Friday, September 28, 2018

Taking Away Your Pleasures.

Taking away Your Pleasures.

I don't know how many of you recall  having a beer and a fag  ( cigarette) in a pub.
You know, sitting at the bar, putting your packet of ciggies down and sitting there with
a pint of bitter.
What a simple escape from the everyday worries of life.
Suddenly, your world was a better place.
Having a drag on your Bensons ( Benson And Hedges )  - an excellent cigarette well known to the British, or a Silk Cut, a Camel non filtered, Pall Mall non filtered,Sweet Afton ( a lovely Irish Cigarette ) Player's Gold Leaf, Player's Richmond Tipped,Wills Gold Flake plain, Senior Service, Dunhill International or for real class
, a Player's Navy Cut( plain or filtered )  and a pint of good old ale.Yes, I know my cigarettes! And I guess I'm giving away my age here as the ciggies I mention were popular in the 1960's and 1970's.
Yer , well that is no longer allowed- not in the U.K.
You  naughty smokers have to go outside.
Yes cigarettes are really , really dangerous.

And now booze is the next no no.
If you have more than, what is it ? One pint a day you will die?

How dare you drink?

It will kill you  just like those silly fags you smoke.

 You believe this ?
It is all about control.
And is complete bull----
Mankind and womankind( to be P.C ) have been drinking and smoking for hundreds of years .
It is natural for people to indulge in such pleasures.
It is part of the human experience.

People need to escape from the Matrix.
Now, even more than before.

Dare I say it but maybe  cigarettes do kill you if you smoke non stop all day long ,but if you ate carrots all day long they would probably kill you too. I suspect that it is not cigarettes that kill the normal smoking population who smoke 10 to 20 a day  , but the countless nuclear tests that have been
done over the last 70 or so  years, spreading radiation over the entire planet, and this is the real reason
for the increase in cancer( in every area of the body ) , but you think that governments would admit to this ? No way. And , of course, we have air pollution covering the whole planet.
Asthma was rare in the 1950's when 60 to 70 % of the population smoked in the U.K., but now asthma,
when less than 20 % smoke, so they tell us,  in now sky high . Explain this ?

So they found a scapegoat. Hey, It's cigarettes.
Now booze is the next  victim.
The evil lizards, ( possibly ) don't want us simple slaves to have any pleasures.
Take away their cigarettes, and take away their booze.
And next take away any sweet treats we like.
I'm amazed that they still say that coffee is O.K, but then again, that suits the agenda, as, although this is a drug, it keeps us active and serving them.
I don't encourage meat eating, because of the cruelty done in this industry, but
suddenly bangers ( sausages ) are a killer. A lot of people in the U.K love bangers and mash( that is
sausages and mashed potato)

As for bacon- the normal breakfast in the U.K in the 1950's was egg and bacon, but now bacon is
suddenly a killer.

As for Salami- don't dare go near it, and so it goes on.

I wonder when people will wake up.

Mike Selley


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