The degrees in waking up are many in most people, unless you are lucky enough to have a sudden flash of 'reality' like Tolle did and see through the whole false illusion in one moment.
The first seeds of waking up are often activated by anger. Someone who has always played the game all his life, worked hard, paid his bills and taxes, saved some money and supported his family , suddenly finds that he is betrayed.
Betrayed by the very system that he has been part of since he was born. He has done all he could to better himself and his loved ones,only to find that it has been to no avail.
He is suddenly out of work, after years of loyal service, or he retires and finds that his pension is not just cut, but has been slashed and slashed, as if a maniac has attacked it with a knife.
His savings are all gone, eaten up by everyday living, because the price of everything is now so incredibly high. The bills are greeted with fear as they seem to increase every month.Any unexpected expense, such as a visit to a vet because a beloved pet has got ill, is dreaded with a capital 'D'.
Now he finds that he has to support his grown-up children as they cannot find work, or he has to help his elderly parents, or has to assist both his children and his parents.
What did he do wrong ? Then he realizes that the answer to that is nothing.It is then that the anger starts.
The anger in the knowledge that it is the rich who have robbed you.
The anger that you have been fooled.
The anger in the realization that you have been a fool to have believed in a fair system, when, in reality, it is totally unjust.You know you have been hoodwinked. Why couldn't you see this before ? The injustice is obvious and everywhere. You have, all your life played in a game that was like a mouse going round and round on a wheel. You only ever saw the wheel and never looked beyond it. You never asked yourself who was really making the wheel turn. Now though you do.
You can see for the first time that the spinners of the wheel were only turning it for their advantage and that your endless spinning, year after year, decade after decade, was never done for you, but for the turners of the wheel.All your life you have been working for someone else, not for yourself or your family as you had so foolishly believed.
It was a set-up; a lie; a con; a scam.
This is the trigger for the first degree in waking up.
The first glimpse after the blindfold slips.
The second degree is when the awful truth emerges that all governments worldwide are not there for the people at all.They are only there to make sure that the World keeps turning round in the way they want it to, and in the way it always has.You are merely fuel to keep the wheel turning; a disposable unit among many;a player in a game you cannot understand.
You now see that the banks you used to trust are run by the mafia and they have robbed you all your life.The same with the large corporations, like insurance companies and oil companies. All thieves disguised as respectable institutions.Old big pharma is not trying to keep or get you healthy, but want you to be sick so you keep buying their products.Vaccines, you realize with horror,do not prevent disease, but actually cause it.
The blindfold slips further.
The food you eat and drink contain poisons.The water has rat poison in it. The toothpaste is made of poison.
Then you learn about chemtrails and understand that you are showered from above with a potion of toxic chemicals.
Elections you suddenly see as a complete farce. Why in nearly every country do you have the choice of only two parties ?As George Carlin said, in America you have choice ; you can choose twenty different types of fast foods, but when it comes to politics, you only have two parties to choose from.
If you live in the U.K. you suddenly know that it's beyond absurd to have one family that claim to be superior to everyone else and call themselves Royal. And for you to give your money to these people, so they can live like Gods ?
Then you notice that the media is reporting lies, that the films are promoting violence, that pop music does not reflect what is really going on now, that you live in a World that is not the sort of World you want to live in.You see a sick, twisted, perverted, mad society. History you have been taught is mostly wrong, and that
your days at school, college or university were just a way to implant a programme in you., to make sure you keep being a slave for the rich.
For any species to go to war and kill its own kind is the highest form of insanity. Yet before you didn't think this way. To have millions of people dying of starvation, when there is enough food on the planet to feed everyone is another act of madness. These things you now see with total clarity.
The third degree of waking up is when your eyes really open wide. You realize that everything around you is a sham, a fake, a lie, and so are you..You know the whole idea of you being an ego is just another lie, and that your view of life has been wrong since someone told you you were you.
It is then, and only then, that you are free.
Mike Selley.
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