Another moment in another day.
Another day nearer death.
Not a pleasant thought; one we try to ignore.
How many worries do you have now ?
What are they about ?
Money ?
Health ?
Relationships ?
They tend to continue , don't they ?
You get rid of one problem, and then another one arises.
Think back to last year, and I bet you will find you had a whole set of different worries, or, possibly
you have been caught in one particular worry, the same one, like finding a better place to live, how to find
a decent job, what to do about your mother in law, and so on and on it goes, month after month and year after year..
Never ending like an endless stream that never finds the sea, like being stuck in a maze where you can
never find the way out, like banging your head on that proverbial wall , or like a dog going round and round trying to catch its tail.
Doesn't it strike you as being downright strange that life is like this?
All you want, all I want, all everybody wants is just one thing.
That elusive , only felt in very rare moments feeling of ,'Life is wonderful'.
Life is so distressing for so many people that to deaden down the anxiety or depression. pill taking is at an all time high, sweet treats are consumed, alcohol is quaffed, cigarettes are smoked, and anything that brings
temporary relief is welcomed with open arms, or should I say, open mouths.
The false self, who you believe is you, is trying to find its true hidden state, which is, happiness.It believes it can do this by reaching out into the finite world, not understanding that it is happiness- its true- self that is trying to find itself outside itself, and it can't be done.
Yes,you are happiness, that is your true original state, and that is why you and I spend our lives looking for ourselves.
We think we'll find it in the new relationship, in the new job, with a million dollars in the bank, by being famous, by having ten million views on youtube, but no, we won't.
For a short while it feels great , but then, problems arise. It is, and was, always so.
So what's the solution ?
To really understand that you are not real; you are an illusion, an imagined concept that you have believed in since you were a child.
You were given a name, an identity that you believed in more and more since you grew up.
But you are much grander than this.
You are pure infinite awareness, love, happiness and the eternal now, willingly creating and experiencing a finite world, through the vehicle of what you believe is a body.
And you are doing this because you want the joy of doing it.
What a thought, that you are meant to enjoy life all the time.
This is why Jesus said;
'I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly' John 10.10.
He told the people to surrender their selves to him, to the pure awareness,love happiness and the eternal now.
He used the language he used for the culture of his time, so they could understand him.
That is why people like Ekhart Tolle and Rupert Spira use the language of today so we can get the message, the truth of who we really are
Once we throw off the cloak of belief in our self, and surrender to our true state, wonders happen, even miracles.
Once you stop using your imagination to worry about a non- existent future, and accept what is happening to you right now without trying to resist it, you are free from bondage, free of fear, and dwelling in the eternal happy now, that knows no chaos or insanity.
The best way to do this is to make sure each moment of your life is lived, and by lived I mean that you are totally aware of the now that is in front of you, whatever the situation may be.No discrimination, no judgement, just pure acceptance, of what is; no fighting with the moment.
It is then you will experience the transformation. Problems are no longer problems, they are simply puzzles to be solved, like a crossword puzzle, or as Tolle says challenges to be overcome
No more mad imaginations about a non- existent future, but only the challenge of the now..
You will then find that the worries you thought you had were just soap bubbles in the air.
As Devi stated;
' Gracious one play. The Universe is an empty shell wherein your mind frolics infinitely.'.
And as Tosotsu said;
'An instant realization sees endless time.
Endless time is one moment.
When one comprehends the endless moment
He realizes the person who is seeing it.'
Mike Selley.
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