Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Boot In Your Face.

Looking at the news over the last few weeks makes me think more and more that the society we live in is insane.Also, that people are in varying degrees of insanity. Some are really mad and some are fairly mad ,whereas the majority are a liitle mad.

The stark- raving ones must be our puppet- masters; the ones who pull the strings, turn the levers,lift and draw the curtains, and decide what play we are all going to be in.

The present act must be called,' Boot In Your Face.'This was how George Orwell described the future of mankind in 1945.

When you have almost every country in the world going through some degree of suffering caused entirely by the banks ( though the puppet- masters orchestrated this ) and every government laying down ludicrous austerity measures, by asking people for money they haven't got ,you know it is beyond absurd.

Greece must win the prize for the most ludicrously  ludicrous, absurdly absurd austerity laws ever inflicted on any country in peacetime.There is no way under the sun that the Greeks will pay the money that is demanded.Do you know why ? It is simply because the money does not exist.

I still find it unbelievable that these highly paid, so called experts on the economy could not see this.What the hell were they talking about, the whole long summer last year one can only imagine.
What is so disturbing is the fact that after seeing the troika's demands not one minister said, 'This won't work as the people won't be able to afford to pay these sums '.Not one; they all just agreed to an agenda that could have been written in   Alice in Wonderland.It is, according to the main stream press ,only now that they are starting to see that they are not getting the money they want.The real experts, like Celente and Keiser have been saying this for years, but such talk was drowned out by such bilge as,' This is the only way'.

When you have all the main stream media supporting such lunacy, it's time to get worried.
When you see that every country has broken all previous records on having strikes; that anger and disgust at the system is echoed by all normal ( though slighty mad ) people; that people are actually dying in Europe because of the austerity, you hang your head in despair.

It is lunacy, and yet no one is saying so

Images of Greeks begging and fighting for free vegetables in Athens last week coupled with stories of school children in England who can't study because they are starving, makes anyone realize that something is terribly wrong.This should not happen Where is the outcry ?Is everyone that asleep ?

It's in your face. It's over the top.It's a  boot in the human face so aptly shown by the super- protected spacemen police who strut around kicking people wherever they can . They protect the rich and the powerful and do their dirty work for them. What is the message ?It is 'how dare you complain you are sat upon; you must be punished.'

Well,  Elite, your plans to get money from people who haven't got it, is impossible.It won't work, so what will you do then ? Slam another boot in our faces ? That old  dirty ,blood -soaked  demon- driven one that the Elite adore.

When things get so messed up as they did   before both world wars in the last century, the demon of  destruction is called onto the stage..The players are swept off the board and different players are put in place.A  new game then commences.

World War is a very useful weapon used by the devil- worshippers.

I wonder how long before this abomination is wheeled out ; the shock and awe as one of the wise Presidents of the U.S.A. called it. It was like he was talking about a new, action- packed Hollywood movie, and for all I know, he thought he probably was.

Looking at the present state of the planet, I would wager that war could be started at any time. It could be months or it could be years. It is certainly what the Elite want and are planning.They don't really care when it happens because they always get what they want. and they are prepared to wait.

They always got what they wanted- that is up to now.This time, though I think that they will find that they have lost their midas touch.

Take a look at the streets. Everywhere you look people are up in arms and are sick to death of the invasion of privacy and the over turning of their lives.

It will make a wonderful change for the Elite to experience the boot that they have been slamming into our faces for ever, for once . The poor fools got out of control; they got too arrogant and thought that they could do anything they want with us and get away with it. They were so blinded by their power that they didn't realize that they were going way too far and that there comes a point when the collective human psyche gathers tremendous power and says, 'you are destroying our world and we won't let you   Enough of this insanity.

It's high time we removed the boot from our face.

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