Monday, February 4, 2013

Why Am I Here ?

" How did  I come to be here ?"

That sort of question is usually asked by nearly all children.

After the child has been taught that he or she came out of mummy, maybe a few years later the question digs a bit deeper.

It becomes," yes I know I came out of mummy, but why am I here ? "

Such a plain, simple honest plea is mocked as being ' a silly question'. You musn't spend your time pondering on such fancy thoughts; you must make your way in the world, and become a good obedient citizen, or, in reality, slave.

It's the same with the question."Which came first, the chicken or the egg ?" Untill anyone can really answer that question, everything we are are taught is slightly suspect.

As the child grows up, he or she gets sucked into the whole sick world game we are all playing and innocent phrases, such as ,why am I here, get buried under the junk of everyday life.

A few though, in every generation, have that question burning through them all their lives.How sad that so few seem to find the answer.

Until now, that is. I believe that, in the future, the age we are now living in will be called, "The Age Of Enlightenment ".This is the age when the curtains are drawn back;our eyes become open for once and we wake from our deep slumber.

The old order is collapsing. More and more people are questioning the nature of reality, the nature of themselves and what living is about.This is being done worldwide and it has never happened before on such a scale.

It is make or break time. It's a choice between flying round the wheel of insanity, which will lead to total destruction and the wiping out of our species, or the joining of our collective consciousness in imagining  the world WE, the people want and not  what the three hundred families who run this joint want.

The trouble is , you can't jump off this wheel.

It just goes round and round.

You can, though, be on the wheel, but not of it.Jesus said in John 15,19, " Be in the world but not of it."

As we have all been forced to turn away from material things, our hearts and minds are turning to more important matters, such as - "Why am I here ? "

More and more people will start asking this, until  a gigantic shift in our mass mind will take place. It will be the thoughts of humanity that change the outside world.

Until that day though remember, be in the world but not of it, and hold on tight, because it's going to be a bumpy ride,

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