In part one I mentioned the video uploaded to this blog of ' Wipeout ' and how the guys playing this
are, it seems, completely lost in the now of doing this.
The two drummers certainly are, for sure.Just look at their faces !
I don't know whether you have ever experienced that amazing feeling of total surrender,where there is no thought of self involved, no anticipation of an end result, but purely the act of doing what you are doing.
I t is a feeling like no other.
It is like you are now home; this is where you are, have always been, and nothing else matters.
I have experienced this when writing songs. All sense of time is gone, even my surroundings are of no importance,my self does not come into it,there is only the execution of the act of writing the song .
Nothing else.
And then it's finished.
It's a shock as suddenly it's back to everyday life with all its worries and concerns.
But, one is renewed, one ( to sound like the Royal Family ) is refreshed.
How come ?
Is it for a few precious moments that you are living life as it is meant to be lived all the time ?
And we lost our way ?
I believe so.
The formless - which we really are- wants to play in the world of form, but to experience this, the formless has to pretend it is form and forget its true identity.
Hence all the myriad life forms.
You and I have taken on the forms of what we call bodies, given ourselves an identity, and because of this
belief in a personal me, has missed the whole point of what we are meant to be doing.
And what is that ?
Playing with form.
Like a child plays with toys.
Are there other factors involved, as David Icke has mentioned; forces that prevent us from understanding
what life really is?.
Lizards, Serpents, The Devil, well, something has screwed up the human race. Just look at our history.
Or is it , simply us, our egos ?
Let's stop our foolish non- stop thinking and enjoy this wonderful world of form, play with it, dance with it, embrace it, but know it is all illusion
The biggest illusion is, that you are you and and I am me, when you and I and everybody else are exactly the same, but we are all wearing these masks.
Love Life, because life - which is you - loves you..
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