I believe that our true selves are nothing like the actors that we all are.We are all wearing a costume and playing a part in a play in the theatre of the absurd, that is nothing like what our lives should really be like.
The image of a parrot in a cage springs to mind, who is not only blindfolded,but has had his wings cut clean off and his feet tied onto the perch.The only words he knows and speaks are from the occupants of the room he is in. A blanket also covers his cage.
He is totally unaware that he is in a mansion full of splendour, and his natural habitat awaits him.
This picture is, I think, not at all unlike the situation we are in.We have lost all contact with our true selves and have created a small-minded,silly, preoccupied zombie robot that takes up all of our attention,so we are unaware of our true magnificent selves.
We live in a massive stately mansion that has myriad windows and doors, yet we only look at the World outside from a keyhole in the basement.door.When we eat in our palatial home, instead of sitting down on our grand chair in the banqueting hall to eat the finest foods and drink the best vintage wines, while being entertained by the most talented,we kneel on the floor and eat like a dog from bowls, while being entertained by talentless mice,who we are told we should like, because everyone else likes them.
The gardens of our mansion are beautiful with their sweeping emerald lawns,well tended flower beds full of
bursts of colour.Yet these we cannot see, as all we are concerned about are the weeds and the mud and the dirt that are only found in a tiny remote part of the garden
We have been so obsessed with titillating our five senses, that we have completely lost sight of the fact that we are a lot more than just our five senses
.Our true identity is not our tiny ego.It is like your little finger claiming to be the most important part of your body, and believing that it is you.
Our fixation with the mind and the five senses has limited us to perceive the persistent illusion ( as Einstein called life ) in an absurdly narrow way.We are never seeing the real picture, but just a part of it;the part we see is also out of focus.
We look at a picture of a tree and only see a distorted image of a leaf and ignore the rest.
The mind is not you;it is just another organ of your body and should be used as such.,but we think that we are our mind, and that 'our self' is in our head !
The good news is though , the parrots wings are being restored to their true glory, his feet are released from the perch, and the blanket is being removed from the cage.
The next stage is for the parrot to open the cage door,explore the grand dwelling it lives in, then fly to its natural home.Oh yes, and to stop repeating what it hears.

The image of a parrot in a cage springs to mind, who is not only blindfolded,but has had his wings cut clean off and his feet tied onto the perch.The only words he knows and speaks are from the occupants of the room he is in. A blanket also covers his cage.
He is totally unaware that he is in a mansion full of splendour, and his natural habitat awaits him.
This picture is, I think, not at all unlike the situation we are in.We have lost all contact with our true selves and have created a small-minded,silly, preoccupied zombie robot that takes up all of our attention,so we are unaware of our true magnificent selves.
We live in a massive stately mansion that has myriad windows and doors, yet we only look at the World outside from a keyhole in the basement.door.When we eat in our palatial home, instead of sitting down on our grand chair in the banqueting hall to eat the finest foods and drink the best vintage wines, while being entertained by the most talented,we kneel on the floor and eat like a dog from bowls, while being entertained by talentless mice,who we are told we should like, because everyone else likes them.
The gardens of our mansion are beautiful with their sweeping emerald lawns,well tended flower beds full of
bursts of colour.Yet these we cannot see, as all we are concerned about are the weeds and the mud and the dirt that are only found in a tiny remote part of the garden
We have been so obsessed with titillating our five senses, that we have completely lost sight of the fact that we are a lot more than just our five senses
.Our true identity is not our tiny ego.It is like your little finger claiming to be the most important part of your body, and believing that it is you.
Our fixation with the mind and the five senses has limited us to perceive the persistent illusion ( as Einstein called life ) in an absurdly narrow way.We are never seeing the real picture, but just a part of it;the part we see is also out of focus.
We look at a picture of a tree and only see a distorted image of a leaf and ignore the rest.
The mind is not you;it is just another organ of your body and should be used as such.,but we think that we are our mind, and that 'our self' is in our head !
The good news is though , the parrots wings are being restored to their true glory, his feet are released from the perch, and the blanket is being removed from the cage.
The next stage is for the parrot to open the cage door,explore the grand dwelling it lives in, then fly to its natural home.Oh yes, and to stop repeating what it hears.
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