1. 9/11 was done by a man in a cave who outwitted the mightiest military defense system in the history of our planet.
TRUE or FALSE . If you say true, I strongly suggest you search in Google about this and you will find actual evidence showing that 9/11 was an inside job Go to .
Go to David Icke's site or Alex Jones site to learn the truth about this false flag.
2,The 7/7 London train and bus bombings was an inside job.
TRUE or FALSE. The evidence for this is, like 9/11 , staggering. It was an inside job, Go to
Rense. com site or to www.julyseventh.co.uk or whatreallyhappened.com.
3 Chemtrails are for our own good.
TRUE or FALSE. Obviously false. Go to chemtrails news or Alex jones infowars sites for more information
4.Fluoride is good for your teeth and you health.
TRUE or FALSE. .Not only is fluoride bad for your teeth, it's bad for your brain and other parts of the body. Check out mercola com site or cheesecake site or fluoride dangers. blogspot,There are hundreds more showing you how bad fluoride, which is a toxic industrial waste product , is.
5.Vaccines prevent disease and do not make people ill or kill them
TRUE or FALSE. Sad to say this is false. Vaccines, are one of the biggest cons this planet has ever known. I have researched this to discover with horror that vaccines are far more dangerous than the diseases they are meant to prevent.In fact, they often give the disease they are meant to prevent.
Check out vaccinedangers,com site. or wanttoknow.info.site. for starters.
6.Education increases peoples intelligence.
TRUE or FALSE. False, of course.
7 Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. They were never located.
Well. we were all lied to as we are lied to all the time.Iraq didn't have weapons of mass destruction, and this lie was given to start an illegal war.
8.U.F.O's do not exist.
So, if they don't exist , how come so many people have seen them ? I doubt if the sightings are of only secret military aircraft, though, no doubt , some are.
9.The police are there to protect the public,not solely to protect the Elite.
I think we all know the answer to that one. It is alleged that Sir Jimmy Savile raped about 300 underage girls, but never got caught when he was alive. How strange his great friends were Maggie Thatcher, Prince Charles and Prince Philip
10.The extreme austerity measures throughout the world are put in place to keep the people oppressed.
Money has always been used by the Elite as a weapon.
11.Big Pharma's medicines do not make you ill or kill you.
TRUE or FALSE.According to the Natural News site, prescription drugs are responsible for more deaths than traffic accidents.
12.Cancer is curable, but big pharma keeps this hidden, as it wants to make money from the disease.
TRUE or FALSE. All the evidence points to this being sadly true.Check out the Natural News site for more information.
13 Passive smoking is bad for you.
TRUE or FALSE.Check out forces site. This is another absurd lie thrown at the public.It was made up to justify the no smoking ban. An article in The Telegraph dated 8.3.2012 said the following. Note in particular , the last eight words." The world's leading health organization has withheld from publication a study which shows that not only might there be no link between passive smoking and lung cancer, but that it could have a protective affect."
So what this really says is, passive smoking might well be good for you !
14.The British Royal Family did not murder Lady Diana.
TRUE or FALSE. If you ever manage to see ' An Unlawful Killing' which, was banned in the U.K.( says it all really ) you will certainly be of the opinion that there is a hell of a cover- up .
15.Saddam Hussain was murdered in public, as a warning to others leaders to play the game.
True, of course, as we are talking about the biggest mafia in the world- the Elite.
16.The war in Afghanistan has made the world a safer place.
TRUE or FALSE. If anyone really believes this, their slumber is very deep.
17.Britain and America are the biggest illegal drug dealers in the world.
Ever wondered why governments get hysterical about dealers ?. The reason is simple, they hate competition, and that's why they always give massive sentences to their competitors. The Elite love big money; you think they wouldn't cash in on drugs. Wake up !
18.GM food does not harm anyone.
TRUE or FALSE. Remember those pictures of those rats with massive tumours after they were fed GM food ? It's hard to forget. How strange that the main stream media let that story die.
19.The Elite are preparing for a third world war.
Well, doesn't it look that way, with all the talk about Iran ?
20.The music industry is controlled by the Elite, who promote artists who play their game, and give messages to the young that the Elite want them to hear.
It sure looks that way. Check out my blog post on' Lady Gaga's Lyrics And The Occult '.
22. Bob Marley, John Lennon, Bill Hicks and Michael Jackson were murdered by the Elite as they were considered as a threat to the establishment
Going on the Elite's track record, this is probably business as usual for them Killing people means nothing to them.
23. Prince Philip, the older he gets,he looks more and more like a lizard. Come to think of it, so does Tony Blair..
TRUE or FALSE. The evidence speaks for itself.
24 Life is a dream.We have two types of dreams. One with our eyes closed, when we are 'asleep', and one when our eyes are open when we are ' awake '; the latter is a shared collective dream.
TRUE or FALSE. I believe this is true, but you have to find this out yourself.
25. If we can live in the present moment, cast our ego aside, and just be aware, we will be free.
TRUE or FALSE. Too true.
So, how awake are you ?
re: Unlawful Killing
ReplyDeleteThis site will redirect you at random to one of (currently) eight video-sharing sites around the world where we've got the film uploaded. The web sheriff has already had this site shut down once, but no worries; we'll just keep moving it to different web hosts. Just for amusement, we've now started uploading the film under the username 'Web Sheriff' :)