question that has bothered me for some time now ?
You see , I can't really understand the passive attitude of the Greek people Let's be crude here and come straight to the point: Greece is being raped, buggered, butchered. pillaged, spat upon, humiliated, laughed at, insulted, mocked and treated like a nation of retards, and yet, and yet...
What do we see ?
A shrug of the shoulders. a wave of the hands, and a final ," What can we do ?"
A strange sad, half smile on people's faces as they shuffle in their daily round.
You see them : middle aged men, old men sitting in cafes playing with worry beads, not even smoking those cigarettes they love because they can't afford them, just staring into space with a vacant empty look.
Then you hear the fake ," How are you ?"
" Good, good, " is the answer, but you know from their body language that this is a complete lie.
They look like they are on heavy narcotics.Really heavy stuff.. The kind of narcotic that shuts most of the mind down.
The young have their own way of dealing with the insanity that has enveloped this nation.
They get drunk: they get stoned : they hide in the clouds of alcohol and grass. The foolish ones go for the heavy stuff that kills- though alcohol does , of course, kill, as well.
They dance, they party, they run, run away, from the cold hard truth that they have no future. They bury themselves in loud music, nicotine and alcoholic fumes to shut out the cruel reality that they have been thrown away. A useless generation with no hope .
All those dreams: all those fantasies; all those naive thoughts about getting a good career, getting married, having children, buying a house, having holidays, enjoying life. Now , they realize these were the dreams of a fool..
Reality hurts- well it does if you live in Greece.
And the strange part is the Greek people , and please excuse me, but there is no other word that describes it, accepts this shit.
Why ?
The first clue I had to this question was gleaned from my cats.
I have quite a few of these wonderful creatures.Over the last few years one by one ,different cats have arrived at my humble abode asking for food, so now I have quite a collection.
Greek cats are - I hope this doesn't sound racist or maybe catish- far more intelligent than English ones.
These creatures can leap up and turn the handles on my doors and open the doors, for God\s sake !
All of my cats were really lively, full of life, playing with each other all the time.
Not now though.
For the last two months all they do is sleep all the time. Some of them don't even turn up when its time for food because they are so sleepy.
Sleep, sleep.sleep. I know it's hot, but previous years they have never displayed this behaviour.
Everyone I know tells me how sleepy and tired they feel all the time.
Friends I know, who used to laugh at me because I love having a nap for forty minutes every afternoon, now tell me they have to sleep for two hours every day after their lunch!
Do you know what I believe ?
I hope this doesn't sound conceited, but it is the truth; 99% of my way out, insane beliefs have turned out later to be true.
What I am suggesting is the following.
These dark suited, black hearted puppets who dance to ABBA's song have paid a fortune to old big pharma.- and I bet it is a fortune - to have us sprayed with Valium and Prozac so we keep docile.
Every day and night, no doubt, planes fly over Greek skies and spray the people, to keep them sleepy,
The Germans discovered all this in the 2nd World War, not with Valium and Prozac, but with Fluoride (See
my post :http://mikeselleylyicsplus.blogspot.gr/2013/08/the-flouride-scientific-fraud.html
Perhaps you don't believe me ?
Don't you, if you are Greek, feel extra sleepy lately ?
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