Jim Carrey.
2," The reason I talk to myself is because I'm the only one whose answers I accept."
George Carlin.
3." In times of universal deceit- telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell.
4." The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything, except what is worth knowing."
Oscar Wilde.
5." If our troops are really fighting for our freedom, why do we have less of it and not more ?"
J.R. Schaaf.
6." There are two ways to conquer a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt."
John Adams.
7." Deposits at Greek banks posted another significant increase in February growing to some 3 billion euros."
From an article by Yiannis Papadoyianis in the Greek newspaper, Ekathimerini,.Think about it; would anyone in their right minds put money in a Greek bank now, or back in February, or at any time since the crisis started ?We're talking large sum of money here.
It's beyond belief that this has happened, and yet the cowering media appears to meekly parrot what the government told them to say. I could , of course be wrong.The funny part about this headline is the day it was published; just two days after the Troika decided to rob the banks in Cyprus.This was when the black-suited lizard brains were trembling in case the people all over Europe took their money out of the banks .
Perhaps we are entering a new era of ' creative journalism'; as the crisis gets worse and worse, which it will, will the following type headline become the norm .?
" Christine Lagarde, head of the I.M.F, has dream that Zeus tells her the I.M.F, is the saviour of Greece."
8." The deal for Cyprus could form a template for resolving future Eurozone banking problems."
The head of Eurogroup of Eurozone Finance Minister." So the cat is well and truly out of the bag.Translated into plain English, he meant; " After our bank robberies in Cyprus, we will start robbing banks all over Europe soon."
9." Only direct talks would achieve what must be the main goal- two states for two people."
President Obama in the Middle East recently.He must have miss read the tele-prompter- two people ?
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.This is exactly what has been happening in that wretched, worn-torn part of the world between Israel and Palestine.They have had direct talks for it seems, forever, and there is no solution in sight.And yet, the most powerful man in the world, the mighty President of the United States, tells them to keep on doing what has never solved anything.
Are we living in some sort of Earth Asylum ?
10. Proof ( if any was needed ) that the shining, wonderful new Pope is part of the New World Order, came when he delivered his Easter message.
" Peace in the Middle East, and particularly between Israel and Palestine who struggle to find the road to agreement that they ( note; here's the proof coming up ) may willingly, and courageously resume negotiations to end a conflict that has lasted so long."
He is merely repeating what Obama said, and that the two sides must solve the problem between themselves.Why on earth didn't he suggest a third party solves the problem, as this it seems, is the only possible solution.He didn't suggest this because it's not in the New World Orders script.
As David Icke has said repeatedly , you have to connect the dots to find out what is really going on.
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