This only goes to show how far we have drifted from our true selves.If you accept that you are really love and love is all there is,you will get my meaning.
Doesn't it strike you that all the true great teachers of mankind declared that love was the answer to all our questions.They kept talking about love.They knew without any doubt what this amazing display of light and sound was based on: love.
Why then,all this non-love stuff?
The hate, the violence, the suffering?
Such questions we have been asking for ever.
The answer to these questions , is not to ask them!
To ask such questions is a bit like you on the Titanic,and asking why the ship is sinking.What you should be doing is trying to escape.
How do you go home, when you have to go home, when you are already home, but don't know it?
How do you cross the river,when you have to cross the river,to get to the other side,when the other side is the place you are now standing on?
Non attachment and love.
No grasping,no clinging, no planting seeds.
Simple clear awareness without judging.
Behind everything though is- love.
"Love then,in the sense of compassion with the eyes of wisdom,is indeed the greatest force we know,and totally and utterly applied all day would change the individual beyond recognition and in time mankind".
Christmas Humphreys in his book A western Approach To Zen.
In the same book Humphreys tells us that Thomas Merton once had a long talk with the Zen Master D.T. Suzuki.At the end of the conversation Suzuki said;"The most important thing is love".
This is interesting because a lot of people accuse Zen of being 'too cold'
"let us love one another, for love comes from God.Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God".1.John 4.
"Whoever does not love, does not love God, because God is love".1.John 4.
"The law of love will work, just as the law of gravitation will work whether we accept it or not.Just as a scientist will work wonders out of various applications of the laws of nature,even so, a man who applies the law of love with scientific precision can work great wonders"'Gandhi.
"The person who discovered the law of love was a far greater scientist than any of our modern day scientists"Gandhi.
With the above sayings in mind, here is another exercise to help you be closer to who you really are.
The Sun gives us life.Without the Sun,life, as we know it, would not be.
Imagine the Sun's rays- it is easier to do this when the Sun can be seen, but if it isn't visible, it doesn't matter, because we all know that the Sun is up there in the sky- penetrating into your whole being.
Think of the Sun's rays filled with positive energy,good vibrations, and that its light is love itself.
Feel these rays of all that is good caressing and nourishing all the organs of your body.They are healing any ailments, any parts of you not in harmony,anything in you, including the mind, that is not right.
You feel filled with a positive force,and that the healing energy of the Sun has flooded your entire being.
As you go about your daily activities, think of yourself as a transmitter that is sending love energy out from you.This love energy should go out to everyone you meet, including those who cause you conflict.
"Only the soul that loves is happy'" Goethe.
To return to Christmas Humphreys He once said: "Perhaps our love for our brothers is the measure of our awakening:"
That is the end of this chapter.The next chapter will follow shortly.
Mike Selley.
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