From Keep Talking Greece. 16. 11.2012.
2.Young nurse jumps from 6th floor after losing job.
From Keep Talking Greece.16.11.2012
3.Athens jobless woman sets herself on fire.She was 20 years old and unemployed.
From Keep Talking Greece.16, 11 2012
The main news media seemed to have, surprise, surprise,missed these stories.Writing about finance is, of course, much more important than writing about the people.
In Spain, the other week a woman jumped off her balcony when officials arrived to evict her and re-possess her home.Because of this the banks have said that they will not continue this practice for the time being.
That happens in Spain, while the suicides in Greece are completely ignored.
It is said by officials that 3000 people have committed suicide in Greece in the last three years. Other sources think that this figure is too low and that the real number is between 15000 and 25000.
Now, who do you believe ?
4.New reports of Sir Jimmy Savile abusing schoolgirls in a vestry at Leeds Cathedral are now coming to light.Pupils at a nearby primary school were told not to sit near Savile when they visited the church in the 1960s
Daily Mail 18.12 2012.This guy knew no shame. He has also, it is said, had sex with underage girls while they were seriously ill in bed, in hospital wards.What's more, it is claimed,he did the same in a mental home on, so far one boy.has dared to tell his sad tale.I wonder how many more there were ?
David Icke and others, including a famous British D.J. have said that this lunatic liked, not only underage children, but was also fond of Necrophilia ( sex with dead bodies ).
The main stream media seem to be ignoring this sensational bit of news as they, no doubt, think that this will be too much for us to bear. I have little doubt that it is true as he had the keys to the mortuary at a hospital in the U.K, and he used to go there at night.
To show you how much the establishment loved this nut, here is a full list of the titles and honours bestowed on him.
O.B.E ( officer of the order of the British Empire.)
Knight Bachelor.
Knight Commander of the order of Saint Gregory The Great
L.L.D.(Doctorate of law from the University of Leeds.
Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists.
Cross of Merit of the order Pro Melitensi
Honorary Green Beret by the Royal Marines The Marines have now stripped him off this award.
Honorary Doctorate from the University of Bedfordshire.The University have now removed this award.
Freeman of the Borough of Scarborough. He has also had this taken from him.
I have said it before, and I'll say it again Satan rewards those who worship him He knows that the ego drives us and therefore knighthoods, statues and honours are often the form the rewards take.Call it Satan or call it pure evil;I use the word Satan as the easiest way to describe this dreadful entity.that so many of the rich and powerful seem to bow down to. The fruits are all around us- just look at the suffering that these types cause...
Here is another sicko-
5. Sir Cyril Smith a very high profile Liberal Member of Parliament in the U K. was a bully who abused hostel boys claims Labour M.P. Simon Danczuk.
Sir Cyril who tipped the scales at up to 29 stone, inflicted humiliating punishments on boys at a hostel in the early 1960s.The claims were investigated by the police, but no case was brought against Sir Cyril.He also appeared on the Sir Jimmy Savile Show.He is now dead.His favourite sport was to smack ,with all his might, little boys bare bottoms until they would beg him to stop, according to the Labour M.P.
The labour M.P. Mr. Danczuk also said the following;
"The culture of cover-up stretches back and extends right to the heart of our Political Establishment."
The Daily Mail 18.11.2012.
Here is Sir Cyril's full title:
Member of Parliament
Member of the Order of the British Empire.He was awarded the M.B.E. for Public services !
.He got his 'Sir' bit in 1988.
Rochdale Politician.
Freeman of the Borough Of Rochdale.
You see Satan was handing out gifts again. We can also understand why these people are untouchable. It seems that if you are at the heart of the Establishment your heart is well and truly protected.
What newspaper in the British Isles is investigating this ? Not one, it seems. All we see are ex -pop stars and Disc Jockeys dragged out of their homes in dawn raids.I fear, that in the future, that is all we shall see.
About a week ago the Daily Mail run a silly story about David Cameron, the British Prime Minister.It was some twaddle about how when he was younger he had gone shooting Bambis, I mean Deer in Scotland.
They were a few of his type with him,other murderers of innocent animals and supporters of illegal wars abroad, no doubt. They had a nosh -up after their brave sport,and we were told, for some unknown reason that Cameron couldn't bring himself to eat the liver of Bambi as it was so bloody.
Was The Daily Mail trying to imply that this shows how sensitive the Prime Minister is ? That's a bit hard to swallow as he had just killed the poor innocent deer !
Cameron said that, he was so embarrassed that he couldn't eat the liver, that he hid it under his salad on the plate. I did warn you that it's a silly story.Now it gets even sillier.Here is a follow-up to it. Perhaps this will run and run.
6.The Chef Who Cooked The Liver Tells A different Story, was the headline.
The chef claims that Cameron ate all the liver, and that there was no salad on the plate for him to hide it under.Shock, horror!
The Daily Mail 17.11.2012.
Yes I know it's pathetic really, but the point is , it just shows how bloodthirsty these types are, and that telling lies is what they do all the time, even for little scraps of rubbish like this one.Perhaps there will be another major news story with Cameron saying that the Chef is lying.And then another with a guest saying---
7.56% of Britons would vote to quit the E.U.
The Opinion / Observer survey finds that 56% of people would probably or definitely vote for the U.K. to go it alone, if they were offered the choice in a referendum.
The Guardian 18.11.2012.
So that means that there will be no referendum. You think you live in a democracy ? 'fraid not.
8.U.S. denies visas to Iranian U.N.Delegates.
The U.S. has denied visas to Iranian officials to attend a U.N. meeting in New York about social issues and human rights.AU.N. Host country, the U.S has a policy of issuing visas for members of delegations in line with a 1947 pact with the U.N., regardless of disputes with individual countries.
However, it does sometimes refuse entry to government officials from Iran.
The Guardian.18.11.2012.
9. Filipino men and women put on pairs of stilettos to race in an annual event in Marikina City,Manila.
Competitors were required to run 500 metres whilst wearing at least 3 inch heels.
Yahoo News 18.11.2012.
!0. British Prime Minister Cameron to unveil fast track planning rules that will curb the right to protest.
He hopes to overhaul the system of Judicial Review-railroading
opposition to major projects.
Residents opposed to big building projects will find their right to protest dramatically curtailed under radical plans to be unveiled.
The Guardian. 17.11.2012.
When you play this game, if the other side sees that you might have a chance of winning, they simply change the rules.We are the fools to play the game.
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