As we zoom down the hill, turn the corner of another year and get closer to the edge of that mysterious cliff you feel is too near, I can only imagine what people are thinking.
" Hell, what's next ? "
" So everything is going up this year ! "
" Wonder if I'll keep my job ".
"How much tax do they want now ?"
"Will my wages be cut ?"
" This is insanity "
" Will I EVER get a job ?"
Such cries are heard from the ones who are just about able to keep their head above the water. The cries from the ones who have sunk are far worse, such as," I have no money to feed my children." or" I can't afford to buy that essential medicine ." and " Where the hell can we sleep tonight, as we have no home ."
or " We're freezing, but can't afford to buy fuel ".
Where is the hope ? There isn't any.It used to be seen like a shining star that was waiting for you, but you look up and see no trace of any shining or even twinkling, fading orb in a sky that used to be blue, but is now dark grey and filled with toxins.
All the powers that be say that things will only get worse before they get better.Unless, of course, you are in Greece where the major politicians told us over Christmas that next year ( meaning now ) things will improve.
You could hear the guffaws of laughter stretching from the Acropolis right up to the Vlatadon Monastary in Thessaloniki.Everyone. agreed that it was a good joke, although a bit of a sick one.
It has just dawned on the major purveyors of the austerity ( kick 'em below the belt ) measures that they won't be able to get the taxes they want from the people, because the people haven't got the money to give them.I found an article on this on the Keep Talking Greece' site, but it appears to have now vanished.
This must have amazed the black-suited executioners .The Greek journalists must have been stunned, after months and months of faithfully writing what they were told to write, and that, of course, the plan would work. What a shocker !
The real economist experts such as Gerald Celente have said this for the last two years, and they have said it loud and clear. The Greek media weren't interested in such talk of gloom, or were they not allowed to print it ?
It really is pure common sense.You just cannot subtract 15 from 10 and gain.There is no point in asking for a 100 euros from someone who only has twenty.Well, you can ask and even demand, but you won't get it.
On paper it all looked so neat. Sitting in plush rooms in Athens and in the Tower Of Babel the well- oiled men played around with figures as children play with counters,and there it was, in black and white; take this amount from the people and everything will be fine.
That was the theory.
Now the practice is underway, ' reality' has stuck its stubborn head in to say,"It won't work."and the likes of Samaras and co. can actually see with their own eyes that the money is not flowing to them the way the theory said it would.
I do wonder what they teach them at the London School Of Economics.Whatever it is, doesn't seem to work.It's a bit like those management schools where you learn everything in practice , but when you try and put the theory into practice in the outside world, that annoying factor, the human one, comes into play and your management theories are useless.
But I am straying from my theme, which is, most of us feel that there is no hope. For good reason too.What is taking place in the world is grim, and a lot grimmer than what we are told.In Greece we see on a daily basis, the begging, the homeless, the shut-down shops; we hear the horror stories of people who are dying because of what is going on;we read about the countless suicides.
I should imagine it's the same in Spain, Ireland, France, Portugal and Italy. Not forgetting the U.S A. and the United Kingdom and many other countries.
Let's be straight.It's not a good start to the year to feel down without anything to look forward to.
I suggest we change this," There is no hope," message and refuse to be pulled low by the engineered fevered dream all around us.The Elite might want us to join in in their collective dream, but what happens if we refuse to partake in their dream because we don't like it.We don't have to part of the same dream.
Lets, each one of us, picture in our mind a future we actually want in our world, and not turn up to play our part in the film that we are meant to be in.It's a lousy part you are meant to play, so don't play it. Play a part you want on your terms with your script.
If enough people did this, the rotten'B' film that the Elite are playing, with us as the actors, would simply fall out of the projector and be replaced with the dreams of the ordinary people.
We do create our 'reality' and the Elite try and make us create it- by constant bombardment on our senses- they way they want .
It doesn't have to be this way.
None of this is 'real', and we can, believe it or not, manipulate, by using our imagination the dream stuff and turn it into dreams we love.Ignore the buffoons in their dark, gloomy suits and constant talk of money, money , money, hard work, responsibility and cutting down on everything.
Everyday, and it need be no longer than ten minutes a day, simply sit and visualize, at the same time,feeling that you are already in that place and space you want to be, exactly how you imagine your perfect life to be.
If enough people did this, the whole world would change, because the people, not the Elite, would be mass-creating a ' new illusion.'or dream or what we call 'reality'.
This would replace the evil that has spread like a blanket riddled with germs over our beloved planet.
It can be done.
To find out more go toClick Here

" Hell, what's next ? "
" So everything is going up this year ! "
" Wonder if I'll keep my job ".
"How much tax do they want now ?"
"Will my wages be cut ?"
" This is insanity "
" Will I EVER get a job ?"
Such cries are heard from the ones who are just about able to keep their head above the water. The cries from the ones who have sunk are far worse, such as," I have no money to feed my children." or" I can't afford to buy that essential medicine ." and " Where the hell can we sleep tonight, as we have no home ."
or " We're freezing, but can't afford to buy fuel ".
Where is the hope ? There isn't any.It used to be seen like a shining star that was waiting for you, but you look up and see no trace of any shining or even twinkling, fading orb in a sky that used to be blue, but is now dark grey and filled with toxins.
All the powers that be say that things will only get worse before they get better.Unless, of course, you are in Greece where the major politicians told us over Christmas that next year ( meaning now ) things will improve.
You could hear the guffaws of laughter stretching from the Acropolis right up to the Vlatadon Monastary in Thessaloniki.Everyone. agreed that it was a good joke, although a bit of a sick one.
It has just dawned on the major purveyors of the austerity ( kick 'em below the belt ) measures that they won't be able to get the taxes they want from the people, because the people haven't got the money to give them.I found an article on this on the Keep Talking Greece' site, but it appears to have now vanished.
This must have amazed the black-suited executioners .The Greek journalists must have been stunned, after months and months of faithfully writing what they were told to write, and that, of course, the plan would work. What a shocker !
The real economist experts such as Gerald Celente have said this for the last two years, and they have said it loud and clear. The Greek media weren't interested in such talk of gloom, or were they not allowed to print it ?
It really is pure common sense.You just cannot subtract 15 from 10 and gain.There is no point in asking for a 100 euros from someone who only has twenty.Well, you can ask and even demand, but you won't get it.
On paper it all looked so neat. Sitting in plush rooms in Athens and in the Tower Of Babel the well- oiled men played around with figures as children play with counters,and there it was, in black and white; take this amount from the people and everything will be fine.
That was the theory.
Now the practice is underway, ' reality' has stuck its stubborn head in to say,"It won't work."and the likes of Samaras and co. can actually see with their own eyes that the money is not flowing to them the way the theory said it would.
I do wonder what they teach them at the London School Of Economics.Whatever it is, doesn't seem to work.It's a bit like those management schools where you learn everything in practice , but when you try and put the theory into practice in the outside world, that annoying factor, the human one, comes into play and your management theories are useless.
But I am straying from my theme, which is, most of us feel that there is no hope. For good reason too.What is taking place in the world is grim, and a lot grimmer than what we are told.In Greece we see on a daily basis, the begging, the homeless, the shut-down shops; we hear the horror stories of people who are dying because of what is going on;we read about the countless suicides.
I should imagine it's the same in Spain, Ireland, France, Portugal and Italy. Not forgetting the U.S A. and the United Kingdom and many other countries.
Let's be straight.It's not a good start to the year to feel down without anything to look forward to.
I suggest we change this," There is no hope," message and refuse to be pulled low by the engineered fevered dream all around us.The Elite might want us to join in in their collective dream, but what happens if we refuse to partake in their dream because we don't like it.We don't have to part of the same dream.
Lets, each one of us, picture in our mind a future we actually want in our world, and not turn up to play our part in the film that we are meant to be in.It's a lousy part you are meant to play, so don't play it. Play a part you want on your terms with your script.
If enough people did this, the rotten'B' film that the Elite are playing, with us as the actors, would simply fall out of the projector and be replaced with the dreams of the ordinary people.
We do create our 'reality' and the Elite try and make us create it- by constant bombardment on our senses- they way they want .
It doesn't have to be this way.
None of this is 'real', and we can, believe it or not, manipulate, by using our imagination the dream stuff and turn it into dreams we love.Ignore the buffoons in their dark, gloomy suits and constant talk of money, money , money, hard work, responsibility and cutting down on everything.
Everyday, and it need be no longer than ten minutes a day, simply sit and visualize, at the same time,feeling that you are already in that place and space you want to be, exactly how you imagine your perfect life to be.
If enough people did this, the whole world would change, because the people, not the Elite, would be mass-creating a ' new illusion.'or dream or what we call 'reality'.
This would replace the evil that has spread like a blanket riddled with germs over our beloved planet.
It can be done.
To find out more go toClick Here

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