"Love is what we are born with.
Fear is what we learn here".
Marianne Williamson.
Fear rules. Fear dominates our culture. Fear is the number one controller in our lives. We are programmed by fear to live in fear.
Our society is the perfect playground for this destructive emotion to soar to dizzy heights, with its swings of changing fortunes, roundabouts of galloping horses that might throw you off at any moment, and that extra special one, the ghost train where your worst fears can be encountered.
Governments and cruel, unfeeling bosses love us to be in a state of fear, because when someone is scared, they are very easy to control. That is why, after one of the greatest crimes against humanity ,9.11 was done, (no, a man living in a cave didn't arrange that) fear has been rampant
First of all, in the initial aftermath of this tragedy, people believed in the official story; they only believed it because they were in a state of shock, and later when they had time and sense to reflect , the ones who were slightly more awake than the others, slowly, very slowly realized that what they had been told was impossible to have happened the way we were told it did. Later, more started opening their eyes.
In the weeks and months that followed this, everyone suffered from post -traumatic stress. The government in the U.S. A. knew, of course, that this would be the case, and using this moment they started to implement a string of laws to restrict peoples freedom ; people were too stunned by the images they had witnessed to object. They would not have got away with this without 9.11.,and they knew it. They might be stupid, but they are as cunning.as serpents.
Britain did the same, but not on such a drastic scale, after its home-grown 7. 7 underground and bus bombs. This was another false flag to keep the support, which was getting very weak at that time, for overseas wars, and the fictional war on terror going.
After this though, as in the U.S A. the British were scared of further attacks. Most people, nowadays probably think it unlikely that another attack will happen, but a small lingering fear remains. Images of death and destruction have a tremendous impact on our emotions, and are retained in our memories
Apart from this, you have the fear of sudden extreme weather. One day bright burning sunshine and the next violent snowstorms. There is something not right about this.
Since the banks robbed us all, unless you're the 1%, we live in fear that we won't have enough money to get through the month, won't be able to pay the bills and might have electricity, gas or water cut off, or , in some cases , all of them cut off.Not to mention worrying about not being able to pay the mortgage, rent , loans or credit cards.
A big monster of a fear is getting a major illness that can kill you. We are bombarded with news about how many people will get this or that disease, until you start worrying about your own health or about a harmless spot on you hand..If you smoke, any clearing of the throat, or sudden cough,and you imagine a terrifying future.If you enjoy a drink you start thinking about all that talk of how bad it is for you. Strange that, as they used to say it was good for you.
On top of that, even if you do get ill you now read that the drugs old big pharma may give you might be more dangerous than the illness.
Fear that your country is turning into a police state, or should that read , has turned into a police state, what with all the spy cameras watching every move you make, your online activities observed and tracked and the police using tasers given half a chance. They used one, in England, on a blind 70 year old with a white stick the other week. The official reason for this was they thought the white stick was a sword ! The policeman who did this is still in uniform.
Fear that your food is full of poisons is now emerging.This is actually aired in main stream newspapers.in the U.K.
Fear that the fluoride in the water and toothpaste will kill you.
Fear of war and possibly a third world war what with Israel and the U.S.A. showering Iran with words full of fire and brimstone, with the loyal puppet, Britain, trotting alongside. The U.S.A is not the only major player on our sick World stage; you have Russia and China too.
All of the above are apart from the fears you had before the ones I have described.
The most common ones,in no particular order, according to many different sites I found through Google, are:
losing freedom,
the unknown,
public speaking,
the dark,
Some of these are really what are called phobias.
What is really sad is that this damaging emotion is now found to be high in children. Childline, U.K. in its 25th Annual Snapshot reveals that they received 1.5 million appeals for help last year, and 270,000 by e mail. The children's cries were all related to fear.
Here are the four worst ones they received.
1. Family conflicts.
Hearing parents row about money frequently really upset the children and made them contact Childline.
This was reported to be most common for those aged 7 to 10 with older boys doing the bullying.It was usually done on the way home from school.
3.Physical abuse- details were not given.
4.Self harm.
Our society is not just rotten, it's rotten to the core, and is like a very bad apple full of maggots.Unless we dismantle the whole structure it will self-destruct.
We must firstly banish fear from our lives in all its shapes and forms. The only way to do this is to live completely, absolutely and utterly in the present moment. Fear is always set in time. Without time fear cannot exist, because like time, fear is fake. The present moment is the only'real'there is.
The more fear we have, the more fearful the World gets. Our inner World is reflected in our outer World. We can't stop. at present , the mass lunacy that is going on in the wide World, but we can change what is going on in our immediate surroundings. This can only be done with our own minds.
Next time you feel fear overpower you, focus on a part of your body, such as your hand and at the same time really be in the present.Then look around you and say to yourself' 'This is now, this is my precious now'.
Where is the fear now.? It's gone .
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