Thursday, November 21, 2013

Gods In Five Sense Cages

Gods In Five Sense Cages.

If we are,for want of a better way of expressing it,and to use the traditional Western image,the true Sons of God, surely it is the grandest folly for us to ignore this staggering fact.

Or, if you like, we are the Universe perceiving itself, for the simple reason that this is what the Universe loves to do.It has many perceivers in all shapes, sizes and forms, from the ant to the lion.Each portal of consciousness observes the wonder all around from a different perspective.

What if everything in nature is doing the same,from the trees to the mountains to the seas, to the rivers, the lakes,to the fields, foliage and all that is.Each life form experiencing a consciousness that we cannot fathom.

Let's throw in the planets and the stars as well.That would mean that all we see in the sky at night is fully aware and entranced by the wonder of it all.In this way the Universe knows itself from every angle and is exploring its own mysteries in depth and height.

Don't forget the air or the water.They too, could be experiencing the beingness of what they are. See how their moods can change just like ours.What really makes the air turn into a howling wind or a furious gale?
Why does the rain suddenly decide to go into overdrive and rain for days on end non-stop: the sea change from being gentle and calm into a wild out of control monster?
What really causes this phenomenon ?

I know the weather experts garble on about high pressure, the subtropical ridge or an anticyclone as causing some weather activity.That's probably a bit like saying that the old man died in his sleep because he put his pyjamas on shortly before going to bed.

We know so little but pretend we know so much.and the more knowledge we pick off the tree,the more the apples multiply on the branches.

Do we though,  really know everything and yet are unaware of this? Are we really Gods locked in our five sense cages ?

We talk of our five senses as if these are the only senses we have. Could these really be our least important senses, and by only using these, we have  never used a host of what we laughingly call'supernatural'.
or extra-sensory  abilities;intuition, clairvoyance,aura-reading, telepathy and telekinesis we have heard about, but could there be a whole lot more one wonders.

Maybe as babies our natural curve of development would not just be crawling, walking and talking, but would include many other stages when we learn things that we cannot even imagine, as well as the 'extra- sensory' ones mentioned above.

Would we naturally develop these if we weren't brainwashed into believing that they don't exist. Who knows, maybe we could even have Christ like powers, such as healing the sick,walking on water and turning water into wine.. The last one would be a very popular one, no doubt.

The Hindu,Sufi and Yoga traditions claim that we can fly.Perhaps we can naturally do all these feats,and the reason we don't is because we only live in the 5 senses.

As this is only a dream, I am sure such feats are possible.

There is a theory,that only a few years  ago was ridiculed, but now has  quite a large minority wondering whether it is true.In fact, there are two theories along similar lines.The two main ideas are these.
 Along time ago we were Godlike, lived in peace and harmony and  only knew love amongst ourselves., but evil beings from a lower dimension, that some refer to as hell, came onto our planet.
Sensing our innocence they decided to use us as their slaves. They messed with our D.N.A leaving us only working with the five senses we use all the time.Since then they have used us as slaves and have ruled over us.

The second theory is similar, and that is that evil aliens came from another planet. We were very simple people, whereas they were very advanced. They too used us as slaves, and forced us to use only five senses.

Is the the real fall of man ?

Far out ?

For those with closed minds I bet it is, but for those who are awake or are waking up, it becomes a possibility that should not be treated as nonsense. Only fifty years ago we were taught that we live in a World of matter that is solid, but now we are told that there is nothing here but energy, and that we are living in a hologram.

Something is terribly wrong, not only with us, but with our society and our entire way of living. More and more people are now realizing this.It is obvious that the ones who sit in seats of power do not want our best interests; they cause us an immense amount of suffering and there lifestyles are like the rich Kings of old. These people could well be from the same line that came here long ago, and have enslaved us ever since.

If we are the Sons Of God let's start acting like them, and not swallowing that Darwin lie that we come from sludge or slime, and that the whole creation was just an accident.

Let's hold our heads high. Let's rid ourselves of the evil,demonic forces that have enslaved us for too long.

The time is now.

As David Icke says 'Human Race Get Off Your knees'

We should also as Sons of God claim our birthright. that has been hidden from us, by keeping us Gods safely locked in our five sense cages..It's time to smash open the cage door.
No more fear from now on.It's time to show the Demons who enslave us who we really are.

Mike Selley.

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