Yes, it gets confusing.Words can do that.They can trip you up, tie you up in knots,knock you over with a feather,send you soaring in the sky and throw you so far down that you forget all about words like hope or up.Powerful things,or I should say powerful vibrations.
If you read'once upon a time' you straight away think that you are going to hear a story.If you hear'time was on once upon', you recoil and think,'What can this mean?'
So your mind goes into a different gear.Can we still have a story starting with'time was on once upon'?
Let's try.
Are you sitting comfortably?Then I'll begin.
Once upon looked at time and asked,"Who are you, why are you and what are you?'
Time smiled and replied by asking once upon a question.
"You think that I exist?"
Once upon shifted uncomfortably,"Well,you must exist.I can see what you can do.You turn a baby into an infant, then into a child, into a grown up, into an oldie and then you kill the person."
Time thought this was funny; he laughed,"You think I do all that?"
Once upon looked at time straight."Yes, I do," was the simple response.
Time looked thoughtful."I don't.You see what you described are what appear to be different, but are really the same once upons..You have once upon when you are a baby, the same once upon when you are grown up, and the same once upon when you die: it really has nothing to do with time."
Time paused, wondering if once upon had understood.He decided to add,"And I should let you know that, in fact, all the once upons are one once upon.".
Once upon did not look happy."I don't understand you Time. You are being very obscure.Please tell it to me straight and simple, if you don't mind."
"You think you can handle it?".
Once upon got a bit ruffled by this.After all, he had had lots of once upons, and he felt sure he could cope with the truth about time in this once upon."I'm sure I can".Feeling more confident , he said,"I've been around you know".
Time roared with laughter at this:"You have never been around, but that's another story.Let's stay with time, and I will explain."
He paused before slowly delivering the following:"Time and space do not exist by themselves.Time and space are tools used by your mind to comprehend the universe.Without these tools, you would, in your present form,be incapable of being aware of what you believe is your life.So your mind, in order to comprehend, created time and space as a means for you to function in this sphere.".
Once upon looked a bit embarrassed."I'm sorry, but I still don't quite get it.."
Time sighed."Listen," he said slowly,"all your once upons happen now.Everything is now.There is no time.For you to understand what you perceive as reality-which is, by the way, an illusion-you have to create space and time.Your birth is now and your death is now; your first day at school is now;the birth of the universe is now, and the death of the universe is now.".
Time wondered if once upon was getting this.He said slower than before,as if speaking to a young child," If you were aware of this at once, you would be in a state of utter confusion.Imagine seeing a film that lasts three hours, sped up to take place in an instant.You would not comprehend it. The film is like your life.
Your entire life is happening now, but your mind releases each bit slowly, so you can make some sort of sense of it."
Once upon knotted his brow.He looked at time as he said in a sad tone,"It's stretching my mind.I want to return to the security of my being on you-once upon a time-and I want to hear a story with a happy ending".
Time grinned:" No beginning, no middle, no end; only happy now!"
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