Friday, October 26, 2012

Spiritual Wickedness In High Places.

"For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest,neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad"
Luke Ch.8. v.17

All that is hidden shall be revealed.

Yes, it's all coming out; the whole filthy lot and we are in for some nasty, even vile discoveries.

At the same time though some truly wonderful, beautiful truths will be shining in the bright sunlight.

It has to be this way as the World is starting to change its season.

As we on the earth prepare for winter, the World itself in the Cosmic sense is leaving its cold, dark, lifeless winter behind, and entering into its springtime.

As the old order, with its ego structures collapses, the new one (no,not that horrible sounding New World Order rubbish )with its non-ego structures will emerge.

In just the last few years, more and more people have discovered what once, only a few knew..

Here are just a few items that are now in the public domain.

It has been claimed by many that America got into the First World War by sending the British Ocean Liner,RMS Lusitania to the U K. It was full of civilians and 1,198 people died when a German torpedo hit it.
This helped sway the American people to support the war.It is claimed that the American Government knew that it was highly likely that the ship would be targetted.It is also suggested that it had weapons on board which was illegal .

The German Embassy placed fifty adverts in newspapers in the U .S.A warning passengers that it could well be attacked, but, surprise ,surprise ,the U.S.A blocked these ads, but one was overlooked.

Pearl Harbour was known about before it happened, but the U.S.A. let it take place, with the loss of 2403 lives.U.S Navy Rear Admiral Robert A.Theobald had argued that various parties at the highest level knew of Japan's planned attack in advance.He was dismissed from his post for speaking the truth.
This made America join in the war.
The lie that it was a surprise attack was kept going for 7O years with the B.B.C having a documentary that set out to prove that this was a conspiracy theory. A major British newspaper had an article that was over the top in its fever to prove that only nutters thought it was known beforehand

Guess what, on 4 12. 2011 The Daily Telegraph in the U.K. printed an article that gave details of a memo that showed America knew beforehand of Japan's plans.

Will , in about 70 years time, someone discover a memo about 9.11 showing that it was an inside job I wonder..

 "What luck for the rulers that men do not think."
Vietnams  false flag story is now fairly well known .The American destroyer Maddox was supposedly attacked twice by three vietnamese torpedo boats in 1964, bit it never happened.This got the Americans into the war.

According to in an article dated 15.7.2010, over 1,100 pages of previously classified Vietnam-era transcripts show that The White House and The Pentagon knew that it was a false flag ,but kept this concealed from the public.

Weapons of mass destruction. Does that phase ring a bell? How could we forget it.Iraq was , we were told , a threat to the World with saddam's vile weapons. It was simply a downright lie , as we now all know.
What always struck me as the proof that it was a lie was the fact that no heads from any intelligence services  were chopped. They were blamed for false intelligence. No one ever said the obvious and that is that they appear more like the un-intelligent services, and should all be sacked forthwith.

"History is an account mostly false,of events mostly unimportant, which are brought about by rulers, mostly knaves,and soldiers, mostly fools ."
Ambrose Bierce.


Then you look at the business world. Old Big Pharma ( plug for my song on you tube) has been discovered to be covering up side-effects of its drugs.Side -effects such as dropping down dead.This is now a major news item in the British press.

Banks are now considered by most thinking people to be a heaving nest of money -vampires, crooks and liars.

Oil companies have arrogantly and blatantly displayed their contempt and complete disregard  for the environment and for people.As for animals or marine life...........

The B.B.C or British Bullshit Corporation, that mouth of whatever government is in power, has always been very careful to be seen as correct in every way, and to be considered a pillar of the Establishment.
 It's going through a nasty time now with its image slowly changing from a proud lion into a sick ,twisted perverted sewer- rat.

Imagine the B.B.C's esteemed dressing rooms having children being raped in them, because that is what is now reported in the main stream press There is talk that there was and might still be a pedophile sex ring inside this grand British institution.

More and more well known established businesess are been shown to have corrupt practice, like Siemens, such as bribery being commonplace.


" When secrecy and mystery begins,vice or roguery is not far off."
Samuel Johnson.


How many more will come to light ? A lot, I should think because most of these places are run by people who have no ethics, morals or concern for anyone or anything that doesn't give them an advantage.

Government have always been very vigilant and cunning in keeping their particular unpleasant brands of dirt well out of the public eye. They've had a lot of practise.This though will change. It has already started in the U.K.This week it was headline news when an M.P. in Parliament asked King William 1v's great-great- great-great-great grandson, the fifth cousin twice removed to the Queen, David cameron, the Prime minister of England, about a possible sex ring operating in the Government.He even said that an aide to a past Prime Minister was involved.A shocked hush descended  as Cameron weakly muttered." I don't know what Prime Minister that would be ".This, of course, means, he knows exactly what Prime Minister had this aide.

Such allegations have never been aired in public before. More will come out, as we are in the age when all will be revealed.

A few short years ago all these established monuments of respectability were considered to be above suspicion. But now- the times they are a changing. for sure.

The real power though is beyond the governments. The shadows that are never allowed to be seen.They are masters of deception as they have been deceiving the World for centuries, so they know the game forward, backwards and sideways.

If anyone gets remotely close to them, they are either imprisoned, put in an asylum or killed.

When the World really learns what these super -evil elite have done to us in the past and what they are still doing, everyone will be in total shock.

Bestilaty, incest, pedophilia,necrophilia, hunting humans for sport as they do animals, drinking human blood, sacrificing young innocents and more.

Is it really possible that such people indulge in these awful activities.?A number of conspiracy sites claim this.
David Icke has said for years, and was laughed at , that Jimmy Savile and a Prime Minister were perverts.
Now it's coming out as true.Could the rest be true as well?
We shall have to see.
On the plus side though, new discoveries in science are showing us that it's all illusion, and that everything is united and we are all one. Will they, I wonder , discover that love is all there really is ?

" For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this World, against spiritual wickedness in high places"
Ephesians 6.12.


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