This includes the sky,the earth,the trees.the seas,the planets,you and me,the birds ,fish and animals;everything.
All these came from the invisible.
This is how creation is taking place,although the formless and the formed are of exactly the same essence,the formed appear 'real' to us because of the interaction with our senses.
"If you put it that there is an intangible World that effects the tangible World of our experience,you then can say'This is what quantum mechanics says'".Dr.Jeffrey Satinover,Teaching fellow at Yale University.
You could re-phrase that and write; a spiritual World is effecting the material World.Or,that the formless World is making the so called World of form
The computer in front of you was once completely without form,a fuzzy idea with a vague, difficult to see shape.Look at it now in its formed state.
The chair you are sitting on was once invisible;the table,the walls,the door-all of these were once without form and invisible.That is a fact.
Quantum Physics says that consciousness is playing a role in the universe.It says there is a secret underground that seems to be effecting the 'reality we live in and that this 'reality' we live in is not at all as it appears to be.Dr.Alan Wolf ,Theoretical Physicist.
As Edward Cayce said: "Spirit is the life, mind the builder, physical is the result".
Dr.John Hagelis said: "Plants, trees, planets,animals are all just waves of vibration of an underlying unified superstring field.All the forces of nature,and all the so-called particles of nature are now understood to be-just different ripples on a single ocean of existence.It's a non-material field:the fountainhead of all the laws of nature".
The ancient texts that have been mocked and considered by the masses to be mere ramblings of strange religious hermits or mystics,are now shown to have contained the truth,as is now proved by science.
The latest physics goes even further,and claims that anything we see only appears solid to us when we observe it.Once we stop looking at the computer,for example, it is no longer there.The computer returns to a wave state of infinite possible locations.
The natural state is a wave state.It is only when we come into the picture that the wave state alters and becomes in a fixed position in space and time.
You have probably heard the saying"Everything he touches turns to gold",but in the case of humankind,everything we look at or touch turns to 'matter'.!
Note the natural state is a wave state and can be in infinite possible locations.The wave state is a wave of infinite possibility.It is our brain(which is a hologram) which changes the wave into a particle.
"Although we think we are physical beings moving through a physical World, this is an illusion.We are really 'receivers' floating through a kaleidoscopic sea of frequency".David Bohm.
"There is no out there, independent of what is going on in here". Fred Alan Wolf and Lynne Mctagget.
"What is out there is a vast ocean of waves and frequencies and reality looks concrete to us only because our brains are able to take this holographic blur and convert it into the sticks and stones and other familiar objects that make up our World".Michael Talbot.
I create reality-so do you.
There you have it;you create reality;we all do!
Why not create the reality you would like to see?
Is it really possible to create the reality you would love to see?
You have the answer to that, from what you have been reading.
You are already 'making it all up'. right now, and have been since you were
The 'reality'you are now living is the result of the seeds that you planted without knowing
that you were planting seeds.It's a bit like having a garden, and you walk round it every day and randomly throw seeds everywhere, with no thought of what plants, trees and shrubs are going to appear.This is how your life has been lived.
Why not choose the types of seeds you want .Then you can plant only these.
Wouldn't you like a beautiful garden that is your very own creation?
A beautiful life as you know it was meant to be,a life of happiness.
You can create a wonderful reality in your mind that will appear formless,but by the laws of this universe,you can ensure that this 'reality' will manifest before your eyes in the state of form.
Imagine never having to worry about money again.
Imagine not getting stressed when you get a bill.
Imagine being able to buy the things you want whenever you want.
You live in a hologram;you are a hologram.You can manipulate the hologram to your advantage.
Wouldn't you like to be free to spend your days as you wish?
Have a perfect loving relationship?
Open your own business, or go on the holidays you used to only dream about?
It is possible, believe it or not, to achieve exactly what you want in life. And it is surprisingly easy.
You can do it.You have just got to find out how to do it.
To find out howClick Here!
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