted offshoot of another more harmonic illusion.

It is like you are caught on a wheel that you cannot get off,because it keeps going round all the time.
Well, you are.The trouble is , the wheel never stops going round;it never slows down or stops, to let you get off.
As you go round and round you keep dreaming your fevered dream.

We have to wake up from our fevered dream.

That is the end of chapter seven.Chapter eight will follow shortly.