Hi,Thanks for visiting my blog. This blog is ,as it says , an oddblog, so as a description all I can say is that this isn't your everyday blog.It might shock or even make people think it's not true.Good, I hope I do make someone think.Above all, I hope you are entertained, at the least. by this oddblog.Scroll down for the posts.
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Friday, June 29, 2018
David Icke At His Best.
This will either get you laughing or very worried.
1. Humanity is actually under the control of dinosaur-like alien reptiles called the Babylon Brotherhood who must consume human blood to maintain their human experience.
2. Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
3.Humanity is mind- controlled and only slightly more conscious than your average Zombie.
4.What we call 'The World' and 'The Universe' is only one frequency range in an infinite number sharing the same space.The entities I write about are able to move between those frequencies and dimensions and manipulate our lives.
5.I know that you are part of me and I am part of you because we are all aspects of the same consciousness we call God and Creation.
6.Life constantly presents the greatest opportunity brilliantly disguised as the biggest disaster.
7.When you look in the mirror what do you see ?
Do you see the real you, or what you have been conditioned to believe is you ?
8.Infinite love is the only truth.Everything else is illusion
For some reason the copy and paste trick didn't work for me to link David Icke's site ,but, never mind, do check out David Icke's Headlines.
This guy knows what he is talking about .
Mike Selley.
Trust In The Invisible YOU.

The Invisible YOU.
Or, trust in the invisible 'I AM'.Which is better ? I' m not sure, but. in the end, I opted for Trust In The
Invisible You, because the invisible you is I AM.
I hope that makes some sort of sense
By the way, the picture above was taken by me and was taken in the enchanting town of Aegina .Aegina town is in .the beautiful Greek island called Aegina and is.. about 40 minutes from the Greek mainland.
If you want a holiday come to Aegina; it's where the Greeks from Athens come for their weekend breaks.
Anyway, I'm going way off the subject.Sorry about that,but I love that picture and it distracted me.
Take your pick.
According to The Cambridge Dictionary trust means;
' To believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you, or that something is safe and reliable.'
'The belief that you can trust someone or something.'
The Buddha taught that not to be threatened by your past or your future was to simply live and be aware of each present moment , without ever thinking about any outcomes from your actions.
When you first read the above you may think so true, but stop.
Think about those words again.
Read them slowly ..
What the Buddha said was dynamite; an enormous spiritual truth, that so very few know.
Living that way means you trust the eternal now.
I mentioned in a previous post that I had a few challenges ( as Ekhart Tolle calls them ) over the last few years, but when I surrendered my worries and said, 'Let whatever be, be. I refuse to let my worries drag me down, and trust in the all powerful, all knowing awareness which is the centre of my being, the I AM, I found there were no problems.They were swept away by a tide as strong as the cosmos, because it was the cosmos, for want of a better word.
I have to admit,it wasn't easy to do.To start with I was haunted by doubts, but the more I refused to let my
wild imaginings play havoc with what could transpire, the more I started seeing that things were actually turning in my favour.
The more I surrendered, the more I stayed in the now, and refused to be sucked into fear of the future,the quicker I saw that, all those monsters were just not there.
It was my warped perception that created them.
The future is not.
There is only the now.
To give you an example. Most of the problems I had were about the future. Next Tuesday I had to go to etc., to be involved in something I did not want to do.
What happened, every single time before that imagined future came, fresh, unexpected developments
suddenly sprung into being.
How come ?
Because, I am sure, I believed in a higher power within me.
The life-force, the invisible that makes everything appear visible, the formless endless power of all, the real
' I AM THAT I AM' is there , here and now.
Trust in the unseen, trust in that which made your mother and father make love and conceive you.
Trust in the eternal now, because that is all there is.
Now is now, is now, is now.
There are no real Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays or Saturdays.
They are just made up names.No hours, no minutes, no months or years. All, made up.
You are eternally here in the eternal now.
Because of our upbringing, this is hard to accept.
We are taught to believe in time.
The only way to really be alive and to really live is in the now.
Whatever the challenge, accept it. This is what is appearing, being acted out in this illusion.
Then say,'My ego can't solve this.I surrender. I put my ego on the cross and let the real 'I AM' with its infinite knowledge and wisdom take over'.
What peace.
'Trust the Lord with all your heart and not on your own understanding.'
In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.'
'It is the Higher Power that does everything, and man is only a tool.
If he accepts that position, he is free from troubles;otherwise he courts them'
Romana Maharshi.
Mike Selley..
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Be Who You REALLY Are..

Another moment in another day.
Another day nearer death.
Not a pleasant thought; one we try to ignore.
How many worries do you have now ?
What are they about ?
Money ?
Health ?
Relationships ?
They tend to continue , don't they ?
You get rid of one problem, and then another one arises.
Think back to last year, and I bet you will find you had a whole set of different worries, or, possibly
you have been caught in one particular worry, the same one, like finding a better place to live, how to find
a decent job, what to do about your mother in law, and so on and on it goes, month after month and year after year..
Never ending like an endless stream that never finds the sea, like being stuck in a maze where you can
never find the way out, like banging your head on that proverbial wall , or like a dog going round and round trying to catch its tail.
Doesn't it strike you as being downright strange that life is like this?
All you want, all I want, all everybody wants is just one thing.
That elusive , only felt in very rare moments feeling of ,'Life is wonderful'.
Life is so distressing for so many people that to deaden down the anxiety or depression. pill taking is at an all time high, sweet treats are consumed, alcohol is quaffed, cigarettes are smoked, and anything that brings
temporary relief is welcomed with open arms, or should I say, open mouths.
The false self, who you believe is you, is trying to find its true hidden state, which is, happiness.It believes it can do this by reaching out into the finite world, not understanding that it is happiness- its true- self that is trying to find itself outside itself, and it can't be done.
Yes,you are happiness, that is your true original state, and that is why you and I spend our lives looking for ourselves.
We think we'll find it in the new relationship, in the new job, with a million dollars in the bank, by being famous, by having ten million views on youtube, but no, we won't.
For a short while it feels great , but then, problems arise. It is, and was, always so.
So what's the solution ?
To really understand that you are not real; you are an illusion, an imagined concept that you have believed in since you were a child.
You were given a name, an identity that you believed in more and more since you grew up.
But you are much grander than this.
You are pure infinite awareness, love, happiness and the eternal now, willingly creating and experiencing a finite world, through the vehicle of what you believe is a body.
And you are doing this because you want the joy of doing it.
What a thought, that you are meant to enjoy life all the time.
This is why Jesus said;
'I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly' John 10.10.
He told the people to surrender their selves to him, to the pure awareness,love happiness and the eternal now.
He used the language he used for the culture of his time, so they could understand him.
That is why people like Ekhart Tolle and Rupert Spira use the language of today so we can get the message, the truth of who we really are
Once we throw off the cloak of belief in our self, and surrender to our true state, wonders happen, even miracles.
Once you stop using your imagination to worry about a non- existent future, and accept what is happening to you right now without trying to resist it, you are free from bondage, free of fear, and dwelling in the eternal happy now, that knows no chaos or insanity.
The best way to do this is to make sure each moment of your life is lived, and by lived I mean that you are totally aware of the now that is in front of you, whatever the situation may be.No discrimination, no judgement, just pure acceptance, of what is; no fighting with the moment.
It is then you will experience the transformation. Problems are no longer problems, they are simply puzzles to be solved, like a crossword puzzle, or as Tolle says challenges to be overcome
No more mad imaginations about a non- existent future, but only the challenge of the now..
You will then find that the worries you thought you had were just soap bubbles in the air.
As Devi stated;
' Gracious one play. The Universe is an empty shell wherein your mind frolics infinitely.'.
And as Tosotsu said;
'An instant realization sees endless time.
Endless time is one moment.
When one comprehends the endless moment
He realizes the person who is seeing it.'
Mike Selley.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
John Lennon's Strawberry Fields Truth.
1. I believe in everything until it's disproved. So, I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons.
It all exists, even if it's in your mind..
Who is to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now.
2. It matters not who you love, where you love, why you love, when you love or how you love.
It matters only that you love.
3.. Being honest may not get you a lot of friends, but it will always get you the right ones.
4. All you need is love.
And, here's the quote that , along with his love of peace rather than war, probably helped to get him
I have written this quote somewhere before in this blog, but it's so truly true it needs repeating a thousand times.
5 . Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives.
I think we're being run by maniacs, and I think I'm liable to be put away
as insane for expressing that.
That's what's insane about it.
All quotes are by John Lennon.
Mike Selley.
It all exists, even if it's in your mind..
Who is to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now.
2. It matters not who you love, where you love, why you love, when you love or how you love.
It matters only that you love.
3.. Being honest may not get you a lot of friends, but it will always get you the right ones.
4. All you need is love.
And, here's the quote that , along with his love of peace rather than war, probably helped to get him
I have written this quote somewhere before in this blog, but it's so truly true it needs repeating a thousand times.
5 . Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives.
I think we're being run by maniacs, and I think I'm liable to be put away
as insane for expressing that.
That's what's insane about it.
All quotes are by John Lennon.
Mike Selley.
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Rupert Spira And Rupert Bear
Rupert Spira And Rupert Bear.
The other day I was on YouTube looking for another Rupert Spira video.His videos , by the way,are excellent, and he is obviously enlightened.
By the fruit ye shall know the tree!
His take on, for want of better words, the spiritual path is different from many others as he forces us gently to examine our own experiences and then see the obvious truth of what he is saying.
But this post is not meant to be about Rupert Spira ( I'll certainly write a post about him soon, as he deserves to be promoted ), but , strangely enough, about Rupert Bear.
You see, while I was looking for the enlightened one, a Rupert Bear video suddenly sprung on the screen.
The next thing I knew I was watching it.
Talk about getting easily distracted !
Like millions of others I adored those Rupert Bear Annuals as a child.
I remember I used to stare fascinated by that truly green greenery of the fields where Rupert played
and had his wonderful adventures.
I longed to jump in the pages and walk through those inviting meadows, and to live in that world.
Anyway, back to the present, or should I say the now.
I thought I'd watch a couple of minutes of the video, but after two minutes, I knew I had to watch it till the end.
It was escapism at its very best.It took me a million miles from my everyday worries, into a world where everything, or anything, is possible.
So, for a while,everyday, I watched a different Rupert Bear video as there are a lot on youtube.
What outlandish plots the stories have with the mad professor and his inventions, the king of the birds, the world of games, the cloud stealers, the snow stealers, and so on.
What absurd joy!!
At the start of each episode Rupert climbs over a wooden fence in his garden, and jumps down into that magical green land.I don't know why he always climbs over the fence, because in the books he used to go out from the front gate.
Never mind; let's not get pedantic.
He then walks in this wonderland.
I don't know who drew the face of Rupert in thee cartoons, but, whoever did, was a genius.I tried to find out his name, but couldn't.
In the opening sequence Rupert's expression is one of great enthusiasm and anticipation. His eyes look at you with a look that says ' This is great; I know I'm going to enjoy myself; I love being alive '.
A look of extreme gratitude for simply being.
This is lesson number one for all of us.
The adventure (and , my goodness, when he has an adventure, it's a good one), then starts soon after.
Within minutes he might find himself sucked into a time portal and then back in Nutwood 500 years ago.
Or, he might meet Jack Frost who tells him someone has stolen all the snow, or discover that the North, South, West and East winds have been captured.
It's all mind -expanding stuff.
Imagine watching this on dope!!
What strikes me though is the way the little bear handles all the stuff thrown at him.
It doesn't matter if he is captured, thrown into a dungeon, or is in a plane, ( made by the mad Professor) that is out of control, he remains dead cool.
His friends, who are often with him get scared. But Rupert ? No way.
He doesn't seem to know what fear is.
He has supreme confidence and faith in life that everything will turn out fine, no matter how dire the situation is.
And, of course, it does,with Rupert returning to his lovely cottage, and his mother asking him if he had a good time. No matter how awful the situation was he always replies ' yes.'
He trusts life.
Lesson number two; we should trust life.
Yes, I know it's just a cartoon, but I can , and I am sure you can, get a message from these childish
little pictures.
Yer,yer, it's a cartoon for kids, but maybe after watching Rupert Spira, I see it in a different way.
Rupert Spira says with authority, that are true selves are pure awareness, and that this pure awareness is infinite, but for pure awareness to experience a finite world, the Universe was created .
We are vehicles of infinite awareness who experience a finite world.
Once we realise that we are free from the false sense belief that creates all our troubles, that is a lie, and that we are, in fact,infinite,were never born and will never ( our biggest fear of all ) die, life becomes a very different game.
If you area Christian it is the God within you.
If you are a Buddhist it is the Buddha within you.
And trusting in this true nature of being will transform your life.
I had a few challenges over the last few years, and I am sure you have as well.
I surrendered and trusted in life; the problems I had were I believe solved by that higher being- the real you- the real me.
It takes a tremendous leap of faith to sacrifice your ego, and surrender to the power of the Universe, but once you see the remarkable results, your faith goes stronger and stronger .
You can sense the Infinite Awareness is really, really the real you.
Mike Selley.
The other day I was on YouTube looking for another Rupert Spira video.His videos , by the way,are excellent, and he is obviously enlightened.
By the fruit ye shall know the tree!
His take on, for want of better words, the spiritual path is different from many others as he forces us gently to examine our own experiences and then see the obvious truth of what he is saying.
But this post is not meant to be about Rupert Spira ( I'll certainly write a post about him soon, as he deserves to be promoted ), but , strangely enough, about Rupert Bear.
You see, while I was looking for the enlightened one, a Rupert Bear video suddenly sprung on the screen.
The next thing I knew I was watching it.
Talk about getting easily distracted !
Like millions of others I adored those Rupert Bear Annuals as a child.
I remember I used to stare fascinated by that truly green greenery of the fields where Rupert played
and had his wonderful adventures.
I longed to jump in the pages and walk through those inviting meadows, and to live in that world.
Anyway, back to the present, or should I say the now.
I thought I'd watch a couple of minutes of the video, but after two minutes, I knew I had to watch it till the end.
It was escapism at its very best.It took me a million miles from my everyday worries, into a world where everything, or anything, is possible.
So, for a while,everyday, I watched a different Rupert Bear video as there are a lot on youtube.
What outlandish plots the stories have with the mad professor and his inventions, the king of the birds, the world of games, the cloud stealers, the snow stealers, and so on.
What absurd joy!!
At the start of each episode Rupert climbs over a wooden fence in his garden, and jumps down into that magical green land.I don't know why he always climbs over the fence, because in the books he used to go out from the front gate.
Never mind; let's not get pedantic.
He then walks in this wonderland.
I don't know who drew the face of Rupert in thee cartoons, but, whoever did, was a genius.I tried to find out his name, but couldn't.
In the opening sequence Rupert's expression is one of great enthusiasm and anticipation. His eyes look at you with a look that says ' This is great; I know I'm going to enjoy myself; I love being alive '.
A look of extreme gratitude for simply being.
This is lesson number one for all of us.
The adventure (and , my goodness, when he has an adventure, it's a good one), then starts soon after.
Within minutes he might find himself sucked into a time portal and then back in Nutwood 500 years ago.
Or, he might meet Jack Frost who tells him someone has stolen all the snow, or discover that the North, South, West and East winds have been captured.
It's all mind -expanding stuff.
Imagine watching this on dope!!
What strikes me though is the way the little bear handles all the stuff thrown at him.
It doesn't matter if he is captured, thrown into a dungeon, or is in a plane, ( made by the mad Professor) that is out of control, he remains dead cool.
His friends, who are often with him get scared. But Rupert ? No way.
He doesn't seem to know what fear is.
He has supreme confidence and faith in life that everything will turn out fine, no matter how dire the situation is.
And, of course, it does,with Rupert returning to his lovely cottage, and his mother asking him if he had a good time. No matter how awful the situation was he always replies ' yes.'
He trusts life.
Lesson number two; we should trust life.
Yes, I know it's just a cartoon, but I can , and I am sure you can, get a message from these childish
little pictures.
Yer,yer, it's a cartoon for kids, but maybe after watching Rupert Spira, I see it in a different way.
Rupert Spira says with authority, that are true selves are pure awareness, and that this pure awareness is infinite, but for pure awareness to experience a finite world, the Universe was created .
We are vehicles of infinite awareness who experience a finite world.
Once we realise that we are free from the false sense belief that creates all our troubles, that is a lie, and that we are, in fact,infinite,were never born and will never ( our biggest fear of all ) die, life becomes a very different game.
If you area Christian it is the God within you.
If you are a Buddhist it is the Buddha within you.
And trusting in this true nature of being will transform your life.
I had a few challenges over the last few years, and I am sure you have as well.
I surrendered and trusted in life; the problems I had were I believe solved by that higher being- the real you- the real me.
It takes a tremendous leap of faith to sacrifice your ego, and surrender to the power of the Universe, but once you see the remarkable results, your faith goes stronger and stronger .
You can sense the Infinite Awareness is really, really the real you.
Mike Selley.
Greece Is Out Of The Woods- Bull----.
Once, yet once again , and once again again, the Greek people are told that, at long, long last--how many years ? 8-10 , it seems forever, Greece is emerging from the crisis; it's crawling out of the wood; the ship is docking in the harbour, the light is seen at the end of the tunnel.
How many times have we heard this utter bull---.
Yet the mainstream media , on the whole , parrot this, like it is fact.
Ask the Pensioners if Greece's problems are over.
Ask the unemployed if the crisis is finished.
Ask the workers who are earning a pittance .
Ask the mothers who can't afford to feed their children.
Ask the families who have suffered a suicide, because of the insane austerity measures that have been
inflicted on this once proud people.
Ask the poor who go through dustbins searching for food.
Ask the sick who can't afford to buy medicine
Ask the disabled who have had their benefits slashed.
Ask the hospitals who cannot afford bandages. A friend of mine broke his hand the other day, and the hospital told him that they had no bandages.
Ask the homeless .
Ask the business owners who have lost everything.
Ask the home owners who have had their homes taken from them.
Ask the people in pain, if not agony who can't afford to go to a dentist.
Oh yes it's over. You wear your tie , as you promised you would, Mr. Tsipiras, but even that you get wrong
because, you know and everyone knows, it;s nowhere near over.
How many broken promises?
How many broken dreams, lives, marriages, because of this absolute insanity.
For what ? Nothing is getting better for the people, and , despite the false news reporting, nothing is getting better, and there is no end in sight.
The stinking rich Elite who run the rotten E.U ship are screaming how wonderful it is how Greece is on the golden road to recovery. Only fools would believe them.
.And , not everyone is a fool. The esteemed Financial Times Newspaper saw through the lies.
Here is what they wrote.
A senior journalist at the U.K's Financial Times claimed the debt relief deal won't get Greece anywhere near
the 110 percent ( debt to GDP ration ) by 2022.
How strange that I couldn't find that in the mainstream Greek media.
The ex Finance Minister ( the only one who had a human heart ) Yanis Varoufakis, claimed;
'Europe's descent into greater denial is in full swing.They extend the Greek state's bankruptcy until 2060
and call it debt relief.'
Main opposition party New Democracy said there would be a new round of pension cuts in 6 months time,plus a lowering of the tax free allowance.
My Greek neighbour told me he used to have a pension of 1,800 Euros a month, and it has been cut to 800 Euros a month.And, to add insult to injury, it will be cut again next year.
Many people have bills from the Electricity Board of 700 euros every two months. Most of this is not for]
electricity, but for payments to the Government.
The lowest salary in Greece is meant to be 683 Euros. a month, but I know many workers who are paid
about 400 Euros a month or less, and for working, God knows, how many hours.
The average salary in Athens is meant to be 700 Euros a month.These are official figures, so should be taken
with a pinch of salt..
The average salary in Germany, by the way, is 2,270 Euros a month.
I can't believe that the men in dark suits ( and even darker hearts ) who are meant to have gone to the very best Universities in the World, and have degrees falling out of their wallets, could have made such a total cock-up of this country.
A ten year old could have seen that the policies couldn't work.If you tax people so much, there comes a point when they simply don't have the money to pay taxes or bills, because too much money has been taken from them. Didn't anyone , sort of mention this, in all those long night sessions.that the papers loved to tell us about. Look how hard our rulers are working, working through the nights for you.
What were they doing ? Drinking Ouzos and laughing at us fools ?
Or thinking about how much expenses they could claim ?
Every year we are told that things are getting better. Every year things get worse.
Every day you see Greeks rushing with worried looks, holding bits of paper, going to the banks to pay off endless debts.
Talk about destroying the spirit of the people.
The only solution, that dares not speak its name, that is never mentioned, never talked about is for Greece to say goodbye to the mafia E. U. Go back to being Greece. Go back to your own currency. Say bye bye
you robbers, you stealers of dreams, you breaker -up of families, you evil, heartless black - suited,
black hearted inhuman apologies for members of the human race.
Yes, it will be hard for a while.
But, what the hell is it like now, with, despite the propagander, no real end in sight ?
Think about it.
How many times have we heard this utter bull---.
Yet the mainstream media , on the whole , parrot this, like it is fact.
Ask the Pensioners if Greece's problems are over.
Ask the unemployed if the crisis is finished.
Ask the workers who are earning a pittance .
Ask the mothers who can't afford to feed their children.
Ask the families who have suffered a suicide, because of the insane austerity measures that have been
inflicted on this once proud people.
Ask the poor who go through dustbins searching for food.
Ask the sick who can't afford to buy medicine
Ask the disabled who have had their benefits slashed.
Ask the hospitals who cannot afford bandages. A friend of mine broke his hand the other day, and the hospital told him that they had no bandages.
Ask the homeless .
Ask the business owners who have lost everything.
Ask the home owners who have had their homes taken from them.
Ask the people in pain, if not agony who can't afford to go to a dentist.
Oh yes it's over. You wear your tie , as you promised you would, Mr. Tsipiras, but even that you get wrong
because, you know and everyone knows, it;s nowhere near over.
How many broken promises?
How many broken dreams, lives, marriages, because of this absolute insanity.
For what ? Nothing is getting better for the people, and , despite the false news reporting, nothing is getting better, and there is no end in sight.
The stinking rich Elite who run the rotten E.U ship are screaming how wonderful it is how Greece is on the golden road to recovery. Only fools would believe them.
.And , not everyone is a fool. The esteemed Financial Times Newspaper saw through the lies.
Here is what they wrote.
A senior journalist at the U.K's Financial Times claimed the debt relief deal won't get Greece anywhere near
the 110 percent ( debt to GDP ration ) by 2022.
How strange that I couldn't find that in the mainstream Greek media.
The ex Finance Minister ( the only one who had a human heart ) Yanis Varoufakis, claimed;
'Europe's descent into greater denial is in full swing.They extend the Greek state's bankruptcy until 2060
and call it debt relief.'
Main opposition party New Democracy said there would be a new round of pension cuts in 6 months time,plus a lowering of the tax free allowance.
My Greek neighbour told me he used to have a pension of 1,800 Euros a month, and it has been cut to 800 Euros a month.And, to add insult to injury, it will be cut again next year.
Many people have bills from the Electricity Board of 700 euros every two months. Most of this is not for]
electricity, but for payments to the Government.
The lowest salary in Greece is meant to be 683 Euros. a month, but I know many workers who are paid
about 400 Euros a month or less, and for working, God knows, how many hours.
The average salary in Athens is meant to be 700 Euros a month.These are official figures, so should be taken
with a pinch of salt..
The average salary in Germany, by the way, is 2,270 Euros a month.
I can't believe that the men in dark suits ( and even darker hearts ) who are meant to have gone to the very best Universities in the World, and have degrees falling out of their wallets, could have made such a total cock-up of this country.
A ten year old could have seen that the policies couldn't work.If you tax people so much, there comes a point when they simply don't have the money to pay taxes or bills, because too much money has been taken from them. Didn't anyone , sort of mention this, in all those long night sessions.that the papers loved to tell us about. Look how hard our rulers are working, working through the nights for you.
What were they doing ? Drinking Ouzos and laughing at us fools ?
Or thinking about how much expenses they could claim ?
Every year we are told that things are getting better. Every year things get worse.
Every day you see Greeks rushing with worried looks, holding bits of paper, going to the banks to pay off endless debts.
Talk about destroying the spirit of the people.
The only solution, that dares not speak its name, that is never mentioned, never talked about is for Greece to say goodbye to the mafia E. U. Go back to being Greece. Go back to your own currency. Say bye bye
you robbers, you stealers of dreams, you breaker -up of families, you evil, heartless black - suited,
black hearted inhuman apologies for members of the human race.
Yes, it will be hard for a while.
But, what the hell is it like now, with, despite the propagander, no real end in sight ?
Think about it.
Eternal Truths From The Bhagavad Gita
Eternal Truths From The Bhagavad Gita.
As spoken by Krishna.
1. Because we have been for all time: I and thou, and those Kings of men. And we shall be for all time,we all for ever and ever.
2. As the Spirit I of our mortal body wanders on in childhood,and youth and old age, the Spirit wanders on to a new body : of this the sage has no doubts.
3.Interwoven in his creation, the Spirit is beyond destruction. No one can bring to an end the Spirit which is
4. For beyond time he dwells in these bodies, though these bodies have an end in their time; but he remains
immeasurable, immortal.
5.If any man thinks he slays, and another thinks he is slain, neither one knows the truth. The Eternal in man
cannot kill; the Eternal in man cannot die.
6 Invisible before birth are all beings and after death invisible again. They are seen between two unseens.Why in this truth find sorrow?
7. The Spirit that is in all beings is immortal in them all ;for the death of what cannot die, cease thou to sorrow.
8.If thy soul finds rest in me, though shall overcome all dangers by my grace; but if thy thoughts are on
thyself , and thou will not listen, thou shalt perish.
9.If thou wilt not fight the battle of life because in selfishness thou art afraid of the battle, thy resolution is in vain: nature will compel thee.
10. Because thou art in the bondage of Karma, of the forces of thine own past life; and that which thou, in thy delusion , with a good will does not want to do. unwillingly thou shalt have to do.
11. God dwells in the heart of all beings,Arjuna:thy God dwells in thy heart. And his power of wonder move all things- puppets in a play of shadows-whirling them onwards on the stream of time
12. Go to him for thy salvation with all thy soul, victorious man. By his grace thou shalt obtain the peace
supreme, thy home of eternity..
13. I have given these words of vision and wisdom more secret than hidden mysteries. Ponder them in the
silence of thy soul, and then in freedom do thy will.
14.Give my mind to me, and give me thy heart, and thy sacrifice , and thy adoration. This is my Word of promise; thou shalt in truth come to me , for thou art dear to me.
15.Leave all things behind, and come to me for thy salvation: I will make you free from the bondage of sins .Fear no more.
The authorship of the Bhagavad Gita is unknown. As it contains no reference to Buddhism, and as certain words are archaic, some scholars think that it is pre- Buddhist; i.e. about 500 B.C.
I used the The Penguin Classic version of the Bhagavad Gita which was first published in 1962.
Juan Mascaro did the translation for the Penguin Classic version.Most scholars agree that he did a
magnificent job. It must have been very difficult, I should imagine.
What struck me whilst writing the above, was how similar some verses are to parts of the Bible's New
Testament.What do you think ?
Mike Selley.
As spoken by Krishna.
1. Because we have been for all time: I and thou, and those Kings of men. And we shall be for all time,we all for ever and ever.
2. As the Spirit I of our mortal body wanders on in childhood,and youth and old age, the Spirit wanders on to a new body : of this the sage has no doubts.
3.Interwoven in his creation, the Spirit is beyond destruction. No one can bring to an end the Spirit which is
4. For beyond time he dwells in these bodies, though these bodies have an end in their time; but he remains
immeasurable, immortal.
5.If any man thinks he slays, and another thinks he is slain, neither one knows the truth. The Eternal in man
cannot kill; the Eternal in man cannot die.
6 Invisible before birth are all beings and after death invisible again. They are seen between two unseens.Why in this truth find sorrow?
7. The Spirit that is in all beings is immortal in them all ;for the death of what cannot die, cease thou to sorrow.
8.If thy soul finds rest in me, though shall overcome all dangers by my grace; but if thy thoughts are on
thyself , and thou will not listen, thou shalt perish.
9.If thou wilt not fight the battle of life because in selfishness thou art afraid of the battle, thy resolution is in vain: nature will compel thee.
10. Because thou art in the bondage of Karma, of the forces of thine own past life; and that which thou, in thy delusion , with a good will does not want to do. unwillingly thou shalt have to do.
11. God dwells in the heart of all beings,Arjuna:thy God dwells in thy heart. And his power of wonder move all things- puppets in a play of shadows-whirling them onwards on the stream of time
12. Go to him for thy salvation with all thy soul, victorious man. By his grace thou shalt obtain the peace
supreme, thy home of eternity..
13. I have given these words of vision and wisdom more secret than hidden mysteries. Ponder them in the
silence of thy soul, and then in freedom do thy will.
14.Give my mind to me, and give me thy heart, and thy sacrifice , and thy adoration. This is my Word of promise; thou shalt in truth come to me , for thou art dear to me.
15.Leave all things behind, and come to me for thy salvation: I will make you free from the bondage of sins .Fear no more.
The authorship of the Bhagavad Gita is unknown. As it contains no reference to Buddhism, and as certain words are archaic, some scholars think that it is pre- Buddhist; i.e. about 500 B.C.
I used the The Penguin Classic version of the Bhagavad Gita which was first published in 1962.
Juan Mascaro did the translation for the Penguin Classic version.Most scholars agree that he did a
magnificent job. It must have been very difficult, I should imagine.
What struck me whilst writing the above, was how similar some verses are to parts of the Bible's New
Testament.What do you think ?
Mike Selley.
Monday, June 18, 2018
Are We Under Microwave Attack ?
Hi , all the readers of this blog.
I'm shocked, really shocked.
I had no idea it was so popular. Over 54,000 people have viewed this blog since I stopped writing it in 2014! .
I haven't put a blog post up for four years.
The insanity and manufactured crisis in Greece and other personal factors have prevented me from
writing new posts.
I even wondered if I was being targeted by the Elite for writing anti- establishment stuff..I mean, that couldn't be, after all, I only had a small audience compared to the likes of people like David Icke or Natural News.
But then again, how do you explain that every time I tried to get back to posting blogs, firstly I couldn't log in, and if I did manage to, the blog post would go haywire, and then the computer would crash.
This happened time after time.
Now I'll start to sound really paranoid, or very big headed ,as, after all, I am really nobody in the blogger world.,. when I tell you that I even wonder if I was under some sort of
microwave or even psychic attack.But, strange events happened to me and If I hadn't had the ability to stay in the now and realise that it's all an illusion,that love is all that matters, it could have had a very different outcome.
But it seems that everyone I have spoken to has been through weird times in different ways over the last few years. Are we all under attack?. Something I wouldn't have believed a few years ago, but now with the new alien technology , I'm afraid, I think it highly possible.
But now I'm back full of enthusiasm to get this blog up and swinging high again .
And, it's you the readers, I want to talk to. I don't know you, but you come from many different countries from around the world. How you find the blog is a mystery, because the name chosen for it is certainly not Google search friendly..I really wish I had thought of an easier name, but it's too late now, so I'll let it be.
I want to thank you for being such loyal readers, even when no new posts were being published.
I'd love it if you could sometimes make a comment, but I know what it's like, I often don't make comments in posts. But it would be very welcome.
Whoever you are, where ever you are, I know that you have your own script of problems all created by that self you think is you and think is real.How to break out of these chains of illusion?
Well, I hope to write some blog posts about that.and tell you about what I have learned in the
last few years.
Let's say right now, for the rest of the week I am going to live in the now and I am going to enjoy
every moment of this wonderful life.
It's worth a try , isn't it ?
Mike Selley.
I'm shocked, really shocked.
I had no idea it was so popular. Over 54,000 people have viewed this blog since I stopped writing it in 2014! .
I haven't put a blog post up for four years.
The insanity and manufactured crisis in Greece and other personal factors have prevented me from
writing new posts.
I even wondered if I was being targeted by the Elite for writing anti- establishment stuff..I mean, that couldn't be, after all, I only had a small audience compared to the likes of people like David Icke or Natural News.
But then again, how do you explain that every time I tried to get back to posting blogs, firstly I couldn't log in, and if I did manage to, the blog post would go haywire, and then the computer would crash.
This happened time after time.
Now I'll start to sound really paranoid, or very big headed ,as, after all, I am really nobody in the blogger world.,. when I tell you that I even wonder if I was under some sort of
microwave or even psychic attack.But, strange events happened to me and If I hadn't had the ability to stay in the now and realise that it's all an illusion,that love is all that matters, it could have had a very different outcome.
But it seems that everyone I have spoken to has been through weird times in different ways over the last few years. Are we all under attack?. Something I wouldn't have believed a few years ago, but now with the new alien technology , I'm afraid, I think it highly possible.
But now I'm back full of enthusiasm to get this blog up and swinging high again .
And, it's you the readers, I want to talk to. I don't know you, but you come from many different countries from around the world. How you find the blog is a mystery, because the name chosen for it is certainly not Google search friendly..I really wish I had thought of an easier name, but it's too late now, so I'll let it be.
I want to thank you for being such loyal readers, even when no new posts were being published.
I'd love it if you could sometimes make a comment, but I know what it's like, I often don't make comments in posts. But it would be very welcome.
Whoever you are, where ever you are, I know that you have your own script of problems all created by that self you think is you and think is real.How to break out of these chains of illusion?
Well, I hope to write some blog posts about that.and tell you about what I have learned in the
last few years.
Let's say right now, for the rest of the week I am going to live in the now and I am going to enjoy
every moment of this wonderful life.
It's worth a try , isn't it ?
Mike Selley.
Dickheads Attack Spotted Dick..-Update.
That immortal British pudding, Spotted Dick, has suddenly been attacked by Dickheads, I mean the
language police.For years it has sat smugly in canteens in schools and delighted generation after
generation of boys and girls, ( no, I can't say that anymore, so let it be generation after generation of different genders) with its delightfully rude explosion of naughty flavours, making every mouthful a sensation of moist and springy bliss.
For those who don't know what Spotted Dick is, I shall tell you. It is one of many similar types that gave
British food a bad name, because it's stodgy.It's made with suet and raisons and is at its best when
served with great dollops of heavy, thick custard.
My mouth is watering just writing about it. But I read somewhere that people who don't live in Britain
find it disgusting.
It is found in workplace canteens up and down the country, and everyone's eyes light up when they see it.
Masonic Lodges include it frequently in their Festive Boards;it is a good aid to soak up
all that wine they had with the main course , but I am sure that's not why it's included; it's there,quite simply,
because the members like it.
It probably reminds the members of this order of their .halcyon or ghastly school days, depending on
which sort of slave programming establishment they attended .Boarding school, would , I imagine, fall into the ghastly camp., so the higher echelons probably adore this, as it would remind them of one of the only treats they had to look forward to in those faraway prison style days.
Or, maybe not. Maybe it's just a comfort food, after having to go through all those rituals in the Lodge, with all those lines they had to remember.Festive Boards, I should add, are had after a Lodge meeting.
In the restaurants throughout the U.K. there it was written in bold capitals on the menu ;Spotted, oh you wonderful , Dick, and would eagerly be devoured by the hidden, or not so hidden, child in all of us.
But now, yes now in our wonderful Orwellian 21st Century those Rupert Bear like days are gone.
No longer is Dick allowed to be spotted.
No, that is. wrong; even worse, Dick is not allowed to be a Dick, or rather, Dick .
Dick , you see, according to the Dickheads ( the language police ) causes people,and, in particular, Snowflakes extreme discomfort, embarrassment, and , God forbid, laughter.How dare anyone laugh in our blighted times ? Don't you know, we live in very, very serious times ?
The Dickheads consider Dick as a rude word that makes people think of an important part of the male
body.A very important bit that makes sure generations keep on a- coming- that being the right word- coming.
So, the waiters in The Strangers Dining Room in the British Parliament now refer to Spotted Dick as,yes, wait for it, Spotted Richard.
Oh, hello Spotted Richard,how spotty you are, but your name will probably cause more laughter than your
previous one, 'cause everyone knows your real name.
Some Supermarkets in the U.K. now call this traditional English pudding Spotted Richard.
I can see that this is just the start of another insane trend that,like an octopus,is spreading its tentacles
everywhere, with more and more of the same coming- I am sorry if that last word offends anyone.
What about Meatballs ?
What an embarrassing name that surely evokes pictures of a certain delicate part of the male.
Next, no doubt, the major Supermarkets will be calling Meatballs Meatbites, Meatcircles, Rounded meat or some such nonsense
Then you have Roly Polly; surely this a suggestion of the sexual act?
This too will have to go.
How about Holy Polly, as I think the word roly is the guilty one in this case, as roly suggests rolling around, and rolling around could be taken as, well, you get the idea.
And Custard Tart, will , of course, have to be pushed away.We all know what tart refers to.
But, where will it end ?
Fish Fingers might well be under investigation, with its memories of the Beatles classic 'Penny Lane' and its
sly lyrics of 'fish and finger pie'.I think any man over the age of eighteen will know what this refers to.
Finger Pie is, in fact, sexual slang for intimate fondlings between teenagers. As for the fish bit, well, I will say no more.
In Greece most Fish Fingers are called Fish Sticks.
Ladies Fingers is another item destined for the memory hole. Mustn't have gender mentioned in any way whatsoever.
That brings us to another gender named food which is, Gentleman's Relish, which will, in all probability, be
re-named People's Relish.
Hot Dogs are more dubious, as it could be claimed that this could refer to the doggy position in the sexual act,but it is more spurious than the others, and might well escape the hatchet jobs that the others may suffer.
Toad In The Hole.Maybe this too is stretching it a bit, but I think you'll get the point.
Hole is the seductive word here, so I won't continue.This could be changed to Toad In The Hall with
a nice academic reference to Toad In Toad Hall, to appeal to the intellectuals.
Spare Ribs.
Most people in the West know ( maybe the new generation doesn't ) that God is meant to have taken a rib
from Adam to create Eve, but surely then Spare Ribs are sexist ? How dare anyone name a food Spare Ribs because this really means Spare Females ?
Oh my, Faggotts.
Now that will have to get the old heave ho.It is described as bigger than a meatball, but that's not the point.
The point is Faggott means gays, homosexuals, so this cannot be allowed.What to call them though?
Maggots certainly won't do. Any ideas?
This trend I'm on about started way back in 2004.
A radio commercial made by the Supermarket chain Summerfield, in which an American man rejects his wife's suggested dinner,saying, 'I've got nothing against Faggotts , I just don't fancy them', was found to have breached the Advertising and Sponsorship Code, and was banned by the Industry Regulator Ofcom.
It was reported that British Facebook users had been blocked temporarily for using the word when food would be mentioned.
Then there's Rissoles. That could be likened to.,,,, I think you get it.
Black Pudding could be considered racist.
The fact that it is black wouldn't matter.
Eve's Pudding would also have to go, as it is far too sexist.
As for Knickerbocker Glory. Fancy using the word Knicker A no no for sure..
Welcome to the new age of the insane.I am sure many more words and phrases will be put under the spotlight and found to be offensive to someone, somewhere.
You might be interested to learn that, according to Wikipedia, the word Dick when used for puddings was used widely in the 19th Century.
It could be the corruption of the word Pudding, evolving through Puddink, then Puddick, then finally Dick.
So there you have it- it's a totally innocent word.
UPDATE; 16.11.2018.
Someone pointed out to me the other day that there was a headline in The Independent Newspaper , a few months ago that run;
' People Think 'Snowman ' Should Be Called ' Snowpeople' To Promote Gender Equality'.
And in a CBeebies children's programme a snowman was called a snowperson.
You couldn't make it up.
If you want to make it , here's how- not the snowperson, but the infamous Dick that is Spotted.
Firstly the ingredients are as follows.
250 g of self raising flour and a pinch of salt.
180 g of currant.
80 g of caster sugar.
Grate 1 lemon
Grate I orange.
Plus 150ml of whole milk.
And, very important - custard.
Now what to do with all the above ?
Keep reading.
!. Pour the flour and salt into a bowl and then add the suet, currants, sugar, lemon and orange zest.
2. Then pour in about 150 ml of milk to a firm but slightly moist dough. You might have to add extra milk.
3.Shape into a fat roll about 20 cm long before placing on a large rectangle of baking parchment.
Wrap this loosely to allow the pudding to rise, and tie the end.
4.Now place the steamer over a large pan of boiling water, then add the pudding to the steamer.
Cover the steamer for 1 and a half hours. You might need to top up the pan with water.
5.Remove from steamer, but allow to cool before you unwrap it.
6 Serve with thick custard.
And enjoy.
Mike Selley.
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