Hi,Thanks for visiting my blog. This blog is ,as it says , an oddblog, so as a description all I can say is that this isn't your everyday blog.It might shock or even make people think it's not true.Good, I hope I do make someone think.Above all, I hope you are entertained, at the least. by this oddblog.Scroll down for the posts.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Friday, February 22, 2013
Quotes For Our Times
Carl Jung.
2." They have never found the force of gravity."
From a video on You tube 'Through The Wormhole- Is There A creator, part two of five.'
3." A total world population of 250 - 300 million people; a 95% dec;ine from the present levels would be ideal. "
Ted Turner.
4." When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."
Dresden James
5." A cross section of kill to injury ratios of major mass shootings suggest that if Adam Lanza acted alone in carrying out the Sandy Hook Elementary School carnage, he was among the most accurarate killers in modern history, exceeding even the lethal damage meted out by Al Capone's machine gun-wielding henchman in the infamous St. Valentine's Day Massacre".
From an article in Global Research by James F. Tracy.
6." Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down.
Doctors destroy health, Lawyers justice, Universities destroy knowledge
Governments destroy freedom, the major media destroys information,
and Religion destroys spirituality."
Michael Ellner
7." Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have."
Richard Salent former President, CBS News
8.Norwegian's prime Minister explains how his country has no National debt:
" Corporations pay the highest tax in the world; oil is taxed at 78%- the opposite of what America does."
9." I'd rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief ."
Gerry Spence.
!0.Here's a beauty from the late great D.T. Suzuki taken from his brilliant book,'Living By Zen '
" Ignorance is the beginning of knowledge, and the truth of things is not to be attained by piling knowledge upon knowledge which means no more no less than intensifying ignorance."
D. T. Suzuki.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Nonsense News
According to the right wing ,Greek newspaper, Kathimerini, the most important item of news yesterday , was a vist from a Frenchman He rattled on about trying to get Frenchman to invest in Greece. . A lot of hot air with nothing to back it up is what it boiled down to .Such a shame he didn't try and come here today with the country at a standstill because of everyone being on strike. One look and no one in their right mind would dream of putting money into any project here.
This was the headline of the online English edition- about a Frenchman.
I keep using that word lately- I wonder why.
People everywhere in Greece are suffering , and it is this that should be news all the time.They are suffering thanks to a handful of numerically challenged individuals. That is the polite way of putting it. I.M.F. now claim with no apologies that they made a mistake in their calculation, and because of this the austerity measures are too severe and won't work
Really ? Anyone going to walk the plank ? No of course not. If you earn about 100 times as much as anyone else, you are allowed to do anything. Haven't you noticed ?. You seem to belong to a special- you can't touch us- club.
The previous leader of this joke of a financial institution is alleged to have sexually attacked a maid in a posh hotel. He paid her 2 million dollars to shut her up.He is ,of course, not alone. He was just unfortunate to have walked into a honeytrap.Strauss Khan had wanted to be the next French Prime Minister, but as this didn't suit the sick Rothschild types, they decided to set him a trap, and by knowing his nature, it was a piece of cake. That is the favoured theory ,whether true or not ,I don't know.It somehow rings true.It's the sort of nasty low-grade thing that the ex public school boys love to do.By public schools I mean the ones in England- you know the ones like Eton or Harrow that are only for the very, very rich.
The fact that some French official visited Greece yesterday, was probably the least bit of important news that happened, and yet it was the headline.
The real news- the plight of the Greek people- is hardly ever mentioned.I don't know how the T.V. stations are playing this out as I never watch , but the newspapers act as if this sick, abnormal agenda that is thrust down our throats is normal.
Pathetic. See, I used that word again. Do you blame me ?
The funny part is though, that the mainstream media is now looked at less and less, because people have woken up to the fact that it is simply government propaganda. Their days are numbered. So what these mouthpieces of the government journalists and editors are doing is cutting their own throats.
They have backed the wrong side.
This bunch of yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir, lousy B actors will sink with the rest of the Titanic and all those lying journalists will go down with them.
And that day cannot be too far away.
This was the headline of the online English edition- about a Frenchman.
I keep using that word lately- I wonder why.
People everywhere in Greece are suffering , and it is this that should be news all the time.They are suffering thanks to a handful of numerically challenged individuals. That is the polite way of putting it. I.M.F. now claim with no apologies that they made a mistake in their calculation, and because of this the austerity measures are too severe and won't work
Really ? Anyone going to walk the plank ? No of course not. If you earn about 100 times as much as anyone else, you are allowed to do anything. Haven't you noticed ?. You seem to belong to a special- you can't touch us- club.
The previous leader of this joke of a financial institution is alleged to have sexually attacked a maid in a posh hotel. He paid her 2 million dollars to shut her up.He is ,of course, not alone. He was just unfortunate to have walked into a honeytrap.Strauss Khan had wanted to be the next French Prime Minister, but as this didn't suit the sick Rothschild types, they decided to set him a trap, and by knowing his nature, it was a piece of cake. That is the favoured theory ,whether true or not ,I don't know.It somehow rings true.It's the sort of nasty low-grade thing that the ex public school boys love to do.By public schools I mean the ones in England- you know the ones like Eton or Harrow that are only for the very, very rich.
The fact that some French official visited Greece yesterday, was probably the least bit of important news that happened, and yet it was the headline.
The real news- the plight of the Greek people- is hardly ever mentioned.I don't know how the T.V. stations are playing this out as I never watch , but the newspapers act as if this sick, abnormal agenda that is thrust down our throats is normal.
Pathetic. See, I used that word again. Do you blame me ?
The funny part is though, that the mainstream media is now looked at less and less, because people have woken up to the fact that it is simply government propaganda. Their days are numbered. So what these mouthpieces of the government journalists and editors are doing is cutting their own throats.
They have backed the wrong side.
This bunch of yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir, lousy B actors will sink with the rest of the Titanic and all those lying journalists will go down with them.
And that day cannot be too far away.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Boot In Your Face.
Looking at the news over the last few weeks makes me think more and more that the society we live in is insane.Also, that people are in varying degrees of insanity. Some are really mad and some are fairly mad ,whereas the majority are a liitle mad.
The stark- raving ones must be our puppet- masters; the ones who pull the strings, turn the levers,lift and draw the curtains, and decide what play we are all going to be in.
The present act must be called,' Boot In Your Face.'This was how George Orwell described the future of mankind in 1945.
When you have almost every country in the world going through some degree of suffering caused entirely by the banks ( though the puppet- masters orchestrated this ) and every government laying down ludicrous austerity measures, by asking people for money they haven't got ,you know it is beyond absurd.
Greece must win the prize for the most ludicrously ludicrous, absurdly absurd austerity laws ever inflicted on any country in peacetime.There is no way under the sun that the Greeks will pay the money that is demanded.Do you know why ? It is simply because the money does not exist.
I still find it unbelievable that these highly paid, so called experts on the economy could not see this.What the hell were they talking about, the whole long summer last year one can only imagine.
What is so disturbing is the fact that after seeing the troika's demands not one minister said, 'This won't work as the people won't be able to afford to pay these sums '.Not one; they all just agreed to an agenda that could have been written in Alice in Wonderland.It is, according to the main stream press ,only now that they are starting to see that they are not getting the money they want.The real experts, like Celente and Keiser have been saying this for years, but such talk was drowned out by such bilge as,' This is the only way'.
When you have all the main stream media supporting such lunacy, it's time to get worried.
When you see that every country has broken all previous records on having strikes; that anger and disgust at the system is echoed by all normal ( though slighty mad ) people; that people are actually dying in Europe because of the austerity, you hang your head in despair.
It is lunacy, and yet no one is saying so
Images of Greeks begging and fighting for free vegetables in Athens last week coupled with stories of school children in England who can't study because they are starving, makes anyone realize that something is terribly wrong.This should not happen Where is the outcry ?Is everyone that asleep ?
It's in your face. It's over the top.It's a boot in the human face so aptly shown by the super- protected spacemen police who strut around kicking people wherever they can . They protect the rich and the powerful and do their dirty work for them. What is the message ?It is 'how dare you complain you are sat upon; you must be punished.'
Well, Elite, your plans to get money from people who haven't got it, is impossible.It won't work, so what will you do then ? Slam another boot in our faces ? That old dirty ,blood -soaked demon- driven one that the Elite adore.
When things get so messed up as they did before both world wars in the last century, the demon of destruction is called onto the stage..The players are swept off the board and different players are put in place.A new game then commences.
World War is a very useful weapon used by the devil- worshippers.
I wonder how long before this abomination is wheeled out ; the shock and awe as one of the wise Presidents of the U.S.A. called it. It was like he was talking about a new, action- packed Hollywood movie, and for all I know, he thought he probably was.
Looking at the present state of the planet, I would wager that war could be started at any time. It could be months or it could be years. It is certainly what the Elite want and are planning.They don't really care when it happens because they always get what they want. and they are prepared to wait.
They always got what they wanted- that is up to now.This time, though I think that they will find that they have lost their midas touch.
Take a look at the streets. Everywhere you look people are up in arms and are sick to death of the invasion of privacy and the over turning of their lives.
It will make a wonderful change for the Elite to experience the boot that they have been slamming into our faces for ever, for once . The poor fools got out of control; they got too arrogant and thought that they could do anything they want with us and get away with it. They were so blinded by their power that they didn't realize that they were going way too far and that there comes a point when the collective human psyche gathers tremendous power and says, 'you are destroying our world and we won't let you Enough of this insanity.
It's high time we removed the boot from our face.
The stark- raving ones must be our puppet- masters; the ones who pull the strings, turn the levers,lift and draw the curtains, and decide what play we are all going to be in.
The present act must be called,' Boot In Your Face.'This was how George Orwell described the future of mankind in 1945.
When you have almost every country in the world going through some degree of suffering caused entirely by the banks ( though the puppet- masters orchestrated this ) and every government laying down ludicrous austerity measures, by asking people for money they haven't got ,you know it is beyond absurd.
Greece must win the prize for the most ludicrously ludicrous, absurdly absurd austerity laws ever inflicted on any country in peacetime.There is no way under the sun that the Greeks will pay the money that is demanded.Do you know why ? It is simply because the money does not exist.
I still find it unbelievable that these highly paid, so called experts on the economy could not see this.What the hell were they talking about, the whole long summer last year one can only imagine.
What is so disturbing is the fact that after seeing the troika's demands not one minister said, 'This won't work as the people won't be able to afford to pay these sums '.Not one; they all just agreed to an agenda that could have been written in Alice in Wonderland.It is, according to the main stream press ,only now that they are starting to see that they are not getting the money they want.The real experts, like Celente and Keiser have been saying this for years, but such talk was drowned out by such bilge as,' This is the only way'.
When you have all the main stream media supporting such lunacy, it's time to get worried.
When you see that every country has broken all previous records on having strikes; that anger and disgust at the system is echoed by all normal ( though slighty mad ) people; that people are actually dying in Europe because of the austerity, you hang your head in despair.
It is lunacy, and yet no one is saying so
Images of Greeks begging and fighting for free vegetables in Athens last week coupled with stories of school children in England who can't study because they are starving, makes anyone realize that something is terribly wrong.This should not happen Where is the outcry ?Is everyone that asleep ?
It's in your face. It's over the top.It's a boot in the human face so aptly shown by the super- protected spacemen police who strut around kicking people wherever they can . They protect the rich and the powerful and do their dirty work for them. What is the message ?It is 'how dare you complain you are sat upon; you must be punished.'
Well, Elite, your plans to get money from people who haven't got it, is impossible.It won't work, so what will you do then ? Slam another boot in our faces ? That old dirty ,blood -soaked demon- driven one that the Elite adore.
When things get so messed up as they did before both world wars in the last century, the demon of destruction is called onto the stage..The players are swept off the board and different players are put in place.A new game then commences.
World War is a very useful weapon used by the devil- worshippers.
I wonder how long before this abomination is wheeled out ; the shock and awe as one of the wise Presidents of the U.S.A. called it. It was like he was talking about a new, action- packed Hollywood movie, and for all I know, he thought he probably was.
Looking at the present state of the planet, I would wager that war could be started at any time. It could be months or it could be years. It is certainly what the Elite want and are planning.They don't really care when it happens because they always get what they want. and they are prepared to wait.
They always got what they wanted- that is up to now.This time, though I think that they will find that they have lost their midas touch.
Take a look at the streets. Everywhere you look people are up in arms and are sick to death of the invasion of privacy and the over turning of their lives.
It will make a wonderful change for the Elite to experience the boot that they have been slamming into our faces for ever, for once . The poor fools got out of control; they got too arrogant and thought that they could do anything they want with us and get away with it. They were so blinded by their power that they didn't realize that they were going way too far and that there comes a point when the collective human psyche gathers tremendous power and says, 'you are destroying our world and we won't let you Enough of this insanity.
It's high time we removed the boot from our face.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Change Your Perception ( 3 ) .
This is the third part of a series on how to wake up from this fevered dream.
Be fully aware of your body at all times.
Feel the wind on your face.
Hear the sound of your breathing in a place that is silent.
Be in your body.
Ekhart Tolle on a you tube video claimed that the body gets upset when we don't take any notice or interest in it and might even get ill because of this.He also said that it is like we only live in the very top floor of our house and never go downstairs.
A good exercise to make you more aware of your body can be done while you are eating.Really experience the sensation you feel when you put food in your mouth.
Relish the taste when you chew it.When you drink something be fully aware of the taste you experience.
This exercise brings you back into the now, whereas you normally spend your time thinking about an imaginary future or on what happened in the past.Such thinking gets you nowhere and is a trick of the ego to make it believe in itself.But there is only now and that is all there ever has been.Everything that ever happens takes place now.
Another exercise that should be done everyday is to find a room where you will not be disturbed.
Lie down on a bed or the floor.
Firstly breathe slowly and in a regular pattern feeling all the stress leaving your body.
You can tell yourself that when you breathe out stress is being exhaled.
As you breathe in tell yourself that you are inhaling the life force.
After you have done this concentrate on your legs making them relax then slowly go through your body.
When you reach the neck ,face and head you will be surprised how tense you are in these areas.
Then go back to the lower parts of your body and feel yourself dwelling on firstly your feet then your legs ,middle, hands, arms, chest and shoulders etc.
This is very simple, but if done everyday can have a huge effect on how you cope with your everyday life.
Most of us live in our heads and these particular exercises are designed to make you live in your body. The body and the mind are both illusions and the irony is that by concentrating on these illusions you will go beyond them
Be fully aware of your body at all times.
Feel the wind on your face.
Hear the sound of your breathing in a place that is silent.
Be in your body.
Ekhart Tolle on a you tube video claimed that the body gets upset when we don't take any notice or interest in it and might even get ill because of this.He also said that it is like we only live in the very top floor of our house and never go downstairs.
A good exercise to make you more aware of your body can be done while you are eating.Really experience the sensation you feel when you put food in your mouth.
Relish the taste when you chew it.When you drink something be fully aware of the taste you experience.
This exercise brings you back into the now, whereas you normally spend your time thinking about an imaginary future or on what happened in the past.Such thinking gets you nowhere and is a trick of the ego to make it believe in itself.But there is only now and that is all there ever has been.Everything that ever happens takes place now.
Another exercise that should be done everyday is to find a room where you will not be disturbed.
Lie down on a bed or the floor.
Firstly breathe slowly and in a regular pattern feeling all the stress leaving your body.
You can tell yourself that when you breathe out stress is being exhaled.
As you breathe in tell yourself that you are inhaling the life force.
After you have done this concentrate on your legs making them relax then slowly go through your body.
When you reach the neck ,face and head you will be surprised how tense you are in these areas.
Then go back to the lower parts of your body and feel yourself dwelling on firstly your feet then your legs ,middle, hands, arms, chest and shoulders etc.
This is very simple, but if done everyday can have a huge effect on how you cope with your everyday life.
Most of us live in our heads and these particular exercises are designed to make you live in your body. The body and the mind are both illusions and the irony is that by concentrating on these illusions you will go beyond them
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Scum And Rotting Fish.
An actress who played the part of a young MaggieThatcher in a new film said that after researching the so- called iron lady's ( my father, bless his soul ,always said that she suffered from ' penis envy '.) life that she found her to be completely lacking in feeling for other people.She lacked empathy and could not relate to others suffering.
This does not surprise me at all as it certainly seems as if most of the people who are in strong positions of power have the same mindset.It is as if it is a requirement of the job to not give a toss about other people.
No one who cared about humans could be involved in wars ,yet this lot in Britain the U.S.A and France in particular are up to their neck in wars nearly all the time.There is talk now of endless wars what with the trouble in Africa now emerging.
Shades of Orwell's 1984 colour the landscape of 2013. and as in the book of that title the wars are only there to keep the people in their place.
Someone who reduces unemployment pay ,disability allowances, pensions and wages does not care about people.It is as simple as that no matter what bull- reasons are given for such drastic cuts.
I'm not writing only about British movers and leaders but about the whole lot of power-hungry vampires who circle the globe.They are all the same as can be see from the fruit they produce. Their fruit is very bitter and causes a lot of suffering.I think most of us have tasted it now.
A lot of them are highly unsavoury types who go to great pains to hide the skeletons or even bodies that are lurking in carefully sealed cupboards.
They are the very ones that the puppet-masters behind the scenes like to promote to the top of the tree as they are open to threats and blackmail. You agree to with this policy and push it into law or that little incident that happened in 1984 will be headline news
To give you an idea of the sort who are taking the sinking ship Britain into stormy waters I am reproducing an e mail that I got the other day. It gives some insight into the low life these people really are.Remenber that this is probably the tip of the iceberg and God only knows, or should that be the Devil only knows what else these dark types have done but it has never been reported.
Here is the e mail.
Unbelievable but true, and probably worse in the USA or even Australia??
Thought you might find this interesting .......
I bet this will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside!
Can you imagine working for a company that only has a little more than 635 employees, but has the following Employee Statistics.
29 have been accused of spouse abuse,
7 have been arrested for fraud,
9 have been accused of writing bad cheques,
17 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses,
3 have done time for assault,
71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit,
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges,
8 have been arrested for shoplifting,
21 are currently defendants in lawsuits,
84 have been arrested for drink driving in the last year,
And collectively, this year alone, they have cost the British tax payer £92,993,748 in expenses!
Which organisation is this?
It's the 635 members of the House of Commons. in the U.K.
The same group that cranks out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.
What a bunch of crooks we have running our country - it says it all...
And just to top all that they probably have the best 'corporate' pension scheme in the country - whilst trying to ensure that everyone else has the worst possible!
That was what the e mail said. I am sure that it's the same in every country.
I am reminded of two sayings;
Fish rots from the head first and scum rises to the top of water.
This does not surprise me at all as it certainly seems as if most of the people who are in strong positions of power have the same mindset.It is as if it is a requirement of the job to not give a toss about other people.
No one who cared about humans could be involved in wars ,yet this lot in Britain the U.S.A and France in particular are up to their neck in wars nearly all the time.There is talk now of endless wars what with the trouble in Africa now emerging.
Shades of Orwell's 1984 colour the landscape of 2013. and as in the book of that title the wars are only there to keep the people in their place.
Someone who reduces unemployment pay ,disability allowances, pensions and wages does not care about people.It is as simple as that no matter what bull- reasons are given for such drastic cuts.
I'm not writing only about British movers and leaders but about the whole lot of power-hungry vampires who circle the globe.They are all the same as can be see from the fruit they produce. Their fruit is very bitter and causes a lot of suffering.I think most of us have tasted it now.
A lot of them are highly unsavoury types who go to great pains to hide the skeletons or even bodies that are lurking in carefully sealed cupboards.
They are the very ones that the puppet-masters behind the scenes like to promote to the top of the tree as they are open to threats and blackmail. You agree to with this policy and push it into law or that little incident that happened in 1984 will be headline news
To give you an idea of the sort who are taking the sinking ship Britain into stormy waters I am reproducing an e mail that I got the other day. It gives some insight into the low life these people really are.Remenber that this is probably the tip of the iceberg and God only knows, or should that be the Devil only knows what else these dark types have done but it has never been reported.
Here is the e mail.
Unbelievable but true, and probably worse in the USA or even Australia??
Thought you might find this interesting .......
I bet this will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside!
Can you imagine working for a company that only has a little more than 635 employees, but has the following Employee Statistics.
29 have been accused of spouse abuse,
7 have been arrested for fraud,
9 have been accused of writing bad cheques,
17 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses,
3 have done time for assault,
71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit,
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges,
8 have been arrested for shoplifting,
21 are currently defendants in lawsuits,
84 have been arrested for drink driving in the last year,
And collectively, this year alone, they have cost the British tax payer £92,993,748 in expenses!
Which organisation is this?
It's the 635 members of the House of Commons. in the U.K.
The same group that cranks out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.
What a bunch of crooks we have running our country - it says it all...
And just to top all that they probably have the best 'corporate' pension scheme in the country - whilst trying to ensure that everyone else has the worst possible!
That was what the e mail said. I am sure that it's the same in every country.
I am reminded of two sayings;
Fish rots from the head first and scum rises to the top of water.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Change Your Perception (2)
This is the 2nd in a series of articles on how to get in touch with your true ground of being, and to override your ego.
Watch, listen and feel your reactions as if you are a spectator outside yourself, observing how you react to any situation without judgement, discrimination or attachment.
Let the moment be as it is.
This should, if you want fast results, be done all the time.That means, every waking hour, from the moment you wake up to the time you go to bed at night.
So, first thing in the morning when you feel yourself waking up you should note all the thoughts and feelings and sensations in your body without judging them or thinking about them- just accept each moment as it is.
You may wake up worried about money. All you do is observe the thinking process with no emotion or feelings or thoughts connected to this. You observe the ego and its emotions, but do not attach any importance to this.
Look at what is going on, like a member of an audience watching an actor or actress on stage.The acting though does not stir up a reaction from you.
You continue doing this when you get out of bed.
Watch yourself place your feet on the floor, and be really aware of the sensation of the floor against the skin of your feet.
Whilst making a cup of coffee observe yourself in a detached way. Continue doing this with everything you do.Do the same when waiting for a bus or train. Just observe this.Let the thoughts come and watch them go.
You will find this easier to do when you are doing routine, mundane jobs like peeling potatoes or cutting tomatoes.
I clean up my living area every morning, and I used to dislike doing this, until I started watching myself doing the task.Now I actually look forward to the chore.
Sweeping leaves is another excellent time to practise this.You watch the brush come in contact with the leaves with fascination.
After a short period of doing this, you will find the more you do the exercise, the less thoughts you will have.
The above is an extract from ," How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream", Chapter nine.The entire book was uploaded onto this blog in chapters , The first chaper appears on 1st March 2012.
Watch, listen and feel your reactions as if you are a spectator outside yourself, observing how you react to any situation without judgement, discrimination or attachment.
Let the moment be as it is.
This should, if you want fast results, be done all the time.That means, every waking hour, from the moment you wake up to the time you go to bed at night.
So, first thing in the morning when you feel yourself waking up you should note all the thoughts and feelings and sensations in your body without judging them or thinking about them- just accept each moment as it is.
You may wake up worried about money. All you do is observe the thinking process with no emotion or feelings or thoughts connected to this. You observe the ego and its emotions, but do not attach any importance to this.
Look at what is going on, like a member of an audience watching an actor or actress on stage.The acting though does not stir up a reaction from you.
You continue doing this when you get out of bed.
Watch yourself place your feet on the floor, and be really aware of the sensation of the floor against the skin of your feet.
Whilst making a cup of coffee observe yourself in a detached way. Continue doing this with everything you do.Do the same when waiting for a bus or train. Just observe this.Let the thoughts come and watch them go.
You will find this easier to do when you are doing routine, mundane jobs like peeling potatoes or cutting tomatoes.
I clean up my living area every morning, and I used to dislike doing this, until I started watching myself doing the task.Now I actually look forward to the chore.
Sweeping leaves is another excellent time to practise this.You watch the brush come in contact with the leaves with fascination.
After a short period of doing this, you will find the more you do the exercise, the less thoughts you will have.
The above is an extract from ," How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream", Chapter nine.The entire book was uploaded onto this blog in chapters , The first chaper appears on 1st March 2012.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Fevered Dream- Plug.
About a year ago I finished writing my book, " How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream." The entire book was uploaded , in chapters, on this blog.These chapters can be found,in 2012 posts. If you scroll down, look at the right-hand side of the page, you will see 2012 written,.If you click on 2012 you should be able to find the first chapter which was uploaded on Ist March 2012.
Here are a few extracts from it.
That which makes the sun shine
That which makes the world turn
That which makes the trees grow
That which makes your heart beat
That which makes you see, hear,
Touch, feel and have your sense of smell
Is you, the real you- the hidden you.
If you really know that you are THAT, the ego will be no more, and you shall know the truth and you shall be free.
The way to truth is awareness.
" Life is an illusion, but a persistent one."
" The idea of being is a product of false thinking. Because of this, there is subject and object, which we call an error."
Master D. T. Suzuki.
" The triple world only exists because of our mind."
Master D.T. Suzuki.
" The vast universe is a creation of our own minds existing in THAT mind with which our minds , in truth, are identical ."
Blofield's translation of Hui Hai.
" The stuff of the universe is mind stuff."
Astronomer A. Eddington.
And perhaps the best quote:
" To overstate the argument deliberately, perhaps we are hallucinating all the time and what we call perception ia arrived at by simply determing which hallucination best conforms to the current sensory output."
V. S. Ramachandran.
Here are a few extracts from it.
That which makes the sun shine
That which makes the world turn
That which makes the trees grow
That which makes your heart beat
That which makes you see, hear,
Touch, feel and have your sense of smell
Is you, the real you- the hidden you.
If you really know that you are THAT, the ego will be no more, and you shall know the truth and you shall be free.
The way to truth is awareness.
" Life is an illusion, but a persistent one."
" The idea of being is a product of false thinking. Because of this, there is subject and object, which we call an error."
Master D. T. Suzuki.
" The triple world only exists because of our mind."
Master D.T. Suzuki.
" The vast universe is a creation of our own minds existing in THAT mind with which our minds , in truth, are identical ."
Blofield's translation of Hui Hai.
" The stuff of the universe is mind stuff."
Astronomer A. Eddington.
And perhaps the best quote:
" To overstate the argument deliberately, perhaps we are hallucinating all the time and what we call perception ia arrived at by simply determing which hallucination best conforms to the current sensory output."
V. S. Ramachandran.
Change Your Perception ( 1 )
I believe that we are are living in a collective dream that we all share when our eyes are open, but it is possible to wake up while we are dreaming.
Hopefully, the exercises described in this series will assist people in waking up .
Can you imagine if things didn't have labels or names ?
We give everything a label or a name.What happens if you take the name away from the object ?
You can find out now.
To do this I suggest you sit down, though you could do this while standing up.
1. Put a bowl of fruit ( anything will do ) on a table and sit by the table.
2.Now, try and forget that the table is called a table, and that the bowl of fruit is called a bowl of fruit.
They have no names.
3. Look in a relaxed state at the bowl of fruit.
4 If you don't succeed first of all in convincing yourself that these things have no name, practise doing this everyday for about five minutes.
5. You should, in time, have the feeling that what you are looking at is not called anything.
6. Then, at that precise moment your doors of perception will change.
7. The bowl of fruit will suddenly have more clarity, as will the table.
They will appear to have a much stronger ( and yet at the same time a somewhat dreamlike quality) presence and will somehow seem more alive.
Try it. You should be amazed at how you see what you are looking at so differently; it's like you are in another universe.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Michael Shrimpton Exposes Ted Heath (and others)
What David Icke has said since 1998 about paedophile and child killing Prime Minister Ted Heath is backed-up here by barrister Michael Shrimpton, an Intelligence and national security consultant, from his own contacts and inside experience
Michael Shrimpton says that Prime Minister Heath (1916--2005) was a paedophile who murdered his young boy victims or had others do it, often by throwing them into the sea after Heath had abused them on his yacht.
The record-breaking paedophile and BBC 'star' Jimmy Savile supplied boys for Heath - many of them from the Jersey children's home, Haut de la Garenne, with the support of those who ran the home.
These facts were covered up by Heath Cabinet Secretary John Hunt, Baron Hunt of Tanworth, who Shrimpton says was also a paedophile. Hunt was appointed by the Queen to be a Companion, Knight Commander and Knight Grand Cross of the British Order of chivalry known as the The Most Honourable Order of the Bath of which the Queen is the head and Prince Charles the Grand Master. Hunt was also given a Papal Knighthood by Pope John Paul II - so was Jimmy Savile who was also knighted by the Queen.
Jimmy Savile was a close friend of Lord Mountbatten, Prince Philip and Prince Charles from the 1960s and this continued for decades AFTER the cover up of Heath's paedophilia and child murder in league with Savile. You mean they didn't KNOW? Is someone having a laugh? British Intelligence didn't know? Ditto.
What's more ... AFTER the Heath-Savile cover up, Savile became such a close friend of Heath's successor and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her husband Denis that he was invited to be with them on New Year's Eve every year for more than a decade.
Thatcher's government and circle of associates and aides was alive with paedophiles including Chester MP Peter Morrison, a close aide to Thatcher from 1975 to 1990. He was a notorious paedophile, well known to colleagues and the media, and yet Thatcher and her Cabinet and inner circle did NOTHING while he was abusing boys in North Wales children's homes and elsewhere. Anyone in that circle MUST have known. Thatcher minister Edwina Currie wrote in her published diaries:
'One appointment in the recent reshuffle has attracted a lot of gossip and could be very dangerous: Peter Morrison has become the PM's PPS [Parliamentary Private Secretary]. Now he's what they call a 'noted pederast', with a liking for young boys; he admitted as much to [Conservative Party chairman] Norman Tebbit when he became deputy chairman of the party but added' 'However, I'm very discreet' - and he must be! She [Thatcher] either knows and is taking a chance, or doesn't; either way, it's a really dumb move.
[Conservative MP] Teresa Gorman told me this evening (in a taxi coming back from a drinks party at the BBC) that she inherited Morrison's (woman) agent, who claimed to have been offered money to keep quiet about his activities. It scares me as all the press know, and as we get closer to the election someone is going to make trouble, very close to her indeed.'
I named Edward Heath as a serial paedophile and child killer in my book, The Biggest Secret, first published in 1998 -- seven years before he died. I also named him and his Chancellor of the Exchequer Anthony Barber as practicing Satanists, as I did the leading members of the royal family. Heath was read what I said by an excuse for a 'journalist' days after publication and he did nothing because to do so would have had the truth exposed in court -- as it would be now if anyone from the Thatcher cesspit wants a go. Michael Shrimpton mentions Barber in this interview as being in league with Heath and Cabinet Secretary Hunt.
If Operations Fairbank and Fernbridge, the police investigations into political and 'elite' paedophilia, don't not make arrests of big political and royal names so they can be questioned under caution then it, too, will be shown to be a cover up given the evidence that mounts all the time.
Michael Shrimpton goes on to talk about what he says happened to the abducted little girl Madeleine McCann, the assassination of Princess Diana, the murder of weapons expert David Kelly who could have trashed the lies used to justify the Blair invasion of Iraq, and what Shimpton says was the murder of former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook.
I can't confirm what he says about Madeleine or Cook but for sure I can with everything else with regard to Heath, Savile and the Conservative Party and government. Nor do I agree with all of his assumptions about who was behind it all, and certainly not that British Intelligence are the 'good guys'. But it is very interesting information very much worth hearing.
Michael Shrimpton is the author of the book, Spyhunter, which he hopes to publish this year.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Why Am I Here ?
" How did I come to be here ?"
That sort of question is usually asked by nearly all children.
After the child has been taught that he or she came out of mummy, maybe a few years later the question digs a bit deeper.
It becomes," yes I know I came out of mummy, but why am I here ? "
Such a plain, simple honest plea is mocked as being ' a silly question'. You musn't spend your time pondering on such fancy thoughts; you must make your way in the world, and become a good obedient citizen, or, in reality, slave.
It's the same with the question."Which came first, the chicken or the egg ?" Untill anyone can really answer that question, everything we are are taught is slightly suspect.
As the child grows up, he or she gets sucked into the whole sick world game we are all playing and innocent phrases, such as ,why am I here, get buried under the junk of everyday life.
A few though, in every generation, have that question burning through them all their lives.How sad that so few seem to find the answer.
Until now, that is. I believe that, in the future, the age we are now living in will be called, "The Age Of Enlightenment ".This is the age when the curtains are drawn back;our eyes become open for once and we wake from our deep slumber.
The old order is collapsing. More and more people are questioning the nature of reality, the nature of themselves and what living is about.This is being done worldwide and it has never happened before on such a scale.
It is make or break time. It's a choice between flying round the wheel of insanity, which will lead to total destruction and the wiping out of our species, or the joining of our collective consciousness in imagining the world WE, the people want and not what the three hundred families who run this joint want.
The trouble is , you can't jump off this wheel.
It just goes round and round.
You can, though, be on the wheel, but not of it.Jesus said in John 15,19, " Be in the world but not of it."
As we have all been forced to turn away from material things, our hearts and minds are turning to more important matters, such as - "Why am I here ? "
More and more people will start asking this, until a gigantic shift in our mass mind will take place. It will be the thoughts of humanity that change the outside world.
Until that day though remember, be in the world but not of it, and hold on tight, because it's going to be a bumpy ride,
That sort of question is usually asked by nearly all children.
After the child has been taught that he or she came out of mummy, maybe a few years later the question digs a bit deeper.
It becomes," yes I know I came out of mummy, but why am I here ? "
Such a plain, simple honest plea is mocked as being ' a silly question'. You musn't spend your time pondering on such fancy thoughts; you must make your way in the world, and become a good obedient citizen, or, in reality, slave.
It's the same with the question."Which came first, the chicken or the egg ?" Untill anyone can really answer that question, everything we are are taught is slightly suspect.
As the child grows up, he or she gets sucked into the whole sick world game we are all playing and innocent phrases, such as ,why am I here, get buried under the junk of everyday life.
A few though, in every generation, have that question burning through them all their lives.How sad that so few seem to find the answer.
Until now, that is. I believe that, in the future, the age we are now living in will be called, "The Age Of Enlightenment ".This is the age when the curtains are drawn back;our eyes become open for once and we wake from our deep slumber.
The old order is collapsing. More and more people are questioning the nature of reality, the nature of themselves and what living is about.This is being done worldwide and it has never happened before on such a scale.
It is make or break time. It's a choice between flying round the wheel of insanity, which will lead to total destruction and the wiping out of our species, or the joining of our collective consciousness in imagining the world WE, the people want and not what the three hundred families who run this joint want.
The trouble is , you can't jump off this wheel.
It just goes round and round.
You can, though, be on the wheel, but not of it.Jesus said in John 15,19, " Be in the world but not of it."
As we have all been forced to turn away from material things, our hearts and minds are turning to more important matters, such as - "Why am I here ? "
More and more people will start asking this, until a gigantic shift in our mass mind will take place. It will be the thoughts of humanity that change the outside world.
Until that day though remember, be in the world but not of it, and hold on tight, because it's going to be a bumpy ride,
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Friday, February 1, 2013
Quotes For Our Time.
B. Olatunji.
2." If I owe you one pound, I have a problem; but if I owe you a million, the problem is yours. ".
John Maynard Keynes.
3." The one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone, is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been."
Albert Einstein.
4." While it may look as though we're disconnected from one another and the rest of the world, that detachment doesn't exist on the plane where the hologram originates-on this level of unity, there really can be no such things as ' here' and ' there' ."
Gregg Braden, The Divine Matrix.
5." There are essentially only two drugs that Western civilization tolerates; caffeine from Monday to Friday, to energise you enough to make you a productive member of society, and alcohol from Friday to Monday to keep you too stupid to figure out the prison you are living in."
Bill Hicks.
6." To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that's all."
Oscar Wilde.
7." The physical world around us behaves much like a hologram. Just like a piece of holographic film, all quanta exist as interfacing wave patterns.Of themselves these interference waves have no ' solidity '- no defininite properties or location- just like the squiggles/ circles on holographic film.
Then, when a laser beam ( the light of consciousness) is directed at those interface waves, seemingly solid particles ( three dimensional images ) appear before our eyes."
Eric Dubay,Asbestos Head .
8." If you want to be happy, be."
Leo Toltstoy.
9." You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
Buckminster Fuller.
10." Poverty is the worst form of violence."
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