So here we are today. Tonight we are told that the clocks are going to turn back.
Really ?
Do you believe in time ?
Can you imagine living your life without this belief?.
Can you imagine no Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc?.
No weekends, no Birthdays, no time at all ?
No one o clock, two o clock or three o clock rock.
Can you imagine that every day you live is the same day since you were born ?
Can you imagine that each and every day is the same one, giving you the chance to escape the wheel of life that you are spinning on.?
Each day you wake up you are given the chance of solving this puzzle once again, but every day you fail to do this.
So you wake up the next day to the same day over and over again, but you don't believe this; you think it's October, November, December., but it's not, it's just the same day you have lived since you were born.
Well, these thoughts were going through my mind today.
And what about getting older ?
Maybe we never would age if we didn't believe in this time game.
Can you imagine forgetting how old you are meant to be ?
Waking up each morning not thinking I'm 35 or 60, but I am just am.
Maybe , if you thought this way, we wouldn't age.
Why this obsession with time ?
All the time.
Chronus, in Greek mythology was meant to eat his children.
Chronus or Cronus was ( or is ) the God of time.
We're into Greek Mythology here.
He married his sister Rhea, and they had three sons and three daughters.
Chronus or Cronus though was scared that his children might turn against him, as he had done against his father, Uranus.
He truly thought that this would happen as Uranus had predicted this.
So Chronus or Cronus swallowed each child as soon as it was born.
Doesn't time swallow us all up ?
Isn't this what time seems to do ?
We are born, live and then die.
Chronus eating his children ?
What a lie time is.
There is only the eternal now, that we can only, with our finite minds, perceive as a line of past, present and future, but this is not true.. We are fooling ourselves.
Time is not.
To quote Rupert Spira ;
' Experiences are stored in the container called time and all our future experiences are stored within this container called the future, but if you take away the two containers, or rather you see that they are non existent, then where are all a our past experiences, where did they go ? '
' This thought is present. When it goes, where has it gone ?
Is there a time outside the now ?
Or a space outside the here ?'
As a mind game why not try and forget this line of time?
Why not live each moment as eternity?
No hours, days, just being here now.
Forget your age, forget your history, just be here now.
Mike Selley.
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