Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Our Utterly Pathetic Media.

The bankers call the shots; they rule our sick world; they are the sacred cows; they have ruined us by their unbridled greed.
The newspapers, the radio and the T.V. all support them.I am, of course, talking about the main stream media, not the truth shouters that can be heard all over the internet- if you know where to look.

A few papers will complain about their evil practises, but it is hardly done with any vigour.They know that the people hate the banks, so to keep their readers happy they pretend that they agree with them.

It is the support of the bankers partners in crime though that is even more disturbing.Most of the media support governments as they unleash the most severe austerity measures known in most peoples lifetimes.
What these governements are doing is totally unacceptable to the very people who elected them, and yet the media make no real fuss about this.

To cut disabilty allowances, to cut pensions,to reduce unemployment benefits are not the acts of a caring, civilized government.To cut back on health care and at the same time spend millions on weapons that will injure, maim and kill people, is not the act of a sane person.Yet all governments are doing this, and getting away with it..

Am I saying they are mad? In a nutshell, yes. Their very actions prove it, and we take such madness.Swallow, it down with a few spoonfulls of sugar like that Olympic farce.

There is no outcry from the craven, cowardly media about the outrageous behaviour of all the governments in the World.The lunacy, the evil that governments are doing is simply accepted as necessary.The message from them is: it's really unfortunate, but things have to be this way, and we all have to accept it as we have no choice.

Well, this is utter bull. Society does not have to be this way.

People are dying, people are being killed by these policies. I'm talking millions of people here. We are at the top of the pile and we suffer, but in the third World the governments policies are killing people every second.

In the west, in once propsperous countries, many can't afford medicines or health care; they can't afford to eat, and the ones who can  can only buy cheap unhealthy food. Have you seen , in Athens, the number of poor souls who go through the rubbish bins each day, like starving cats, looking for food? I doubt it as such scenes are censored by the sick editors of newspapers.

There are no jobs and people who do work have to work 14 to 16 hours a day just to survive.In Greece:millions who are employed have not been paid for months.

Suicides are soaring.,health, both physical and mental is  destroyed.Children are getting mentally ill. The extend of the suffering is jaw- dropping. No hope, no future. A generation  have had their dreams destroyed. A generation, many who are very bright, are thrown onto the dustcart.

Governments do not care a jot about these people.Does it worry them that the very ones who are needed most of all in their countries are fleeing  in a search for  a saner way of life.? Of course not, as if it did they would never have let this situation arise

I was astonished to read on a Greek blog the other day that the reason that the Greek Prime Minister hasn't told the Greek people what the new austerity measures are, is because he doesn't want to spoil their summer.
Does the writer of this tosh really believe this ?

The only reason no new austerity measures are mentioned is because the government is terrified of what will take place when such an announcement is made.

They know that social unrest that has never been seen before will take place.The sight of out of control riots and demonstrations would also worry their beloved masters, the troika, who might think, hey, maybe the measures won't work..

Well, the Greek government is only delaying the day of judgement.Maybe they want the tourist season finished before they dare to fire the starting pistol.

Greece is not alone though. Almost every country is going through the same' let's crush the people' game.

Yet the pathetic media is saying that it has to be this way.

Of course it doesn't have to be like this. The system is wrong, wrong, wrong.

If the newspapers and T.V said this, things would be a lot different.But they don't and they will not.They are mere puppets who are doing and saying what the rich guys want them to.

The media though is backing the wrong side.

Gandhi summed it up with the following;"When I depair, I remember that all through history, the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end they always fail- think of it always."

The tyrants and murderers who rule this planet now will also fade into history- think of it always.

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