Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Greed And Karma.

When I read that the major supermarkets in the U.K. , apart from Waitrose , are going to have G.M food in all their stores, and this includes meat, the penny dropped.To say the penny dropped, is an old- fashioned English expression which means, I suddenly understood something.

When I read how much money the wonder workers at the banks pay themselves, I had that light bulb moment.This is another expression which means I suddenly understood.

When I see how many holidays that Mrs. Obama  has had in the last few years and how much they cost the American taxpayer, I got that, " Oh, I see it now moment,"

As for the British Royals,I wouldn't know where to begin as the Queen has just been awarded a pay rise of - wait for it- 6million pounds a year, so she now gets 36 million a year, while her ' subjects' are suffering through severe austerity measures.

They are all at it. What do they have in common ? They have loads but they all want a lot more.Why ?
Simple reallly; they are just plain greedy.

In the Supermarkets case it is truly disgusting after that report a while ago showed how rats have got huge tumours after eating G.M. food. The bosses of these shops don't give a fig about the consumer's health as they worship the P word- profit.

We all know, as it is in our faces, that bankers are greedy. They are so far gone they manage to infer that greed is a good trait to have.They even seem proud of it.

America's First Lady's complete lack of sensitivity for the average American is shown by her tasteless trips that cost a fortune.The same goes for British Royalty- William and Kate, as the press love to call them-seem to have an endless whirl of almost non-stop expensive holidays, often disguised as official trips.Prince Harry too, when he is not trying to recruit the young, niave and innocent to fight in a war that has nothing to do with protecting Britain, and that ,in fact, makes Britain a more dangerous place.All these jolly holidays while  the citizens of the U.K. are well and truly squeezed.

When the penny dropped and I had that light bulb moment, I suddenly had a feeling as to how this completely unjust, unfair, unbalanced state of affairs will end. It all centres round one word and that word is greed.

Now if an animal or person is very greedy for food and eats too much, they will, in time, get ill and die because of their over- eating.The same laws must be true for greed for money. What I'm saying is , I believe that the greed the Elite have, will be their ruin.

Their greed is so great now, It shouldn't be long before this vice destroys them.It is causing an enormous inbalance in the world, as the richer they get, the poorer we become. I honestly don't think that ' nature', for want of a better world approves at all of this.Nature appears to be striving for harmony, and such displays of greed do not produce this.

'Nature ', to our eyes , is a very slow spirit, but if she wants she can act staggeringly fast as we have seen in extreme weather events ( some though, were man-made ) over the last few years.I suspect, something like an extreme event will suddenly bring the Elite crashing down from their ivory towers.What form this will take and when this will be is hard to say.I'd like to say soon, but who knows ?

Karma is a simple concept. What you give you get back,or what you take is taken from you.It is though difficult to know when pay back time will be.

But, come it will. It always has.When it does, the funny part is the Elite won't even consider that it was their unbridled greed that was the cause of their downfall. The Elite believe that they are outside of any man- made laws and, in their vanity, they believe that they are outside any natural laws,

Well, they are not, and they will, one fine day, find this out.Let's hope, for all our sakes that that day is fast approaching.

Mike Selley.

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