Not since World war two has Britain experienced such a massive security clampdown in its capital.It is the biggest peacetime security operation ever in the U.K.
The giant park in East London is surrounded by huge fences with military and armed police on the perimeter.A high metal fence with electrified wire,plus security cameras line the Olympic Park's boundary.
Royal Artillery soldiers scan people at the entrance by Stratford International Station..There are 40,000 military and civilian personnel.17,000 troops are being deployed for this over the top frenzy ,so the greedy corporations can eat more and more cake and champagne.
There is more.
Typhoon jets and Puma helicopters with snipers are patrolling the area.Britain's biggest warship, H.M.S.Ocean is sitting on the River Thames.
And still more....
Missiles are on the roof of a block of flats in East London.
One really does wonder why.
I have a suspicion that there is a lot more to this than meets the eye.I think it has a lot to do with last summer's riots in London.which really did appear to catch the powers that be, off guard.
Can you imagine what the hollow men said to each other when the riot was over.?Maybe, it was something like this.
"We must never let this happen again; it could so easily happen at any time; the rioters are a deprived people and they are angry,How can we stop this ever repeating?"
The other hollow man, who is a touch fragile after his Masonic Lodge meeting the night before,belches softly and mutters," We'll set up a task force whose job it will be to come up with ideas to make sure that this can never happen again."
The other agreed.Lo and behold three months later a slim folder with the legend 'Top Secret' written on it arrived , delivered by hand to a large office that contained a large hollow man.He looked at it with annoyance, as he had planned to learn his lines for his role as Senior Warden for his Lodge meeting that night.
So, it was the next morning when four portly men sat at a table with cups of coffee and looked at the 'Top Secret' folder.
Once they had ploughed through all the waffle, it was generally agreed that what the report was saying was that the Games could be used as a cover. Security at the games would be extreme, to say the least.Once the Games were over though,a large proportion of the security would remain..This, the report concluded triumphantly, would so terrify(it didn't use these actual words, but this is what it meant) the peasants they would not dare to behave so badly again.
The worry was though, the hollow men agreed ,would the people of London accept this without a fight?A false flag operation- pretend an enemy has attacked you,when, in fact it is your own country attacking itself- would solve the problem.
After many, many meetings it was decided that a false flag would suit many Departments.Support for the war was at an all time low and a false flag would make the war seem more justified. Also austerity measures were making the people rather too fond of demonstrations and riotous behaviour. If the army were seen all over London, it would surely prevent such unruliness.
It is possible that they won't arrange a false flag operation while the Olympics are on, and without any fanfare simply keep half the security in place after the Games are over,.and hope no one complains.If the people do start making a fuss, then they might decide to organize a 'terror event.' to make the people realize how vital it is for London to be locked up.
Do you think that they wouldn't do this against their own people?Of course they would as it means nothing to them if innocents die.These people think nothing of killing and maiming innocent men, women and children.They ,and their kind, have done it for centuries.
Quite simply,they are not like us.They cannot relate to someone else's suffering;it's just not in their D.N.A.
The sad truth is that they will commit any atrocity,no matter how awful, to advance their loathsome agenda.
But then again I could be completely and utterly wrong.Let's hope so!
Hi,Thanks for visiting my blog. This blog is ,as it says , an oddblog, so as a description all I can say is that this isn't your everyday blog.It might shock or even make people think it's not true.Good, I hope I do make someone think.Above all, I hope you are entertained, at the least. by this oddblog.Scroll down for the posts.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
George Orwell Part Four.
I finished my last piece on George Orwell with the comment that part four would follow shortly.This time the word'shortly' has lived up to its meaning.
Some Orwellian Phrases and Words.
Doublethink.This is what Orwell wrote.
"To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic,to repudiate morality while laying claim to it,to believe that democracy was impossible and that the party was the guardian of democracy.".
I keep getting flashes of Tony Blair at the Chilcot enquiry when I read the above.But it could apply to so many of them
Reality Control. This is what Orwell wrote.
"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.It was quite simple.All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory"
When we watch the news on mainstream T.V. we are presented with a version of reality that we are meant to accept In all probability it is not true.I can think of countless examples of this.The swine flu springs to mind.We were told that everyone was getting it and that countless numbers would die and that everyone must have the perfectly safe vaccine.Few people got it, few died and a lot of people got very sick after having the shot(one poor soul could only walk backwards)
The looting in Haiti is another example.We were informed that this was a major problem.A brave reporter ,in the Independent, I believe, claimed that there was no looting as there was nothing to loot.He had actually been there and seen what was going on.He was very angry about the false reports.
The frightening part about this is if anyone in authority tells a major media outlet a certain'fact' this will be reported without question or investigation.Oh yes, reality control is here with us.
Thought Crime..Thought control can be accomplished by providing people with a vocabulary, a loaded language, that constricts rather than broadens understanding.
Some examples of how loaded language can be used to control thinking and to promote 'groupthink' can be found in abundance by George Bush.Thank to The Alec Exposed site.
Axis Of Evil(evil)
Cult Of Evil(evil)
Fight Against Evil(evil)
Freedom Loving People( good)
With Us Or Against Us( good against evil).
O.k. you can't be arrested for what you think yet, but we are told what to think, and that we should think in a certain way.I read recently that the security staff at airports are trained now to look at peoples expressions to try and understand what they are thinking, and if they feel they are a danger they will be questioned. So you could arrive at an airport worrying about a massive bill you have to pay;your expression on your face looks worried, disturbed, and suddenly you are yanked in for questioning.
We were all taught, a few years ago to think in a certain way. We were told to think that passive smoking was bad for you.We had to believe this, otherwise smoking could not have been banned.If you do a google search,avoiding the mainstream media, you will find countless studies that show passive smoking is not bad for you.In the World of lies, truth is hard to find.
We are told that we might be blown up at any moment as we are in the middle of a' war on terror'
And it's all our fault that the weather is bad, because we messed the planet up.
And times are tough now because we were very foolish in the times of plenty and actually purchased a few things we wanted.Now we must all tighten our belts.
We drink too much, we eat the wrong foods.We should never even look at a cigarette,and if you are so stupid that you still smoke,well, I'm afraid you've had it.
What the media( after it is told what to say by the government, or rather, by the puppet-masters behind the government) is trying to do is to keep you thinking in a certain prescribed way.This surely is thought control.
Will the day come when thought police will be able to read your mind?
Some internet sites claim that this can be done now.
Part five of this series on George Orwell will follow shortly.
Some Orwellian Phrases and Words.
Doublethink.This is what Orwell wrote.
"To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic,to repudiate morality while laying claim to it,to believe that democracy was impossible and that the party was the guardian of democracy.".
I keep getting flashes of Tony Blair at the Chilcot enquiry when I read the above.But it could apply to so many of them
Reality Control. This is what Orwell wrote.
"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.It was quite simple.All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory"
When we watch the news on mainstream T.V. we are presented with a version of reality that we are meant to accept In all probability it is not true.I can think of countless examples of this.The swine flu springs to mind.We were told that everyone was getting it and that countless numbers would die and that everyone must have the perfectly safe vaccine.Few people got it, few died and a lot of people got very sick after having the shot(one poor soul could only walk backwards)
The looting in Haiti is another example.We were informed that this was a major problem.A brave reporter ,in the Independent, I believe, claimed that there was no looting as there was nothing to loot.He had actually been there and seen what was going on.He was very angry about the false reports.
The frightening part about this is if anyone in authority tells a major media outlet a certain'fact' this will be reported without question or investigation.Oh yes, reality control is here with us.
Thought Crime..Thought control can be accomplished by providing people with a vocabulary, a loaded language, that constricts rather than broadens understanding.
Some examples of how loaded language can be used to control thinking and to promote 'groupthink' can be found in abundance by George Bush.Thank to The Alec Exposed site.
Axis Of Evil(evil)
Cult Of Evil(evil)
Fight Against Evil(evil)
Freedom Loving People( good)
With Us Or Against Us( good against evil).
O.k. you can't be arrested for what you think yet, but we are told what to think, and that we should think in a certain way.I read recently that the security staff at airports are trained now to look at peoples expressions to try and understand what they are thinking, and if they feel they are a danger they will be questioned. So you could arrive at an airport worrying about a massive bill you have to pay;your expression on your face looks worried, disturbed, and suddenly you are yanked in for questioning.
We were all taught, a few years ago to think in a certain way. We were told to think that passive smoking was bad for you.We had to believe this, otherwise smoking could not have been banned.If you do a google search,avoiding the mainstream media, you will find countless studies that show passive smoking is not bad for you.In the World of lies, truth is hard to find.
We are told that we might be blown up at any moment as we are in the middle of a' war on terror'
And it's all our fault that the weather is bad, because we messed the planet up.
And times are tough now because we were very foolish in the times of plenty and actually purchased a few things we wanted.Now we must all tighten our belts.
We drink too much, we eat the wrong foods.We should never even look at a cigarette,and if you are so stupid that you still smoke,well, I'm afraid you've had it.
What the media( after it is told what to say by the government, or rather, by the puppet-masters behind the government) is trying to do is to keep you thinking in a certain prescribed way.This surely is thought control.
Will the day come when thought police will be able to read your mind?
Some internet sites claim that this can be done now.
Part five of this series on George Orwell will follow shortly.
George Orwell - part three.
When I wrote part two of my ramblings about George Orwell, I finished the piece by saying that part two would follow shortly.That was about two years ago, so, it really was a very long shortly .Hey, I live in Greece!.Anyway, better late etc, so here is part three.
What Orwell wrote in his book 1984.
1.Hangings done in public once a month, for the enemies of the state.
Today, in our World.
O K. we don't have hangings once a month in public,but a few years ago Saddam Hussain was hanged in front of the whole World.This was obviously a warning to other leaders who might not want to play the Elites game-do as we say or you might be next.Straight mafia stuff really.
What Orwell wrote:
2.Experts are planning logistics of future wars, other devises, larger and larger rocket bombs, more and more powerful explosives and more impenetrable armour plating.
Today in our World.
The U.S.A. has openly admitted that it plans in future wars to use drones(planes without pilots) and robots.Drones are now used. I dread to imagine what weapons are planned, but you can bet that whatever they are they will be more horrendous than previous ones.
What Orwell wrote.
3.They are searching for breeds of disease germs immunized against all possible antibiotics.
Today in our World.
A lot of people believe or certainly suspect that AIDS was man-made, and who knows how many other diseases started out as biological weapons of war.The trouble is it appears that these weapons are used against us, the people, to get the population down.
What Orwell wrote.
4.Others are exploring how to create artificial earthquakes and tidal waves.
Today in our World.
A number of people ,with good reason, believe that the Haiti earthquake was done by technology. Also, the Asian earthquake, with its massive waves, a few years ago, is suspected to have been arranged by the Elite.God knows how many more such disasters have not been natural at all, but inflicted on us by the sickos running the show.
What Orwell wrote.
5.Bombing planes have been replaced by self-propelled projectiles.
Today in our World.
Self propelled projectiles must mean drones.These are being used in Afganistan and in Pakistan in the present insane war.
It is truly amazing how Orwell predicted what our World would be like. Parts one and two, which can be found in the early posts, show just how much of 1984 is really our time now.
When Orwell wrote his classic, it was a totally different World to the one we are now in, and yet, he was writing about technology that had, we were led to believe, never been thought of.He stresses that cameras would be used, how T.V (which no one had in the mid forties- that's when he wrote the book) would be so important in our lives. It really does look like he saw a blueprint, a plan that was already known in 1945
It is, I suppose possible that he somehow tuned into the future,but his accuracy is so dead on, I fear that he really knew what was planned.
He tried to warn us,and that is possibly why his pen was silenced at such a young age.He must have appeared as a dangerous threat to the Elite; maybe his next book would go into greater detail, they probably thought.
Part four will follow shortly. How long will shortly be this time, I wonder!
What Orwell wrote in his book 1984.
1.Hangings done in public once a month, for the enemies of the state.
Today, in our World.
O K. we don't have hangings once a month in public,but a few years ago Saddam Hussain was hanged in front of the whole World.This was obviously a warning to other leaders who might not want to play the Elites game-do as we say or you might be next.Straight mafia stuff really.
What Orwell wrote:
2.Experts are planning logistics of future wars, other devises, larger and larger rocket bombs, more and more powerful explosives and more impenetrable armour plating.
Today in our World.
The U.S.A. has openly admitted that it plans in future wars to use drones(planes without pilots) and robots.Drones are now used. I dread to imagine what weapons are planned, but you can bet that whatever they are they will be more horrendous than previous ones.
What Orwell wrote.
3.They are searching for breeds of disease germs immunized against all possible antibiotics.
Today in our World.
A lot of people believe or certainly suspect that AIDS was man-made, and who knows how many other diseases started out as biological weapons of war.The trouble is it appears that these weapons are used against us, the people, to get the population down.
What Orwell wrote.
4.Others are exploring how to create artificial earthquakes and tidal waves.
Today in our World.
A number of people ,with good reason, believe that the Haiti earthquake was done by technology. Also, the Asian earthquake, with its massive waves, a few years ago, is suspected to have been arranged by the Elite.God knows how many more such disasters have not been natural at all, but inflicted on us by the sickos running the show.
What Orwell wrote.
5.Bombing planes have been replaced by self-propelled projectiles.
Today in our World.
Self propelled projectiles must mean drones.These are being used in Afganistan and in Pakistan in the present insane war.
It is truly amazing how Orwell predicted what our World would be like. Parts one and two, which can be found in the early posts, show just how much of 1984 is really our time now.
When Orwell wrote his classic, it was a totally different World to the one we are now in, and yet, he was writing about technology that had, we were led to believe, never been thought of.He stresses that cameras would be used, how T.V (which no one had in the mid forties- that's when he wrote the book) would be so important in our lives. It really does look like he saw a blueprint, a plan that was already known in 1945
It is, I suppose possible that he somehow tuned into the future,but his accuracy is so dead on, I fear that he really knew what was planned.
He tried to warn us,and that is possibly why his pen was silenced at such a young age.He must have appeared as a dangerous threat to the Elite; maybe his next book would go into greater detail, they probably thought.
Part four will follow shortly. How long will shortly be this time, I wonder!
Adventure With Amaveed-4.
Amaveed was lost.He had started his journey a long time ago,but for some reason he couldn't remember when or where he had started out, or where he was meant to go.
He looked around him.He was walking up a path with trees each side; speckled sunlight danced through the leaves and played on the grass under his feet.
Today Amaveed felt,as he always seem to feel-anxious.He didn't know why.It didn't matter what he encountered on his journey,this feeling of disquiet seemed to be his normal state all the time.
He sat down by the side of the path under an old oak tree.He suddenly remembered a spring evening long ago, when he had sat in a garden under a very similar tree.
That time, he had closed his eyes and had started to doze off.While in this half-way state between consciousness and sleep he kept hearing the following:
"Trees are our guardians,trees are highly advanced beings, and they are here to help us.Ask a tree a question and it is bound to know the answer".
He knew that there was more, but an insect had bit him and he lost the thread of the talk that he had been hearing.
Now, as he sat under the tree that really did look just the same as the one he had sat under the previous time,he decided to try and see if he could learn more about the trees.He looked at the strong,sturdy trunk and the proud, almost muscular branches as they stretched themselves out to the World. Could this really be a highly intelligent being ?
He rested his head on the bark and felt the hard wood against his hair.He closed his eyes.After a few minutes Amaveed started to drift off into a light sleep.Then he heard a voice saying:
"Trees record everything that happens.They contain the entire history of the World.They are the most advanced sensors of different levels of vibrations ever in existence..They watch us, record us and this information is sent to a central point where it is scrutinized and analysed.Because of their enormous data bank they have the ability to solve any problem,as they know every single problem in the World..Now let this grand oak tree talk to you."
The oak tree spoke in a deep, but kindly,mellow voice that sounded truly melodic, beautiful and hypnotic.
"You think that you have lost your way and you have.You are walking up a path created by your past, and instead of resisting it, you are following it.In the past you sow the seeds and later the plant appears in your life.The only real question to ask is,'How do I stop the past creating my present?' "
The oak tree paused for a second and gently made his leaves sway so they caught the sun.
"What you must do is this,"the calm voice continued,"you drop that weight you are carrying.Easier said than done, no doubt you will think.You are living an illusion,it's only an amazingly good magic trick, but you can jump out of it.Listen, your language keeps you trapped in the illusion of time:so many words are about the future and the past.Words are the frame of the picture; the words keep us in the picture."
"If you really want to stop all this disquiet, forget the past,don't think of the future,and give no thought to thinking at all.Let your awareness only be in this precious, present moment.Let your feelings tell you how to act; be in your heart.Do you know that the electric field of the heart as 5000 times more powerful than the electric field of the brain?If you are really in the now, your ego is not there."
Suddenly ,Amaveed woke with a start..
The sound of horses hooves on the path woke him up from his oak tree talk.
He rubbed his eyes and stared in amazement as a horse and carriage,without any driver or people,laden with what looked like gold bars was speeding by.
He,at once, forgot about what the tree had told him.
He jumped to his feet,and ran with all his might, after the carriage and its cargo of gleaming gold bars.
The gold seemed to hypnotize him with its dazzling golden glare.Now the path was emerging into a field and because of the lack of foliage and trees,the sun took full advantage of this by brightening the yellow glow into what looked like many startling golden suns.
Amaveed chased the carriage.On and on, over fields,through forests and even across lakes.He fell, he stumbled,grazed and bruised himself.
One day the carriage suddenly stopped.Its place of rest was under an oak tree that looked just like the other two oak trees that he had sat under before.
His shaking hand reached out to pick up one of the golden bars that lay before him, tempting him.The second before his hand actually reached the gold though, a very large twig with an oak leaf attached to it,landed on his hand.It had fallen from the oak tree.
At that instant he really woke up.He was still sitting under the tree and realised that he had only dreamt that he had woken up before.All that strange stuff about gold in a carriage and him chasing it for so long, had only too, been a dream.
Amaveed stood up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
He was no longer lost.
He looked around him.He was walking up a path with trees each side; speckled sunlight danced through the leaves and played on the grass under his feet.
Today Amaveed felt,as he always seem to feel-anxious.He didn't know why.It didn't matter what he encountered on his journey,this feeling of disquiet seemed to be his normal state all the time.
He sat down by the side of the path under an old oak tree.He suddenly remembered a spring evening long ago, when he had sat in a garden under a very similar tree.
That time, he had closed his eyes and had started to doze off.While in this half-way state between consciousness and sleep he kept hearing the following:
"Trees are our guardians,trees are highly advanced beings, and they are here to help us.Ask a tree a question and it is bound to know the answer".
He knew that there was more, but an insect had bit him and he lost the thread of the talk that he had been hearing.
Now, as he sat under the tree that really did look just the same as the one he had sat under the previous time,he decided to try and see if he could learn more about the trees.He looked at the strong,sturdy trunk and the proud, almost muscular branches as they stretched themselves out to the World. Could this really be a highly intelligent being ?
He rested his head on the bark and felt the hard wood against his hair.He closed his eyes.After a few minutes Amaveed started to drift off into a light sleep.Then he heard a voice saying:
"Trees record everything that happens.They contain the entire history of the World.They are the most advanced sensors of different levels of vibrations ever in existence..They watch us, record us and this information is sent to a central point where it is scrutinized and analysed.Because of their enormous data bank they have the ability to solve any problem,as they know every single problem in the World..Now let this grand oak tree talk to you."
The oak tree spoke in a deep, but kindly,mellow voice that sounded truly melodic, beautiful and hypnotic.
"You think that you have lost your way and you have.You are walking up a path created by your past, and instead of resisting it, you are following it.In the past you sow the seeds and later the plant appears in your life.The only real question to ask is,'How do I stop the past creating my present?' "
The oak tree paused for a second and gently made his leaves sway so they caught the sun.
"What you must do is this,"the calm voice continued,"you drop that weight you are carrying.Easier said than done, no doubt you will think.You are living an illusion,it's only an amazingly good magic trick, but you can jump out of it.Listen, your language keeps you trapped in the illusion of time:so many words are about the future and the past.Words are the frame of the picture; the words keep us in the picture."
"If you really want to stop all this disquiet, forget the past,don't think of the future,and give no thought to thinking at all.Let your awareness only be in this precious, present moment.Let your feelings tell you how to act; be in your heart.Do you know that the electric field of the heart as 5000 times more powerful than the electric field of the brain?If you are really in the now, your ego is not there."
Suddenly ,Amaveed woke with a start..
The sound of horses hooves on the path woke him up from his oak tree talk.
He rubbed his eyes and stared in amazement as a horse and carriage,without any driver or people,laden with what looked like gold bars was speeding by.
He,at once, forgot about what the tree had told him.
He jumped to his feet,and ran with all his might, after the carriage and its cargo of gleaming gold bars.
The gold seemed to hypnotize him with its dazzling golden glare.Now the path was emerging into a field and because of the lack of foliage and trees,the sun took full advantage of this by brightening the yellow glow into what looked like many startling golden suns.
Amaveed chased the carriage.On and on, over fields,through forests and even across lakes.He fell, he stumbled,grazed and bruised himself.
One day the carriage suddenly stopped.Its place of rest was under an oak tree that looked just like the other two oak trees that he had sat under before.
His shaking hand reached out to pick up one of the golden bars that lay before him, tempting him.The second before his hand actually reached the gold though, a very large twig with an oak leaf attached to it,landed on his hand.It had fallen from the oak tree.
At that instant he really woke up.He was still sitting under the tree and realised that he had only dreamt that he had woken up before.All that strange stuff about gold in a carriage and him chasing it for so long, had only too, been a dream.
Amaveed stood up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
He was no longer lost.
Friday, July 27, 2012
If You Really Want To Beat This Evil-Do This.
How to really beat this?
O.K.This is war.If you don't realise this you are really fast asleep.Brainwashed, conditioned into being a complete moron.Wake up, for God's sake, wake up.
We are entering a complete fascist state- all over the World.Germany 1933 re-visited.Do you want that? I don't think so.
What are you going to do about it?Keep watching the 'reality' shows? Watch the Olympics?
It is very simple.We simply do not play their pathetic,sick , neurotic game.They are sick, but we are not.
They want us to riot,to shout,to get really angry, but hey, what happens if you don't do that?
What happens if you don't play their game?
Who turns up for a riot? Is it you? No, it's the police, with their tear gas and riot gear. And you join in the game.
I'll tell you what happens if you say no; they are finished, lost. dead.
Members of unions,people who are really sick of the injustices that are inflicted on so many people all over the World, please ,please try the following..Please try it, because I believe it is the only way to save our World.
Next time you go on strike, a demonstration, a sit in, whatever,simply sit down, and chant a wonderful, wonderful word,"Love", over and over again.
This will completely blow them, as they came to fight hate, and they can't fight love.
Do not turn violent.Let them pepper spray you,let them use water cannon; what fools they will look on youtube, when people see that you are doing absolutely nothing, but chanting the word'love'
Then, maybe, just maybe, the people will realise at long, long last that these goons are only protecting the Elite.
Game over.
Do it. Next time. Unionists, activists, this will work.The violent method doesn't . Come on
Stop fighting.
O.K.This is war.If you don't realise this you are really fast asleep.Brainwashed, conditioned into being a complete moron.Wake up, for God's sake, wake up.
We are entering a complete fascist state- all over the World.Germany 1933 re-visited.Do you want that? I don't think so.
What are you going to do about it?Keep watching the 'reality' shows? Watch the Olympics?
It is very simple.We simply do not play their pathetic,sick , neurotic game.They are sick, but we are not.
They want us to riot,to shout,to get really angry, but hey, what happens if you don't do that?
What happens if you don't play their game?
Who turns up for a riot? Is it you? No, it's the police, with their tear gas and riot gear. And you join in the game.
I'll tell you what happens if you say no; they are finished, lost. dead.
Members of unions,people who are really sick of the injustices that are inflicted on so many people all over the World, please ,please try the following..Please try it, because I believe it is the only way to save our World.
Next time you go on strike, a demonstration, a sit in, whatever,simply sit down, and chant a wonderful, wonderful word,"Love", over and over again.
This will completely blow them, as they came to fight hate, and they can't fight love.
Do not turn violent.Let them pepper spray you,let them use water cannon; what fools they will look on youtube, when people see that you are doing absolutely nothing, but chanting the word'love'
Then, maybe, just maybe, the people will realise at long, long last that these goons are only protecting the Elite.
Game over.
Do it. Next time. Unionists, activists, this will work.The violent method doesn't . Come on
Stop fighting.
Quotes For Our Times.
1."War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from
George Orwell.
2." Steal a little, they throw you in jail; steal a lot and they make you a King."
Bob Dylan.
3."No self-respecting fish would want to be wrapped in a Murdoch paper."
Mike Royko.
4"When a true genius appears in this World,you will know him by this sign; that the dunces are in confederacy against him."
Jonathan Swift.
5." Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
6."What is absurd and monstrous about war is that men who have no personal quarrel should be trained to murder one another in cold blood"
Aldous Huxley.
7."The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the World Lies will pass into history."
George Orwell.
8."We seal ourselves in within a linguistic shell of disempowered perception."
Terrence Mckenna.
9."The World is going bankrupt(whatever that means) because of this idea called debt,which doesn't even exist in the physical reality,it's only part of a game we've invented.And yet,the well-being of billions of people is now being compromised.Extreme lay-offs,tent cities, accelerating poverty measures imposed,schools shutting down,child hunger and other levels of familial deprivation-all because of this elaborate fiction.What are we-fucking stupid?
The Zeitgeist Movement.
10." Serious sport is war without the shooting."
George Orwell..
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Surfers Catches Of The Day.
1.The state based re-insurer that covers terror attack related commercial property losses has 7.3 billion dollar assets to cover the Olympic Games in London.From Reuters.
2.More than 500 dead penguins were washed up in beaches in southern Brazil in the last week.Marine biologists and vets are investigating what killed the birds which appeared well- fed,not injured and without stains.From the Daily Mail.You can bet that you will never hear another thing about this.How do I know? Think back to the last two new years eves, when animals, birds and fish died all over the World. Did you hear any more about this? No.What is going on?
3.Five Chimpanzees created a makeshift ladder out of branches and climbed out of their pen at Hanovers Experience Zoo.From Reuters.
4.In a Belgium village,Sivry Rance, an inspector from the Department of health was attacked by customers in the cafe de la post.He was stripped naked.The man was trying to stop people smoking those oh so dangerous ciggies.The customers were all hell's angels. Wrong time, wrong place..From Reuters.
5..The U.S.A. leads the World per capita in incarceration at 734 per 100,000, ahead of Rwanda(c 595) and Russia(568).
According to stats compiled by the sentencing project, the total number of people in jail and prisons for violating drug laws soared from 41,000 in 1980 to 507,00 by 2010.And we are talking pot mostly- the most harmless and beneficial herb on the planet !
6.A court order has banned the B.B.C. from showing a dramatised film about the experience of rioters who took part in last summers riots in England.From the Daily Mail.
7.Israel declared that Iran was responsible for the terror attack on a bus in Bulgaria containing Israelis Footage released by the Bulgarian police indicate that the attacker was caucasian,and was in possession of a Michigan drivers licence, meant to be fake.A top Bulgarian official said,"It was a mistake to lay the responsibility of a terror attack on an Israeli tourist bus on any specific countries or organaisation.".From Haaretz.
8.Vaccinated.children have up to 500% more diseases and allergies than unvaccinated children.From Consiousness T.V.
9.The global super-rich elite have at least 21 trillion dollars hidden in secret tax havens.From the B.B.C.
10.A new chemical makes teeth cavity proof- and could do away with visits to dentists for ever.It wipes out all bacteria that causes cavities in just 60 seconds.The chemical could be added to any current dental product.It could be marketed in 14- 18 monthsFrom the Daily Mail..I wonder if the powerful dental industry will block this.I have always thought it odd that dentists still use that horrible drill they have been using for decades.Perhaps you will never hear about this again..
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Neil Sedaka And Positive Thinking.
I don't know how I came to be watching an interview with Neil Sedaka on you tube, but, there you are I was.I'm not exactly an avid fan, but I admire his songwriting talent, and his rather unusual voice.He is also excellent on the piano.Breaking Up is Hard To Do, Calendar Girl, Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteen are, to my mind, great pop songs.
I often find myself stumbling across new, videos of pop stars who were big in the sixties. I suspect I just want to see how they look nowadays; how well or badly they have aged, and whether they can still sing.
The most interesting part of Sedaka's interview was what he said he used to do as a child.
He told the guy interviewing him that he would get his record collection of pop songs, and on every record, he would erase the name of the singer on the label, and replace it with his own name written on the hit records.He said he did this because he wanted to see what his name would look like on a hit record.
Within a few years he was a famous pop star.
Well, talk about the power of suggestion or sympathetic magic!
This brings me to the following piece which is based on an article in the Daily Mail on 9.6.2012.
The Psychologists at the University Of Victoria, New Zealand claim that thinking positively about something really might make it happen.They claim the following.
"Once we anticipate a specific outcome will occur, our subsequent thoughts and behaviour will actually bring the outcome to fruition."
They go on to say;" Simply anticipating something good can make hidden circuits in the brain drive you towards it."
Those of you who have read The Secret or I Create Reality should already know this, but it is unusual for the mainstream players, in this case, Psychologists, to come out straight and support such theories.
It seems to be getting more and more obvious that our thoughts play a far more important role in our future than most people are aware of.
I wonder how many others, like Neil Sedaka, did similar acts when they were children.Perhaps interviewers should make a point in asking them, if they did similar things to Sedaka.I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that a lot of them engaged in some form of suggestion, or sympathetic magic, without realizing they were doing so.
I suspect that a child who practises secrets from I Create Reality orThe Secret would easily achieve results, because they haven't got as much clutter in their brains as adults have, and they are'purer' in their attitude and thinking.
What About Our Future Lives?
Those who believe in karma,which put very simply(as it appears to be slightly more complicated than this) is that which you do unto another, the other does back to you.,is believed by most Buddhists.Of all the Buddhist beliefs this one has been picked up by the west with a passion; maybe because, deep down, we know that it is true.
When karma is talked about, past lives are usually mentioned.Some say, such as Jung,that we all share a collective memory of mankind,and we can therefore easily imagine(because we share the collective memory) being almost anybody in the past.
Such people claim that we don't have past lives and are simply tuning into mankinds shared memory.A neat argument.I think though we can have both past lives and a collective memory.Having a common memory,doesn't mean we can't have past lives as well.
As there is no such thing as time, any past life that we imagine we lived must be taking place right now.If you were a farm worker in 1790, that means you being a farm worker in 1790 is happening while you are living this life.
It gets complicated. If you believe,as Buddhists believe, that we have probably lived 10,000 past lives.This complication arises because, using my argument that past lives are happening now,it must mean that all 10,000 of our past lives are taking place while our present life here is being lived.
This is quite a staggering thought; 10,000 yous all living 10,000 lives right now!!
What is interesting about the writings on karma found in Buddhist literature,I have yet to find any mention of future lives, apart from the occasional warning that you may come back in a lowly form in your next life.I hasten to add that I certainly have not read all Buddhist literature,so it is possible it is mentioned in detail somewhere.
Any future life you live must also,because time does not exist, be happening now. So you might have another ten lives before you gett off the wheel.
Any future life is determined by the previous ones.But wait-there isn't any previous,because there isn't any time.You might think that this itself totally destroys the concept of karma.The cause and effect idea is of course based on a serial,moving time.I do A on monday, and pay the price for it on tuesday.
Everything happening in the now though doesn't destroy the karma philosophy.
We view life through space and 'moving'time, because it is the only way we think we can understand it.If everything is really happening now though, you can still cause someone suffering now,and be repaid for it in the same now, though to us the payback time appears to take place in the future.
A bit tricky to grasp as we do not look at life in this way.
If people mention future lives they talk about them as if they haven't yet lived them.But, they must be happening now as well as your present life and past lives are, if you accept that there is only now.
So does this mean that all our lives are already lived, and it is all fate?
Yes and no and no and yes, I suspect is the nearest to a possible answer.
If we have free will, how can fate be true? Difficult questions I know..
How about this as a possible explanation?
All our lives, future, past and present are lived now, but if ,in the present moment you make a life changing choice,all your so called future lives change.So, am I saying that one action taken by you in this life would change all your lives in the so called future, even though those lives are now taking place? Yes.
Well, that's a different way of looking at things I must admit.Welcome to the brick wall.
This post was really written to shake the mind up a bit, to take it off its normal, past,present and future matrix, or should I say, past , future obsession.And it illustrates how thought reaches a brick wall when presented with questions it cannot really answer to its entire satisfaction.
Admit it, like me, you are not really satisfied with my possible explanation.Try and meditate on it, and you might come up with some interesting mental gymnastics.
I wonder what a Zen Master would say, if I asked him."What about karma, and past present and future lives all taking place now?"
I have no idea what he would say, but it might be something like this;
"The garden is overgrown; pull up the weeds".
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Quotes For Our Time.
1." A permanent crisis justifies permanent control of a nation by the agencies of a central government ".
Aldous Huxley.
2." In the nineteen-thirties in peace time we had mass unemployment,then in war,we had full employment killing the enemy.Why can't we have full employment in peace? People could be building schools,building hospitals,building homes, meeting the needs of peace."
Tony Benn- that almost extinct species- an honest British politician.
3."Money is power or shall we say monopoly to create credit money and charge interest is absolute power".
Alex Jones.
4."Symbols are electromagnetic information fields that are encoded with information related to what the symbols represent..These symbols can attach to our electromagnetic fields and psyche when we give them our unknowing attention"
David Icke.
5." They keep us divided,men and women,black and white,Christian and Jew.They keep us demoralized,and that's what the Education System League Tables are about,and they encourage cynicsm.And in that way they hope to control us"
Tony Benn.
6" During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act"
George Orwell.
7." So long as we worship the Caesars and Napoleons,Caesars and Napoleons will duly rise and make them miserable"
Aldous Huxley.
8." A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom"
Martin Luther King jnr.
9 "Yes; quaint and curious war is! You shoot a fellow down, you'd treat if met where any bar is, or help to half a crown".
Thomas Hardy.
10."Fishes live in the sea, as men do a- land; the great ones eat up the little ones".
Friday, July 20, 2012
Fact Or Fiction
1.Several prominent scientistsare suggesting that the Universe is a simulation,a physics experiment, created by a vastly superior race of beings who inhabit a higher dimension.
2.If an appliance does not work properly, such as a T.V. not working,although to us it seems to be caused by,for example, a short circuit,if this was observed from another perspective it would be seen to be caused by tiny little entities that have gone on strike in your T.V.!
3.A few songs are sent to songwriters-who tune into them- from higher beings.These songs, because of their musical pattern of notes and vibrations of the lyrics are really messages to comfort us, to help us, or to raise our awareness.
4.The Noah's Ark story in the Bible has a treble meaning.1.It happened as written in the Bible, and 2.It happened before that time, but in the original version, Noah was the Captain of a spaceship, and the ark was a spaceship looking for a new planet to live on.3.It will happen in the future when mankind will have to leave Earth to look for another planet to live on.
5.The New World Order- the Elite- are going to copy the events described in Revelation in the Bible.
6.As we eat animals, the Elite eat, or feed off, our negative energy.
7.There is a battle for our souls going on, as a human soul can be sold at very high prices in this Universe.
8.We are reproducing robots.Our abilities are vital to the rulers of this planet as they have no skills or talents at all, and they need us to improve the World for them.
9.Soon almost the entire population of the World will be culled, leaving about half a billion people.This will be done through war and man made disease.The half billion will be in charge of the huge number of robots that will replace most of mankind.After a while the remaining half a billion will be killed off, as more advanced robots can do the work for them.The Elite will then live like Gods.
10.The Earth is really on a journey.We have a destination to reach and everything is arranged for us to arrive at this destination on a certain date.
2.If an appliance does not work properly, such as a T.V. not working,although to us it seems to be caused by,for example, a short circuit,if this was observed from another perspective it would be seen to be caused by tiny little entities that have gone on strike in your T.V.!
3.A few songs are sent to songwriters-who tune into them- from higher beings.These songs, because of their musical pattern of notes and vibrations of the lyrics are really messages to comfort us, to help us, or to raise our awareness.
4.The Noah's Ark story in the Bible has a treble meaning.1.It happened as written in the Bible, and 2.It happened before that time, but in the original version, Noah was the Captain of a spaceship, and the ark was a spaceship looking for a new planet to live on.3.It will happen in the future when mankind will have to leave Earth to look for another planet to live on.
5.The New World Order- the Elite- are going to copy the events described in Revelation in the Bible.
6.As we eat animals, the Elite eat, or feed off, our negative energy.
7.There is a battle for our souls going on, as a human soul can be sold at very high prices in this Universe.
8.We are reproducing robots.Our abilities are vital to the rulers of this planet as they have no skills or talents at all, and they need us to improve the World for them.
9.Soon almost the entire population of the World will be culled, leaving about half a billion people.This will be done through war and man made disease.The half billion will be in charge of the huge number of robots that will replace most of mankind.After a while the remaining half a billion will be killed off, as more advanced robots can do the work for them.The Elite will then live like Gods.
10.The Earth is really on a journey.We have a destination to reach and everything is arranged for us to arrive at this destination on a certain date.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
The Death Of Democracy.
Are the Prime Ministers given a choice? Is it, hey, you do exactly what we say and be rich for life,or if not you or members of your family will die? Or your country will be devastated by 'natural disasters';just look at Iceland that suddenly had a volcano erupt, after being dormant for about a hundred years. once they said they were not playing the bankers game any more.Or look at Japan,after telling the American troops it had on its soil to get out, and daring to criticize Israel.It was hit by an earthquake, that caused a massive radiation leak.
What else could explain how all the modern countries are reading the same script ?
The writing was well and truly on the wall before the Iraq war.Demonstrations took place all over the World,millions of people took to the streets telling their governments that, we, the people, the ones who elected you,do not want this war.
What was the response?
The majority of governments took no notice at all.They completely ignored the wishes of their own people.
The irony at that time was that people like Bush and his poodle, Blair, kept rabbiting on about how they wanted to bring democracy to Iraq, while back home they were being completely undemocratic to their own people, by ignoring what the majority in their countries wanted.
Not one journalist,as far as I know, in the mainstream media,made any mention of this stark hypocrisy.
Fast forward to the great depression,or the biggest bank robbery done by the banks in history.
Everywhere the people are saying loudly and violently, that they do not want these cruel austerity measures;they do not want the I.M.F to be the ones in charge of their lives.Nobody wants to be slaves to a crowd of rich bankers.Look at Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, France, the U.S.A, the U.K..And the list goes on.
The number of strikes, marches and demonstrations in the last few years, in the above mentioned countries must have broken all records.
The people of the World are banging their heads against a very stubborn brick wall.
The governments will not back down.That now is painfully obvious. Do the elite want massive social unrest, so that martial law can be introduced all over Europe and in the U.S.A.?
If so, time is running out for us.and somehow this evil has got to be stopped.before the snake entwines us all.
Sometimes I see a glimmer of hope, shining dimly in the darkness.That which has been hidden from us is now seen.The more we realize how awful and sick the whole system is, in the way it only benefits the few,the more people will wake up and refuse to be part of it.
Hopefully, slowly but surely the vile structure of the beast will collapse, and we ,the people, will take back our birthright, take back our planet and sanity will be restored.
Ekhart Tolle, the author of, The Power Of Now, claims that the banking system and all the other systems we are enslaved in are now collapsing, as they are ego structures.We are at the stage in history where the ego, which was once useful for our survival, is no longer needed, and mankind to now advance has to rid himself of the ego. Tolle also claims that people all over the World are waking up and even getting enlightened,and that this movement should spread.If it doesn't though, he warns us, in about a hundred years we will destroy ourselves, or nature will simply wipe us out.
So, it really is up to each and everyone of us. How each individual thinks and feels has an enormous impact on the World.
We are powerful; don't be fooled that we are notThe time has come to live the lives we want on our terms, not bowing down to the insane wishes of the sick few who have taken our planet over.
Let's return to who we really are and shake off the shackles,throw off the chains that bind us, and live as we are meant to live.
Have courage in these dangerous times.
What else could explain how all the modern countries are reading the same script ?
The writing was well and truly on the wall before the Iraq war.Demonstrations took place all over the World,millions of people took to the streets telling their governments that, we, the people, the ones who elected you,do not want this war.
What was the response?
The majority of governments took no notice at all.They completely ignored the wishes of their own people.
The irony at that time was that people like Bush and his poodle, Blair, kept rabbiting on about how they wanted to bring democracy to Iraq, while back home they were being completely undemocratic to their own people, by ignoring what the majority in their countries wanted.
Not one journalist,as far as I know, in the mainstream media,made any mention of this stark hypocrisy.
Fast forward to the great depression,or the biggest bank robbery done by the banks in history.
Everywhere the people are saying loudly and violently, that they do not want these cruel austerity measures;they do not want the I.M.F to be the ones in charge of their lives.Nobody wants to be slaves to a crowd of rich bankers.Look at Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, France, the U.S.A, the U.K..And the list goes on.
The number of strikes, marches and demonstrations in the last few years, in the above mentioned countries must have broken all records.
The people of the World are banging their heads against a very stubborn brick wall.
The governments will not back down.That now is painfully obvious. Do the elite want massive social unrest, so that martial law can be introduced all over Europe and in the U.S.A.?
If so, time is running out for us.and somehow this evil has got to be stopped.before the snake entwines us all.
Sometimes I see a glimmer of hope, shining dimly in the darkness.That which has been hidden from us is now seen.The more we realize how awful and sick the whole system is, in the way it only benefits the few,the more people will wake up and refuse to be part of it.
Hopefully, slowly but surely the vile structure of the beast will collapse, and we ,the people, will take back our birthright, take back our planet and sanity will be restored.
Ekhart Tolle, the author of, The Power Of Now, claims that the banking system and all the other systems we are enslaved in are now collapsing, as they are ego structures.We are at the stage in history where the ego, which was once useful for our survival, is no longer needed, and mankind to now advance has to rid himself of the ego. Tolle also claims that people all over the World are waking up and even getting enlightened,and that this movement should spread.If it doesn't though, he warns us, in about a hundred years we will destroy ourselves, or nature will simply wipe us out.
So, it really is up to each and everyone of us. How each individual thinks and feels has an enormous impact on the World.
We are powerful; don't be fooled that we are notThe time has come to live the lives we want on our terms, not bowing down to the insane wishes of the sick few who have taken our planet over.
Let's return to who we really are and shake off the shackles,throw off the chains that bind us, and live as we are meant to live.
Have courage in these dangerous times.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Surfer's Catches Of The Day.
The following were found while fishing on the net.
1. John Lennon Quote:"When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the systems game.The Establishment will irritate you;pull your beard,flick your face to make you fight.Because once they've got you violent, then they know how to handle you.The only thing they don't know how to handle is non-violence and humour.". This was found on David Icke's site.
2.The Pan-Arab satellite channel,Al Magadeen, on Friday 6th July, broadcast a tape of a Palestinian allegedly confessing to poisoning the late President Yasser Arafat's food.He claimed that he had done this on behalf of Israeli intelligence.From the Uruknet,info. site.
3.A study published in 2010 in the medical journal The Lancet, ranked alcohol as the most harmful drug of all,above heroin,crack, meth, cocaine and tobacco.The Lancet study also found harm to others near the user were more than double those of the 2nd most harmful drug, heroin.From Zen-Haven site.
4.Dr.Rebecca Carley claims that vaccines are used , not to prevent disease, but to cause it.She says that vaccines attack the brain, and can make people violent.Her most dramatic statement though is that the reason some people suddenly attack strangers and eat their faces, is because they have the Zombie virus, which was created by N.A.T.O.From the Alex Jones site.
5.U.S.Discretionary Spending,Fiscal Year2011 was 52% Military Budget.48% everything else.
6. Charles Gilmour whose father is David Gilmour of Pink Floyd fame,who has now served his time in prison for climbing up and swinging from the Cenotaph in last years summer riots in London, wrote an interesting article in the Daily Mail on 7.7.2012.He wrote that he believes that the most vulnerable members of society are having the floor ripped from beneath them, and that the government is sending out a message loud and clear to the young and dispossessed, and that is- we don't care.
7.And also from the Daily Mail: Roche, one of the World's biggest drug companies is at the centre of an investigation into why it failed to disclose reports that 15,000 people died after taking its medicines.Roche also failed to pass on a further 65,000 reports of suspected side effects.Listen to my song,'Old Big Pharma' on you tube for my take on big pharma!
8.A lifeguard who left his section of a Florida beach to help save a man from drowning has been sacked.Tomaz Lopez, 21, was patrolling part of Hallandale Beach, north of Miami. when he was told that a swimmer was in trouble in an unguarded area of the beach. He went to rescue him, and was promptly sacked.
9.The electric field of the heart is 5000 times more powerful than the brain, and it stretches out in all directions. From the Just Wondering site by Zen Gardner.
10.John Pilger,writing about the U.K. on 4 .11. 2010. wrote;" A deficit of 10% is not remotely a crisis. When Britain was officially bankrupt at the end of the second world war, the government built its greatest public institutions, such as the National Health Service, and the arts edifices of London's South Bank."
He also wrote the following gem: " The 17th Baronet of Ballintaylor, David Cameron and George Osbourne are essentially fossilised spivs, who, in colonial times, would have been sent by their daddies to claim foreign terrain and plunder."
From John
Friday, July 13, 2012
Quotes For Our Time
1"Do not be fooled into thinking that because there is more than one doctor or attorney that there is not a monopoly in government interference in your God-given right to freedom of contract and choice".
Thomas Jefferson.
2"If wealth was the inevitable result of hard work and enterprise, every woman in Africa would be a millionaire".
George Monbiot.
3."let me issue and control a nations money and I care not who makes its laws".
A.B.Mayer Rothschild.
4."Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable ".
John F. Kennedy.
5."You were born an original.Don't be a copy."
John Mason.
6" You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you mad".
Aldous Huxley.
7."If you cannot find the truth right where you are, where do you expect to find it?".
8".All great truths begin as blasphemies".
George Bernard Shaw.
9." Love your enemies;it makes them so dammed mad".
P.D. East.
10." If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as the souls who live under tyranny."
Thomas Jefferson.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Rivers Returning To The Sea.
In the dark, cold winter of the World,with its demented entities that have crept through from a lower dimension,the first tentative glimpses of spring are showing.
The very faint flickers of sunshine have been seen,albeit in between
very sombre clouds; but a few claim that a wonderful light has been observed.Most people do not believe them,and have surrendered to the gloomy half-light with its eerie shadows and the feelings of anxiety and despair that are the spirit of these days.
Little do these sad entrapped non-believers know what is taking place in the invisible spheres.
The mighty cosmic wheel is turning, as it always has for aeons; everything that was hidden is slowly revealed.What was whispered in the closet is , if not shouted from the rooftops, released more and more into the public domain.
The dark deeds that have been covered up for centuries are now dragged out of the mouldy, dank cupboards.Skeletons that no one knew even existed are now paraded, if not in the main market square, in the side streets where more and more people are congregating.
The tree of knowledge has been found again, and with aid of a fake mouse, almost anything can be found out.Who would have thought that the humble mouse would one day be so important to us!.Press a few letters on a keyboard and the windows open to show you what has, and is, really going on in the World.Strange,it is so different to what we have been told.
The hungry ghosts know that their season is passing: the loathsome vampires of the living know their days are drawing to a close.
The ones who sacrificed countless generations on the altars of war for their own selfish, greedy ends, feel the first ripples of a tide:even they with all their might,wealth and power cannot stop this movement.
Their blood-soaked God is unable to help; it too knows that the chains have already been created,that will bind it safely away from humankind.
The invisible ones are sending spirits of truth to blow through the heaving mass of insanity that this World has become.They open doors of dark dusky cellars showing vile dungeons and the evil that has, and is done., all over the World.The spirit of truth with its armies of the sons and daughters of the light are hovering over the Earth.More and more are arriving showering vibrations of light and love on to the poor, the oppressed.,the hungry, the sick and the lost and confused.
The springtime for humans is returning once again.
This age of knowing has to be, to let the rivers return to the sea.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Wanna Live A long Life? Try this!
The following was found in the Huffington Post.
How To Live A Long Life.
1.In their book, "The longevity Project," which includes research over the course of 80 years,authors,Friedman and Martin identified an association between being conscientious and a longer life span.
2.In the journal 'Aging', published in 2012, it is claimed that if you laugh a lot you live longer.
3 The PIOS medicare Journal in 2010 claimed that a strong social relationship can boost survival odds by 50%.
4.In the same aging study mentioned above, it was discovered that 'optimism' might put years on your life
5.In the journal'Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Science', it was stated that older people who report being happy have a 35% decreased risk of dying over 5 years.
Well, there you have it if it is all true. It certainly seems that how you feel really does have a big impact on your body. I read only last week that, after extensive research, it was discovered that Alzheimer' s disease is strongly suspected to be caused by stress. I was alarmed to read that stress can actually eat parts of your brain away! It is, obviously, a must to avoid at all costs.
The question is, how to live a stress free life?
Regular readers will know the answer; jump off the illusion, scrape it out of your thinking, chuck out the delusion,get rid of your ego, for once and for all.It's not real; it'a s lie; it's the only reason you ever suffer in your life.So bye bye ego bye bye!
Once you do this , you will straight away be living in the now in all its true grandeur
In fact, it will be the first time since you were a very young child, that you are really living again. Since about the age of five most people live in a severe state of unconsciousness, barely sleep- walking,living like robots, but having no clue that this is going on.
It's time to wake up!I used to read the words like the words I am writing now, for years and years without any impact on my life at all.Then one fine day, I suddenly realized that I was only reading these books for intellectual stimulation and original entertainment-it made a change from the Simpsons! I felt a fool, and could only think that my ego had made me get stuck like this, because it knows , if I know, it's curtain time for my little, big , ego.
Once you get a glimpse of this, you know, really gut know, it's true..It's no longer a concept, an idea, a fancy:;this is it.No doubt about it. This is real, and everything else is just illusion.Your whole outlook on life changes beyond belief, and you are a different you.
I was thinking about the title of this post: "wanna live a long life?" and thought it funny when we really know, any lives in this dimension are pure illusion, and as the Buddha so astutely observed that this World IS a World of suffering. So maybe we shouldn't want to live such long lives.
But, isn't there something in Buddhist literature about how wonderful it is to be born a person, because this is one of the rare dimensions where you can actually get enlightened.. So, the more years we have, the more the chance we will get enlightened.O.K. , let's live as long as we can.
Let's all drink to that, tomato juice or straight Whisky Macs - I never understood what the 'Mac' bit meant.

How To Live A Long Life.
1.In their book, "The longevity Project," which includes research over the course of 80 years,authors,Friedman and Martin identified an association between being conscientious and a longer life span.
2.In the journal 'Aging', published in 2012, it is claimed that if you laugh a lot you live longer.
3 The PIOS medicare Journal in 2010 claimed that a strong social relationship can boost survival odds by 50%.
4.In the same aging study mentioned above, it was discovered that 'optimism' might put years on your life
5.In the journal'Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Science', it was stated that older people who report being happy have a 35% decreased risk of dying over 5 years.
Well, there you have it if it is all true. It certainly seems that how you feel really does have a big impact on your body. I read only last week that, after extensive research, it was discovered that Alzheimer' s disease is strongly suspected to be caused by stress. I was alarmed to read that stress can actually eat parts of your brain away! It is, obviously, a must to avoid at all costs.
The question is, how to live a stress free life?
Regular readers will know the answer; jump off the illusion, scrape it out of your thinking, chuck out the delusion,get rid of your ego, for once and for all.It's not real; it'a s lie; it's the only reason you ever suffer in your life.So bye bye ego bye bye!
Once you do this , you will straight away be living in the now in all its true grandeur
In fact, it will be the first time since you were a very young child, that you are really living again. Since about the age of five most people live in a severe state of unconsciousness, barely sleep- walking,living like robots, but having no clue that this is going on.
It's time to wake up!I used to read the words like the words I am writing now, for years and years without any impact on my life at all.Then one fine day, I suddenly realized that I was only reading these books for intellectual stimulation and original entertainment-it made a change from the Simpsons! I felt a fool, and could only think that my ego had made me get stuck like this, because it knows , if I know, it's curtain time for my little, big , ego.
Once you get a glimpse of this, you know, really gut know, it's true..It's no longer a concept, an idea, a fancy:;this is it.No doubt about it. This is real, and everything else is just illusion.Your whole outlook on life changes beyond belief, and you are a different you.
I was thinking about the title of this post: "wanna live a long life?" and thought it funny when we really know, any lives in this dimension are pure illusion, and as the Buddha so astutely observed that this World IS a World of suffering. So maybe we shouldn't want to live such long lives.
But, isn't there something in Buddhist literature about how wonderful it is to be born a person, because this is one of the rare dimensions where you can actually get enlightened.. So, the more years we have, the more the chance we will get enlightened.O.K. , let's live as long as we can.
Let's all drink to that, tomato juice or straight Whisky Macs - I never understood what the 'Mac' bit meant.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Surfers Catches Of The Day
The following were found on the internet:
1.Poul Thomsen, the I.M.F. guy telling the Greeks to slash wages,so people will be earning- those that actually still get paid- under 500 euros a month or less, does , how can I put it ? not have the sort of everyday conversations that can be heard in Greece, like:" How much is the bill now- God, it's gone up again!" Or " I wonder when the hell I'm going to be paid".Or" Can this amount be right?". or "Help!"
Sit down , get a drink, try and relax before I tell you how much this grand master of economics earns.The guy who the Greek politicians obey, no matter what he demands..
According to the Keep Talking Greece site he earns as much as 35 Greeks annually.
He earns 185,000 Euros a year.This site also mentions that Eleftheros Typos claims that Thomsen, in fact, earns much more than this as he can earn 309,000 dollars a year as Deputy Director of the European Department of the I.M.F. as well.You might also like to know that he gets his money from taxpayers, whereas most of his income is tax free.Just something to cheer you up.
2.Keith Allen's film:" Unlawful Killing"about Lady Diana's murder, has been shelved because of insurance issues!! Mustn't let the truth rear it's honest head in a World of dishonesty.This is according to The Guardian on 5. 7. 2012.
3.Why have 200,000 coffins been ordered in preparation for the Olympic Games in London?
It is, of course, nothing to worry about. The fact that all the main stream media refused to run this story doesn't mean a thing, They know people are more interested in Tom Cruise's divorce, or Lady Gaga's proposed perfume, so why ramble on about coffins?
4.An E,Cigarette sparked a coach scare on the M.6. in England.The M.6. was closed by the police because a man was loading his E, cigarette on a coach.The coach driver dialed 999- that's the number for the police in the U.K.It's surprising there hasn't been a false flag on that day, when you think of 9.11!The entire coach was evacuated; armed police and dozens of emergency services were put to use.
5.The following is from David Icke's site: Jean Monnet describing the plan for a European Union, on 30.4.52 wrote the following:
" Europes nations should be guided to the super-state without the people understanding what is happening.This can be accomplished by successive steps; each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to Federation.".
6. Switzerland's Institute of Radiation Physics have discovered that belongings linked to the ex- Palestinian leader,Arafat, contained an elevated level of a radioactive agent. Arafat's widow wants her husband's remains exhumed. He was said to have died of food poisoning
Amazing that C.N.N. run this story:
7.In the U.S. A. more than 20,000 record high temperatures have been matched or broken in the past week alone.We're talking about places such as Arkansas having temeratures of 53 degrees, or California 57 degrees. Now that is even hotter than Greece!
8. Scientists claim that a positive outlook can guard against heart attacks and that optimistic people are 50% less likely to get a stroke.Keep smiling!
Time Was On Once Upon.
Time was on once upon.This was most unusual as once upon had always been on time.That is not strictly true,as in fact once upon had been on a time.If it had been on time, it would mean presumably that once upon had not been late.
Yes, it gets confusing.Words can do that.They can trip you up, tie you up in knots,knock you over with a feather,send you soaring in the sky and throw you so far down that you forget all about words like hope or up.Powerful things,or I should say powerful vibrations.
If you read'once upon a time' you straight away think that you are going to hear a story.If you hear'time was on once upon', you recoil and think,'What can this mean?'
So your mind goes into a different gear.Can we still have a story starting with'time was on once upon'?
Let's try.
Are you sitting comfortably?Then I'll begin.
Once upon looked at time and asked,"Who are you, why are you and what are you?'
Time smiled and replied by asking once upon a question.
"You think that I exist?"
Once upon shifted uncomfortably,"Well,you must exist.I can see what you can do.You turn a baby into an infant, then into a child, into a grown up, into an oldie and then you kill the person."
Time thought this was funny; he laughed,"You think I do all that?"
Once upon looked at time straight."Yes, I do," was the simple response.
Time looked thoughtful."I don't.You see what you described are what appear to be different, but are really the same once upons..You have once upon when you are a baby, the same once upon when you are grown up, and the same once upon when you die: it really has nothing to do with time."
Time paused, wondering if once upon had understood.He decided to add,"And I should let you know that, in fact, all the once upons are one once upon.".
Once upon did not look happy."I don't understand you Time. You are being very obscure.Please tell it to me straight and simple, if you don't mind."
"You think you can handle it?".
Once upon got a bit ruffled by this.After all, he had had lots of once upons, and he felt sure he could cope with the truth about time in this once upon."I'm sure I can".Feeling more confident , he said,"I've been around you know".
Time roared with laughter at this:"You have never been around, but that's another story.Let's stay with time, and I will explain."
He paused before slowly delivering the following:"Time and space do not exist by themselves.Time and space are tools used by your mind to comprehend the universe.Without these tools, you would, in your present form,be incapable of being aware of what you believe is your life.So your mind, in order to comprehend, created time and space as a means for you to function in this sphere.".
Once upon looked a bit embarrassed."I'm sorry, but I still don't quite get it.."
Time sighed."Listen," he said slowly,"all your once upons happen now.Everything is now.There is no time.For you to understand what you perceive as reality-which is, by the way, an illusion-you have to create space and time.Your birth is now and your death is now; your first day at school is now;the birth of the universe is now, and the death of the universe is now.".
Time wondered if once upon was getting this.He said slower than before,as if speaking to a young child," If you were aware of this at once, you would be in a state of utter confusion.Imagine seeing a film that lasts three hours, sped up to take place in an instant.You would not comprehend it. The film is like your life.
Your entire life is happening now, but your mind releases each bit slowly, so you can make some sort of sense of it."
Once upon knotted his brow.He looked at time as he said in a sad tone,"It's stretching my mind.I want to return to the security of my being on you-once upon a time-and I want to hear a story with a happy ending".
Time grinned:" No beginning, no middle, no end; only happy now!"
Photo from
Yes, it gets confusing.Words can do that.They can trip you up, tie you up in knots,knock you over with a feather,send you soaring in the sky and throw you so far down that you forget all about words like hope or up.Powerful things,or I should say powerful vibrations.
If you read'once upon a time' you straight away think that you are going to hear a story.If you hear'time was on once upon', you recoil and think,'What can this mean?'
So your mind goes into a different gear.Can we still have a story starting with'time was on once upon'?
Let's try.
Are you sitting comfortably?Then I'll begin.
Once upon looked at time and asked,"Who are you, why are you and what are you?'
Time smiled and replied by asking once upon a question.
"You think that I exist?"
Once upon shifted uncomfortably,"Well,you must exist.I can see what you can do.You turn a baby into an infant, then into a child, into a grown up, into an oldie and then you kill the person."
Time thought this was funny; he laughed,"You think I do all that?"
Once upon looked at time straight."Yes, I do," was the simple response.
Time looked thoughtful."I don't.You see what you described are what appear to be different, but are really the same once upons..You have once upon when you are a baby, the same once upon when you are grown up, and the same once upon when you die: it really has nothing to do with time."
Time paused, wondering if once upon had understood.He decided to add,"And I should let you know that, in fact, all the once upons are one once upon.".
Once upon did not look happy."I don't understand you Time. You are being very obscure.Please tell it to me straight and simple, if you don't mind."
"You think you can handle it?".
Once upon got a bit ruffled by this.After all, he had had lots of once upons, and he felt sure he could cope with the truth about time in this once upon."I'm sure I can".Feeling more confident , he said,"I've been around you know".
Time roared with laughter at this:"You have never been around, but that's another story.Let's stay with time, and I will explain."
He paused before slowly delivering the following:"Time and space do not exist by themselves.Time and space are tools used by your mind to comprehend the universe.Without these tools, you would, in your present form,be incapable of being aware of what you believe is your life.So your mind, in order to comprehend, created time and space as a means for you to function in this sphere.".
Once upon looked a bit embarrassed."I'm sorry, but I still don't quite get it.."
Time sighed."Listen," he said slowly,"all your once upons happen now.Everything is now.There is no time.For you to understand what you perceive as reality-which is, by the way, an illusion-you have to create space and time.Your birth is now and your death is now; your first day at school is now;the birth of the universe is now, and the death of the universe is now.".
Time wondered if once upon was getting this.He said slower than before,as if speaking to a young child," If you were aware of this at once, you would be in a state of utter confusion.Imagine seeing a film that lasts three hours, sped up to take place in an instant.You would not comprehend it. The film is like your life.
Your entire life is happening now, but your mind releases each bit slowly, so you can make some sort of sense of it."
Once upon knotted his brow.He looked at time as he said in a sad tone,"It's stretching my mind.I want to return to the security of my being on you-once upon a time-and I want to hear a story with a happy ending".
Time grinned:" No beginning, no middle, no end; only happy now!"
Photo from
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Another: Fact Or Fiction.
1. We are in a massive spaceship that is travelling , either through space or a dimension that is not our usual one. Because of the length of the journey we are all asleep and are being fed a fake life, to keep us entertained. While we sleep we chose the dream , or did we?
2 .The only purpose of life is the final generation.
We are just links in a chain until the final generation comes into being.
3.We are preparing for the greatest war that has ever been known. That is why war has never died out. This war will be between the sons and daughters of light and the sons and daughters of darkness.Each generation is kept ready for war; war games are financed by the American government and companies are given massive cash incentives to create more and more vile weapons.This is all in preparation for the great showdown.
4. World leaders have clones of themselves, and more often than not, it is the clones we see. Haven't you noticed how subtly different these leaders appear when you see them in crowded places.Just look at how different the Queen looks today while doing some bizarre ritual to do with a thistle,compared to how she looked while partaking in the Jubilee.I tried to get a link to todays daily mail, but was told a virus was trying to attack my computer,so I backed off.
5.Evolution is a lie. Everything came into being at once. It is a ploy to make us believe that we came from slime, and are not the Supreme Beings we really are. It is preached to keep us down.
Evolution has never been observed.There are no transitional fossils.Evolution has never been proved.
6.Gravity does not exist.It's a lie told to us from very young,so we won't believe that we can fly.
As Dr. Verlinde, a respected string theorist and Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Amsterdam said recently," We have known for a long time that gravity does not exist.It's time we yell this".
7.Every government programmes the children to be slaves to the society they enter.
8. Most politicians are psychopaths who lack any empathy with other humans, hence their ability to send thousands of young people to death in war, and to start austerity measures that cause great hardship to the very people who gave them their positions in the first place.Unless , of course, we didn't, and every election is simply rigged.
10 I'm sure John Pilger(one of the very few honest journalists left- he is now saying that he suspects that 9.11 was done by America and Mossad) would agree with the following statement
Honest journalism is dead.
I wonder what is fact, and I wonder what is fiction.
2 .The only purpose of life is the final generation.
We are just links in a chain until the final generation comes into being.
3.We are preparing for the greatest war that has ever been known. That is why war has never died out. This war will be between the sons and daughters of light and the sons and daughters of darkness.Each generation is kept ready for war; war games are financed by the American government and companies are given massive cash incentives to create more and more vile weapons.This is all in preparation for the great showdown.
4. World leaders have clones of themselves, and more often than not, it is the clones we see. Haven't you noticed how subtly different these leaders appear when you see them in crowded places.Just look at how different the Queen looks today while doing some bizarre ritual to do with a thistle,compared to how she looked while partaking in the Jubilee.I tried to get a link to todays daily mail, but was told a virus was trying to attack my computer,so I backed off.
5.Evolution is a lie. Everything came into being at once. It is a ploy to make us believe that we came from slime, and are not the Supreme Beings we really are. It is preached to keep us down.
Evolution has never been observed.There are no transitional fossils.Evolution has never been proved.
6.Gravity does not exist.It's a lie told to us from very young,so we won't believe that we can fly.
As Dr. Verlinde, a respected string theorist and Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Amsterdam said recently," We have known for a long time that gravity does not exist.It's time we yell this".
7.Every government programmes the children to be slaves to the society they enter.
8. Most politicians are psychopaths who lack any empathy with other humans, hence their ability to send thousands of young people to death in war, and to start austerity measures that cause great hardship to the very people who gave them their positions in the first place.Unless , of course, we didn't, and every election is simply rigged.
10 I'm sure John Pilger(one of the very few honest journalists left- he is now saying that he suspects that 9.11 was done by America and Mossad) would agree with the following statement
Honest journalism is dead.
I wonder what is fact, and I wonder what is fiction.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
A Fast Result Affirmation Technique..
I discovered this amazingly fast affirmation technique many years ago.I had recently read Al Koran's book'Bring Out The Magic In Your Mind;' it was a good read, and was , at that time,a rarity.There were hardly any books published on this theme.
The book told you how to use affirmation and visualization to get what you want from life.
I remember I found visualization quite difficult, as all I ever seemed to get were really blurry, unclear images in my mind.Because of this I decided to use affirmations only, without trying to visualize anything..
At that time I was working very close to St. James' Park in London.Luckily it was a warm pleasant summer and in my lunch hour, the days I wouldn't be tempted to partake in the pleasures that awaited me in the Bag'O'Nails pub, I would walk around the beautiful St. James Park.
Whilst walking I would repeat my affirmations like a parrot, over and over again.All the time, while I was doing this, I would be looking at such beautiful sights.It was so green and yet full of vibrant colour, it felt like I was in a magical power point. Perhaps I was.
Anyway, I got what I wanted really fast.Al Koran didn't touch on seeing beautiful scenery; it was just something that seemed to make sense to me, so I tried it out.I am convinced that the fact the affirmation was said at the same time as I was looking at wonderful scenery, made the affirmation work, to the letter, so fast.
Seeing beautiful sights has a calming, relaxing effect on, not only the mind, but the body also.
So all the time the affirmations are said. you can't help but feel good because of what beauty you are experiencing.
It is best to find some natural location that is attractive to you.Simply walk slowly all the time repeating your affirmation, and let your eyes feast on whatever delights you in nature., whether it is a lake, or trees, or the sea or flowers.
If you don't have access to, or live too far from areas of natural beauty, you can still look at beautiful pictures of nature on the internet, while saying your affirmations in the comfort of your home.
It certainly worked for me. Why not give it a try?
It seems that the secret is to feel good while you are saying affirmations; otherwise it doesn't work..So, for example, why not watch a comedy and while you are laughing, quickly say your mantra, or while you are feeling good, listening to a favourite song ?
These methods certainly appear to work, and the best part, produce fast results
And we all like fast results!.
Photo thanks to;
The book told you how to use affirmation and visualization to get what you want from life.
I remember I found visualization quite difficult, as all I ever seemed to get were really blurry, unclear images in my mind.Because of this I decided to use affirmations only, without trying to visualize anything..
At that time I was working very close to St. James' Park in London.Luckily it was a warm pleasant summer and in my lunch hour, the days I wouldn't be tempted to partake in the pleasures that awaited me in the Bag'O'Nails pub, I would walk around the beautiful St. James Park.
Whilst walking I would repeat my affirmations like a parrot, over and over again.All the time, while I was doing this, I would be looking at such beautiful sights.It was so green and yet full of vibrant colour, it felt like I was in a magical power point. Perhaps I was.
Anyway, I got what I wanted really fast.Al Koran didn't touch on seeing beautiful scenery; it was just something that seemed to make sense to me, so I tried it out.I am convinced that the fact the affirmation was said at the same time as I was looking at wonderful scenery, made the affirmation work, to the letter, so fast.
Seeing beautiful sights has a calming, relaxing effect on, not only the mind, but the body also.
So all the time the affirmations are said. you can't help but feel good because of what beauty you are experiencing.
It is best to find some natural location that is attractive to you.Simply walk slowly all the time repeating your affirmation, and let your eyes feast on whatever delights you in nature., whether it is a lake, or trees, or the sea or flowers.
If you don't have access to, or live too far from areas of natural beauty, you can still look at beautiful pictures of nature on the internet, while saying your affirmations in the comfort of your home.
It certainly worked for me. Why not give it a try?
It seems that the secret is to feel good while you are saying affirmations; otherwise it doesn't work..So, for example, why not watch a comedy and while you are laughing, quickly say your mantra, or while you are feeling good, listening to a favourite song ?
These methods certainly appear to work, and the best part, produce fast results
And we all like fast results!.
Photo thanks to;
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
War On Your Thoughts.
The first weapons were probably sticks and stones.From these evolved carved out large sticks that were called clubs.Then more complex weapons were invented, such as spears and bows and arrows.
After this came guns, cannons, bayonets and all manner of weapons to cause more injury and death.Machine guns, the bomb, laser guns and loads more, so vile we probably don't know about , yet.
Where will this lead to?What next for weapons?
Drones are now being used. Modified insects are now being introduced, as well as research into creating drones disguised as insects.
Robots are on the agenda to replace human soldiers in the future.
All the aforementioned weapons have had the body as the main target.The obvious next step is for weapons to attack our mind.
I'm afraid, I believe that we are already there, and that these weapons now exist.
Are these weapons being tested on segments of the population,without our knowledge or consent?
Would this explain such bizarre behaviour that a few individuals do, such as that lunatic in Norway who went on a rampage killing all those poor innocents.?
What about the number of individuals who suddenly go berserk and start shooting anyone at random?Or the latest craze where people attack other people and start eating them.Forget the bath salts hype; governments have to produce an explanation, so they simply make one up.
The U.S.A. started investigating mind control way back in the nineteen fifties, and although they claimed such activities were stopped in the nineteen seventies, who, but a fool, would believe them.They have probably advanced to the stage where they are close to having the ability to make us do exactly what they want.
It certainly looks like John Lennon's killer, Mark Chapman, was following a command that had been implanted in his mind.Have you seen the expression on his face, after he had done the killing? He looks like he is in a trance.
The eating faces phenomenon is most likely the result of targeting either certain figures at random, or possibly whole cities, as the powers that be know that only a few individuals will succumb to mind control.The reason for this is that only certain types of individuals are likely to take the bait.
In a disease-any disease- one third of the population(as in the Black Death, and the Flu' epidemic after the first World war) always survive.It is like Nature makes sure that the species is not completely killed off.
Maybe it is an ever greater proportion of the population who are immune to mind control at the present, because despite sixty years of experimenting, it has not reached perfection , yet.Or, does nature guard our minds more than our bodies?
It would, of course, be the perfect weapon..
Art Janov of Primal Scream fame, reported in the nineteen seventies that hundreds of people believed that their minds were being controlled by aliens.In almost every case, these individuals walked around with saucepans on their heads!!They thought that the saucepans would prevent the 'evil beams' entering their minds.
Is it possible, I wonder, that they were in actual fact really taking part in a Government controlled experiment, they knew nothing about, but had somehow tuned into the fact that someone was trying to take control of their minds.Did their minds know how to protect themselves, and that is why saucepans were used?
No, I'm not saying that we walk around with saucepans on our heads. This blog maybe odd, but it's not that odd!
The only possible way, I can think of to protect ourselves from these attacks is to do the following, though , the trouble is, no one really knows how these commands are delivered to our minds.Take your pick: H.A.R.P, chemtrails, mobile phones, ,computers or even any electrical device in our home
1.Cut down, or better still, cut off contact with that hypnotist in your room- the T.V., or if you must watch, stay away from the major players, such as the B.B.C. Fox News, C.N.N. etc.
2.Don't listen to mainstream radio.
3.Keep your mind healthy, by always having a positive mindset.
4.Live in the now.
5.Don't be controlled by your ego.
And a very important one, as this is how the whole sick show is run,
6 Do not have a trace of fear in your life; not one trace.
Photo thanks to

After this came guns, cannons, bayonets and all manner of weapons to cause more injury and death.Machine guns, the bomb, laser guns and loads more, so vile we probably don't know about , yet.
Where will this lead to?What next for weapons?
Drones are now being used. Modified insects are now being introduced, as well as research into creating drones disguised as insects.
Robots are on the agenda to replace human soldiers in the future.
All the aforementioned weapons have had the body as the main target.The obvious next step is for weapons to attack our mind.
I'm afraid, I believe that we are already there, and that these weapons now exist.
Are these weapons being tested on segments of the population,without our knowledge or consent?
Would this explain such bizarre behaviour that a few individuals do, such as that lunatic in Norway who went on a rampage killing all those poor innocents.?
What about the number of individuals who suddenly go berserk and start shooting anyone at random?Or the latest craze where people attack other people and start eating them.Forget the bath salts hype; governments have to produce an explanation, so they simply make one up.
The U.S.A. started investigating mind control way back in the nineteen fifties, and although they claimed such activities were stopped in the nineteen seventies, who, but a fool, would believe them.They have probably advanced to the stage where they are close to having the ability to make us do exactly what they want.
It certainly looks like John Lennon's killer, Mark Chapman, was following a command that had been implanted in his mind.Have you seen the expression on his face, after he had done the killing? He looks like he is in a trance.
The eating faces phenomenon is most likely the result of targeting either certain figures at random, or possibly whole cities, as the powers that be know that only a few individuals will succumb to mind control.The reason for this is that only certain types of individuals are likely to take the bait.
In a disease-any disease- one third of the population(as in the Black Death, and the Flu' epidemic after the first World war) always survive.It is like Nature makes sure that the species is not completely killed off.
Maybe it is an ever greater proportion of the population who are immune to mind control at the present, because despite sixty years of experimenting, it has not reached perfection , yet.Or, does nature guard our minds more than our bodies?
It would, of course, be the perfect weapon..
Art Janov of Primal Scream fame, reported in the nineteen seventies that hundreds of people believed that their minds were being controlled by aliens.In almost every case, these individuals walked around with saucepans on their heads!!They thought that the saucepans would prevent the 'evil beams' entering their minds.
Is it possible, I wonder, that they were in actual fact really taking part in a Government controlled experiment, they knew nothing about, but had somehow tuned into the fact that someone was trying to take control of their minds.Did their minds know how to protect themselves, and that is why saucepans were used?
No, I'm not saying that we walk around with saucepans on our heads. This blog maybe odd, but it's not that odd!
The only possible way, I can think of to protect ourselves from these attacks is to do the following, though , the trouble is, no one really knows how these commands are delivered to our minds.Take your pick: H.A.R.P, chemtrails, mobile phones, ,computers or even any electrical device in our home
1.Cut down, or better still, cut off contact with that hypnotist in your room- the T.V., or if you must watch, stay away from the major players, such as the B.B.C. Fox News, C.N.N. etc.
2.Don't listen to mainstream radio.
3.Keep your mind healthy, by always having a positive mindset.
4.Live in the now.
5.Don't be controlled by your ego.
And a very important one, as this is how the whole sick show is run,
6 Do not have a trace of fear in your life; not one trace.
Photo thanks to
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