Friday, July 27, 2018

Facing Your Fears.

Yer, I know it's weird, crazy to post the next post, but what the hell.

It's a Rupert Bear Cartoon.

Well, it's Friday night ( and Greece has been through Hell this week, with  those awful fires ) so I thought I would try to lighten things up a bit.

The cartoon though has a message for everyone.
It's about facing up to our fears, and how the only way to get rid of those fears ( I think we all have a few) is to face them .It is only then, that they will go.

Enjoy it and surrender to the childish pictures to help soothe away the pain, all of us have felt over the last few days.

Mike Selley.

Rupert: in Dreamland - Ep.45

*WOW* Stanley Kubricks Daughter Speaks Massive TRUTH!?!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

7 Hermetic Principles.

7  Hermetic Principles.

If you want to manifest anything, ponder on these 7 Hermetic Principles.

This is a religious, philosophical and esoteric tradition based on writings by Hermes Trismegistus.

7 Hermetic Principles underlying all manifestation.

These are the keys .

These are the keys to the highest levels of consciousness

1.    The Principle of Mentalism.

The Universe is mind stuff.

The all is Infinite Mind which is the fundamental reality, and the womb of all Universes.

2. The Principle of correspondence.
Whatever is Below is like unto that which is Above, and whatever is Above is like that which is Below., to
accomplish the miracles of the ONE.

3.The Principle of vibrations.
Nothing rests.
Everything moves and vibrates.

4.The Principle of Polarity.
Everything is dual, has poles, and pairs of opposites.

5. The Principle of Rhythm.
Everything has its tides, its rise and fall.
Its equal pendulum swings to the right and left.
Its peaks and troughs.

6. The Principle of causation.
Every effect has its cause.
Every cause has its effect.
All proceed by law, never by chance.

7.The Principle of gender.
Everything has its Masculine, and Feminine aspects..

So there you have it. So simple, so basic, but so true.

Ponder upon.

Mike Selley.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Curious Norvichok Farce

 Regarding Dawn Sturgess and her alleged death by Norvichok, together with the illness that her partner is meant  to have  got from the same highly  toxic nerve agent,. Norvichok,  the following is highly relevant.

I am sorry for those who are not aware of the story that is big news in the U.K,but it is about the British Government claiming that Russia tried to kill a double agent on U.K. soil with a.  deadly nerve agent. No one died, and there was no evidence that Russia was involved.

The story spun by the British Secret  Service  is that the Russians tried to kill a double agent a few months ago, but against all odds , as the chemical weapon in question is meant to be so powerful, just to be near it you can die, yet no one did die.

So they roll out another load of fiction., claiming the Russians threw the bottle ,   away  containing one of the most lethal weapons in the world, in a park. after failing to kill the double agent.

In the same area in England a couple are meant to have come in contact, just by chance with this deadly chemical weapon; one dies and one gets ill, but recovers

The couple in question are said to be ; Dawn Sturgess ( who died ) and Charlie Rowley, who got ill, but got over it.

This is complete.B..., yet , of course , the media does not question a thing

The new script involves the following;....


According to Wikipedia Rowley, who was Dawn's partner, is a heroin addict ( who has done time in prison ).
Also Dawn Surgess was living in a homeless shelter.They were both unemployed.

Strange then that they were found to be living in, according to Craig Murray, an expensive property
where prices range from £270,000 to £430,000.

As far as I know, and I might well be wrong here as I do not read all the British press, no newspaper
has reported the above.

But , by far the most interesting entries are the two that  follow.
Surely these entries blow the official story right out of the window, and way up into make- believe land.

I will give references at the end; in other words where I read this.

' Swindon Fire Brigade's operational support unit made a seventy seven mile round trip to Amesbury ( where the incident took place ) and made a ( now deleted ) tweet that  the incident wasn't serious and that the decontamination shower was not needed.

Also, the Police initially issued a statement concerning contaminated drugs.

It certainly looks like the British Government used a tragic drug overdose to grab the chance to put the blame on Russia.
And, they have, no doubt, paid the Heroin addict a lot of money to keep the story rolling.

It really is  pathetic how most British Journalists simply accept what they are told, and do not question
a thing.
See  https://everipedia.a


The links, don't seem to work , I am sorry to say, but if you write in the names of the two victims involved and wikipedia  you will find the truth of  what is written above.

Mike Selley.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Greek Fires And The Bhagavad Gita

How terrible the fires in Greece yesterday were.

How wretched to see the people, who have suffered so much, over the last few years because of wicked austerity inflicted on them, to have to suffer such a fate.

Ordinary people who simply wanted to enjoy the seaside and the Tavernas.

To think that they - the ones who died - woke up on Monday morning having no idea what lay in store for them.

It's a wake-up call for everyone.

This could happen to anyone; you, me, your family, friends and loved ones at any moment

And yet, we think it never will.

But it happens all the time, all    over the world.

We kid ourselves that our lives are secure, but they are not.We live with a false sense of security.

The security of insecurity as Allen Watts once said, is the only security..

Accept that as part of life but don't fret about it.

It is just the way it is.

The only way to live is to relish each precious moment and not worry about an imagined future, or have regrets about your past

It really is the only way.

The whole of Greece is in mourning for what happened yesterday, I am sure, and let us say a prayer for those who have died and for those who have lost loved ones.

I doubt whether any words could comfort those who  have been through this truly awful ordeal which most of us can only imagine in our worst nightmares.

The words that follow would probably not penetrate their pain,and I can understand that, but they might, just might get through to those who have not yet faced such a truly traumatic event.

They are words of truth, as in the Bhagavad Gita.

'Invisible before birth are all beings and after death invisible again. They are seen between two unseens. Why in this truth find sorrow ?'

'The Spirit that is in all things is immortal in them all; for the death of what cannot die, cease thou to sorrow.'

If only the truth of these words could get through to those who have lost loved ones yesterday.

It wouldn't ease their pain,; I know what the loss of loved ones is like, but it does give one a little bit of light that shines on the darkness.

And a little bit of light can one day get rid of the darkness.

Mike Selley.


  , .





F R O M         P O R T ON        D O W N        W I T H         L O V E 

N O R V I     C H O C K                                      C H I C                     P E R F U M E 

' Did you hear the one  about this guy who  was walking in the park one day?'

There had been a lull in the conversation between the two friends.There often was, but , because they had known each other so long, such silences didn't make them feel uneasy. It was in the normal flow of how things were with them.

They were sitting in their local , The Stag, as they did,and had done for years, every Thursday night ,as a welcome escape from their wives and children.A few hours of mindless natter away from the mundane worries of everyday life.And the beers, ( real ale ) , of course, made them feel even better.

Dave took a slug of his beer.

' No, I hope this one is funny though .'

His friend, Jeff smiled, ' Of course it is. Mine always are; if you have enough of this ale they are.''

' Maybe I  haven't had enough yet, but please go right ahead.'
Dave's third pint had put him in a mellow mood, as real ale tends to do.

They both looked round the village pub, as if they were worried other people might hear the joke.
It was pretty empty for a Thursday night. Perhaps there was a match on T.V. they wondered,
Thank God this place didn't have a tele. It was simply, an old fashioned village inn where the locals,
shop owners and farmers gave it  good custom.

' Well, this guy,' Jeff started, ' was going for a walk in a park you see , somewhere near Salisbury,He was, as far as I know, all alone..Suddenly he sees a bottle on the ground. Why this particular piece of rubbish caught his eye I have no idea, but it did.So, he picks it up'.

'Perhaps it  was a  full bottle of Gin or something ?'  Dave. suggested.

' No, no , it wasn't. He had no idea what was in it.'

 Jeff paused.' But , for some reason, he thought it might be perfume . whether it looked like a perfume bottle I don't know , because he never said, you see.'

 Dave had another swig  of his pint, and wondered where this joke was going.

' Bit strange to pick up someone's discarded bottle, that , most likely had been thrown away as rubbish,' he said.

' Absolutely, but things get stranger. He took it home with him,and decided to give it to his girlfriend
as a present '

Jeff lifted his pint to his lips and took a hearty draught..
' He did I suppose open the bottle  and sniff it', he said,.' you see he didn't know for sure what was in the bottle; it could have been anything.  It must have smelt very nice, which is beyond odd considering 
what it contained'.
Dave thought about the sort of presents women liked, and was a little confused, but he let the joke continue.

 Jeff stopped talking and ,once again, looked around the  pub; it had  filled up a bit with a crowd from 
the Madras Indian Restaurant down the road, who had obviously had a lot to drink., as they were all talking very loudly.

 He leaned forward and said  in almost a whisper,'You see, what it really was, was one of the most dangerous chemical weapons ever produced by man ever, and there it had been  in a bottle in a park.
To even touch such a bottle would , most likely , be fatal, let alone, walk around with it.', 

' What's so funny about that ? ,  Dave demanded. as he stood up to go to the toilet.

 His friend grinned. ' That ,' he said, ' is what the British Government is  telling the great unwashed public 
is how the Russians tried to kill the  Skirpals ;you know one of them was a double agent, and after that failed they left the bottle in a park.A bottle that no one could have touched without heavily protected gear'

They both roared with  laughter, causing the new arrivals.  from the Madras to look over.

Jeff, who was an avid reader commented,' You know that the British Secret Service once employed two great writers., Ian Fleming and John Le Carre I'm sure they could have come up with a better plot than this one.'

Mike Selley.        NOTE.  The above post is a work of fiction.All the characters mentioned in the post

are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

If the reader notices any resemblance to events in real life, this is purely the readers  interpretation, and not the author's intent.If any reader does see a connection with any news item , a careful check of this work of fiction would find that it differs considerably in one major fact if compared to what the reader considers a news item that bears a resemblance

The author expresses great sympathy for anyone who has allegedly suffered or died  because of contact with  an alleged nerve agent, and no disrespect is meant to anyone who has lost a loved one, but only his greatest condolences and prayers are offered.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Imagine You're In A Picture.

Free Stock Photo of Archipelago 4 in High Resolution

I m a g i n e                    Y o u ' r e                    I n                    A                    P i c t u r e.
Like the one here.

Look at it; can you imagine jumping into it, and
finding yourself in such a wondrous place.

Such a wondrous place is, in fact, in the lovely Greek Island , Aegina.

This is what this blog post is about; not about the Island, but about jumping into pictures.

I must admit that I have not really understood what happened a few days ago when I was walking through the main town of Aegina.

But something did which is hard to explain.

And  it all came about because  I used my imagination in a very creative way.I'm not trying to brag here; it's just , by chance, I played a game that had very surprising results.

There I was on a sweltering hot July day going to a local shop to buy a few provisions,.It was, or so I thought, a normal sort of day. I was in a good mood, with no particular nagging worries to bug me. I was walking along a street I had walked along hundreds of times before, but somehow my step was lighter that day. It was like  I had a spring in my step.

I suddenly stopped stock still, and simply looked with complete awareness at my surroundings.

Luckily there was no one else around, because people don't normally suddenly stop while they are going somewhere. But I did.

I realised that, although I had walked here so many times before, I had never noticed so many things.

That little bush by the side of the road, had been invisible until today. The church steeple looming up into the sky,surely had not been there before ?

And the sky. It was so vibrant and blue.

There was no breeze or wind at all, and I imagined that I was looking at a picture in a book.

As I wrote in a previous post , when I was a child , I used to long to jump into those glorious pictures in
Rupert Bear Annuals, but, of course , I never could.

That's not strictly true, as I could in my dreams.

I then pretended that I was looking at a picture. A picture I would love to jump into and be part of. A picture that would come to life, where I would be in it.

So that is what I did. I continued walking, but now everything was different, everything had changed; it was like the scenery was that much more alive, and somehow, it was simply a joy to be here in this magical picture that I  was part of.

I really felt that I had created this picture for the simple pleasure of it being here.

It was a truly wonderful experience that is hard to describe in words, as words cannot explain that which doesn't need words to be described; words restrict our understanding.

I surrendered to the experience,and relished each step I took, looking down at the grey concrete, which before had been ignored by me, now seemed such a marvellous manifestation.

So mundane, and yet so beautiful.

I was now getting near the shop where I was going to buy some food, and remembered I had to buy Cat food as well as Tea and Coffee.
I quickly checked my pocket to see that I had enough money. After a quick calculation I realised that I had put a ten Euro note into my pocket instead of 20.

I didn't care though.Would it really matter if I had to walk all the way back and get some more money.
No, it wouldn't; it was so great just being in this picture

I started to turn back with a smile on my face.

As I did my eye caught sight of a  coloured bit of paper on the ground.

I bent down to take a closer look.
I picked it up.
It was a 20 Euro note

So, I asked myself later, what had happened ?

I don't know, but I can only think  that my little game of pretending that I was in a picture, was a lot nearer the real ground of being, and the joy I felt throughout the walk tuned into the 'I AM' which we all are, and
a manifestation took place before my eyes.

Mike Selley. .


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

James Bond And Porton Down.

It was on a  Friday afternoon  at four o clock when Miss Moneypenny walked into James Bond's office.

There he was, fast asleep, with his fingers still clutching his beloved Chesterfield Plain cigarette.that was burning a hole in some top secret document that , it seemed, he had been trying to read.

The place stank of Vodka, Rum and Brandy, and,  of course, those strong American cigarettes of which were about twenty or more in the over flowing ashtray.His  normal mixture of special Balkan and Turkish Cigarettes made for him by Moorlands, he had put on hold, as he had recently returned from the states with a 200 pack of Chesterfield.

She shook his shoulders.
He sprung to life.

' Ah, Miss Moneypenny,' he sounded quite sober, ' I was just dreaming of you  You were....'
'No time for that James'

' You know, I think time is an illusion,' Bond replied, without any follow up to explain his statement..
She looked at him sternly. At those cold eyes, the sharply carved face, the smart dark suit, and knew that, no matter what, he would always make her heart flutter.

She brushed aside her female instincts, and said sharply,' M wants to see you now. He said that it's very urgent '.

Bond  reached for another Chesterfield, inhaled deeply with a hiss, remembering vaguely his breakfast of 2 large cups of really strong coffee from De Bry in New Oxford Street, brewed in a Chemex Coffee Maker, and an egg served in a dark blue egg cup with a gold ring round the top, boiled for 3 and a third minutes

This had been followed by Wholewheat toast, Jersey butter and a choice of Tiptree Strawberry jam, Cooper's Vintage Oxford marmalade, and Norwegian Heather honey from Fortnum and Mason.
His Scottish housekeeper had done the honours for him.,proudly telling him that the eggs were French.

Bond, in his usual hungover state at that time of day had wanted to blurt out,'Why not get English ones ?'
but the two strong coffees had stopped him saying this, and he had murmured' Well, that's interesting',

Then he thought of the pub across the road; the two double vodkas followed by two double rums and a great Steak and Kidney Pudding with chips  with a huge dollop of Colman's Mustard.As an encore he had ordered a triple Metaxa Brandy- he considered this the best brandy in the world- it was Greek, and to his mind far superior to any brandy he had ever tasted. Also, as far as he knew, this was the only pub in London that sold it. The reason it was sold here was because the owner had some Greek blood in him.

No wonder he had fallen asleep.
' On a Friday afternoon, for God's sake ', he muttered, but he stood up and straightened his tie.

He stopped halfway to the door.

' Please , bring me a coffee when I am in with M. I think I'll need it'.

She smiled. She loved doing things for him.

' Of course,' she said and opened the door for him.
M was sitting , looking out the window with his pipe in his mouth.

.Bond detected that he was smoking the remarkable Player's Navy Cut Brand, which meant that M had changed his brand , which he only did when he was worried

M turned from the window and blew a cloud of smoke in Bond's face.

Bond relished the delicate strains of such a remarkable blend of tobaccos, and quickly pulled out his packet of Chesterfields, and lit one.He exhaled with a hiss.

M looked tired, perhaps he had a hangover, Bond wondered; he did look worried .

He re lit his pipe, and pushed the ashtray towards Bond.

Bond sat in the chair by the desk and looked at the grey clouds that seemed to be getting darker and darker each second outside of the window. It looked like rain, or , possibly, a storm.

' I'm afraid , we have a big problem,' M. said.Bond took another drag of his cigarette and said , ' Well, that I have gathered sir .'

' Good, good ',M replied turning back to the window as the rain started to lash down with a ferocity seldom seem.

M was silent for a minute as if ingesting the weather outside his window.

He suddenly turned back to face Bond.

' You know, of course, of the Germ warfare, or Biological Warfare Establishment that is Porton Down, where hundreds of soldiers etc have been given biological weapons to see what this does to them ?'

A bloody disgrace, Bond thought.

' Yes, I do know , ' he replied , as he flicked his cigarette ash into the ashtray.

.M sat stock still for a moment as if lost in thought.

He emptied his pipe, then getting another one from his desk draw filled that one up.
He lit it slowly, then turned to Bond.

' I' m afraid the unthinkable has happened,' he said slowly.
' Unthinkable, what do you mean ?' Bond responded.

The pipe had gone out. M lit it again with an air of impatience.

' One of the biological weapons,in particular, Novichok, which kills on contact with people, has
somehow leaked out from Porton Down.'

' If the people of Salisbury ,or for that , matter , the whole of England, know this, it would mean that we would have to shut down Porton Down , and the Government does not want to do this, so it is essential that the public do not know that this has happened.'

Bond looked at M in amazement.

' Where on Earth do I come into all this ?'he asked.

Then the phone rang.

M was very polite and almost crawling much to Bond's annoyance, to whoever it was he was speaking to.

 M sat back and smiled.
''You have no active duties for a while do you James,'he asked politely.

' No, you know , I don't' . he replied.

M rubbed his hands together; the worried look had gone from his face.

' Well, get on the phone to all the main newspapers and tell them that Russia is to blame.'
 ' But, that's a bloody lie , ' Blond blurted out , suddenly realising that the drinks of earlier on, had now caught up with him.

Miss Moneypenny walked in.

She placed two cups of coffee on M's desk .

She smiled at them.
' They both contain a bit of rum in them, ' she said, '  I thought you'd both need it '.

M smiled. ' Thanks Moneypenny, ' he said,

Bond took the coffee and got up. He looked at his watch.

Only one hour until he could go to the pub.

Mike Selley.

See Also


Playing With Form Part Two

Playing With Form. Part Two.

In part one I mentioned the video uploaded to this blog of ' Wipeout ' and how the guys playing this
are, it seems, completely lost in the now of doing this.

The two drummers certainly are, for sure.Just look at their  faces !

I don't know whether you have ever experienced that amazing feeling of total surrender,where there is no thought of self involved, no anticipation of an end result, but purely the act of doing what you are doing.
I t is a feeling like no other.

It is like you are now home; this is where you are, have always been, and nothing else matters.

I have experienced this when writing songs. All sense of time is gone, even my surroundings are of no importance,my self does not come into it,there is only  the execution of the act of writing the song .
Nothing else.

And then  it's finished.

It's a shock as suddenly it's back to everyday life with all its worries and concerns.

But, one is renewed, one ( to sound like the Royal Family ) is refreshed.

How come ?

Is it for a few precious moments that you are living life as it is meant to be lived all the time ?

And we lost our way ?

I believe so.

The formless - which we really are- wants to play in the world of form, but to experience this, the formless has to pretend it is form and forget its true identity.

Hence all the myriad life forms.
You and I have taken on the forms of what we call bodies, given ourselves an identity, and because of this
belief in a personal me, has missed the whole point of what we are meant to be doing.
And what is that ?

Playing with form.

Like a child plays with toys.

 Are there  other factors involved, as David Icke has mentioned; forces that prevent us from understanding
what life really is?.

Lizards, Serpents, The Devil, well, something has screwed up the human race. Just look at our history.

Or is it , simply us,  our egos ?

Let's stop our foolish non- stop thinking and enjoy this wonderful world of form, play with it, dance with it, embrace it, but know it is all illusion
The biggest illusion is, that you are you and and I am me, when you and I and everybody else are exactly the same, but we are all wearing these masks.

Love Life, because life - which is you - loves you..


Sunday, July 15, 2018

Playing With Form.

I hope you have watched the amazing video of  ' Wipeout' by the  Ventures on this blog.

I have kept this as the first thing you see when you come here for about a week on purpose, and haven't posted anything since as I want everyone to see and hear this as it demonstrates how a group of people
living , in the now, as they must have been, can deliver such quality music.

Look at those two drummers !!  Aren't they having a ball ?
Such energy !

Please watch this ; this is awareness playing with form and enjoying it.

This is how we should live all the time.

Infinite awareness playing with form..

That's what life is meant to be.

Live it this way.

Mike Selley.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

The Demon Frequency.

The        Demon           Frequency.

                         THE                    DARK                   SUITED                    ONES

There they sit in their expensive dark suits and ties, (unless you're Tsipiras, the puppet Prime Minister of Greece- with his , hey man, I'm a rebel statement ) sitting at tables , with their well- educated voices and polite ( most of the time ) banal uttterances

Whether it be some grand , oh so important E.U. meeting, or a Government one they all play the game so well.

Their words have the power to change society and they know it.

Such power, such glory.   

                      HERE          TODAY          GONE          TOMORROW          IDIOTS.

We, the masses are their playthings, to be manipulated and moved at the mercy of the say-so of a bunch of here today , gone tomorrow, well , really stupid people.Look at the mess they make of almost everything with their daft policies.I mean, look at the Refugee crisis, look at the E.U's policies, look at Foreign Policy and let's hang our heads in shame.We, the people had no say in any of the above.

And we are told over and over again, that we're so lucky living in a Democracy. If it wasn't so tragic, it would be funny.

These people take their orders from a hidden hand, and they do not give a seconds thought to any suffering that they cause because of their decisions.

                     COMPASSION- --- WHAT  THE  HELL  IS  THAT ?

Take Greece.

How could anyone with a heart really slash pensions more than TEN times since 2010, and then  cut them again next year
Slash wages.
Take peoples homes
Let the Health Service almost collapse
Make small and large businesses close
Cause hundreds  of suicides- an increase of 7.9 percent since 2009
Break -up families, forcing young sons and daughters to live seek work
How could anyone wilfully inflict such suffering ?

No compassion; no empathy; cold and heartless through and through.

So, who are they, these unfeeling ones ?

                        DAVID          ICKE'S          FAVOURITE ?

Are they, as David Icke claims really shape-shifting reptiles who have the appearance of being human?

I don't know, but they certainly don't act like sane human beings.

How could anyone  cause such damage on a people ?

Maybe Icke is right. It would, after all, explain a hell of a lot.

                   ARE          THE          PHARAOHS          BACK ?

David Icke claims that these shape shifting entities moved out of Egypt a long time ago, where they had ruled as Pharaohs,and moved into Europe and became Royalty,When Kings and Queens lost their
magic, they moved into , in particular, the Banking system, then industry and politics.

A very interesting thought.

                 DEMONS          AND          THE          POWERFUL.

But, what about the puppets who seem to be controlled by them ?

People like Tony Blair, Macron,David Cameron, Merkel,to name a few.
These fly-by-nights.

A theory has been suggested that such people have such strong desires to be somebody , a force in the world, and a rich filled life that they attract demons who latch on to them and control their words and actions.
In fact, take over the person that once was.
I'm talking about possession here.

                 GIMME                    GIMME                   GIMME

Look at Tony Blair.

He appeared to be a very keen young man determined to help people.
That was before he was bedazzled, and wined and dined by the powerful.
People like the Bush family , Kissinger, the Rothchilds.
These people had it all, so why shouldn't he ?
He saw the good life and he craved it. Gimme, gimme , gimme.

It seemed like it had gone to his head and changed his personality.

Suddenly, the man of the people became a war monger, and started living a life of luxury, not giving a dam about peoples feelings.

Had a demon attached itself to him?

There are countless other examples.I don't think that Tsipiras was the same, but somebody tried to lure   him into  the heady world of the ones who have arrived.

I'll never forget seeing Tsipiras, the puppet P.M of Greece when he visited Germany some years ago.
He was greeted by a band, and walked on a red carpet,with an army standing to attention.
He looked so impressed, so grand.

                           GIFTS          FOR          THE        OBEDIENT

 Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize for goodness sake !
He must have loved that.
What's that ?Reward for good behaviour.

Look out those Knighthoods handed out by the Queen of England.
Hey, you were good boys and girls, you did just what we wanted, so now you can call yourself 'sir'; won't that make you feel great.

                         THE         DEMON          FREQUENCY.

The Devil, according to The Bible,wanted to be more powerful than God, and his demons, no doubt,have the same desire to be glorified, to be admired, and worshipped.

Is it possible that a demon feeling the frequency of someone who has the same wants as it has, is in tune with that frequency , and so enters that person ?

Yes, a lot of questions, I know.

As a theory it really, to my mind at least, seem possible, as it would explain the behaviour of the majority of the so called leaders of the world.

Or,as most people appear to think,are they simply narcissistic, psychopathic dregs of humanity ?

I'll leave you to ponder.





Friday, July 6, 2018

Quotes For Our Time.

1'. Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

George Carlin.

2.' The only difference between the Taxman and the Taxidermist is that the Taxidermist leaves th skin.''

Mark Twain.

3.' All great truths begin in blasphemies.'

George Bernard Shaw.

4.' Disobedience , in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original virtue.
It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and rebellion.

Oscar Wilde.

5..' Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of defence against a homicidal maniac.'

George Orwell.

6.' All our rights are gradually eroded as Governments get bigger '

John Stossel.

7.' Personally I think the motto for Educational Establishments is :' Or would you rather be a mule? '

Terry Pratchet.

8.' Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.'

Aldous Huxley.

9 ' Why is Marijuana against the law ?
It grows naturally upon our planet.
Doesn't the idea of making Nature against the law seem to you a bit....unnatural ?

Bill Hicks.

10.' If you want to find the secret of the Universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration'.

Nikola Tesla.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Leapless Leap.

Standing on the diving board at 10 in the morning, in mid- December. It was freezing cold outside.A few minutes earlier all the boys had gone into the changing rooms with their teeth chattering, but it was warmer inside the Public Swimming Pool , for which we were grateful

After discarding our winter clothes,scarves, gloves and thick woollen socks,there we were, a mixed group of 12, 13 year old schoolboys having their weekly swimming lessons.

Every Thursday at 9.30 ,all through the Winter Term.
Hardly anyone had known  how to swim when the lessons started ; although an island people the English seem to have a strange reluctance to brave the waters.
Maybe it has something to do with the weather.

I had learned to swim a little because my father ( bless his soul ) had taught me the basics of the breast stroke when we used to take our holidays in Whitstable
.What happy memories  I have of those days; the sun always used to shine ( I'm sure it didn't ) meals of egg and chips, fish and chips, and playing in the fields with my brother and friends I had met from a nearby farm.

I remember a delightful morning spent in the pig sty , not caring at all about the stench, or the muck
 that had got on my clothes.

I think my mother did though., but she didn't really make a fuss( bless her as well ).

I was truly blessed with  wonderful parents, for which I am truly grateful..

So  I knew how to swim a little but I was still scared of the water. I never wanted to go out of my depth.
I never had the courage to trust the water. I could never surrender to this  strange element.

On that particular morning so long ago, I stood, as the gym master had told us all to do, in a line before the dreaded ( to me ) diving board.
I watched in amazement as timid little  Lawrence of the lower third, bravely dived  headfirst into the water.

Then, Smithy with a smile on his face, take the dive , as if he had been doing this all his life.

These guys had only just learned to swim. How come they were so brave ?

.Then it was my turn.

I walked onto the diving board, looked down at the deep water - it was the deep end - and, and froze.

I couldn't move; I was completely stuck.

' Dive, dive', the gym master yelled.

I stared at him; I stared at all the boys behind me.I stared at the deep,deep water below me.

I sweated , I shivered,  I was wrapped in fear.

Suddenly, I heard my voice, loud and clear and precise shout ,' I can't sir. I just cannot '.

To my amazement the master shouted,' Get down then '.

The memory has haunted me all my life.I felt a failure, a fool in front of so many people,and yet no one said a thing about it afterwards; not one schoolkid mocked me and neither did the master. It was like they knew that my fear had just been too big, and they , with their own secret fears, knew that some things should not be said

This brings me to now.Though, of course, all the above took place in the now.

To take that dive from the false self into the real self.

To take that leapless leap.

To throw off your fears, your brainwashing, your comfort in you belief in your false self, into those
unknown deep waters of  the reality of being, takes a lot more courage than I had when I was a child.

Those waters that I was so scared of were not apart from me, they were me, but I was so conditioned by everything  I had been taught I didn't know the truth.

But, I do now.

So do you.

Let's take that leapless leap.

Mike Selley..


Sunday, July 1, 2018

Greeks! Have A Laugh !!

                                       Article 22. Of The Greek Constitution.

Yer, have a laugh, or more likely, a cry.I love the bit that says;' shall pursue the MORAL AND MATERIAL ADVANCEMENT OF THE RURAL AND WORKING POPULATION. As for the bit about all workers shall be entitled
to equal pay and equal value!!! I'm at a loss for words.
How do they sleep at night ?

" Work constitutes a right and shall enjoy the protection of the state, which shall care for the creation of conditions of employment for all citizens, and shall pursue the moral and material advancement of the rural and working population."

" All workers shall be entitled to equal pay of equal value."Greece Unemployment Rate

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