Mr. Blue Sky.

Here he is:; the eternal optimist; the one who believes when everyone else doubts.
The one who said:
"We can see the light at the end of the tunnel".
That's not a light, but a fire of anger in people's hearts at how they have been ripped, really ripped off
by the I.M. F and the puppets who pretend they are in charge of Greece.
" The economy is showing signs of recovery ".
The economy is in free fall.
" The economic climate in Greece is finally changing".
Finally changing, from going from bad to very, very bad.
" Basic economic indices are improving "
Nice word- indices; could mean anything.The sheep won't understand what it means ,
but, hey it sounds uplifting.
" Happy days will be back ."
In ten years ?
" Greece shall recover and the signs of the exit from the recovery will be appearing soon ".
Appearing soon ? Excuse me, but appearing soon ?
" They say the deepest darkness is shortly before the dawn: It's beginning to dawn now ".
The trouble is this strange dawn is going to be darker than the darkest night.
Wow, what brilliant speechwriters this guy has. I mean, aren't they original.?
Light at the end of the tunnel ! How original?
Deepest darkness is shortly before the dawn ! .
I wonder how much they get paid for writing cliches that were first written about 50 years ago .
Where did they learn these skills ? Could it be Oxford University, or the London School Of Economics ?
The Elite's favourite training camps? How thick do they think we are ?
All this stuff and complete nonsense was said while youth unemployment is at 70% !!!
That means 7 young people are out of work in every ten.
A complete disgrace to any nation to let this happen.
A tinder box waiting to explode, unless the chemtrails do their job, and keep the people stupid and passive.
This year more than 60.000 businesses are expected to close.
The whole situation is beyond insane.
Wait till the Autumn.
Oh yes, and watch the French. . Just a feeling.
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