The Guardian
A truly amazing interview with the love of the British press, with the exception of the Guardian who dare to crticise the absurd statements made by this Prince of war.
Harry says that by playing computer games he became better at killing people. The terrible fact is that this deluded young man is proud of the fact that he has murdered another human being.In the interview he casually mentions that he has murdered someone, as if he is talking about killing a fly.This is the mindset of Royalty; no compassion at all, no respect for someone who is living in a country invaded by others.What would the British do if there country was invaded ? Not fight back ?
I have met soldiers who have killed others in war, and , guess what, they never get over it. I have met people who have killed others in road accidents and they have nightmares about this for years. If you're Royalty though, it's just all in a day's work.No heart, no heart at all ; cruel , heartless beings.And they have the nerve to go to church and call themselves Christian.
The newspapers all published the same photo of action man Harry running ,holding his precious gun, on his way to his helicopter. It's like a recruitment advert for the young and poverty-stricken to join the army
Jonathan Jones of the Guardian, in his article dated 22.1 2013 sums it up thus:
" Prince Harry is a real person, who really is running to his helicopter in this photograph- and in this moment he not only gives gratification to the army public relations department and every patriotic editor and pundit, but also confirms the steadfast belief of 11 year old boys that all those horror stories on the grown-up news do not tell the truth- they know war is exiting, and here is the Prince to prove it."
Well said.
2". World unemployment set to rise A record 202 million people could be unemployed across the world in 2013, the International Labour Organization has said."
The Guardian 22.1 2013.
Absolute proof that the black- suited leaders haven't got a clue.
3."Benjamin Netanyahu victory expected as Israel heads for the polls "
The Guardian 22.1 2013.
Well, the whole world must be delighted at this wonderful news; no doubt the poor people in Palestine are dancing in the streets.
Peace in the Middle East is like Christ's second coming; it never seems to happen.
4." Child hospital admissions for asthma slump after smoking ban"
The Daily Mail, which is really a mouthpiece for any government department printed this blatant lie.I have read about 20 reports on passive smoking and , not one, proves it is bad for you.In fact , one claimed it was good for you; another claimed that asthma was rarer in houses where people smoke.
Think about this. In the 1950's in Britain where 60 to70 % of the adults smoked, asthma was far less common than it is today.Yet today when far fewer people smoke it is very common.I would have like Jenny Hope who copied this bit of propoganda to have researched passive smoking and to have asked the Department of health to explain why asthma now is far worse than it was in the days when most people smoked.
5.Here is an interesting piece that you can bet will never be seen in any main stream press.Milk is good for you, right ? We are all taught that from young. They used to give it free to school children in the U.K in the 1950's, it was considered so important for young people. We have all heard how essential it is for calcium, haven't we ? Well, read on.
" It's not natural to drink cow's milk. Human milk is for humans. Cow's milk is for calves. You have no more need for cow's milk than you do for rat's milk, horses milk or elephant's milk.
Cow's milk is a high fat fluid exquisetely designed to turn a 65 pound baby calf into a 400 pound cow. That is what cow's milk is for."
Dr. Michael Klaper M.D.
Milk is believed to deplete the body of natural calcium, which is used up in the process of digesting milk. It offers an inorganic calcium that cannot easily be digested, and used by the human body.
Just like our bodies cannot use the iron in a magnet, they cannot use calcium in milk. Milk is acidic making it difficult for the body to digest.
From an article by Anna Hunt in The Waking Times site.January 18th 2013.
6." Contrary to rumour, the British Empire never went away. Commonwealth nations , never in reality, obtained independence from Britain. Instead, they simply went through a process of devolution; home rule instead of direct rule with puppet Presidents and Prime Ministers to replace Viceroys and Governors."
From Let's Hang The Bankers Site in an article by Jacque Fresco, dated 18. 1 2013.
7. Let's spin back to the year 2000. This is what was written in the Independent newspaper on 20.3. 2000.
" Sledges, snowmen, snowballs and the excitement of waking up to find that the stuff has settled outside are all a rapidly diminishing part of Britain's culture, as warmer winters- which scientists are attributing to global climate change- produces, not only fewer white christmases, but fewer white Januaries and Februaries."
These are the esteemed words of Dr. David Viner, a senior research scientist at the Climatic research Unit of the University of east Anglia.
Dr Viner then says, " Within a few years winter snowfall will become a ' very rare and exciting event'.Children just aren't going to know what snow is "
Has anyone seen the United Kingdom lately ? Snow, snow and more snow.
Wow, he was good at his job. Luckily he wasn't a financial consultant.
8. " Christopher ChopeM.P. had been speaking about the price of meals in the House Of Commons restaurant when he described his most recent visit.
" The service was absolutely fantastic, he said, " because there was three to one service- three sevants for each person sitting down "
Servants ? Even when members began hooting with derision, he did not back down or correct himself, apparently oblivious to his faux pas.
As the writer, Angel Eagle put it."He let the cat out of the bag :". What he implies is that this is how people like him view workers, as servants to serve them.
The Greek press has had another opinion poll claiming that New Democracy is more popular than any other party. Funny that, as if you ask anyone what they think about ND and the answer you get is unprintable.If you ask them their opinion of the three parties in power they get very excited and emotional, to put it politely..
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