Saturday, December 29, 2012

Consciousness Enjoying Itself.

Are you happy ? Are you feeling good ? Does life seem a ball for you to spin and headbutt ?

Do you wake up with a song on your lips ?

Do you get out of bed and say, "Hey, isn't life great ?"

No ? Why the hell not, because this is how you are meant to be.

Yes, you are meant to life a life filled with joy; everyday and every night.

Don't believe me, do you ?Got to worry, got to be serious, got to be so, so anxious..

Hell, no, I've got all these bills to pay; all these concerns about everything.

You, believe it or not, are meant to be really , really happy.

This is what consciousness is meant to do. It is not meant to spend its time worrying about numbers on computer screens, or on little bits of paper that we call bills.

Consciousness has been 'dumbed down'. It has been put in a bottle ( like a ship ) and because it is unaware of this, it doesn't even try to escape from its prison.

Consciousness is the child of awareness. When consciousness realizes that it is consciousness, it knows that it cannot know itself by being what it is- one-, so it has to create a vast number of life forms.These life forms perceive and experience every aspect, every angle, every nuance of itself.

The ant perceives, the spider perceives, the human does, as well as the the flowers and the trees and the stones and the rocks.

In this way consciousness knows itself inside out.

You are consciousness in a bodily form experiencing your true self.Why then, are you not enjoying what should be a beautiful experience.?

You have been seduced by the T.V. camera filming the show to believe that the camera has a name, identity and personality. You started dreaming the dream, then forgot that it was just a dream and took it far too seriously.

Lighten up.You took the perceiver as being,' real', in just the same way you take the dreamer of your dreams at night as being 'real',

Be that consciousness only; recognize that the you you believe is you is not you and is not 'real'.

Be a detached observer of all that unfolds in your life.Only this way will you be free.Watch your thoughts and emotions, but don't get involved with them.Understand that your thoughts are not you.This way you stop creating Karma.  If someone shouts at you, only be aware of the feelings and thoughts this produces in you.Observe the feelings you get, but don't get tangled up in them. Merely watch them, like a scientist observing an experiment.

In this way the ego loses its vice-like grip.

Then you become aware that you are not your ego, that you are not even consciousness, but are pure awareness.

This is your true identity.

It is only then that'you' will experience bliss and heaven as awareness is really' pure love.'

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