Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Military Mind Experiments.

The following was found on the B.B.C site . What, I find interesting about this, is this is what we are not being told. 

The American Military  have been conducting research into our minds.If you research into this, you will find that such research has been going on since the 1950's. Obviously the following are considered very low key and quite safe to release to the public. Someone once said, that government technology is really about 50 years ahead of what they tell us, and I have no reason to doubt this.

The following though is very interesting.

1.Brain To Brain.

Two brains were recently connected in rats by passing signals between them. No wires, purely electronic signals.

2. A monkey was given implants and could then be taught to move a joystick just by thinking.Once again, no wires.

3.The Cognitive Technology Warning System.

This aims to build brain goggles that tap the subconscious to detect threats before the wearers conscious mind.

4.This is straight from George Orwell. It's called, First Impressions; The future- Attribute Screening Technology. It uses sensors that detect tiny changes in heart -rate, gaze and pupil dilation at airports.

I keep wondering what else we haven't been told.


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