The great Zen Master Hui Hai explains it best of all.
Here are some quotes from a truly wonderful book, " The Zen Teaching Of Hui Hai, On Sudden Illumination." translated by John Blofeld.
" Mind is perfectly quiescent, a pure void in that it is utterly without form, characteristics, opposites, plurarity, subject, object, or anything at all on which to lay hold; and yet that it is certainly not void in that it is the beginnless beginning and endless end of all the phenomena which from moment to moment contribute to the unceasing flow of what we call existence."
" Mind has no colour , such as green or yellow, red or white' it is not long or short. It does not vanish or appear; it is free from purity and impurity alike; and its duration is eternal.
It is utter stillness.
Such then is the form and shape of our original mind which is also our original body."
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