The Secret And The Elite.
Did the Elite know that laws of attraction mentioned , in Rhonda Byrne's ', The Secret ', worked so well that this was another reason for them to bring your average Joe or Jane's world crashing down ?
Were they scared that with this knowledge in the people's hands, a large number of people would have large amounts of money and therefore be difficult to control ?. As this did not fit in with their plans at all, did they then arrange for the gloomy clouds of austerity to loom over so many countries ?
Far-fetched, I admit, but remember in .'The Secret ' it is claimed that a very select few have known about the laws of attraction for centuries, and have tried to keep it from the public.So maybe it is not such a wild idea after all, but really a tame one.
The only main objection to this suggestion is that the present, lets squeeze everybody till they hurt, austerity was planned out a long time ago, but it is in keeping with the Elite's very sick habits as they seldom use one stone to kill one bird; they prefer one stone to kill a lot of birds, and injure a few more.
Or possibly ' the Spirits of Light,' knowing what the' Spirits of Darkness' had planned were trying to help us, by sending us a message of hope together with instructions on how to overcome the evil that awaited us.Was Rhonda Byrne, the author of 'The Secret' a channel they used to do this ?
Whether the above is true or not, I do not know., but the fact remains we do have the ability to create our lives as we want them to be.We are creators; this is our natural function; this is one reason why we are in this ' dimension of formless form ',Here we can play with the images and learn how to manifest.
Are we truly the children of, for want of a better word, God, or of the Cosmos, and at our young stage of development still playing with our little images in our playpen or cot ?After all we are still sucking at our mother's ( the Earth's ) breast, as we get all our food from Her.We have lot of growing up to do
The trouble is we have been taught to misuse our minds to such an extent that we have forgotten and repressed the amazing powers that are now dormant in us.We are only using a tiny bit of our minds, like someone with a huge generator who uses it to light a dim light bulb.We are like a sprinter who has had his legs firmly tied together.
In the distant past , just by using our imagination, were we able to instantly manifest the formless image in our head, to appear as formed in the outside world ?
Don't you ever wonder why we even entertain such thoughts as the following.
Wouldn't it be great to fly like a bird in the sky ?
Imagine being able to walk through walls.
Think about moving objects , just by thinking that they will move .
How about turning water into wine ?
Walking on water would be a thrill.
Healing yourself and other people would be really satisfying.
Wouldn't it be fun to make yourself invisible ?
Manifesting anything you want instantly would be more than thrilling ; it would give you ultimate satisfaction.
Can we do these , what appear to us, at our stage of infant development, impossible?
No , we can't, but a baby can't crawl, walk, talk run or talk, yet one day will it be able to do all these amazing , wondrous things, and a lot more too?
If you research into ancient Eastern texts, it certainly seems that certain individuals have done all the above or more, as hard as this is to believe.Will we one day reach these dizzy heights ? I suspect so, though I will probably be considered mad for even considering it.
We have been squashed; sat upon and had our lives stolen; we are lions who are now scared of mice.
Mankind is now going passing from the baby stage to the infant stage . It is now we will find it easy to create. As a baby learns to crawl, we too are learning exactly what we are capable of doing.We will firstly crawl, then walk and then run. Later we will do lots and lots of magical, enchanting activities.
The Elite has kept us in bondage, and must be terrified of us knowing what they know and that is , by using our imagination we can get whatever we want. More and more people are getting this marvelous truth.
Our time has come.
Let us then create the Heaven on Earth we have always dreamed about, because this is our birthright.
Let us all imagine a world without war and in perfect peace and harmony.
We can do it.
Were they scared that with this knowledge in the people's hands, a large number of people would have large amounts of money and therefore be difficult to control ?. As this did not fit in with their plans at all, did they then arrange for the gloomy clouds of austerity to loom over so many countries ?
Far-fetched, I admit, but remember in .'The Secret ' it is claimed that a very select few have known about the laws of attraction for centuries, and have tried to keep it from the public.So maybe it is not such a wild idea after all, but really a tame one.
The only main objection to this suggestion is that the present, lets squeeze everybody till they hurt, austerity was planned out a long time ago, but it is in keeping with the Elite's very sick habits as they seldom use one stone to kill one bird; they prefer one stone to kill a lot of birds, and injure a few more.
Or possibly ' the Spirits of Light,' knowing what the' Spirits of Darkness' had planned were trying to help us, by sending us a message of hope together with instructions on how to overcome the evil that awaited us.Was Rhonda Byrne, the author of 'The Secret' a channel they used to do this ?
Whether the above is true or not, I do not know., but the fact remains we do have the ability to create our lives as we want them to be.We are creators; this is our natural function; this is one reason why we are in this ' dimension of formless form ',Here we can play with the images and learn how to manifest.
Are we truly the children of, for want of a better word, God, or of the Cosmos, and at our young stage of development still playing with our little images in our playpen or cot ?After all we are still sucking at our mother's ( the Earth's ) breast, as we get all our food from Her.We have lot of growing up to do
The trouble is we have been taught to misuse our minds to such an extent that we have forgotten and repressed the amazing powers that are now dormant in us.We are only using a tiny bit of our minds, like someone with a huge generator who uses it to light a dim light bulb.We are like a sprinter who has had his legs firmly tied together.
In the distant past , just by using our imagination, were we able to instantly manifest the formless image in our head, to appear as formed in the outside world ?
Don't you ever wonder why we even entertain such thoughts as the following.
Wouldn't it be great to fly like a bird in the sky ?
Imagine being able to walk through walls.
Think about moving objects , just by thinking that they will move .
How about turning water into wine ?
Walking on water would be a thrill.
Healing yourself and other people would be really satisfying.
Wouldn't it be fun to make yourself invisible ?
Manifesting anything you want instantly would be more than thrilling ; it would give you ultimate satisfaction.
Can we do these , what appear to us, at our stage of infant development, impossible?
No , we can't, but a baby can't crawl, walk, talk run or talk, yet one day will it be able to do all these amazing , wondrous things, and a lot more too?
If you research into ancient Eastern texts, it certainly seems that certain individuals have done all the above or more, as hard as this is to believe.Will we one day reach these dizzy heights ? I suspect so, though I will probably be considered mad for even considering it.
We have been squashed; sat upon and had our lives stolen; we are lions who are now scared of mice.
Mankind is now going passing from the baby stage to the infant stage . It is now we will find it easy to create. As a baby learns to crawl, we too are learning exactly what we are capable of doing.We will firstly crawl, then walk and then run. Later we will do lots and lots of magical, enchanting activities.
The Elite has kept us in bondage, and must be terrified of us knowing what they know and that is , by using our imagination we can get whatever we want. More and more people are getting this marvelous truth.
Our time has come.
Let us then create the Heaven on Earth we have always dreamed about, because this is our birthright.
Let us all imagine a world without war and in perfect peace and harmony.
We can do it.
Mike Selley.
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