Thursday, September 5, 2013

Greek Constitution. My Foot !! Updated With Comments.

MC means my comment.

Want a laugh ? O.K. it's good to have a laugh in these grim, grim times.

How about reading the Greek Constitution ?

Yer, it's dry I admit, but  the following bits I found in it, had me rolling on the floor.

                                            Article 1.

" All powers derive from the people and exist for the people and the nation ." MC .Er--

                                             Article 2.

" Respect and protection of the value of the human being constitute the primary obligation of the State.". MC. Er--

                                             Article 4.

"All Greeks are equal before the law. " MC. And I believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and Batman , and Superman and that Tony Blair is Mr. honesty himself. 

                                               Article 7.

" The general confiscation of property is prohibited . ".MC. Well,well, let's see what happens next year.


                                                Article 11.

" Greeks shall have the right to assemble peaceably and unarmed."MC. But not if some bigwig comes to town.
Read this great article from the New Statesman here on this insanity 


                                                  Article 14.

" The press is free. Censorship and all other preventive measures are prohibited. "MC. tell this to Kostas Vaxevanis who published the names of people on the famous ' Lararde List' on his blog 'Hot Doc'  and was arrested for doing so .


" The seizure of newspapers and other publications before or after circulation is prohibited."

                                                   Article 17.

" No one shall be deprived of his property, except for public benefit."MC. Let's see what happens next year.

                                                   Article 21.

" The family, as well as marriage shall be under the protection of the State."MC. I'm not sure what this is meant to mean . It sounds good , but what exactly does it mean ?

" Families with many children, disabled war and peace veterans, war victims, widows and orphans, as well as persons suffering from bodily and mental ailments are entitled to the special care of the State." MC.Oh my God !

" The State shall care for the health of citizens and shall adopt special measures for the protection of youth, old age, disability, and for the relief of the needy." MC. I'm speechless.

"The acquisition of a home by the homeless or those inadequately sheltered shall constitute an object of special state care. " MC. AN OBJECT OF SPECIAL STATE CARE !!

                                                  Article 22.

" Work constitutes a right and shall enjoy the protection of the state, which shall care for the creation of conditions of employment for all citizens, and shall pursue the moral and material advancement of the rural and working population."MC. Aren't they doing a great job on this.?
Unemployment is now beyond sky- high.

" All workers shall be entitled to equal pay of equal value.". MC. A lot of Greek workers are not paid at all. See:

                                                  Article 78.

 " A tax or any other financial charge MAY NOT BE CHARGED, MAY NOT BE IMPOSED  by a retroactive statute effective prior to the fiscal year preceding the imposition  of the tax.".MC So what are these property taxes doing on the electricity bills ?.Everyone paid a property tax when they got their property.

I'm no Lawyer, and I might be wrong, but I thought that when you bought a property you paid a tax to the government.  So, my question is, why the hell does anyone have to pay a property tax every two months , after they have paid their dues. This is beyond absurd. This is Alice In Blunderland  !!

Why the dickens aren't the newspapers going ape sh-- over this ?

Does the government threaten them ? 

Well, well, well . Broken every law in the book.

No newspaper, T.V station has ever mentioned this.

I said it made me laugh, but really, maybe I should cry. I do believe that these two bank front men who are only there for themselves and the masters they serve, have broken almost every article in the Greek Constitution.

And they have got away with it.

I've said it before, but I'll say it again, why on earth haven't the Greek Journalists pointed out  these facts?

Where are all the Lawyers ?

I suppose they have fled the sinking ship.

Unbelievable, but I say again , wait for the Autumn, and watch the French

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