Charles And The Red Dragon
" I am worthy of your Earthly worship".
Who said those words ?
Prince Charles did at his Coronation. He was sitting on a throne that had a large red dragon emblazoned on it at the time.
His mother spoke to him. She said,"This Dragon gives you the power, your throne and your authority."
To this, Charles replied, " I am now your Leige man ( old English word for Lord ) and worthy of your earthly worship.".
Prince Charles' Coat Of Arms has the following:
The head and mouth of a lion.
Now, where have I read that before ?
Ah yes, Revelation 13.2, "And his mouth the mouth of a lion."
Charles' Coat Of Arms also has the body of a leopard.
Once again, this too is found in Revelation 13.2," And the beast I saw was like unto a leopard ".
The feet of a bear are also on the Coat Of Arms.
How amazing ; this is in Revelation too: "And his feet were the feet of a bear ".
Typically in Heraldry, lions only have three claws per foot, while bears will have 4 or 5. The lion on Charles' Coat Of Arms has four claws and resembles a bear. The lion is different to Queen Elizabeths as hers is the typical 3 claws per foot.
There is a gold helm on the Coat Of Arms and this helm is made up of seven horns. There are also another three horns in the head region , so that makes ten horns in all.
At the base of the Coat Of Arms is a Red Dragon on a green and white flag with the motto," The Dragon gives the lead ".
Look at Revelation and we find:
"And the Dragon gave him his power and his seat, the great authority."
Opposite the Red Dragon are three ostrich feathers in a crown with the words," I serve".
According to some, if you read the symbols and the words , this should read:
"I , the Black Prince, serve the Red Dragon."
So, is Prince Charles a Black Prince who serves a Red Dragon ?
Revelation 13.1,2 says:
"And I saw a beast coming out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his head were ten diadems ( crowns ) and on his head were blasphemous names."
The past emperors of the Roman Empire were from France ( the symbol of France is a leopard), Germany (their symbol is a bear ) and England ( a lion ).
The Red Dragon dates back to the ancient Romans, though I suspect it dates back a lot earlier.
Britannia was the head of the western Roman Empire and the symbol of Roman antiquity was the Red Dragon.
What about those ostrich feathers ?
In Semitic and Babylonian cultures the ostrich was considered a demon, an evil connected with the dark Goddess Tiamat, whereas in Egypt, it symbolizes truth and justice.
Some might say that the rituals done at Coronations are just mumbo- jumbo, and are of no importance.
I don't think so. I believe that the British Royal Family are one of the key leaders who shape our World.
What the Queen said about the Dragon should be taken literally.
In other words Prince Charles serves this mysterious Red Dragon. Note , he says," I am worthy of your Earthly worship,"
Does this mean that the Dragon is not of this earth ?
The Bible mentions the Red Dragon quite a lot.
" And they worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the beast ".Rev: 13.4.
" Upon earth there is not his like, who is made without fear. He beholdeth all high things; he is a king over all the children of pride," Job,41.33-34.
Many people claim that the Red Dragon in the Bible means Satan. Others claim that it refers to the Roman Empire. They explain that its 7 heads symbolize the 7 forms of government that the Romans had, and the ten horns are the ten kingdoms that Rome was divided into after its fall.
The insignia for Rome was a great Red Dragon.
The Latin word ' Draco' as in the constellation Draco, comes from the Greek word, 'Drakon'.
Could the Red Dragon come from the skies ?
Researching into this made me wonder .Is our view of the World and the Royal Family totally out of focus.
Are we really unaware of what is really happening here on earth.
The media tell us what to believe, but maybe a terrible, vile, crime against humanity has been carried out for thousands of years. And we have been lied to , over and over again
We are forced to participate in the play, but backstage is there a truly awful evil going on, that, on no account , must we see.
Who said those words ?
Prince Charles did at his Coronation. He was sitting on a throne that had a large red dragon emblazoned on it at the time.
His mother spoke to him. She said,"This Dragon gives you the power, your throne and your authority."
To this, Charles replied, " I am now your Leige man ( old English word for Lord ) and worthy of your earthly worship.".
Prince Charles' Coat Of Arms has the following:
The head and mouth of a lion.
Now, where have I read that before ?
Ah yes, Revelation 13.2, "And his mouth the mouth of a lion."
Charles' Coat Of Arms also has the body of a leopard.
Once again, this too is found in Revelation 13.2," And the beast I saw was like unto a leopard ".
The feet of a bear are also on the Coat Of Arms.
How amazing ; this is in Revelation too: "And his feet were the feet of a bear ".
Typically in Heraldry, lions only have three claws per foot, while bears will have 4 or 5. The lion on Charles' Coat Of Arms has four claws and resembles a bear. The lion is different to Queen Elizabeths as hers is the typical 3 claws per foot.
There is a gold helm on the Coat Of Arms and this helm is made up of seven horns. There are also another three horns in the head region , so that makes ten horns in all.
At the base of the Coat Of Arms is a Red Dragon on a green and white flag with the motto," The Dragon gives the lead ".
Look at Revelation and we find:
"And the Dragon gave him his power and his seat, the great authority."
Opposite the Red Dragon are three ostrich feathers in a crown with the words," I serve".
According to some, if you read the symbols and the words , this should read:
"I , the Black Prince, serve the Red Dragon."
So, is Prince Charles a Black Prince who serves a Red Dragon ?
Revelation 13.1,2 says:
"And I saw a beast coming out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his head were ten diadems ( crowns ) and on his head were blasphemous names."
The past emperors of the Roman Empire were from France ( the symbol of France is a leopard), Germany (their symbol is a bear ) and England ( a lion ).
The Red Dragon dates back to the ancient Romans, though I suspect it dates back a lot earlier.
Britannia was the head of the western Roman Empire and the symbol of Roman antiquity was the Red Dragon.
What about those ostrich feathers ?
In Semitic and Babylonian cultures the ostrich was considered a demon, an evil connected with the dark Goddess Tiamat, whereas in Egypt, it symbolizes truth and justice.
Some might say that the rituals done at Coronations are just mumbo- jumbo, and are of no importance.
I don't think so. I believe that the British Royal Family are one of the key leaders who shape our World.
What the Queen said about the Dragon should be taken literally.
In other words Prince Charles serves this mysterious Red Dragon. Note , he says," I am worthy of your Earthly worship,"
Does this mean that the Dragon is not of this earth ?
The Bible mentions the Red Dragon quite a lot.
" And they worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the beast ".Rev: 13.4.
" Upon earth there is not his like, who is made without fear. He beholdeth all high things; he is a king over all the children of pride," Job,41.33-34.
Many people claim that the Red Dragon in the Bible means Satan. Others claim that it refers to the Roman Empire. They explain that its 7 heads symbolize the 7 forms of government that the Romans had, and the ten horns are the ten kingdoms that Rome was divided into after its fall.
The insignia for Rome was a great Red Dragon.
The Latin word ' Draco' as in the constellation Draco, comes from the Greek word, 'Drakon'.
Could the Red Dragon come from the skies ?
Researching into this made me wonder .Is our view of the World and the Royal Family totally out of focus.
Are we really unaware of what is really happening here on earth.
The media tell us what to believe, but maybe a terrible, vile, crime against humanity has been carried out for thousands of years. And we have been lied to , over and over again
We are forced to participate in the play, but backstage is there a truly awful evil going on, that, on no account , must we see.
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