Monday, December 31, 2018

I Create Reality- So Do You

I Create Reality- So Do You.

Your life is yours and you form it.

You are focus, you are attention. Whatever you focus on will grow.

You are a powerful creative centre.

You have the power to create and form.

The universe is a shapeable universe. You can shape it with your thoughts.

The only realities are love, light and abundance.
Poverty, cold and absence have no positive realities; they are absences.

The energy of thoughts and emotions shape our World.

Conscious creation of your life is the purpose of your life.

Anything is possible, you can achieve anything.

The above comes from a very short video you will find on the next page.
Click Here for the following:
Get Free daily tips on manifesting the life of your dreams. Learn how to use Holographic Creation to easily manifest your desires, even if you lack visualizing skills. Creating reality holographically is beyond visualization.

Happy New Year To All Who Read My Posts

                      What a year that was.

As we dive into 2019 let's all hope that the waking up that a lot of people talk about will
really happen.

Could this be the year that the ego structures that we all created come tumbling down ?

Or could the world enter an even darker place than it is now ?

We certainly live in interesting times.
All we can do is find the true ground of our being.

And the true ground of our being is the awareness that is the same in everybody.

' I am you and you are me and we are all together ' Was that the Beatles- I think so.

It's true.

Consciousness does not come out of matter; matter is created by consciousness, and we  all
have the same consciousness, but wear different masks.

Your dog, cat or canary share the same awareness.All the animals, birds, fish, insects and trees 
and plants have the same awareness as you.

There is only one being who is experiencing  the world of form through millions of different
life forms .

Only when we understand that we are all one will sanity and peace come to this world.

Why fight another when you know that under that mask he or she is really you ?

If you want guidance on this I suggest you go to you tube and watch the brilliant Rupert 
Spira videos who goes into this in detail.

That's my New Year rant.

Mike Selley

Valium, Prozac Over Greece ?

A Dead Human On The Moon ?

                                  A    DEAD    HUMAN    ON    THE    MOON ?

On 24th August 2012 I wrote a post about the moon. Strangely enough after I had just finished the piece, I did a search for Neil Armstrong, the first man who walked on the moon, to discover he had within the last few hours, died.While I had been researching the piece I had searched for Armstrong, and then there was no mention of his death, so it came as a bit of a surprise to find he probably died while I was , not only writing about him, but the moon also.

Maybe though he wasn't the first human to have walked up there.

Though it is highly possible that the moon landing never took place,
and, if so, what is written below was put out as disinformation, to make
people believe that such a feat had been possible.

What do you think ?
The claim below is so outlandish, one's first reaction is to not believe it.
On the other hand what if it is true ?

A Chinese astrophysicist makes this astounding claim. According to the Mysteries Archive site, Dr. Kang Mao-Pang claims that he was given top secret documents that came from a completely trustworthy source who he described as 'impeccable'.

The good doctor said that he had 1000 Nasa photographs that clearly show bare human footprints and a human skeleton on the moon.  He claims that America's Apollo 11 module photographed a human skeleton on the moon when it landed there in 1969.

The doctor stated further that the skeleton appears to have been wearing jeans. Here it gets a bit nasty, as he said that the body was partially dismembered and met a violent death.This was known by the position of the -

The Mysteries Archive site also claim that Nasa had, at a Washington National Press Club, on 21.3.1996 said that man-made structures had been found on the moon .They added that official results would be published later. So where are they ?

Footprints on the Moon - HiddenMysteries Information

What a wonderful press we have in this World. Do you remember reading any of this startling stuff about a dead body that had been dismembered on the moon who had met a violent death ? Or that Nasa had announced that man-made structures had been found on the Lunar surface, not to mention, bare human footprints ? No, I don't think so. The press must have been gagged.
Or perhaps they thought it too absurd to print.

This presents a problem though as if this information was released to add a touch of mystery to
the moon adventure, to convince the world that the U.S.A did indeed go to the moon, surely the
newspapers would have been told to write about it ?

There is more on the moon . According to Wikipedia, in September 2009 India's Chandrayaan I detected water on the moon. In March 2010 India discovered more than 40 darkened craters; it was estimated that these contained 1.5 trillion pounds of water-ice.

My post ' The Moon Landing Lie ' certainly offers, in my opinion, strong evidence that such a 
landing never took place, and , if so, all the above is bunkum

We have been fed so many lies it is hard to  know what is true anymore. If all the above was made up, it just shows how far the powers that be will go to convince us of the moon landing.

Something to ponder on on a dark winter night.                    Mike Selley.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Mysteries Of The Moon.

M    Y    S    T    E    R    I    E    S       O    F       T    H    E        M    O    O    N.

                                            MYSTERIES        OF        THE        MOON.


A number of people claim that there is alien life on the moon.There are a host of videos on you tube showing strange looking objects on the surface.Other videos show what look like structures of some sort. Still others 
boast of blurry spots, that could be anything.

Nothing though is clear cut.The presenters of these videos claim that the reason for this is that N.A.S.A has blurred the images on purpose.It could all be speculation, and the objects sighted could be explained as natural, if we could see them clearer.

I don't know, but it is possible that the moon is full of aliens.A favourite theory is that on the dark side of the moon, aliens have a huge base, and that they have a massive mining operation going on. More on that later.

A popular theory is that America never took much interest in the moon after the initial landings, after being told, in no uncertain terms, by  E.Ts never to return or face the consequences.

Jung, of course, would have, no doubt said that all these sightings are seen, because we want to believe that we are not alone, because at the moment we all feeling  rather lonely.

Things are not exactly great on planet earth, and never before have so many people reported seeing U.F.Os.Then again, never before has so much been written about aliens and U.F.Os thanks to the internet, so people are far more aware of them.

Other rumours circulate such as- It is alleged that Neil Armstrong and Edwin'Buzz' Aldrin saw U.F.Os , not only follow them to the moon, but saw them  on the moon also.

 Of more substance is the statement of a Naval Intelligence Officer, Milton Cooper, who claimed that there is an alien base  which is on the far side of the moon, and that this was filmed by the American Astronauts.

Cooper also said that there is a massive mining operation going on ( on the far side ) and that huge ships are docked on the moon.He actually said , really huge ships.He added that small ships visit the earth often.

David Icke has an  interesting theory, that the moon is an alien base that came to our planet from another part of space.

Whether or not there are other beings on that yellow orb is certainly an interesting question.One or two factors though point to the fact that our night light might not be what we think, or what we have been told it is.

Consider the following.

1. According to the 'Aliens On The Moon ' site, it is strongly suspected that the moon is older than the earth.As we have all been taught that the moon came from the earth, this comes as quite a shock.
Moon rocks have been dated 5.3 million years old, and the dust up there is said to be another billion years older.
Stranger and stranger!

2..We only ever see one side of the moon; the dark side is not visible to us.This would , of course, be a perfect location for aliens to hide from us.

3.The moon is exactly 400 times smaller than the sun, but 400 times closer to the earth, so that the sun and the moon appear to be precisely the same size in the sky., and this gives us the total eclipse.

Some scientists claim that this is the biggest coincidence in the universe.

4. The moon mirrors the movement of the sun in the sky , by rising and setting at the same point on the horizon as the sun does at opposite solstices.

5. It has no solid core, and appears to be hollow inside.Even N.A.S.A hinted at this.

As so much is now being revealed on our earth which has been hidden from us for so long, I wouldn't be at all surprised if these revelations take us further afield, and show us that the moon is full of aliens.If so, they probably live inside and not on the surface.

One day we will know, and that day cannot be too far into the future.

 Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, died  on 24.08.2012.Whatever her knew, he has taken it with him to the grave. Bless his soul.            Mike Selley.

Spiritual Wickedness In High Places.

"For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad"
Luke Ch.8. v.17

All that is hidden shall be revealed.

Yes, it's all coming out; the whole filthy lot and we are in for some nasty, even vile discoveries.

At the same time though some truly wonderful, beautiful truths will be shining in the bright sunlight.

It has to be this way as the World is starting to change its season.

As we on the earth  know that the Spring  will come in a few months, the World itself in the Cosmic sense is leaving its cold, dark, lifeless winter behind, and entering into its springtime.

As the old order, with its ego structures collapses, the new one (no,not that horrible sounding New World Order rubbish ) with its non-ego structures will emerge.

In just the last few years, more and more people have discovered what once, only a few knew..

Here are just a few items that are now in the public domain. 

It has been claimed by many that America got into the First World War by sending the British Ocean Liner,  RMS Lusitania to the U K. It was full of civilians and 1,198 people died when a German torpedo hit it.
This helped sway the American people to support the war. It is claimed that the American Government knew that it was highly likely that the ship would be targeted. It is also suggested that it had weapons on board which was illegal .

The German Embassy placed fifty adverts in newspapers in the U .S.A warning passengers that it could well be attacked, but, surprise ,surprise , the U.S.A blocked these ads, but one was overlooked.

Pearl Harbour was known about before it happened , but the U.S.A. let it take place, with the loss of 2403 lives.U.S Navy Rear Admiral Robert A.Theobald had argued that various parties at the highest level knew of Japan's planned attack in advance.He was dismissed from his post for speaking the truth.
This made America join in the war.
The lie that it was a surprise attack was kept going for 7O years with the B.B.C having a documentary that set out to prove that this was a conspiracy theory. A major British newspaper had an article that was over the top in its fever to prove that only nutters thought it was known beforehand

Guess what, on 4 12. 2011 The Daily Telegraph in the U.K. printed an article that gave details of a memo that showed America knew beforehand of Japan's plans.

Will , in about 70 years time, someone discover a memo about 9.11 showing that it was an inside job I wonder..

 "What luck for the rulers that men do not think."
Vietnam 's  false flag story is now fairly well known .The American destroyer Maddox was supposedly attacked twice by three Vietnamese torpedo boats in 1964, bit it never happened.This got the Americans into the war.

According to in an article dated 15.7.2010, over 1,100 pages of previously classified Vietnam-era transcripts show that The White House and The Pentagon knew that it was a false flag ,but kept this concealed from the public.

Weapons of mass destruction. Does that phase ring a bell? How could we forget it.Iraq was , we were told , a threat to the World with vile weapons. It was simply a downright lie , as we now all know.
What always struck me as the proof that it was a lie was the fact that no heads from any intelligence services  were chopped. They were blamed for false intelligence. No one ever said the obvious and that is that they appear more like the un-intelligent services, and should all be sacked forthwith.

"History is an account mostly false,of events mostly unimportant, which are brought about by rulers, mostly knaves,and soldiers, mostly fools ."
Ambrose Bierce.


Then you look at the business world. Old Big Pharma ( plug for my song on you tube) has been discovered to be covering up side-effects of its drugs.Side -effects such as dropping down dead.This is now a major news item in the British press.

Banks are now considered by most thinking people to be a heaving nest of money -vampires, crooks and liars.

Oil companies have arrogantly and blatantly displayed their contempt and complete disregard  for the environment and for people.As for animals or marine life...........

The B.B.C or British Bullshit Corporation, that mouth of whatever government is in power, has always been very careful to be seen as correct in every way, and to be considered a pillar of the Establishment.
 It's going through a nasty time now with its image slowly changing from a proud lion into a sick ,twisted perverted sewer- rat.

Imagine the B.B.C's esteemed dressing rooms having children being raped in them, because that is what is now reported in the main stream press There is talk that there was and might still be a pedophile sex ring inside this grand British institution.

More and more well known established businesses are been shown to have corrupt practice, like Siemens, such as bribery being commonplace.


" When secrecy and mystery begins,vice or roguery is not far off."
Samuel Johnson.


How many more will come to light ? A lot, I should think because most of these places are run by people who have no ethics, morals or concern for anyone or anything that doesn't give them an advantage.

Government have always been very vigilant and cunning in keeping their particular unpleasant brands of dirt well out of the public eye. They've had a lot of practise.This though will change. It has already started in the U.K. A few years ago it was headline news when an M.P. in Parliament asked King William 1v's great-great- great-great-great grandson, the fifth cousin twice removed to the Queen, David Cameron, the Prime minister of England, about a possible sex ring operating in the Government.He even said that an aide to a past Prime Minister was involved.A shocked hush descended  as Cameron weakly muttered." I don't know what Prime Minister that would be ".This, of course, means, he knows exactly what Prime Minister had this aide.

Such allegations have never been aired in public before. More will come out, as we are in the age when all will be revealed.

A few short years ago all these established monuments of respectability were considered to be above suspicion. But now- the times they are a changing. for sure.

The real power though is beyond the governments. The shadows that are never allowed to be seen.They are masters of deception as they have been deceiving the World for centuries, so they know the game forward, backwards and sideways.

If anyone gets remotely close to them, they are either imprisoned, put in an asylum or killed.

When the World really learns what these super -evil elite have done to us in the past and what they are still doing, everyone will be in total shock.

Bestiality, Incest, Pedophilia,Necrophilia, hunting humans for sport as they do animals, drinking human blood, sacrificing young innocents and more.

Is it really possible that such people indulge in these awful activities.?A number of conspiracy sites claim this.
David Icke has said for years, and was laughed at , that Jimmy Savile and a Prime Minister were perverts.
Now it's coming out as true.Could the rest be true as well?
We shall have to see.
On the plus side though, new discoveries in science are showing us that it's all illusion, and that everything is united and we are all one. Will they, I wonder , discover that love is all there really is ?

" For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this World, against spiritual wickedness in high places"
Ephesians 6.12.                                                  Mike Selley.

Not 2019 Predictions, But 2119 Predictions.

A lot of newspapers are giving predictions for 2019. Most of these seem more like guesses,based on what is taking place in the world now.I mean, to say that trouble will continue in the Middle East ( as it has for the last sixty years ) is pretty obvious.Europe going through turmoil is also a certainty.

The only interesting prediction is that people will start taking up crafts such as, woodwork, knitting and suchlike. This is probably true, as why buy something ,in these tight-fisted times, when you can make it yourself.

Anyway, I thought to be different, I wouldn't write about next year, but about life in say, a hundred years time. These predictions probably sound absurd as they are extreme, I admit. But , who would have believed a hundred years ago, the sort of high-tech world we now live in..

So here goes. Imagine the year is 2119.
The discovery in the early 21st century that showed everything was vibration led to some startling inventions that changed the world.
This led to one of the greatest inventions of all time ; The Weave Accelerator Numinous Damask
An interesting name that has baffled many as to what it actually meant.What it can do still amazes everyone.
You hold the small stick like rod in your hand and whatever you say, while you wave your Weave Accelerator Luminous Damask, will appear before your eyes.

This amazing piece of  stick works by 'capturing ' the vibrations in your words., and then converts the vibrations into 'formed' ' images, formed 'things '.

If you said clearly' A beautiful garden'.the instrument would decode the vibrations of the words, and then make the vibrations turn into what appears to be form

Because of its rather pompous title - The Weave Accelerator Numinous Damask- most people called it  by its initials, W. A. N . D . or wand for short.

Some few very elderly people have sworn that they used to, when children, read books about wands.No one believed them, of course, as they are probably senile, they muttered.

Man will be able to fly unaided. This was a major breakthrough in not only the aviation world, but , the whole world was changed by this.
The funny part was when we found it was so easy, we couldn't understand why we hadn't flown before.
It all started in about 2025 when Doctor Belefan opened, almost overnight, a chain of his ' Power Of Belief'
workshops in every major town across the world.
In his prospectus he claims he has actual proof that belief can really move mountains.He goes on to say that instead of moving mountains, why not fly above them ? Simple, easy to understand instruction booklet shows how to fly in 7 simple steps.

No media took any notice of him, until the workshops were said to actually teach normal people to fly, as this was the sober truth. That was how it was until one day ,  a  live show had a man in the audience suddenly fly up above them, then all round the theatre, shouting: " I can do this because I believe it, I can do this because I believe it', over and over again.This was on national , prime time Holo-T.V.
That was all it took for an explosion of interest in the art of flying.Dr. Belfan always started his talks with memorable,' Learning to fly is like learning to ride a bike. You have to believe that, despite the way it looks, you won't fall off" and: " Come Fly With Me, It's easy you see, set the whole world free.As its meant to be."
type quotes.

Dr. Belefan had said,"  We now know that our life and everything else is illusion, and is Just the same as a
dream one dreams at night.Many people can do 'lucid dreaming ', when in the eyes -closed dream state. All I'm saying in do lucid dreaming in the eye wide open dream state.In this way you will learn to fly.
Just the same as in a dream,as in a dream, we know, when we wake up that in the dreamstate we could have flown, but didn't. We know, that in a dream state we have the potential to do, anything. The strange part is we hardly ever do anything much different from our everyday life.Why is this, wondered researchers, who discovered that humankind had been programmed to reject the idea of self-flying;

The Elite did not want the people to know they could fly, and that is why in almost every country in the world children were forced to go to a school at about the age of five. The real reason for this was the Elite knew that the instinct of flying came into play at the age of five or close to.The children's minds were drenched in highly diverting, brand new total information overload. The child was no longer in the safe, secure nest with his mother and his brother with that feeling of warmth, but out alone, for the first time, in a cold ,strange, new world.The instinct to fly simply got lost under the garbage, and it was done on purpose.

Walking Through Walls.Just a hundred years ago the masses and the scientists would have not believed that one day we would walk through walls. It would have been seen as a joke.
This is the same as the flying strategy.Once it was determined that it was only our belief system that prevented us doing this, slowly a few people started to walk through walls, Nowadays everybody can.

It is simply a question of thinking that you can do this and imagining the wall is pleased with what you are doing, as this will change the walls vibration to enable your 'body' to walk through it.

The stumbling block up to the early part of the 21st century was that people could not muster enough belief.
This all changed when Dr Bradwardine  proved in theory first and then in practice that if used correctly if you believed you could move a mountain, you would move that mountain.He also claimed., outlandishly, that we could do almost anything if we believed that we could do it.
Dr. Bradwardine said ," Once you really know, just know, that all this is your imagination, projecting dramas onto what appears to be an outside world, it slowly dawns on you that you are a creator  and can create what you want and how you want .So you simply start doing that.You are master of your imagination, and for once, millions started using their mind in the way it was designed to be used; to create."

Time Travel.After Quantum scientists discovered that everything, the entire past and the entire future is taking place right now , in this very moment, in this 'now', doors were flown open to allow us look at the world in a totally different way.
Dr. Nebogipfel had said, that if you were on a distant planet far away from earth, you could, if you had a powerful enough telescope , be able to look at the world and see it as it was, say 500 years ago.This was certainly no knew idea.Most people knew, for example, that it took about 8 minutes for the image of the sun to travel to our eyes, so we are seeing the sun as it was eight minutes ago.
This fact led to Dr. Nebogipfel to think that if we could somehow be on a distant planet, or in some point in space , we would, and this was agreed by all scientists and scholars,  view parts of our history in its 'reality'.
The good Doctor suddenly wondered could we time travel without going to a distant planet ? Could we experience what we would experience if we were on that distance world spying on an old fashioned earth.

He then invented one of the most amazing inventions in the history of the world, the Higher Ganglion Waft Ebb Lariot  Lens.What this did was to transmit an 'impulse' to a point in space.This was done by the impulse jumping out of this dimension, to enter a timeless frequency range, and then returning to our universe at the moment of contact of the 'impulse; and the location.The 'impulse,by jumping out of time again, returns to earth' with the ' captured time-frame'

Having this captured time frame meant  that the past could be viewed on earth
The Higher Ganglion Waft Ebb Lariot Lens was a bit of a mouthful, so people called it by its initials, H.G. Wells.

Time Travel To The Future.Seeing into the future had already been achieved in the late 20th century. It was then called,'Remote Viewing" and it worked. These 'Remote Viewers'. employed mostly by the American Military, could really see what was going to happen in the future. There was not much talk about it, and it must have been suppressed by the Elite.
Dr.D.Dare was a firm believer in the notion that we are tremendously powerful and whatever we focused our attention on, we could do. He preached the wonders of  seeing into the future.His assistant Prof, Digby even claimed that he could actually change himself into a frog, but he can't see the point in doing this, so doesn't do it.

What became obvious was that seeing into the future, wasn't seeing into THE future, but a possible future based on the current information available.
As we are creators, it dawned on us that , if we didn't like the look of the' projected future'all we need do is create our own future, the one our conscious mind wants, and thereby erase the ' projected future'.This was done by visualization, which became popular in the early part of the last century.

Because of the creative spirit filling the earth, nowadays nearly everybody can achieve results with visualization.

This year, 2119 is the 50th Anniversary of "No War, No Money Day". The glorious day when every country in the world signed a pledge and enshrined in law the illegality of all war , and the making in any shape or form of weapons was strictly forbidden.
The Peace And Security Humanitarian Act made war an illegal act. Any making of any types of weapon was also deemed against the law.
The punishment for such crimes was  called," Banishment". Any person engaged in war like activities would be banished to a distant planet, called,"Hades" where they will live with their own kind, all left to their own devices. Inhabitants of nearby and distant planets are forbidden to go there, as it is classified as one of the most dangerous places in the universe.

The other law that was passed 50 years ago was the "Termination Of Money Act "This simply was the abolishment of finance in any form. The exchange of money for goods and service were also outlawed.

The Galactic Elders had given us a very stern warning in 2029 that it was essential that war and money were taken out of society, They had caused too much pain for far too long, and both war and money would destroy us.

Well, even if we won't be able to fly, walk through walls, time travel and wave magic wands to get whatever we want, and decide our own future, if the above two laws were made that would change the world more than  anyone walking through walls, or soaring through time..

Mike Selley.


Saturday, December 8, 2018

Have The French Started The Revolution ?

Have The French Started The Revolution ?

The Revolution that the whole of Europe wants.

In fact, what the whole world wants ?

The Revolution against the rich taking all the money from the poor ?
Is this the real starting pistol ?

Have the arrogant 1 per cent gone too far.
Increasing taxes so much that people cannot afford to eat.
Putting tax on food and bills that most people cannot  afford.

Food banks in the U.K. Food banks for people who can't afford to buy food.
I ask you, what sort of society is that ?
Thousands of people who are homeless, and thousands living in poverty in the U.k alone.
There's no revolution there.
Is there a microwave weapon aimed at people's brains that stops people
stepping out of line ?

 The French have started a  Revolution against the insane austerity that has been inflicted on millions of people.

The anger in France is not just about the tax on fuel; that is what the mainstream media wants
you to believe, but it's not true. as can be seen by the riots still going on after the ex Rothchild
banker, Macron said he will not tax fuel ( for a while ).
The riots are against the Elite's game that is to keep the people down.

Austerity measures that are completely absurd, and only made up to keep the
people of Europe in a state of fear and servitude.

I wrote in a blog post sometime ago that it would be the French who would start the march
against this New World Order, and that the rest of the world  would follow.

The French  have a history of not buckling under insane laws, whereas the rest of Europe
seems to be sleepwalking
How could Greece  - in particular- accept what is really a Genocide against its people ?
That to me is a complete mystery.

Genocide- a strong word to use, but let's see if this is the correct word, because I think it is.
According To Wikipedia;

' By  Genocide we mean the destruction of an ethnic group. Generally speaking Genocide does not
necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation---. It is intended rather to signify a plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves.

The objectives of such a plan would be the destruction of the political and social institutions, of culture,language,national feelings, religion and the economic existence of national groups, and the
destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity of even the lives of individuals belonging to such a group.'
This is exactly what has been done to Greece; it's essential Greek identity has been destroyed.

Remember one World Government is the end plan, so to get rid of any ideas of nationality is essential.
The E.U is, of course, part of the plan for a World Government.

Look at Greece in the !990's and look at it now.

It's a completely different country.

The Greeks have been well and truly taken to the cleaners.

So have the Italians and the Spanish.

And yet why haven't these countries reacted like the French ?

Have the Greeks, Spanish and Italians been brainwashed so well ( by T.V ?) that they
have put up with such ludicrous increases in taxes on everything that they simply
accept it and sink into a state of apathy.

Or is it more sinister and that electronic frequencies have been aimed at these countries
to keep them from going against the New World Order agenda ?
If so, how come this hasn't been done to the French ?
Well, maybe it has, but it didn't work.
Maybe their collective memory of previous revolutions is so strong that this has
risen to the surface .
The real question is though, will their spirit spread, and will this be the start of the
fall of the evil empire that is really a new Roman Empire, or the Beast as mentioned
in the Bible ?

Mike Selley.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Dark Suits; How Do You Sleep?

Dark Suits; How Do You Sleep ?.

I'm not right wing, left wing or any wing at all, so this post is not anti any political party.

It's just an honest question.I' m writing about Greece here, a country that has well and truly been taken,
kicked and shoved by a bunch of bully boys and girls who earn a king's ransom, who have somehow
convinced a left wing government to do exactly what they were told to do.
How did they do it ?
I don't know.
Blackmail ?
Death threats ?
Do you think that's not possible ?
Look at Iceland when they told the I.M.F that they were not going to pay their debt.
What happened ?
Suddenly a Volcano erupted a few days later.
Yes, it was pay back time.
Take a look at Italy.
They send their budget to the E.U. which was a sensible budget, increasing wages and pensions,
and, the E.U. rejects it, and then what happens ?
Suddenly the country is flooded.
We're dealing with Mafia , but a legal Mafia.

How the hell does a man or woman or any human being inflict so much pain
on millions of people and seemingly not care?

Look at the awful facts.
1. Suicides and infant mortality has  worsened during the crisis

2.Mental health , particularly, depression has got worse and worse.

3.The percentage of people who wanted medical assistance and were unable , has more than doubled
from 10 % in 2010 to almost 22% in 2015 because of the cost.

4.Between 2010 and 2015 a record downward trend in the mortality of two major causes of death-
heart disease and cancer.

5.Traffic Accidents have increased since the crisis started.

6.In 2014 there were throughout Greece 174 more suicides compared to 2009.

It's strange that more up to date figures are not available, don't you think ?

7.Unpaid Electricity bills come to 2.4 Billion Euros !!
I read the other day that 50% of people cannot pay the bill.  So what do they do ?
Increase the bills for people who do pay.

8.From the Guardian 1.1.2017.

' Patients who should live are dying'.

For every 40 patients there is one nurse.

Since 2009 per capita spending on public health has been cut by nearly a third- more than 5Billion Euro, and more than 25,000 staff have been laid off.

Supplies are so scarce that hospitals often run out of medicines, gauze and sheets.

9.According to Wikipedia Greece has over 20,000 people who are homeless.

The country has one of the highest rates of homelessness in the E.U.

Most became homeless in the last 5 years.]
Many are children between the ages of 5 and 14.

Dark suits, how do you sleep ?

Mike Selley

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Norvichok Farce - Addendum

Norvichok Farce - Addendum.

John Pilger, one of the best journalists in the world, said the following in a you tube video called'
John Pilger Special, A Look Back At 2018 And To 2019 '

' The Skripal affair produced no evidence that would stand up in a court of law. No evidence is now
accepted by journalists as O.K.'
This is a truly brilliant interview, and if you want to know what is really going on in the world
today, you really should watch it. I tried to link it here but couldn't.

Now read on .

The Curious Norvichok Farce was a blog post I wrote some time ago.It was written on 25th July 2018.

In this post I explain how The British Government lied to the whole world

What's new you might well say.

Well, there are lies that have little impact on people, and there are other lies that
can start wars.

The Norvichok lie is of the latter kind, and might well have been introduced,
not as a start to a war with Russia, but as  a bit of added fuel to a fire that
America has been stoking for some time.

Russia is the new evil, as were Saddam's Iraq, then Libya and Syria.

And now Iran has been added to the list

The British Government accused Russia of Poisoning two Russians who were on
British soil.
The whole thing was a complete fabrication that had more holes in it than a packet of
Polo Mints.

To support what I wrote in ' The Curious  Norvichok Farce '.I  came across this today
in the 'Off Guardian '  The Poison Paradox- Who Knew ?' by David Macilwain.'
Published on 12th November 2018.

' This is in  a B.B.C. Newsnight Report by Mark Urban on 30th May 2018.

Urban went to Salisbury District Hospital and interviewed the Sister in charge of Radnor
Ward Intensive Care Unit. This is where the two ill Russians were.

The name of the Sister is Clark, and this is what she said;

' that point - the evening- we were led to believe that they had taken an overdose-OBVIOUSLY

Sorry about the Capitals, as I know it makes out that I am shouting.
Maybe though some things need to be shouted.

The good Sister continued; and I am sorry to those who are offended by capitals because more
are coming.
 '..I did have concerns because obviously when they first came in THERE WAS NO INDICATION
THAT IT WAS A NERVE AGENT, and therefore we took our normal protection when a patient comes in, but would not, at that point, have taken any extra precautions in protecting ourselves '.

' ..And a Dr. Jukes said, ' We were all exceptionally surprised to see how quickly the recovery
happened at such a pace and something we can't easily explain,'

He must have also been amazed that all the people who treated the Russians weren't dead, if he
really believed that they had been exposed to one of the most deadly nerve agents in the world.

Quite simply, if those two unfortunate Russians had been poisoned with Norvichok they would
have died within minutes.

You add the above to what I wrote on 25th July 2018 in 'The Curious Norvichok Farce'

 ' Swindon Fire Brigade's operational support unit made a 77 mile round trip to Amesbury ( where the
incident took place ) and made a ( now deleted ) Tweet  that THE INCIDENT WAS NOT SERIOUS
Whoops, those shouting capital letters again.

Also, the police initially issued a statement concerning contaminated drugs,which I suspected, and
wrote about in my original post.

All what is written above are facts; there is no speculation.

The Main Stream Media know all of the above, but what reporter will dare to step out of line ?

Never have so many been fooled by so few.

On second thoughts, maybe they have, time and time again.

Mike Selley


Saturday, October 27, 2018

Imagine Life Without Time.

So here we are today. Tonight we are told that the clocks are going to turn back.
Really ?
Do you believe in time ?
Can you imagine living your life without this belief?.
Can you imagine no Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc?.
No weekends, no Birthdays, no time at all ?

No one o clock, two o clock or three o clock rock.
Can you imagine that every day you live is the same day since you were born ?

Can you imagine that each and every day is the same one, giving you the chance to escape the wheel of life that you are spinning on.?

Each day you wake up you are given the chance of solving this puzzle once again, but every day you fail to do this.

So you wake up the next day to the same day over and over again, but you don't believe this; you think it's October, November, December., but it's not, it's just the same day you have lived since you were born.
 Well, these thoughts were going through my mind today.

And what about getting older ?

Maybe we never would age if we didn't believe in this time game.
Can you imagine forgetting how old you are meant to be ?
Waking up each morning not thinking I'm 35 or 60, but I am just am.

Maybe , if you thought this way, we wouldn't age.
Why this obsession with time ?
All the time.

Chronus, in Greek mythology was meant to eat his children.

Chronus or Cronus was ( or is ) the God of time.

We're into Greek Mythology here.
He married his sister Rhea, and they had three sons and three daughters.
Chronus or Cronus though was scared that his children might turn against him, as he had done against his father, Uranus.
He truly thought that this would happen as Uranus had predicted this.
So Chronus or Cronus swallowed each child as soon as it was born.
Doesn't time swallow us all up ?

Isn't this what time seems to do ?

We are born, live and then die.
Chronus eating his children ?

What a lie time is.

There is only the eternal now, that we can only, with our finite minds, perceive as a line of past, present and future, but this is not true.. We are fooling ourselves.

Time is not.

To quote Rupert Spira ;

' Experiences are stored in the container called time and all our future experiences are stored within this container called the future, but if you take away the two containers, or rather you see that they are non existent, then where are all a our past experiences, where did they go ? '

' This thought is present. When it goes, where has it gone ?
Is there a time outside the now ?
Or a space outside the here ?'
As a mind game why not try and forget this line of time?
Why not live each moment as eternity?
No hours, days, just being here now.
 Forget your age, forget your history, just be here now.

Mike Selley.


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Thought Creates Our 'Reality'

Thought Creates Our' Reality'.

Our ' reality' is really an illusion.

Just as you believe in a dream while you are dreaming it, once you
wake up, you know it was not real.

So, when we die, which we will, we will understand that our lives
were an illusion.

Hard to believe though while you are enthralled by the display of
colours and form.

I saw a video a while ago when someone asked the great Rupert Spira the following
question. I am doing this from memory so I  am most likely not using the actual words used.

'When we see a flower and go up to the flower , smell it, touch it, rather than seeing the flower
as an external entity that we're encountering , would it be in accordance with this understanding
to see the experience of sight, smell, touch as modulations of consciousness, rather than something external we are coming in contact with ?'

Rupert Spira answered;

'Yes, that's right.Take the experience of seeing, touching and smelling the flower.
Take seeing to begin with. Are we sure there is a flower outside the experience of seeing ?'

' We say we are seeing a flower, but, in fact, all we can know is that I am experiencing seeing.

The object seen is never found.
It is not seeing the flower , it is just seeing.'

' And when we smell the flower we think' I am smelling the flower'.
but it is , in fact, just the experience of smelling, We never find the
' of the flower'.
And it is the same with tasting and touching.
So when we say we see , hear, touch, taste and smell the world our only knowledge is the 5
sense perceptions.

Nobody has ever found any world that exists in its own right

So we cannot say there is hearing, touching, tasting, seeing or smelling of the world.'

It is thought that creates our 'reality'.

Mike Selley


Miracle Church Bells In Aegina

 Miracle Church Bells In Aegina

Aegina is where I live and this is where the miracle church bells are

I'll explain what I mean about the miracle church bells in Aegina later.

How I ended up here, I really do not know, but I did, and
I'm very grateful I did, because it's a great place to be.

I should explain that Aegina is a Greek island, about 40 minutes by
hovercraft from mainland Greece.
If  you want a vacation do come here. It's got lovely beaches, restaurants and countless bars.
And , it oh so beautiful.
The food is truly excellent with fish being one of the main attractions, and plenty of wonderful fruit
and vegetables.

As for the weather, well the sun beams down most of the time.

It's a very calm place with low crime and an.
 easy going style.

The locals are very polite and helpful .

But the church bells !!

My goodness are they into church bells here.

Some days they start at 7 in the morning and go on all day.

The bells have different styles.

In the Winter there are the slow, mournful ones, indicating death;
Since the evil crisis arranged by the E.U. the death rates have gone up

When I first came here about ten years ago there would have been about one
funeral a week, but now?
In months like February the mournful bells ring almost non stop.

And I have heard of quite a few suicides on this island.

Also deaths caused by alcohol induced car or motor bike crashes, with people
trying to escape the hell of paying money to the utility companies that rob them
every month, and buying food that has  an absurd 24% VAT on it.What daylight robbery this is.
No wonder tradesmen, shops, restaurants and bars fiddle the books. Who can blame them,
up against a system that is no different to the mafia ?
Then again, you have the happy church bells.
The ones celebrating marriage or baptisms.
They can go on all day too.

Aegina also has a lot of  clocks

, and they chime all day too.

So what with the church bells and the clocks it can be quite noisy here

But they say that , bells keep evil spirits away, so maybe it's good.

This is a very old belief.

Ancient Jews wore bells tied to their belts to ward off evil.

People used to believe that the ringing of bells at the time of death kept evil spirits away.

In Medieval times bells were rung when disease was rampant.People thought that the bells would stop
the disease spreading.

The Buddhist bell, the Gharta, is meant to drive away negative entities.

In Africa a bell used to be tied to a child to ward off evil.

There are loads of churches in Aegina, but the most famous one is the church and monastery of Agios

This is one of the most visited places in Aegina.

Saint Nektarios of Aegina ( 1846-1920 ) is one of the most widely known Greek Saints.
 He was  known as a great miracle worker,
Every year thousands of people from all over the world come to Aegina to visit the tomb of this saint to heal themselves..

Agios Nektarios could, it is claimed,heal any disease;he was also a writer, philosopher, moralist,educator. ascetic and mystic.
He was a man of deep prayer.
In 1904 he established a monastery for nuns in Aegina.. It is called The Holy Trinity.

Now for a personal story.

A couple of years ago I was in a lot of pain. My back was giving me hell; it took me half an hour to get  out of bed in the morning.Why or how I got this , I have no idea.

I used to lie in bed dreaming of walking again- yes, it was that bad.

I was really worried that I would never be able to walk again.
The thought of being able to walk through Aegina town, to me was heaven.
I would have paid thousands of euros to do this if only I could.
I remember that my dreams were all about the wonder of the simple act of  walking without any pain.
In the end it was the only thing I would dream about.In fact, my dreams got so extreme that , in the end,
I was dreaming that I was flying above Aegina.

One day, as I lay in agony on my bed, I prayed as I have never prayed before to be able to walk

The very next day I was able to get out of my bed and walk to the sea side.
The very next day !
Yes, I still was in pain, but slowly the pain vanished.
Three days later  I was so much better and I had to go and sit in the church by the seaside and thank
God, for want of a better word, for a miracle.
I'll never forget that moment.
I sat in my pew filled with gratitude, then stood up and walked out of the church into the sun-drenched street .
I had no pain at all, and since then have had no back problem at all.
I remember the church bells ringing out as I left the church.
It was like they were saying; ' hey, there you are, you're cured'.
And I was.
Does the spirit of that great saint Nektarios  still linger over this island ?
 I believe so.

No wonder so many people come from all over the world to be healed here.

But maybe those church bells that are so consistent have a say in this also.

Oh, the church bells in Aegina- keep ringing !!

Mike Selley.

Friday, October 12, 2018

The Moon Landing Lie..

The  Moon Landing Lie.

No, it never ever took place.

One of the biggest lies told to the human race.

And there have been a few.

How about Darwin's Evolution Theory ?
Hey, anyone must be mad to even question that, right ?
Well, who knows, but please do question it, if you dare.
Maybe he was right, but then again, can you imagine throwing a load
of cars into a junk yard, and then ten million years later a Rolls Royce suddenly appears ?
Yes I know cars are inorganic matter, but so what, this is the gist of the Evolution theory.
Think about it.

As for 9 .11. If anyone still believes the official story, they must be heavily sedated, because it is
full of huge holes.
How could anyone attack and destroy buildings and people, in the most powerful country on the planet with so much ease?

The London Bombings on 7th July 2005; most likely done by MI 6 and Mossad.
No newspaper never questioned the official story, which again , is full of holes.
CCTV cameras not working, train timetables not tying in with the facts, holes in the floor of the train, injuries indicating a bomb put under the train,people injured not allowed to talk etc, etc,
Why was a Terror exercise carried out that day ?
Just like it was on 9.11 ?
Don't you dare ask such questions.Go to sleep , and watch Strictly Dancing or another
Royal  wedding, or the news of another pregnant Royal who is  robbing you of your money.

Pearl Harbour. The U.S.A knew that Japan would attack, but wanted it to happen, so they could
get into the Second World War.

The Vietnam war,started  by a lie that an American ship was sunk by the Vietnamese.
And so it goes on, lie after lie , after lie.

Which brings us to------

The Moon Landing Lie

It was a complete outrageous lie.

It was all filmed by Stanley Kubrick

There was a rare 2002 film by William Karel, called ' Dark Side Of The Moon '.where Rumsfeld and Kissinger explain how Nixon and the C.I.A asked Stanley Kubrick to fake the moon landing in 1969.
Kissinger, in a mixture of lies and truth so typical of such cunning types claimed, that although we could go to the moon, it was impossible to take photos or films on it, so it had to be faked, as it was essential that the whole
world could see such a historical moment.
He couldn't, of course, admit that the great U.S of A did not go, so he came out with a half truth.

I saw the video a few years ago on you tube; it was hardly a video I would forget.

Surprise, surprise though. it's gone down the memory hole. .

Look at the facts.

Here are a few questions that cannot be answered.

1. How come the Rocket was not burnt up in the Radiation Belt that is meant to
surround our world? Go to Youtube and watch the video called;' Nasa admits humans cannot pass through the Van Allen belts.'.This is a recent video

I wonder how long it will be before this video joins 'Dark Side Of The Moon' down the memory hole ?.

2. How come that there is no evidence of a rocket landing on the moon; no crater; no
burnt marks; nothing ; zilch ?

3. How come anyone in that rocket could speak to the earth when it was landing when
the sound of the engines  would have made this impossible?

4 How come that the flag was blowing in the wind on a moon that has , so we are told , no air?

5.How come the Astronauts who were, by the way, all Freemasons, look so uneasy when
asked questions about their trip?

6, How come that ,after 50 years, there is not a colony on the moon?

7.Why did the U..S.A stop ending missions to the moon?

8. Why is Nasa  saying     recently that our biggest problem is the Radiation belt surrounding the earth,
and  we cannot get through this yet. Have they forgotten the moon landing ?
9.Why did Nasa say recently that they cannot go back to the moon because they have lost the plans.

I believe you will find this statement in the video', Nasa Admits We Never Went To The Moon' , which I
mention again below.

How thick do they think we are ?

Lost the plans ?
This is meant to be one of the greatest moments in our history, and they don't know how it was done ?.

 How come not one journalist said,'Hey, that's just too much to believe !' ?

10..How come that there are no stars in the sky in the photos taken on the moon ?

11..How come an Astronaut turned violent when a journalist told him he didn't believe that he had gone
to the moon?

I challenge anyone to answer the above ten questions.

It was America showing off to Russia in 1969, and was also done to take peoples minds of the
Vietnam war.

If you still think that all the above is nuts, go to youtube and watch' Nasa Admits We Never Went To The Moon '  That is, if it hasn't been taken down.

In this you will hear the following;' We can only fly in Earth orbit- that's as far as we can go' Nasa.
'This is the beginning of human's leaving low Earth's orbit ' Nasa. These are new statements straight from Nasa's mouth.

Here are the materials used in the flight.

Alumium Alloy .Stainless Steel. Titanium, Nickel Steel Alloy and heat resistant glass.

The Thermosphere and the Exosphere( which the rocket had to fly through ) have temperatures ranging from 0 C. to 2000C.
Strange that, as Alumium has a melting point of 463 C.
Stainless Steel has a melting point of 1510C
Nickel steel alloy melts at 1433C.
And Heat Resistant Glass melts at 760 C.

So the craft would have been destroyed even before it reached the Van Allen Belts.

Oh yes, and by the way Nasa in Hebrew means according to some ' to deceive', but others say this is not correct.

Need I say more ?

Mike Selley..