Do Smokers And Drinkers Live Longer Than Athletes ?

According to Dr.Joel Wallach on his Secrets To Defeating Disease site, statistically, they do.
Sounds amazing at first site,but he has evidence to back it up.
I recently started noticing how many young athletes have tragically, been dropping down dead, with the cause of death being heart attack or stroke.
I found this very odd.I mean,aren't these people usually considered the fittest of them all?
In fact, I suspected that maybe something in the air was in some way having a fatal influence on people who exert themselves on a regular basis.
I even suspected chemtrails or H.A.A.R.P. It is possible that one of these or even both are the culprits, but ,it seems, there could be a more commonplace reason.That is , if what Dr.Wallach says is true.
He says that 200,000 athletes die each year in the U.S.A.I presume he means suddenly die.Later he claims ,in a comment underneath his site, that he got this figure wrong and, in fact, it is double this amount- 400,000.
It is rather disturbing. For years we have been told that to keep fit we should do strenuous exercise; that is, enough movement to make us really sweat, increase our heartbeat considerably,and stretch ourselves as much as we can.
It seems , that the exact opposite is true,and this doesn't keep you fit, but kills you- according to the Doctor.
It is stated that by sweating so much, we are sweating out all the essential elements that keep us fit. If these are not replaced, that's it, we are in big trouble.And, usually, they are not replaced, however much we try to replace them.
It makes sense when you think of how much training the average young athlete does nowadays.He, or she usually trains everyday, and pushes himself or herself to the utmost limit.
The reason for this is that competition is so fierce. A sign of the times.
I doubt, though don't know, that in the past, such training was so extreme.
If you give this matter a few moments thought,you will realize that we are not meant to treat our bodies in this way.Put simply, it is too much of a strain on us; our bodies were not designed for such treatment.
It is activating the fright and flight response every single day.
Naturally, we are meant to do light exercise,and if you go way back,our ancestors would walk, bend, stretch and stoop to pick fruit or vegetables.Later, they might have had to run after animals for short periods, but not, I doubt, every single day of their lives.
The only time that they had to break into a run or really push themselves was in times of danger. So they would not sweat every day as modern athletes do,unless every day, all day, they faced danger, which is unlikely.
Yoga has always claimed that it is dangerous to exert ourselves too much,and we should stop any exercise if we are feeling strain.Yet again,another ancient belief is being proven, it seems, to be true.
The good Doctor also claims that the body was meant to live for 120 to 140 years.
Some other gems:
!8 nations have a longer life expectancy than the U.S A.
The U.S.A. is the last in the World for preventing birth defects.
Oh yes, and those Doctors who have been telling us to do extreme exercise, do you know how long they live?
In the U.S.A. 58 years is the average life expectancy for a Doctor.
I just can't help wondering if Government agencies worldwide have known about the dangers of doing exercise until you almost drop,and that is why they have pushed this notion.
It would fit in with their plans to cull the planet.
Mike Selley. Hear my song: Spinnin' Room ' n ' Mash Potatoe.
Sounds amazing at first site,but he has evidence to back it up.
I recently started noticing how many young athletes have tragically, been dropping down dead, with the cause of death being heart attack or stroke.
I found this very odd.I mean,aren't these people usually considered the fittest of them all?
In fact, I suspected that maybe something in the air was in some way having a fatal influence on people who exert themselves on a regular basis.
I even suspected chemtrails or H.A.A.R.P. It is possible that one of these or even both are the culprits, but ,it seems, there could be a more commonplace reason.That is , if what Dr.Wallach says is true.
He says that 200,000 athletes die each year in the U.S.A.I presume he means suddenly die.Later he claims ,in a comment underneath his site, that he got this figure wrong and, in fact, it is double this amount- 400,000.
It is rather disturbing. For years we have been told that to keep fit we should do strenuous exercise; that is, enough movement to make us really sweat, increase our heartbeat considerably,and stretch ourselves as much as we can.
It seems , that the exact opposite is true,and this doesn't keep you fit, but kills you- according to the Doctor.
It is stated that by sweating so much, we are sweating out all the essential elements that keep us fit. If these are not replaced, that's it, we are in big trouble.And, usually, they are not replaced, however much we try to replace them.
It makes sense when you think of how much training the average young athlete does nowadays.He, or she usually trains everyday, and pushes himself or herself to the utmost limit.
The reason for this is that competition is so fierce. A sign of the times.
I doubt, though don't know, that in the past, such training was so extreme.
If you give this matter a few moments thought,you will realize that we are not meant to treat our bodies in this way.Put simply, it is too much of a strain on us; our bodies were not designed for such treatment.
It is activating the fright and flight response every single day.
Naturally, we are meant to do light exercise,and if you go way back,our ancestors would walk, bend, stretch and stoop to pick fruit or vegetables.Later, they might have had to run after animals for short periods, but not, I doubt, every single day of their lives.
The only time that they had to break into a run or really push themselves was in times of danger. So they would not sweat every day as modern athletes do,unless every day, all day, they faced danger, which is unlikely.
Yoga has always claimed that it is dangerous to exert ourselves too much,and we should stop any exercise if we are feeling strain.Yet again,another ancient belief is being proven, it seems, to be true.
The good Doctor also claims that the body was meant to live for 120 to 140 years.
Some other gems:
!8 nations have a longer life expectancy than the U.S A.
The U.S.A. is the last in the World for preventing birth defects.
Oh yes, and those Doctors who have been telling us to do extreme exercise, do you know how long they live?
In the U.S.A. 58 years is the average life expectancy for a Doctor.
I just can't help wondering if Government agencies worldwide have known about the dangers of doing exercise until you almost drop,and that is why they have pushed this notion.
It would fit in with their plans to cull the planet.
Mike Selley. Hear my song: Spinnin' Room ' n ' Mash Potatoe.
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