Friday, January 4, 2013

How To Cure Your Cold - Fast.

I discovered this by accident, or possibly, intuition. Maybe it just worked for me, and wouldn't work for anyone else in the world.I don't know, but if you are in the throes of suffering from the minor miseries the infamous common cold can bring, I hope that this may help.

I woke up the other day with that little signal from my body, telling me that something was not right.You know that little itch in the throat that seems to be getting worse by the hour.

This was telling me that a cold, or worse, a flu was about to follow.

Sure enough as the day got under way, my nose turned into a tap.I had no tissues, couldn't buy any as all the shops were shut, so had to use toilet paper. I was staggered at how many rolls I got through.Talk about a runny nose; this was like a non-stop leak from a pipe.

At about midday I was feeling lousy.The throat was now turning sore and I had started to sweat and then feel cold somehow at the same time. So bad did I feel that I lay down for an hour.Now I could tell that the cold ( or was it the dreaded flu  ? ) was trying to advance to my chest.

I, thank goodness, hardly ever get colds. I put this down to the fact that I live in a very sunny place where the sun shines almost every day, and I always try to be outside in the sun as much as possible. I don't sunbathe, but I walk a lot.I also eat loads of fruit and vegetables every day.I'm by no means a health fanatic, but happen to enjoy walking and eating natural foods.

I was surprised that this darned cold had managed to break through my defense system. I was determined though, to get rid of it, in the shortest possible way.I didn't feel hungry as I had certainly over-indulged at Christmas, and I knew it would be good for me not to eat too much for a while.

As I said at the start of this piece, although this 'miracle' cure worked for me, it might not work for anyone else.

The idea for this came from nowhere. This is what I did.
1.I squeezed 4 large oranges and poured the juice into a bowl.

2. I cut up a banana into small bits and put the pieces into the juice in the bowl.

3.I then cut up an apple and also cut this into small pieces and added these to the bowl.

4.Then put the slices from a tangerine into the mix.

I added bits of clove.

It was a strange lunch, but it was delicious !

I still felt rough though all afternoon. Early evening I did the following;
1 I squeezed two lemons into a cup,
added strong Colman's Mustard which I had made from the powder.

Yes, it did taste peculiar, but about half-an hour later I didn't feel quite so bad.

I didn't eat anything else apart from the fruit that I had had midday, the whole day through.

I slept right through the night without any problem. When I woke up, I knew that the cold had gone !There was still a bit of a stuffy nose left, but that was all.

As I said, it worked for me, so why not give it a try ?

I feel great now. I think I'll go for a walk in the Winter sunshine by the sea to help drive the last bits of my one day cold away .

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