More and more souls who lack empathy and compassion,who are in positions of power are trying to take the World down to a lower vibration.The reason this is happening is, that the higher vibration of love and truth is now penetrating through to the masses on the planet,and we are now in, a sort of battle between the souls of light and the souls of darkness.To be dramatic this could be called the final conflict.It is not an easy time to live in.
The fruits of these souls of darkness can be seen everywhere in the World.Such souls cause suffering, ranging from slight, to severe, to injury and to death.They cause anxiety, fear, worry, illness,suicides, divorces, fights, violence,sleepless nights and general chaos and confusion.If you follow the Western tradition of religious belief you could call these the results of Satan's work.What these people do is evil,regardless of what label they give it.
This war, if you want to call it that, is taking place at other levels that we don't have access too. We are only aware of its manifestation in our narrow dimension,and we observe it in a different way as it would be seen if we were not on this frequency.
Our lives are being controlled by these evil ones.The agenda they have in mind is to bring us down.
A good example of this is the so called austerity measures that have been inflicted on almost every country in the World.Any politician who had compassion in his heart,could not have dealt out so much pain to so many people.Any banker,who had a hint of compassion in his heart,could not have kicked people out of their houses, on to the street,because of a few non -payments of mortgages with their obscene interest rates.Any policeman with a speck of compassion in his heart could not pepper spray a young student who is only exercising his constitutional rights.
Any Government who slashes disability benefits,welfare benefits,funding for health and education,reduces pensions,raises taxes by absurd amounts,wipes away workers rights, and reduces pay for the people who are already on low pay,is not a Government for the people;it is not a Government who cares at all about you.
These same Governments usually spend far more on buying weapons,than they ever spend on the welfare of the very people who voted them into power.
The time is here for the great change,the great awakening,and it has to start with each individual.The old order is collapsing;it is out of date,although it is still desperately trying to keep its fixed structures in place.
The "I'll grab what I can,and kick you out of the way ", attitude has reached its zenith,and the only way it can now go is down: back to the lake of brimstone it came from.
Each of us has a responsibility to do what we can , in even a small way,to try and change the dire situation the World is in ,and to stop it heading to chaos and disaster. It starts in our hearts and minds.We have to counter the evil vibrations and dispel the fog of fear that has been directed at all of us.
Love is the only counter to fear.Our minds are immersed in fear,and this fear keeps us trapped into the evil system.We should be in the World, but not of it.
We have to have Love and Compassion.
Let us understand what this type of compassion is.As Christmas Humphreys wrote in his book'A Western Approach To Zen': "Compassion must be sharply distinguished from the human feeling of love.It is Love as a higher third to hate/love, as Truth is beyond truth/falsehood.It is completely impersonal, a fact not easy for many to digest. The Lama Trungpa called it 'selfless warmth."
The 'Voice Of Silence" calls it " The law of laws,eternal harmony, a shoreless universal essence,the light of everlasting light the law of love eternal"
This compassion has no thought of sacrifice,or of duty or of reward.
Humphreys also Quotes D. T Suzuki, that great Zen Master;" We can never save ourselves altogether,as a unit;not just an individual unit but the totality of individual units as a whole-then there comes real compassion".And one more quote from Humphries;" Love then, in the sense of Compassion with the eyes of wisdom,is indeed the greatest force we know,and utterly applied all day would change the individual beyond recognition and in time mankind".
With the above thoughts firmly embedded in us, try the following exercises;They are designed to get you off the grid.the matrix , and to weaken the vice like grip the ego has on us all.
Think of the Sun's rays entering the top of your head,then flowing down your spine filling up your body,with your stomach(your centre) and heart overflowing with this force of Compassion and Love.
Feel the presence spreading out from heart and belly sending out its message to all you come in contact with.
"Fill your mind with Compassion".The Buddha.
Don't do this once, but make it a habit you do all the time, no matter what situation you find yourself in.
"Because we all share an identical need for love, it is possible to feel that anybody we meet, in whatever circumstances is a brother or sister.".The Dalai Lama.
"Love one another as I have loved you".John 13.24.
"He that dwelleth in love,dwelleth in God and God in him". John 4.16.
"He who loves God loves his brother also".1John 4. 20.21.
"Love they neighbour as yourself".James 28.
Your life will be transformed if you do this; a complete turning over of your life and circumstances will take place.
Your life will be lived in a world of magic-where all you need and want you will have.You will be happy.Remember what Jesus said;"Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all these things will be added unto you".
"The purpose of life is to be happy" The Dalai Lama.
"See all living beings as your father and mother and love them as if you were their child".Venerable Atishi.
It is a choice now between fear and love.It's up to you.
Mike Selley.
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