Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Fluoride Scientific Fraud.

Every Surgeon-General  in the United States since 1950 has promoted fluoride.

Fluoride is a poison.

Dr.Dean Burke who worked for 34 years at the National Cancer Institute in America for 34 years said;

" In point of fact, Fluoride  causes more human cancer deaths, and causes it faster than any other chemical."

So, the Surgeon - General promotes a poison.

In the Second World War, both the Germans and the Russians added Sodium Fluoride to the drinking water of prisoners to make them stupid and docile.

" Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride * will in time reduce an individual's power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain , and this will make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him. "

Mr. Harley Rivers Dickinson, Liberal Part Member of the Victorian Parliament for South Barson, as recorded in Hansard on 12. 8 1987.

* Anyone for toothpaste ? Do you know how many adverts for toothpaste there are on Greek T.V.? I never watch myself, but I have been told that there are loads. I wonder why.

Most of Europe is, thankfully free of Fluoride in the water, but not in toothpaste and food.

America though has a problem with 60% of the U.S population having access to Fluoridated water.

In the states it seems that Fluoride is everywhere. Almost all beverages sold in stores and restaurants are made
 with tap water.

The following also contain this poison.


Baby Formula.

Canned Soup.

Chicken Nuggets.

Soda Pop + Soft Drinks.

Fruit Juices .

Beer ( made in America )

Wine ( made in America ) .

Coffee ( if made with fluoridated water.

Tea ( if made with that poisoned stuff ).

I guess the solution is to buy European products.

This is what Fluoride does to the body and the brain.

1. It accumulates in the body, in the bones and the Pineal Gland ( at very high levels )

2. Bottle fed babies in the U.S. receive  the highest doses of Fluoride.

3. Fluoride given to animals in high doses destroys the male reproductive system.

4. Two studies showed an reduced level of Testosterone in males living in high fluoride area.

5. It has the ability to interfere with the function of the brain. ( The National Research Council 2006 ).

6. One hundred animal experiments show that Fluoride impacts learning and behaviour.

7. Twenty- four studies have shown that it lowers I.Q.

8. It can lead to an early onset of Puberty.

9. It lowers Thyroid function.

10. It causes symptoms of Arthritis.

11. It causes bone defects.

12. It may increase hip fractures in the elderly.

For more info see :http://www.cheeseslave.com/top-10-dangers-of-fluoride/

It gets worse.

 According to the National Toxicology Program  ( NTP ):

" The preponderance of evidence from laboratory studies indicates that Fluoride is a Mutagen ( a compound that can cause genetic damage ), and is likely to cause, or to contribute to the development of Cancer.

Fluoride has also been suspected as a cause  for lung and bladder cancer.

All in all, I'd say it's a must to avoid.

Can we all sue Colgate ?


And get this: not one statistically acceptable trial exists which proves that Fluoride benefits teeth, so we are lied to and lied to all the time.

Now isn't that strange. I guess they really want to keep us stupid, and to kill us at the same time.

Recent worldwide studies involving 480,000 children , found no significant difference in tooth decay between Fluoridated and no Fluoridated communities.

In fact, one study showed that decay was greater in areas where they had Fluoride in their water.

Fluoride actually harms people's teeth and causes Dental Fluorosic ( white flecks on tooth surface or in some cases brown pitting/ mottling.

If you have this, it is the first sign that your body is overloaded with Fluoride, and this can lead to brittle bones, and a host of other nasty possibilities.

Drinking just 4 cups of tea ( in a country that has Fluoride in the water ) plus brushing your teeth twice a day for only ten or twenty years can put you in danger.

Bone cancer is 3 to 7 times higher in Fluoridated areas than in non Fluoridated areas.

Studies in China showed that Fluoride causes:

1. Memory loss.

2. Headaches.

3. reduced Concentration.

4. Depression.

5. Confusion.

Yes it goes on. It also causes skin irritation, mouth ulcers and stomach upsets. Oh yes, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

It is, of course, flushed away, ending up in streams, lakes and the sea. This has lethal effects on the ' endangered Salmon species.

Enforced uncontrolled medication without our informed consent is a breach of human rights over the individual's freedom to control his/ her bodily processes and standards of health.

One final parting shot just to make us realize what lunatics run our world.

There is enough Fluoride in a tube of toothpaste to kill a small child.


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