Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hyperventilating And Hysterical.

Thank you John Pilger for the title, which he used when talking about governments, on a you tube video about Julian Assange.

Why are our esteemed, respected governments hyperventilating and getting hysterical?

Because they are in a panic. Like vampires they don't like too much light, as it shows us who they really are,and , like vampires, they will die in the light, because their home is in the dark where they can do their dark deeds.

For the first time ever, the people are seeing the whole sick system for what it really is.The people are waking up to the horrors that have been hidden from them for so long.

And what has been so carefully, cunningly concealed and kept out of sight from all of us innocent, trusting fools?

One hell of a lot. I suspect if people really knew what has and is going on , that there would be mass suicides around the World.Many of their deepest secrets would, I suspect, fill us with revulsion and utter amazement.

The little bits that are emerging from the rat-filled sewer are only the very small tip of a mighty iceberg which is burning as hot as Hades,because that is where it appears to be coming from.

There is a lot more to come, and what follows, in the near future , will really stun people, who will find it really hard to believe that such deeds could be done by, what appear to be, respectable pillars of society.

At the moment all we are learning is that these smartly dressed, well spoken men and women in smart suits are only up there for themselves and their overlords behind the scenes, who tell them what to do.

People - those who are even a tiny bit awake- now know that these leaders, movers and shakers who have stolen all our money, do not give a fig about us

We now know for sure that most of them are serial liars and born hypocrites.They can't be trusted, they have no credibilty, they make used  car- salesmen look  like beggars stealing a slice of bread.

We now know that the banking system controls government policies.

The light of truth is blinding them and making them panic.What if people really find out what their filthy, blood-soaked hands are groping around in?

If people really knew about the secret deeds, the illegal so- called special operations, the inside knowledge that enables them to get filthy(and that word was carefully picked) rich, or the fact that all the major governments are up to their necks in supplying heroin, crack, cocaine and designer drugs onto the streets, what would happen?
There is big money in drugs, and there is no way they would not be a part of the action with such massive rewards. That is why they are so hard on their competitors

John Pilger, who I greatly admire as an honest real journalist, I was pleased to see , is of the opinion that people everywhere are waking up to what is really going on, and that the days of might is right will draw to a close.

How long this will take is hard to say, but you can be sure of this.The more the rats feel cornered, the more they will fight.There will be more draconian laws, more taking away peoples liberties, more state spying, more control over all activities of our lives, and more control of free speech.

This is, of course, all happening now.It will just get worse- until like the Berlin Wall, it will collapse

So let them hyperventilate and get hysterical.

You know they are starting to look absurd and stupid and almost comical..

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