Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Shape-shifting News Headlines..

The Elite are masters of distraction and adept in the art of deception.
They are like a conjurer who distracts his audience by waving a colourful  cloth in his left hand and saying a spell, while his right hand is stealthily extracting a card from up his sleeve.
This is how they fool us.

.I can't help noticing how cunning the ones at the top are. They are also cruel and ruthless with no compassion for anyone, but their cunning nature is their obvious trait ; like that snake in the garden of  Eden.

At present in our sad twisted World there are two much talked about  news stories.
In the U.K. you have the Sir Jimmy Savile pedophile sex scandal , and in the U.S.A you have the recent  killing of the American Ambassador in Libya, Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

In both cases what people want to know is the truth.They are sick of cover-ups because they know that there have been too many blankets thrown over filthy, soiled, bloody hands in the past. 

The chances of the truth coming out in our main media are pretty slim. No wonder the Elite hate the internet, because it is only from this medium that the real facts can be seen and heard.

Now , both news items have mysteriously morphed into completely different stories. Talk about shape-shifting lizards, now we have shape-shifting news headlines.

Suddenly the Sir Jimmy Savile sex scandal is no longer about a possible pedophile ring that goes right to the sick heart of the establishment. As an aside how odd that the police have not interviewed Prince Charles and Prince Philip as they were allegedly both friends of the lying, depraved Savile.Another  friend who he used to visit at Broadmoor was Peter Sutcliff, otherwise known as the Yorkshire ripper.This man raped, tortured, and mutilated 13 women and attempted to murder 7 others. Something about birds of a feather sticking together comes to mind.Whilst Sutcliff was on his rampage of evil the police interviewed Savile as a suspect, and even took an imprint of his teeth, as some victims had bite wounds on them.That never was mentioned in any news outlet at the time in the 1970s when Savile was a huge star.

But, back to the shape-shifting news headlines.. Well, the news in the U.K. in all the newspapers and on the B.B.C. website is now, surprise, surprise, about the B.B.C.The reporter has decided not to report the news, but instead talk about his own problems.This has wiped out any speculation as to who was or is still involved at the top of the dirty establishment tree.

Yes that's the big news splashed all over the tabloids and the' serious ' papers

The B.B.C. scandal is all about, wait for it, how they handled, and presented the scandal to the masses.
Heads are rolling, tongues are wagging, fingers are pointing, and even salaries of the people involved are thrown into the mix.They know any mention of high salaries in these grim times raises peoples blood pressure.
A big distraction away from the main event.

It's a bit like going to a circus to watch the show, only to be presented with the Ringmaster telling everyone for two hours how poorly managed the circus really is.

It's beyond belief. All the papers are playing along with it and playing it with a passion. I have no idea how the hypnotist (T.V.) is behaving, but I can easily imagine. No doubt there are endless interviews going on about how the public have lost trust in their beloved auntie Beeb. How sad they will say. How pathetic is more like it.

Any mention or hint of top politicians or other overpaid black suits being involved in the scandal has been wiped with a far less dirty cloth right off the news.

Exactly the same show is acted out , in the U.S.A.

American Ambassadors are not usually killed, so the news that one was and in such a dramatic, brutal way is very big news.

So, what is the media writing ?
About the affair that the boss of the C.I.A had. That's a far bigger story isn't it ?

A story actually provided by Gen Petraeus, the head of the C.I.A.. He confessed his affair to the President and resigned. All the human interest bits have been stirred into the tale, what with his wife sticking by him, and his lover getting jealous over another woman who seemed to like Petraeus too much in her view.
Did someone hire a hollywood script writer for this, I wonder or is it really true?

How strange that he resigned shortly after a reluctant admission that the embassy in Libya was more like a C.I.A base than a normal embassy.

Gen Petraeus was due to appear before a closed-door congressional committee meeting ( didn't Obama promise a more open government before his first election ? ) about the 11th September 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Brnghazi, Libya that killed the Ambassador and three other Americans .

Now he won't be appearing. It is reported though, that he may be called at a later date. I wonder if he will.

This morning I see from the 'disgraced' B.B.C. site that Gen John Allen, the top U.S. Commander in Afghanistan has been added as an extra to the play.He might , I suppose be promoted to play a bigger part, if the powers that be, think a further distraction is required.

He is being investigated for allegedly sending 'inappropriate' e mails This adds a little bit of spice, as everyone is wondering exactly what was in these 'inappropriate' messages. 

Get the people in the U.K. glued on the demise of one of  Britain's old established institutions, and the ones in America fixated on Gen Petraeus and his romantic life , and the top U.S. Commander's mysterious e mails.This should take peoples mind away from who was really involved in the sex ring in the U.K, and what really happened on 11th September in Libya.

I'll finish with the words of a character who had morals and ethics that none of the ones involved in the above dramas would even recognize.They were written in the mid -forties in the last century.in his classic; Nineteen Eighty Four.Our governments today are doing exactly what he describes.

"And if all others accepted the lie which the party imposed- if all records told the same truth-then the lie passed into history and became truth.
'Who controls the past, 'rang the party slogan, 'controls the future ;who controls the present controls the past'"
George Orwell.


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