Friday, September 28, 2018

November 17th;; Weather Control To Control The People- update.

November 17th- an important day in Greece.

' The Athens Polytechnic uprising  in 1973 was a massive demonstration of popular rejection
of the Greek Military Junta of 1967-1974.
The uprising began on November 14th 1973, escalated to an open anti-junta revolt and ended in bloodshed.
In the early morning of November 17th starting with a tank crashing through the gates of the Polytechnic.
24 civilians were killed, and hundreds were injured.' Wikipedia.

Since that awful day demonstrations have taken place in Athens every year in memory of the
Demonstrations have got more violent since the evil austerity has been inflicted on this country.
No doubt people see shades of the Junta in today's world, as the ordinary citizen is being
sat upon more and more with absurdly high levels of taxation, and utility bills robbing the people.
Tomorrow is November 17th, and the establishment is taking no chances.

' More than 5,000 police officers have been assigned to patrol the city in the runup to Saturday's big march from the historic university building to the U.S. Embassy.' Ekathimerini.

Greeks always knew that the U.S A. was behind the Junta.

5,000 police officers ? Why so many ?
There have been a string of attacks on the police in recent months, and maybe that is why.
Also, drones will monitor the march by air.

Teargas, will, no doubt be used, but water cannons won't be needed.

Isn't Democracy great ?

What has this got to do with the weather you may well ask ?

Well, the weather forecast for Athens on 17th November is, wait for it, rain and storms

How very strange.

Now read on.

Sorry about the blank space that follows- just scroll down .


Weather Control to Control The People

It's hard to believe that the weather is controlled by the sick .deranged people ( or Lizards ) in power.

You really think that the temperature can drop 15 to 20 degrees naturally ?

Well, it can't, unless it is controlled by these sickos.

And that is what is happening.

I suspect that an Israeli Company is behind all this, and they are making a fortune from it.

They are experts at this sort of thing.

Now, in almost every developed country we see this devastation.

Sudden storms, Hurricanes, flash floods.

Today we have it in Greece.

Why, you may ask ?

The answer is to keep the people in a state of fear.
  People who are afraid will obey.
The Elite are terrified of the masses waking up to the insanity that has been inflicted upon them,
and will do anything to keep us  asleep.

Anyone with two brain cells will have noticed that every time there has been a strike in Greece (
well, at least a lot of times ) the clouds have broken their waters in a dramatic way.

The sad, awful truth is that we, the great unwashed are considered slaves by these lunatics who run this planet.
Look at the history of our world. It is completely mad.
This place is run by yes, I think David Icke is right, by Lizards or non human creatures.
Humans would not inflict so much pain on their own kind.
Or, would they ?
Here I sit in my lovely house in Aegina hearing the rain falling down, the thunder thundering, the lightning , lightening wondering whether anyone will ever wake up to the truth that we are just
pawns in a game.

Sometimes I think, no one ever will.

Consider the following.

1. At least 56 countries use a technique called cloud seeding to control the weather, according to the World Metrological  Organization.
This can mean increasing or decreasing the amount of rain or snow..

Do you remember the student riots in the U.K complaining about tuition fees ?
What happened ? For the first time in about 100 years the snow fell in December, all over the demonstrators.
And nobody questioned this. It was just a freak of nature.
It is rare  for snow to  fall in December in the U.K. Well, it used to be rare.

It did , of course, stop the police being violent  with tear gas and the outcry this causes.
Maybe they did use teargas as well. I can't remember.
The police do anything to keep the powers that be in power..

Keep the peasants down; keep the slaves in line.

' twas always thus.and will always be so, unless ......

2. The United Arab Emirates spent 5 million dollars in 2016 to fund their research on rain enhancement.

3. China spends 168 million dollars each year in weather modification.

4. In Russia , clouds are seeded to prevent it from raining on  important national holiday parades.

5.A 2013 study of 60 studies compared levels of violence and hot temperature.

Why do you think it rained so much in Greece when the people , sick to death of austerity , had demonstrations ?
And, ask yourself , how much did the government pay for this weather control ?
Suddenly the money is available, but not for you or me.

The findings of this study said that higher temperatures and extreme rainfall led to large increases in conflict between groups and individuals.

And this is what the governments want; divide and rule, so the people don't wake up to the real enemy who is destroying their lives.Fight amongst yourselves; don't look at us; we're just trying to keep law and order.

The above was got from many sites , but the best one was The MicroWeather Blog.for which I give due thanks.

If you want shivers up your spine, go to Geoengineering Watch. find out how our weather is controlled all the time, and where this is taking us. It seems that the beings running the show are really dangerous and seem hell bent on destroying this planet.Could this indicate that an alien race is taking over the Earth ? And that they are changing the climate to suit their needs ?-
Well, it's a thought. Whether it's true I have no idea, but if it's not true we must have lunatics in charge, because, according to the site - Geoengineering Watch.Org- , if this weather control continues we have above 15 years left before  yes, wait for it, the World is no more..

An excellent video - Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News October 27th 2018 - can be found on you tube and is well worth watching, but it's not for the faint  hearted  or those of a nervous disposition.
Here is a quote from the video;
' There is no natural weather anymore '

So the next time you experience flooding, storms, hurricanes, tempests or drought, ask yourself 'is this natural? '

Your gut reaction will tell you that it is not.

This is happening world wide as you can see country after country experiencing violent swings in the weather.
It's frightening to realise that almost every country in the world is involved in this control system.

It doesn't matter if countries are sworn enemies, they have all agreed to play this evil game.

And, by the way, never go out when it's raining.

You'll find out why in the video - Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News October 27th 2018.


It's still raining. the thunder is still rolling and the lightning still blinding.

My lights keep flashing on an off, the internet goes down ,and then comes up, as I ask myself is this all
being done by some truly deranged individuals whose lust for power and control are not from this earth' who want to keep us in a state of fear with awful weather, evil austerity, and non stop reporting of violence in the news, coupled with films full of  sick stuff ?

Is this a conspiracy theory ?

I wish it was, but, I don't believe it is..

Mike Selley.

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