G R E E C E : A B S O L U T E L Y D I S G R A C E F U L.
You won't hear the following from the above wonderful , caring journalists, as their lips have been shut.
We are talking about Greece here. You know , that great success story that Samaras, the Greek Prime Minister keeps on about. The country that is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and a new dawn ( no, not that dreaded Golden one ) about to explode before our eyes where everyone will be happy, everyone will be smiling. It's just a waiting in the wings to dance with abandon under the Acropolis.
. Where people , who are lucky ( lucky ? ) enough to actually earn the staggering amount of 480 Euros a month ( I almost wrote Drachmas- mustn't do that- that's a sin ) will be so pleased to give all of that hard earned money to the wise bankers. Where people, who have to pay more than anyone else in Europe for food are going to say, in the Autumn, when new austerity measures will be announced, as they will be, that we have a truly great government that really puts the Greek people first.
The following was found in a British Newspaper, ' The Guardian ' I'm surprised that this paper is allowed in Greece.
When I read the following I thought that it is Absolutely Disgraceful.
" Malnourished children turn up at school with nothing more than rice or stale rusks for months ."
" The Greek Orthodox Church alone feeds an estimated 55,000 people a day."
"Municipal Authorities distribute another 7,000 meals at soup kitchens around Athens. "
" In Neos Kosmos, a working class district locals are often spotted skavenging for food at the weekly fruit and veg market. "
" It used to be 1 in 10 who went to soup kitchens, but today it is 9 in 10."
" They said the crisis would pass in 2012, and now in 2013, they say we'll see the light at the end of the tunnel ( they really like this saying ) in 2014."
" The truth is it's only getting worse. Greeks have spent their savings. There's no more fat."
UNICEF estimate that nearly 600,000 children live under the poverty line in Greece, and more than half that number lacked daily nutritional needs.
" In poorer families we are seeing an inability to cope with children's health, social and educational needs."
This was said by Lambros Kanellopoules, the head of Greek's UNICEF. He added:
" Social exclusion is growing. I am seeing it in the middle class where incomes have been hit hard by the the cuts. "
Absolutely Disgraceful.
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