The following were found on the internet:
1.Poul Thomsen, the I.M.F. guy telling the Greeks to slash wages,so people will be earning- those that actually still get paid- under 500 euros a month or less, does , how can I put it ? not have the sort of everyday conversations that can be heard in Greece, like:" How much is the bill now- God, it's gone up again!" Or " I wonder when the hell I'm going to be paid".Or" Can this amount be right?". or "Help!"
Sit down , get a drink, try and relax before I tell you how much this grand master of economics earns.The guy who the Greek politicians obey, no matter what he demands..
According to the Keep Talking Greece site he earns as much as 35 Greeks annually.
He earns 185,000 Euros a year.This site also mentions that Eleftheros Typos claims that Thomsen, in fact, earns much more than this as he can earn 309,000 dollars a year as Deputy Director of the European Department of the I.M.F. as well.You might also like to know that he gets his money from taxpayers, whereas most of his income is tax free.Just something to cheer you up.
2.Keith Allen's film:" Unlawful Killing"about Lady Diana's murder, has been shelved because of insurance issues!! Mustn't let the truth rear it's honest head in a World of dishonesty.This is according to The Guardian on 5. 7. 2012.
3.Why have 200,000 coffins been ordered in preparation for the Olympic Games in London?
It is, of course, nothing to worry about. The fact that all the main stream media refused to run this story doesn't mean a thing, They know people are more interested in Tom Cruise's divorce, or Lady Gaga's proposed perfume, so why ramble on about coffins?
4.An E,Cigarette sparked a coach scare on the M.6. in England.The M.6. was closed by the police because a man was loading his E, cigarette on a coach.The coach driver dialed 999- that's the number for the police in the U.K.It's surprising there hasn't been a false flag on that day, when you think of 9.11!The entire coach was evacuated; armed police and dozens of emergency services were put to use.
5.The following is from David Icke's site: Jean Monnet describing the plan for a European Union, on 30.4.52 wrote the following:
" Europes nations should be guided to the super-state without the people understanding what is happening.This can be accomplished by successive steps; each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to Federation.".
6. Switzerland's Institute of Radiation Physics have discovered that belongings linked to the ex- Palestinian leader,Arafat, contained an elevated level of a radioactive agent. Arafat's widow wants her husband's remains exhumed. He was said to have died of food poisoning
Amazing that C.N.N. run this story:
7.In the U.S. A. more than 20,000 record high temperatures have been matched or broken in the past week alone.We're talking about places such as Arkansas having temeratures of 53 degrees, or California 57 degrees. Now that is even hotter than Greece!
8. Scientists claim that a positive outlook can guard against heart attacks and that optimistic people are 50% less likely to get a stroke.Keep smiling!
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