So these lunatics, these stinking rich greedy parasites want another bloody war. !
How out of touch are they with public opinion ?
We are sick to death of all this suffering, all this dying, all these soulless, unfeeling black -suited, over-paid, sick in the head, soul and spirit entities who pretend to be human .
They have got to be got rid off.
They are Satan's Seed.
They are alien to the human spirit.
They are, quite simply, mad. Very, very mad.
They lied to us over Iraq with that bull about weapons of mass destruction:; lied to us over Libya; lied to us over Afghanistan, and now they are lying to us over Syria.
They want OIL, POPPIES and GOLD. They are greedy beyond greedy, and don't give a second's thought to the number who will die, as long as they achieve what they desire.
They are the ego on steroids.
The soldiers are fools to fight for the big corporations, but they can't help being fools as they have all been brainwashed.
As Jesus said, and what a great quote, " Forgive them, for they know not what they do ".
But , these vile loathsome creatures who run our world know exactly what they are doing ;.they don't give
a fig how many soldiers die or how many children die , or how many innocents die , or how many women will give birth to deformed babies. Doesn't enter their tiny , stupid brains for one minute.
They are NOT LIKE US .
And yet they rule us.
If there was such a thing as Democracy , the British people would be asked if they want to have another war.
Is Syria an enemy of the U .K ? What threat are they to the British people?
What threat was Iraq, Libya or Afghanistan?
Why the hell are the British fighting wars for America and Israel?
It's beyond insanity. It's so insane that I wish there was a word that meant ' beyond insane'
The pathetic, paid off whores ( and it's an insult to real whores to call them that ) in the main media, blindly report the stinking lies that come out of the beast's mouth.
And a beast it is; the beast from the Bible is stalking this world right now, if you want to follow the Western Myths .
That terrible, heart-wrenching chemical attack in Syria with all those pictures of dead children.has got anyone with half a heart almost crying.
Yer: well the Elite know that we , unlike them, are compassionate beings, and our reaction will be, " Hey, we must stop this , any way we can ".
So, the reasoning goes. " The sheep will cry when they see this, so they will support a war "
The trouble is we have been lied to too many times and we know it.
" Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on you ".Whoops, I'm doing a George Bush here: I mean for the last part," Shame on me".
Well, you ain't fooling us this time you arrogant demons.
It looks like this chemical attack was a false flag.
What amazes me is the fact that almost everyone knows about the lies that were told about the previous two wars ( hey, maybe some braindeads watch and believe the main stream ) and yet anyone can believe this complete load of ---
And guess what, good old Tony Blair suddenly returns to the scene. You know what his job is ? Middle East Peace Envoy !! That's almost as funny as Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize., or Kissinger getting it. The one who should get it is, of course, Bradley Manning, but as we live in the Devil's World, I can't see that happening, I'm afraid.
Yes Tony the truthful is back. It's amazing how he dares to show his face in public after all his crimes, but , being the heartless chaser of greed, he does.
Where there is a sniff of war. in the air, he will be shown with nostrils flaring, smelling money.
'Blood for oil 'should be written on his chest:' liar of liars' should be printed on his T. shirt , and ' greed' should be , along with dark crimson stains of blood, stamped on his hands.
I reckon the Devil himself will probably say to him one day, " Hey, I think you should take over: you're better than me ".
But there is hope .
Yes, hope in these dark , dark days.
David Icke, bless him , has published a post on his site that might, just might, prevent the most crazy folly of Britain going into another war.
If you live in the U.K you might be able to stop the death of countless innocents.
What a wonderful thought. How beautiful if you can stop the death of poor innocent men, women and children, You will have to act fast though, as the vote on the war in Parliament is tomorrow.
Please see this post:
Mike Selley.