Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Dark Suits; How Do You Sleep?

Dark Suits; How Do You Sleep ?.

I'm not right wing, left wing or any wing at all, so this post is not anti any political party.

It's just an honest question.I' m writing about Greece here, a country that has well and truly been taken,
kicked and shoved by a bunch of bully boys and girls who earn a king's ransom, who have somehow
convinced a left wing government to do exactly what they were told to do.
How did they do it ?
I don't know.
Blackmail ?
Death threats ?
Do you think that's not possible ?
Look at Iceland when they told the I.M.F that they were not going to pay their debt.
What happened ?
Suddenly a Volcano erupted a few days later.
Yes, it was pay back time.
Take a look at Italy.
They send their budget to the E.U. which was a sensible budget, increasing wages and pensions,
and, the E.U. rejects it, and then what happens ?
Suddenly the country is flooded.
We're dealing with Mafia , but a legal Mafia.

How the hell does a man or woman or any human being inflict so much pain
on millions of people and seemingly not care?

Look at the awful facts.
1. Suicides and infant mortality has  worsened during the crisis

2.Mental health , particularly, depression has got worse and worse.

3.The percentage of people who wanted medical assistance and were unable , has more than doubled
from 10 % in 2010 to almost 22% in 2015 because of the cost.

4.Between 2010 and 2015 a record downward trend in the mortality of two major causes of death-
heart disease and cancer.

5.Traffic Accidents have increased since the crisis started.

6.In 2014 there were throughout Greece 174 more suicides compared to 2009.

It's strange that more up to date figures are not available, don't you think ?

7.Unpaid Electricity bills come to 2.4 Billion Euros !!
I read the other day that 50% of people cannot pay the bill.  So what do they do ?
Increase the bills for people who do pay.

8.From the Guardian 1.1.2017.

' Patients who should live are dying'.

For every 40 patients there is one nurse.

Since 2009 per capita spending on public health has been cut by nearly a third- more than 5Billion Euro, and more than 25,000 staff have been laid off.

Supplies are so scarce that hospitals often run out of medicines, gauze and sheets.

9.According to Wikipedia Greece has over 20,000 people who are homeless.

The country has one of the highest rates of homelessness in the E.U.

Most became homeless in the last 5 years.]
Many are children between the ages of 5 and 14.

Dark suits, how do you sleep ?

Mike Selley

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