Thursday, November 21, 2013

How To Wake Up From Your Fevered Dream. Chapter Nine.

"Sleeping in the house of fire,get up,get up, you're late",lyrics from Fevered Dream by Mike Selley.

Before we start ,let's have a re-cap of what has been written.

1.We are living in a World of lies;our senses show us this is so.
2.Life is an illusion- a persistent dream.
3We make-create the Universe with our minds.
4.Matter does not exist-only energy( for want of a better word).
5.Everything that appears to take place outside of you is really happening  inside a tiny part of your brain.
6.Your body and your brain are also fiction.
7.You dream when you shut your eyes and sleep,and have another dream when you open your eyes and have a collective dream with everyone else.
8.The Universe appears to be a Hologram.
9 Our view of 'reality' is incorrect.
10.We have been conditioned or programmed from birth to believe what we believe.
11.We are all living out a programme.
12.We act like robots.
!3.If you control your eyes shut dream, you can control your opened eyes dream.
14.We are having a fevered dream.
15 You are not you-you have a mask and costume on(the mask is your face,and the costume is your body)Underneath this is the real you.
16.The real you is the same as the real me.
17.Everything in the Universe is you. Note;if you think about this,it has to be true if you accept that you are dreaming it all.Remember what Jung and Perls said about dreaming,and how each person and object in your dream  are aspects of you.
18.The obstacle to true perception is the self(your ego).
19.Love is the only reality-or as David Icke puts it,"Infinite Love is the only truth,everything else is illusion".

So it is obvious that the way to restore your perception to its natural state is to get the ego out of the way.

Many methods throughout the ages have been used.It would be impossible to explain them all here and unnecessary.A lot of these methods suited the culture and the temperament of the people,and would not suit us today.
What we would like are fast working methods that suit us.We live in a fast age.Some things,though, can't be hurried.If you want to learn to play the piano,for example,you will not do this over night.

It is the same with any Spiritual exercise;you will have to accept that it will take some time.Time, of course, does not really exist,so however long it takes should not bother you.
Some lucky souls have achieved enlightenment very quickly.Ekhart Tolle,the Author of The Power Of Now, claims to have woken up one morning suddenly enlightened.He then spent a year, so he says, sitting on a bench most of the time, watching the World go round!He had no desire to do anything else.

It probably depends on your 'past' lives( though any 'past 'life would be happening now,as now is all there is),and how far down or up the path you are to reaching your true home that you never really left.

But,after only a few days of practicing the exercises that will follow,you should feel very different.


The best way to bring to the fore,a clearer awareness, is to simply observe yourself.
Watch,listen and feel your reactions,as if you are a spectator outside yourself.,observing how you react to any situation without judgement,discrimination or attachment or aversion.

Let the moment be as it is.
This should(if you want fast results) be done all the time,and I mean All the time!That means from the moment you wake up to the time you go to bed at night.

So,first thing in the morning when you feel yourself waking up(hopefully after lots of lucid dreams) you should mentally note all the thoughts.feelings and sensations in your body,without judging or clinging on to them- just accept them as they are.
You may wake up worried about money- a popular theme to worry about nowadays.All you do is observe the thinking process with no emotion or feelings or thoughts connected to this.You are observing yourself;imagine you are outside your body just looking at what is going on,like a spectator watching an actor or actress on stage.But, unlike a member of an audience, the actors acting does not effect you.
You continue doing this when you get out of bed.
Watch yourself place your feet on the floor,and be really aware of the sensation of the floor against your feet.
Whilst making a cup of tea or coffee observe yourself in a detached way.
Continue doing this with everything you do.
Do the same when waiting for a bus or a train;observe how you feel as you are waiting.Notice how you get stressed if the bus is late.Just observe this-let the thoughts come and watch them go.
You will find this easier to do when you are doing routine mundane tasks,like peeling potatoes.
I clean up my living room every morning,and it was not a chore I really enjoyed doing.When I practiced watching myself doing this task,I suddenly found that I really got pleasure from doing such a routine  job.

Sweeping leaves is another excellent time to do this. You watch the brush come into contact with the leaves in fascination.
After a short period of doing this,you will find the more you do the exercises,the less thoughts you will have,and that emotion you might remember- happiness- will slowly become your normal state.
I'm not joking because this works,so why not give it a try ?
That is the end of chapter nine; in the next chapter I will present some more methods that can be used to help you wake up from your fevered dream.

Mike Selley.

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