A sage came to the door of Heaven and knocked.
The voice of God asked from within, " who is there ? "
The sage replied, "it is I ".
From behind the door of Heaven the sage heard God's response, which was the following.
" In this house there is no room for thee and me."
The sage feeling sad went away with a long face. He spent many, many years in deep meditation pondering on God's answer.
At long last, he plucked up his courage and returned to the door of Heaven.
Once again he knocked and once again God asked, " Who is there ? "
The sage said, " It is I " .
But alas the door remained firmly shut.
For the next few years the sage the sage dedicated his life to finding how to get into Heaven. Hours were spent in deep thought , contemplation and meditation.
Eventually, after a number of years he paid his third visit to the door of Heaven.
Once again , as before he knocked on this wonderful door.
Once again God asked, " Who is there ?"
The sage cried out , "It is Thyself "
At this Heaven's door was opened wide.
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